Numbers 3:17 Cross References - Coverdale

17 And these were the children of Leui with their names: Gerson, Rahath, Merari.

Genesis 46:11

11 The childre of Leui: Gerson, Cahath & Merari.

Exodus 6:16-19

16 These are the names of the childre of Leui in their generacios: Gerson, Rahath and Merari: Leui was an hundreth and seuen & thirtie yeare olde. 17 The children of Gerson are these: Libni and Semei in their generacions. 18 The childre of Rahath are these: Amram, Iezear, Hebron, Usiel. Rahath was an hundreth & thre & thirtie yeare olde. 19 The children of Merari are these: Maheli and Musi. These are ye generacions of Leui in their kynreds.

Numbers 15:5-23

5 and wyne for ye drynkofferynge the fourth parte of an Hin also: to the burntofferinge, or eny other offeringe, whan a lambe is offred. 6 But wha there is a ramme offred, thou shalt make the meatofferynge two teth deales of fyne floure myngled with oyle, of the thirde parte of an Hin, 7 and ye thirde parte of an Hin of wyne also for a drynkofferinge: this shalt thou offre for a swete sauor vnto the LORDE. 8 But yf thou wilt offre an oxe for a burntofferynge, or for a speciall vowe offerynge, or for an healthofferinge vnto the LORDE, 9 thou shalt brynge to the oxe, the meatoffrynge, euen thre tenth deales of fyne floure mingled with half an Hin of oyle, & half an Hin of wyne for a drynkoffrynge. 10 This is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. 11 Thus shalt thou do with an oxe, with a ramme, with a lambe, and with a goate. 12 Acordinge as the nombre of the offerynges is, therafter shall the nombre of the meatofferynges and drynkofferynges be also. 13 He that is one of youre selues, shall do this, that he maye offre a sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. 14 And yf there dwell a straunger with you, or is amoge youre kyn?folkes, and wil do an offerynge vnto the LORDE for a swete sauoure, the same shal do as ye do. 15 Let there be one statute for the whole cogregacion, both vnto you and to the straungers. A perpetuall statute shal it be vnto youre posterities, that the straunger be eue as ye before ye LORDE. 16 One lawe, and one ordinaunce shalbe vnto you and to the straunger that dwelleth with you. 17 And the LORDE talked with Moses, & sayde: 18 Speake to the children of Israel, and saye vnto them: Whan ye come in to the lande, in to ye which I shal brynge you, 19 so that ye eate the bred of the londe, ye shal heue vp an Heueofferynge vnto the LORDE, 20 namely, a cake of the firstlinges of youre dowe shall ye geue for an Heueofferynge: as the Heueofferynge of the barne, 21 euen so shal ye geue the firstlinges of youre dowe also vnto the LORDE, for an Heueofferynge amonge youre posterities. 22 And whan ye thorow ignoraunce ouer se eny of these commaundementes, which the LORDE hath spoken by Moses, 23 and all yt the LORDE hath commaunded you by Moses (from the daye that the LORDE beganne to commaunde for youre posterities)

Numbers 23:6-23

6 And whan he came agayne vnto him, beholde, he stode by his burntofferynge, with all ye prynces of the Moabites. 7 Then toke he vp his parable, & sayde: Balac the kynge of the Moabites hath caused to fet me out of Syria from the moutaynes towarde the East, (& sayde:) Come, curse me Iacob: come, defye me Israel. 8 How shall I curse, whom God curseth not? How shal I defye, whom ye LORDE defyeth not? 9 For fro ye toppe of ye stonye rockes I se him, & from the hilles I beholde him. Beholde, ye people shal dwell by theselues, & shal not be rekened amoge the Heithe. 10 Who can tell the dust of Iacob, & the nombre of the fourth parte of Israel? My soule die ye death of ye righteous, and my ende be as the ende of these. 11 The saide Balac vnto Balaam: What doest thou vnto me? I caused to set ye for to curse myne enemies, & beholde, thou blessest the. 12 He answered & saide: Must I not kepe & speake yt, which the LORDE putteth in to me mouth? 13 Balac saide vnto him: Come wt me yet vnto another place, fro whence thou mayest se ye vttemost parte of them, & not se them all, and curse me them there. 14 And he toke him vp to a fre place, eue vnto the toppe of Pisga, & buylded seuen altares, and offered on euery altare a bullocke & a ramme. 15 And he sayde vnto Balac: Stonde so by thy burntoffrynge, whyle I go yonder. 16 And the LORDE mett Balaam, & put the worde in his mouth, & sayde: Go agayne vnto Balac, & saye on this wyse. 17 And whan he came to him agayne, beholde, he stode by his burntofferynge with the prynces of the Moabites. And Balac sayde vnto him: What hath the LORDE sayde? 18 And he toke vp his parable, & sayde: Ryse vp Balac & heare, marke my testimony wt thine eares thou sonne of Ziphor. 19 God is not a man yt he shulde lye, ner a mans childe yt eny thinge shulde repente him. Shulde he saye and not do? Shulde he speake & not make it good? 20 Beholde, I am brought hither to blesse, I blesse, & can not go backe there fro. 21 There is no weerynesse sene in Iacob, nether eny laboure in Israel. The LORDE his God is wt him, & the kynges trompet is amoge the. 22 God hath brought the out of Egipte, his stregth is as of an Vnicorne. 23 For there is no Sorcerye in Iacob, & no Soyth sayer in Israel. Whan the tyme cometh, it shalbe saide vnto Iacob, & to Israel, what God doth.

