Philippians 3:3 Cross References - Coverdale

3 for we are the circumcision, euen we that serue God in the sprete, and reioyce in Christ Iesu, and haue no confidence in the flesh,

Genesis 17:5-11

5 Therfore shalt thou nomore be called Abram, but thy name shal be Abraham: For I haue made the a father of many nacions, 6 & I wil multiplye the exceadingly, and wil make people of ye, yee and kynges also shal come out of the. 7 Morouer I wil make my couenaut betwene me and the, and thy sede after the thorow out their posterities, that it maye be an euerlastinge couenaunt, so that I wyll be the God of the, and of thy sede after the. 8 And vnto the and to thy sede after the, will I geue the lande, wherin thou art a straunger: euen all the lande of Canaan for an euerlastinge possession, and will be their God. 9 And God sayde morouer vnto Abraham: Kepe my couenaunt then, thou and they sede after the. 10 This is my couenaunt which ye shal kepe betwene me and you, and thy sede after ye thorow out their posterites. Euery manchilde that is amonge you, shalbe circumcyded: 11 and ye shall circumcyde the foreskynne of yor flesh. This same shalbe a token of the couenaunt betwene me and you.

Deuteronomy 10:16

16 Circumcyse therfore ye foreskynne of yor hert, & be nomore styffnecked.

Deuteronomy 30:6

6 And the LORDE thy God shall circumcyse thine hert, and the hert of thy sede, that thou mayest loue the LORDE yi God with all thy hert and with all yi soule, that thou mayest lyue.

Psalms 105:3

3 Geue his holy name a good reporte, let their hertes reioyse that seke the LORDE.

Isaiah 45:25

25 And the whole sede of Israel shalbe iustified, & praysed in ye LORDE

Jeremiah 4:4

4 Be circumcided in the LORDE, and cut awaye the foreskynne of youre hertes, all ye of Iuda, and all the indwellers of Ierusalem: that my indignacion breake not out like fyre, & kyndle, so that no man maye quench it, because of the wickednes of youre ymaginacions.

Jeremiah 9:23-24

23 Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE: Let not the wise man reioyse in his wisdome, ner the stronge man in his strength, nether the rich man in his riches: 24 But who so wil reioyse, let him reioyse in this, that he vnderstodeth, and knoweth me: for I am the LORDE, which do mercie, equite and rightuousnes vpon earth. Therfore haue I pleasure in soch thinges, saieth ye LORDE.

Jeremiah 9:26

26 The Egipcians, the Iewes, the Edomites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, and the shauen Madianites, that dwel in the wildernes. For all ye Gentiles are vncircumcised in the flesh, but all the house of Israel, are vncircumcised in the herte.

Malachi 1:11

11 For from the rysinge vp of ye sonne vnto ye goinge downe of the same, my name is greate amonge the Gentiles: Yee in euery place shal there sacrifice be done, and a clene meatofferinge offred vp vnto my name: for my name is greate amonge the Heithe, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes.

John 4:23-24

23 But the tyme commeth, and is now allready, that the true worshippers shal worshippe the father in sprete and in the trueth: For the father wil haue soch so to worshippe him. 24 God is a sprete, and they that worshippe him, must worshippe in sprete and in the trueth.

Romans 1:9

9 For God is my witnesse ( whom I serue in my sprete in the Gospell of his sonne) that without ceassynge I make mencion of you besekinge allwayes in my prayers,

Romans 2:25-29

25 The circucision verely avayleth, yf thou kepe the lawe: but yf thou breake the lawe, then is thy circumcision become vncircumcision. 26 Therfore yf the vncircumcision kepe the righte thinges conteyned in the lawe, shal not his vncircumcision be counted for circumcision? 27 And so it that of nature is vncircumcision, and fulfilleth the lawe shal iudge the, which vnder the letter and circumcision trasgressest the lawe. 28 For he is not a Iew which is a Iewe outwarde: nether is that circucision which is done outwardly in ye flesh: 29 But he is a Iewe, which is hydd within. And the circumcision of ye hert is the circumcision, which is done in the sprete and not in the letter: Whoseprayse is not of men, but of God.

