Proverbs 28:2 Cross References - Coverdale

2 Because of synne ye londe doth oft chaunge hir prynce: but thorow men of vnderstondinge & wy?dome a realme endureth longe.

Genesis 45:5-8

5 And now vexe not youre selues, & thinke not yt there is eny wrath, because ye solde me hither. For God sent me hither before you, for yor lyues sake. 6 For these are now two yeares, that ye derth hath bene in the lande, and there are yet fyue yeares behynde, wherin there shalbe no plowinge ner haruest. 7 But God sent me hither before you, yt he might let you remayne vpon earth, and to saue youre lyues by a greate delyueraunce. 8 And now, it was not ye then that sent me hither, but God which hath made me a father vnto Pharao, & lorde ouer all his house, and a prynce in the whole lande of Egipte.

1 Kings 15:25

25 But Nadab the sonne of Ieroboam was kynge ouer Israel in the secode yeare of Asa kynge of Iuda, & raigned ouer Israel two yeare,

1 Kings 15:28

28 So Baesa slewe him in the thirde yeare of Asa kynge of Iuda, & was kynge in his steade.

1 Kings 16:8-29

8 In the sixe & twentieth yeare of Asa kynge of Iuda, was Ella the sonne of Baesa kynge ouer Israel at Thirza two yeare. 9 Neuertheles his seruaunt Simri, ye principall man ouer the halfe of ye charettes cospyred against him. As for Ella, he was at Thirza, dranke & was dronke in ye house of Arza the ruler of Thirza. 10 And Simri came in, and slewe him in the seuen & twentieth yeare of Asa kynge of Iuda, and was kynge in his steade. 11 And whan he was kynge, and sat vpon his seate, he smote all the house of Baesa, & lefte not so moch as one to make water agaynst ye wall: his bloud auengers also & his frendes. 12 Thus dyd Simri destroye all the house of Baesa, acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, which he spake ouer Baesa by the prophet Iehu, 13 because of all the synnes of Baesa and of Ella his sonne, which they dyd, and made Israel for to synne, to prouoke the LORDE God of Israel vnto wrath thorow their vanities. 14 What more there is to saye of Ella, and all that he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 15 In the seuen and twentieth yeare of Asa kynge of Iuda, was Simri kynge vij. dayes at Thirza, and the people laye before Gibbethon of the Philistynes. 16 But whan the people in the hoost herde saye yt Simri had conspired and slayne the kynge, then all Israel the same daye made Amri the chefe captayne kynge ouer all in the hoost. 17 And Amri wente vp and all Israel with him from Gibbethon, and layed sege vnto Thirza. 18 But whan Simri sawe yt the cite shulde be wonne, he wente in to the palace in the kynges house, & brent it with ye kynges house, & dyed 19 because of his synnes which he had committed, in that he dyd euell in the sighte of the LORDE, and walked in the waye of Ieroboam, and in his synnes which he dyd, wherwith he made Israel to synne. 20 What more there is to saye of Simri, and how he conspired, beholde, it is wrytten in ye Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 21 At the same tyme were ye people deuyded in two partes: the one parte helde with Thibni the sonne of Ginath, that they might make him kynge: the other halfe helde with Amri. 22 But the people that helde with Amri, were mightier then the people which helde with Thibni ye sonne of Ginath. And Thibni dyed, and Amri was kynge. 23 In ye one and thirtieth yeare of Asa kynge of Iuda, was Amri kynge ouer Israel twolue yeares, & raigned at Thirza sixe yeares. 24 He boughte the mount of Samaria of Semer for two hundreth weight of syluer, & buylded vpon the mount, and called the cite which he buylded, after ye name of Semer ye owner of ye mount of Samaria. 25 And Amri dyd that which was euell in ye sighte of the LORDE, and was worse then all they that were before him, 26 and walked in all ye wayes of Ieroboam ye sonne of Nebat, and in his synnes, wherwith he made Israel to synne, so that they prouoked the LORDE God of Israel vnto wrath in their vanities. 27 What more there is to saye of Amri, & all that he dyd, and his power that he exercysed, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 28 And Amri slepte with his fathers, & was buried in Samaria, and Achab his sonne was kynge in his steade. 29 In the eight & thirtieth yeare of Asa kynge of Iuda, was Achab the sonne of Amri kynge ouer Israel, & raigned ouer Israel at Samaria two & twentie yeare,