Numbers 24:1-25

1 Now whan Balaam sawe yt it pleased the LORDE, that he shulde blesse Israel, he wente not (as he dyd before) to seke witches, but set his face straight towarde the wyldernesse, 2 lifte vp his eyes, and sawe Israel, how they laye acordinge to their trybes, and the sprete of God came vpon him, 3 and he toke vp his parable, and sayde: Thus sayeth Balaam the sonne of Beor: 4 Thus sayeth the man whose eyes are opened: Thus sayeth he which heareth the wordes of God, which sawe the vision of ye Allmightie: which fell downe, and his eyes were opened. 5 How goodly are thy tetes O Iacob, and thy habitacions O Israel? 6 Euen as the brode valleys, as the gardens by the waters syde, as ye tentes which the LORDE hath plated, & as the Ceder trees vpon ye water. 7 The water shal flowe out of his boket, and his sede shalbe a greate water. His kynge shalbe hyer then Agag, & his kyngdome shalbe exalted. 8 God hath broughte hi out of Egipte, his strength is as of an vnicorne. He shal eate vp the Heithen his enemies, and grynde their bones to poulder, and shute thorow them with his arowes. 9 He hath layed him downe as a Lyon and as a Lyonesse. Who wyll rayse him vp? Blessed be he, yt blesseth the: and cursed, that curseth the. 10 The was Balac furious i wrath against Balaam, & smote his hades together, & sayde vnto him: I haue called the, yt thou shuldest curse myne enemies, and beholde, thou hast blessed the now thre tymes: 11 & now get the hece to yi place. I thoughte yt I wolde promote the vnto honoure, but the LORDE hath kepte the backe from that worshipe. 12 Balaam answered him: Tolde not I thy messaungers (whom thou sendedst vnto me) & sayde: 13 Yf Balac wolde geue me his house full of syluer and golde, yet coulde I not go beyonde the worde of the LORDE, to do either euell or good after myne awne hert: but what ye LORDE speaketh, that must I speake also. 14 And now beholde, for so moch as I go to my people, come therfore, I wyll shewe the what this people shal do vnto yi people after this tyme. 15 And he toke vp his parable, and sayde: Thus sayeth Balaam the sonne of Beor: Thus sayeth ye man, whose eyes are opened: 16 Thus sayeth he which heareth the wordes of God, & yt hath the knowlege of ye hyest, eue he yt sawe ye visio of ye Allmightie, & fell downe, & his eyes were opened: 17 I shal se him, but not now: I shal beholde him, but not nie at hade. There shal a starre come out of Iacob, & a cepter shall come vp out of Israel, and shal smyte ye rulers of the Moabites, and ouercome all the children of Seth. 18 Edom shalbe his possession, and Seir shalbe his enemies possessio, but Israel shal do manfully. 19 Out of Iacob shal come he yt hath dominion, and shall destroye the remnaunt of the cities. 20 And wha he sawe ye Amalechites, he toke vp his parable, & sayde: Amalec the first amoge the Heithe, but at ye last thou shalt perishe vtterly. 21 And whan he sawe the Kenites, he toke vp his parable, & sayde: Stroge is yi dwellinge, and on a rocke hast thou put thy nest, 22 neuertheles thou shalt be a burninge vnto Kain, tyll Assur take ye presoner. 23 And he toke vp his parable agayne, & sayde: Alas, who shal lyue, wha God doth this? 24 And shippes out of Citim shall subdue Assur and Eber. He himself also shal perishe vtterly. 25 And Balaam gat him vp, and departed, and came againe vnto his place, and Balac wente his waye also.