Romans 4:11-12

11 As for the toke of circucision he receaued it for a seale off the righteousnes off faith, which he had yet in ye vncircusion, yt he shulde be a father of all the yt beleue, beinge in ye vncircucisio, yt it might be couted vnto the also for righteousnes: 12 & that he might be a father of circumcision, not onely of the that are of ye circumcision, but of them also that walke in the fotesteppes of the faith, which was in the vncircumcision of oure father Abraham.

Romans 7:6

6 But now are we lowsed from the lawe, and deed vnto it, that helde vs captyue, so that we shulde serue in a new conuersacion of the sprete, and not in the olde conuersacion of the letter.

Romans 8:15

15 are Gods childre: for ye haue not receaued the sprete of bondage to feare eny more, but ye haue receaued ye sprete of adopcion, wherby we crye: Abba, deare father.

Romans 8:26-27

26 Likewyse the sprete also helpeth oure weaknesse: for we knowe not what we shulde desyre as we oughte: neuertheles ye sprete it selfe maketh intercession mightely for vs with vnoutspeakable gronynges. 27 Howbeit he yt searcheth the hert, knoweth what the mynde of the sprete is: for he maketh intercession for the sayntes acordinge to the pleasure of God.

Romans 15:17

17 Therfore maye I boost myselfe thorow Iesu Christ, that I medle with thinges perteyninge vnto God.

1 Corinthians 1:29-31

29 that no flesh shulde reioyse in his presence. 30 Of the same are ye also in Christ Iesu, which of God is made vnto vs wyssdome and righteousnes, and sanctifienge and redepcion, 31 that, acordinge as it is wrytten: He that reioyseth, shulde reioyse in the LORDE.

Galatians 5:25

25 Yf we lyue in the sprete, let vs walke also in the sprete.

Galatians 6:13-15

13 For eue they them selues which are circumcysed, kepe not the lawe, but wolde haue you circucysed, that they mighte reioyse in youre flesh. 14 But God forbyd that I shulde reioyse, saue onely in the crosse of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, wherby the worlde is crucified vnto me, and I vnto the worlde. 15 For in Christ Iesu nether circucision avayleth eny thinge, ner vncircumcision, but a new creature.

Ephesians 6:18

18 And praye allwayes with all maner of prayer and supplicacion in the sprete, and watch there vnto with all instaunce and supplicacion for all sayntes

Philippians 3:4-9

4 though I haue wherof I mighte reioyce in ye flesh. Yf eny other ma thynke that he hath wherof he mighte reioyce in the flesh, moch more I, 5 which was circucysed on the eight daye, one of the people of Israel, of the trybe off Ben Iamin, an hebrue of the Hebrues: as concernynge the lawe a Pharise: 6 as concernynge feruentnes I persecuted the cogregacion: and as touchinge the righteousnes which is in the lawe, I was vnrebukable. 7 But the thinges that were vauntage vnto me, haue I counted losse for Christes sake. 8 Yee I thynke all thinges but losse, for that excellent knowleges sake of Christ Iesu my LORDE: for whom I haue counted all thinge losse, and do iudge them but donge, that I mighte wynne Christ, 9 & be founde in him, not hauynge myne awne righteousnes which commeth of the lawe, but by the faith of Christ (namely) the righteousnes which commeth of God in faith,

Colossians 2:11

11 in whom also ye are circumcysed with circumcision without handes, by puttynge of the synfull body of the flesh: (namely) with the circumcysion of Christ,

1 Peter 1:23-25

23 as they that are borne a new, not of corruptible sede, but of vncorruptible, eue by the lyuynge worde of God, which endureth for euer. 24 For all flesh is as grasse, and all the glory of man is as the floure of grasse. The grasse withereth, & the floure falleth awaye 25 but the worde of the LORDE endureth for euer. This is the worde, that is preached amonge you.

Jude 1:20

20 But ye derlye beloued, edifye youre selues in youre most holy faith, prayenge in the holy goost,

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