2 Kings 15:8-31

8 In the eight and thirtieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, was Zacharias the sonne of Ieroboam kynge ouer Israel at Samaria sixe monethes. 9 And he dyd yt which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE, euen as his fathers dyd. He departed not from ye synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which caused Israel for to synne. 10 And Sellum the sonne of Iabes conspyred agaynst him, and smote him in the presence of ye people, and slewe him, & was kynge in his steade. 11 What more there is to saie of Zacharias, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 12 And this is it, yt the LORDE sayde vnto Iehu: Thy children shall syt vpo the seate of Israel vntyll the fourth generacion. And euen so came it to passe. 13 Sellum the sonne of Iabes reigned in ye nyne & thirtieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, & reigned one moneth at Samaria. 14 For Menahem the sonne of Gadi wete vp from Thirza, & came to Samaria, and smote Sellum the sonne of Iabes at Samaria, & slewe him, and was kynge in his steade. 15 What more there is to saye of Sellum, & of his sedicion which he stered vp, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 16 At the same tyme dyd Manahem smyte Tiphsa, & all yt were therin, & the coastes therof from Thirza, because they wolde not let him in, and smote all their wemen wt childe, and rypte them vp. 17 In the nyne & thirtieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, beganne Manahem the sonne of Gad to reigne ouer Israel ten yeares at Samaria, 18 and dyd that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE. As longe as he lyued, departed he not from ye synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which caused Israel for to synne. 19 And Phul the kynge of Assiria came into the lode. And Manahem gaue vnto Phul a thousande talentes of syluer to holde with him, and to cofirme him in the kyngdome. 20 And Manahem raysed vp a taxe in Israel vpon the richest, fiftye Sycles of syluer vpon euery man, to geue vnto ye kynge of Assiria. So the kynge of Assiria wete home agayne, and taried not in the londe. 21 What more there is to saye of Manahem, & all yt he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 22 And Manahem fell on slepe wt his fathers. And Pecahia his sonne was kynge in his steade. 23 In the fiftieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, beganne Pecahia the sonne of Manahem to reigne ouer Israel at Samaria two yeare, 24 and dyd that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE: for he departed not fro the synnes of Ieroboam ye sonne of Nebat, which caused Israel for to synne. 25 And Pecah the sonne of Romelia his knyghte conspyred agaynst him, & smote him at Samaria in ye palace of the kynges house wt Argob and Ariah, and fiftye men wt him of ye childre of Gilead, & slewe him, & was kynge in his steade. 26 What more there is to saye of Pecahia, & all that he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 27 In the two and fiftieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, beganne Pecah the sonne of Romelia to reigne ouer Israel at Samaria, twentye yeare, 28 & dyd that which was euell in the sighte of ye LORDE: for he departed not from the synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which caused Israel for to synne. 29 In the tyme of Pecah the kynge of Israel, came Teglatphalasser the kynge of Assiria, & toke Eion, Abel Beth Maecha, Ianoha, Redes, Hasor, Gilead, Galile, and all the londe of Nephtali, & caried the awaye in to Assiria. 30 And Osea the sonne of Ela conspyred agaynst Pecah the sonne of Romelia, & slue him, and was kynge in his steade in the twetieth yeare of Iotham the sonne of Osias. 31 What more there is to saye of Pecah, & all that he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel.

2 Chronicles 32:20-26

20 But contrary wyse the kynge Ezechias and the prophet Esay the sonne of Amos prayed, and cryed vnto heaue. 21 And the LORDE sent an angell, which destroyed all the mightie men of the hoost, and the prynces and rulers in ye tentes of the kynge of Assur, so that he departed agayne with shame in to his owne londe. And whan he wente in to his gods house, they yt came of his owne body, slewe him there with the swerde. 22 Thus the LORDE, helped Ezechias and them at Ierusalem, out of the hade of Sennacherib ye kynge of Assur, and of all other, and mayntayned the fro all on euery syde, 23 so yt many broughte presentes vnto the LORDE to Ierusalem, and Iewels vnto Ezechias the kynge of Iuda. And afterwarde was he exalted in the sighte of all Heythen. 24 At ye same tyme was Ezechias deedsicke, and he prayed vnto the LORDE, which made him promes, and gaue him a wondertoken. 25 But Ezechias recopensed not acordinde as was geuen vnto him, for his hert was lifted vp: therfore came the wrath vpon him, and vpon Iuda and Ierusalem. 26 Neuertheles Ezechias humbled him selfe because his hert had bene exalted, with them at Ierusalem: therfore came not the wrath of the LORDE vpon them, whyle Ezechias lyued.