Numbers 26:57-58

57 And this is the summe of the Leuites in their kynreds. Gerson: of whom cometh the kynred of the Gersonites. Rahath: of who cometh the kynred of the Rahathites. Merari: of whom cometh ye kynred of ye Merarites. 58 These are ye kynreds of Leui, the kynred of ye Libnites, ye kynred of ye Hebronites, ye kynred of the Mahelites, ye kynred of the Musites, the kynred of the Corahites. Rahath begat Amram.

Joshua 21:1-45

1 Then the chefe fathers amonge the Leuites came forth vnto Eleasar the prest and to Iosua the sonne of Nun, and to ye awncient fathers amoge the trybes of the children of Israel, 2 and spake vnto them at Silo in the londe of Canaan, and sayde: The LORDE commaunded by Moses, that we shulde haue cities geuen vs to dwell in, and the suburbes of the same for oure catell. 3 Then the children of Israel gaue of their enheritaunce these cities and the suburbes therof, vnto the Leuites, acordynge to the commaundement of the LORDE. 4 And the lot fell vpon the kynred of the Kahathites, and the children of Aaron the prest amonge the Leuites, had by the lott thyrtene cities of the trybe of Iuda, of the trybe of Simeon, and of the trybe of Ben Iamin. 5 The other childre of Kahath of the same kynred, had by the lot ten cities, of the trybe of Ephraim, of the trybe of Dan, and of the halfe trybe of Manasse. 6 But the children of Gerson of the same kynred had by the lot thyrtene cities, of the trybe of Isachar, of the trybe of Asser, of ye trybe of Nepthali, and of the halfe trybe of Manasse at Basan. 7 The children of Merari of their kynred had twolue cities, of the trybe of Ruben, of the trybe of Gad, and of the trybe of Zabulon. 8 So the children of Israel gaue these cities and their suburbes vnto the Leuites by lott, as the LORDE commaunded by Moses. 9 Of the trybe of the children of Iuda, and of the trybe of the children of Simeon, they gaue these cities (which they named by name) 10 vnto the children of Aaron of the kynred of the Kahathites amonge the children of Leui: for the first lot was theyrs. 11 So they gaue them Kiriatharba, which was the fathers of Enak, that is Hebron vpon the mount Iuda, and the suburbes therof rounde aboute. 12 But the felde of the cite and the vyllages therof, gaue they vnto Caleb the sonne of Iephune for his possession. 13 Thus gaue they vnto the children of Aaron the prest, the fre cite of the deed sleyers, Hebron and the suburbes therof, Libna and the suburbes therof, 14 Iathir and the suburbes therof, Esthuma and the suburbes therof, 15 Holon and the suburbes therof, Debir and the suburbes therof, 16 Ain and the suburbes therof, Iuta and the suburbes therof, Beth Semes and the suburbes therof, euen nyne cities of these two trybes. 17 But of the trybe of Ben Iamin they gaue foure cities, Gibeon and ye suburbes therof, Gaba, and the suburbes therof, 18 Anathot and the suburbes therof, Almon and the suburbes therof: 19 so that all the cities of the children of Aaron the prest were thirtene with their suburbes. 20 The kynreds of the other children of Kahath the Leuites, had by their lott foure cities, of the trybe of Ephraim, 21 and they gaue the the fre cite of the deedsleiers, Seche and the suburbes therof vpon mount Ephraim Gaser and the suburbes therof, 22 Kibzaim and the suburbes therof, Bethron and the suburbes therof. 23 Of the trybe of Dan foure cities, Eltheke and ye suburbes therof, Gibthon and the suburbes therof, 24 Aialon and the suburbes therof, Gath Rimon and the suburbes therof. 25 Of the halfe trybe of Manasses two cities, Thaenach and the suburbes therof, Gath Rimon and the suburbes therof: 26 so that all the cities of the other children of ye kynred of Kahath, were ten with their suburbes. 27 But vnto the children of Gerson amonge the kynreds of the Leuites were geuen, Of the halfe trybe of Manasse two cities, the fre cite for the deedslayer, Gola in Basan and the suburbes therof, Beasthra, and the suburbes therof. 28 Of the trybe of Isachar foure cities, Kision and the suburbes therof, Dabrach and the suburbes therof, 29 Iarmuth and the suburbes therof, Engannim and the suburbes therof. 30 Of the trybe of Asser foure cities, Miseal, Abdon, 31 Helkath and Rehob with the suburbes therof. 32 Of the trybe of Nephtali thre cities, the fre cite Kedes (for the deedsleyer) in Galile, Hamoth, Dor, and Karthan with the suburbes therof: 33 so that all the cities of the kynred of the Gersonites were thirtene wt their suburbes. 34 Vnto the kynreds of Merari the other Leuites were geuen, Of the trybe of Zabulon foure cities, Iakneam, Kartha, 35 Dimna and Nahalal wt ye suburbes therof. 36 Of the trybe of Ruben foure cities, Bezer, Iahza, 37 Kedemoth and Mephaat with their suburbes. 38 Of the trybe of Gad foure cities, the fre cite for the deedsleyer, Ramoth in Gilead, Mahanaim, 39 Hesbon and Iaeser with their suburbes: 40 so that all the cities of the children of Merari amonge their kynreds of ye other Leuites, were twolue. 41 Thus all the cities of the Leuites amonge ye possession of the children of Israel, were eight and fortye with their suburbes. 42 And these cities were so dealte out, that euery one had their suburbes rounde aboute, the one as the other. 43 Thus the LORDE gaue the children of Israel all the londe, which he had sworne vnto their fathers to geue: & they toke possession of it, and dwelt therin. 44 And the LORDE gaue the rest before all those yt were aboute them like as he sware vnto their fathers, & none of their enemies stode agaynst the, but all their enmies delyuered he in to their hande. 45 And their myssed nothinge of all the good that the LORDE had promysed vnto the house of Israel, it came euery whyt.