2 Chronicles 36:1-12

1 And the people of the londe toke Ioahas the sonne of Iosias, and made him kynge in his fathers steade at Ierusalem. 2 Thre and twentye yeare olde was Ioahas whan he was made kynge, and reigned thre monethes at Ierusalem. 3 For the kynge of Egipte deposed him at Ierusalem, and condemned the londe in an hundreth talentes of syluer, and one talent off golde. 4 And the kynge of Egipte made Eliachim his brother kynge ouer Iuda and Ierusale, and turned his name Ioachim. But Necho toke his brother Ioahas, and caried him in to Egipte. 5 Fyue and twentye yeare olde was Ioachim wha he was made kynge, and reigned eleue yeare at Ierusale, and dyd that which was euell in the siighte of the LORDE his God. 6 And Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon wente vp agaynst him, and bounde him with cheynes, to cary him vnto Babilon. 7 And Nabuchodonosor broughte certayne vessels of ye house of the LORDE vnto Babilon, and put them in his temple at Babilon. 8 What more there is to saye of Ioachim, and off his abhominacions which he dyd, and that were founde in him, beholde, they are wrytten in the boke of the kynges of Israel and Iuda. And Ioachim his sonne was kynge in his steade. 9 Eight yeare olde was Ioachim whan he was made kynge, and reigned thre monethes and ten dayes at Ierusale, and dyd yt which was euell in the sighte of ye LORDE. 10 But wha the yeare came aboute, Nabuchodonosor sent thither, and caused him be fetched vnto Babilon with the costly vessels and Iewels of the house of the LORDE, and made Sedechias his brother kynge ouer Iuda and Ierusalem. 11 One and twentye yeare olde was Sedechias whan he was made kynge, & reigned eleuen yeare at Ierusalem, 12 and dyd that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE his God, and submytted not himselfe before the face of the prophet Ieremy, which spake out of the mouth of the LORDE.

Job 22:28-30

28 The, loke what thou takest in honde, he shal make it to prospere with the, and the light shall shyne in thy wayes. 29 For who so humbleth himself, him shal he set vp: and who so loketh mekely, shalbe healed. 30 Yf thou be innocet, he shal saue the: and thorow the vngiltynesse of thyne handes shalt thou be delyuered.

Ecclesiastes 9:15

15 And in the cite there was founde a poore man (but he was wyse) which wt his wy?dome delyuered the cite: yet was there no body, yt had eny respecte vnto soch a symple man.

Isaiah 3:1-7

1 Euen so shal ye LORDE of hoostes take awaye fro Ierusale & Iuda, all possessios & power, all meat and drinke, 2 ye captayne and the soudyare, ye iudge and the prophete, the wyse and the aged ma, 3 the worshipful of fiftie yeare olde, and the honorable: the Senatours, and men of vnderstondinge: the masters of craftes and oratours. 4 And I shal geue you children to be youre prynces (saieth the LORDE) and babes shall haue the rule of you. 5 One shall euer be doinge violence and wronge to another. The boye shal presume agaynst the elder, and the vyle persone agaynst the honorable. 6 Yee one shal take a frende of his owne kynred by ye bosome, and saye: thou hast clothinge, thou shalt be oure heade, for thou mayest kepe us from this fall and parell. 7 Then shall he sweare and saye: I can not helpe you. Morouer, there is nether meate ner clothinge in my house, make me no rueler of the people.

Isaiah 58:12

12 Then the places that haue euer bene waist, shalbe buylded of the: there shalt thou laye a foundacion for many kynreds. Thou shalt be called the maker vp of hedges, and ye buylder agayne of ye waye of the Sabbath.

Daniel 4:27

27 Wherfore (o kinge) be contet with my councel, that thou mayest lowse thy synnes with rightuousnesse, ad thyne offences with mercy to poore people: for soch thinges shall prolonge thy peace.

Hosea 13:11

11 well, I gaue the a kinge in my wrath, and in my displeasure will I take him from the agayne.

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