1 Chronicles 6:1-2

1 The children of Leui were, Gerson, Kahath and Merari. 2 The childre of Kahath were, Amram, Iezeher, Hebron and Vsiel.

1 Chronicles 6:16-19

16 The children of Leui are these: Gerson, Kahath and Merari. 17 These are the names of the children of Gerson: Libni and Semei. 18 The names of the childre of Kahat are these: Amram, Iezohar, Hebron and Vsiel. 19 The names of the children of Merari are: Maheli and Musi. These are the kynreds of the Leuites amonge their housholdes.

Nehemiah 11:1-12

1 And the rulers of the people dwelt at Ierusalem. But the other people cast lottes therfore, so that amoge ten one parte wente to Ierusalem in to the holy cite to dwell, and nyne partes in the cities. 2 And ye people thanked all the men that were willinge to dwell at Ierusalem. 3 These are the heades of the londe that dwelt at Ierusalem. In the cities dwelt Iuda euery one in his possession yt was in their cities, namely Israel, the prestes, Leuites, ye Nethinims, and the children of Salomons seruauntes. 4 And at Ierusale dwelt certayne of the children of Iuda & of Ben Iamin. Of the children of Iuda: Athaia the sonne of Vsia ye sonne of Zachary, the sonne of Amaria, the sonne of Sephatia, the sonne of Mahelaleel, of the children of Phares. 5 And Maeseia the sonne of Baruch, the sonne of Chal Hose, the sonne of Hasaia, the sonne of Adaia, the sonne of Ioiarib, the sonne of Zachary, the sonne of Siloni. 6 All the childre of Phares that dwelt at Ierusalem, were foure C. and eight & thre score valeaunt men. 7 These are the childre of Ben Iamin: Sallu the sonne of Mesullam, ye sonne of Ioed, the sonne of Pedaia, the sonne of Colaia, ye sonne of Maeseia, the sonne of Ithiel, ye sonne of Iesaia. 8 And after him Sabai, Sallai: nyne hundreth and eight and twentye. 9 And Ioel the sonne of Sichri had the ouersight of them: and Iuda ye sonne of Hasnua ouer the seconde parte of the cite. 10 Of the prestes there dwelt: Iedaia ye sonne of Ioiarib, Iachin. 11 Seraia the sonne of Helchias ye sonne of Mesullam, the sonne of Sadoc, the sonne of Meraioth, the sonne of Achitob, was prynce in the house of God: 12 & his brethre that perfourmed the worke in ye house: of whom there were viij. C. and xxij. And Adaia the sonne of Ieroham, the sonne of Plalia, the sonne of Amzi, the sonne of Zachary, the sonne of Pashur

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