Numbers 23 Cross References - Coverdale

1 . And Balaam sayde vnto Balac: Buylde me here seuen altares, and prouyde me here seuen bullockes, and seue rammes. 2 Balac dyd as Balaam sayde. And both Balac and Balaam offred, on euery altare a bullocke & a ramme. 3 And Balaam sayde vnto Balac: Stonde thou by yi burntofferynge, I wil go, yf happly the LORDE wil mete me, & call me, yt I maye tell the, what so euer he sheweth me. And he wente his waye, as he sayde. 4 And ye LORDE mett Balaam. And Balaam saide vnto him: Seuen altares haue I prepared, and offred on euery altare a bullocke and a ramme. 5 The LORDE put ye worde in Balaams mouth, and sayde: Go agayne vnto Balac, and saye on this wise. 6 And whan he came agayne vnto him, beholde, he stode by his burntofferynge, with all ye prynces of the Moabites. 7 Then toke he vp his parable, & sayde: Balac the kynge of the Moabites hath caused to fet me out of Syria from the moutaynes towarde the East, (& sayde:) Come, curse me Iacob: come, defye me Israel. 8 How shall I curse, whom God curseth not? How shal I defye, whom ye LORDE defyeth not? 9 For fro ye toppe of ye stonye rockes I se him, & from the hilles I beholde him. Beholde, ye people shal dwell by theselues, & shal not be rekened amoge the Heithe. 10 Who can tell the dust of Iacob, & the nombre of the fourth parte of Israel? My soule die ye death of ye righteous, and my ende be as the ende of these. 11 The saide Balac vnto Balaam: What doest thou vnto me? I caused to set ye for to curse myne enemies, & beholde, thou blessest the. 12 He answered & saide: Must I not kepe & speake yt, which the LORDE putteth in to me mouth? 13 Balac saide vnto him: Come wt me yet vnto another place, fro whence thou mayest se ye vttemost parte of them, & not se them all, and curse me them there. 14 And he toke him vp to a fre place, eue vnto the toppe of Pisga, & buylded seuen altares, and offered on euery altare a bullocke & a ramme. 15 And he sayde vnto Balac: Stonde so by thy burntoffrynge, whyle I go yonder. 16 And the LORDE mett Balaam, & put the worde in his mouth, & sayde: Go agayne vnto Balac, & saye on this wyse. 17 And whan he came to him agayne, beholde, he stode by his burntofferynge with the prynces of the Moabites. And Balac sayde vnto him: What hath the LORDE sayde? 18 And he toke vp his parable, & sayde: Ryse vp Balac & heare, marke my testimony wt thine eares thou sonne of Ziphor. 19 God is not a man yt he shulde lye, ner a mans childe yt eny thinge shulde repente him. Shulde he saye and not do? Shulde he speake & not make it good? 20 Beholde, I am brought hither to blesse, I blesse, & can not go backe there fro. 21 There is no weerynesse sene in Iacob, nether eny laboure in Israel. The LORDE his God is wt him, & the kynges trompet is amoge the. 22 God hath brought the out of Egipte, his stregth is as of an Vnicorne. 23 For there is no Sorcerye in Iacob, & no Soyth sayer in Israel. Whan the tyme cometh, it shalbe saide vnto Iacob, & to Israel, what God doth. 24 Beholde, the people shall ryse vp as a Lyonesse, & heue vp him self as a Lyon. He shal not lye downe, tyll he eate of the pray, and drynke the bloude of the slayne. 25 Then sayde Balac vnto Balaam: Thou shalt nether curse him ner blesse him. 26 Balaam answered, & sayde vnto Balac: Haue I not tolde the: All yt the LORDE speaketh, yt must I do? 27 Balac saide vnto him: Oh come, I wil brynge ye to another place, yf it maye happly please God, yt thou mayest curse the there. 28 And he brought him vp to the toppe of mount Peor, yt boweth towarde the wyldernesse. 29 And Balaam sayde vnto Balac: Buylde me here seuen altares, and prouyde me seuen bullockes and seuen rammes. 30 Balac dyd as Balaam sayde, and offered on euery altare a bullocke vnd a ramme.

Genesis 3:15

15 And I wyll put enemyte betwene the and the woman, and betwene yi sede and hir sede. The same shal treade downe thy heade, and thou shalt treade him on the hele.

Genesis 8:20

20 And Noe buylded an altare vnto ye LORDE, and toke of all maner of cleane beastes & of all maner of cleane foules, and offred bret sacrifices vpon ye altare.

Genesis 10:22

22 And these are his children: Ela, Assur, Arphachad, Lud & Aram.

Genesis 12:2

2 And I wil make of the a mightie people, and wyll blesse the, and make the a greate name, yee thou shalt be a very blessynge.

Genesis 13:16

16 and wyll make thy sede as the dust of the earth: so that yf a man can nombre the dust of the earth, he shall nombre thy sede also.

Genesis 22:2

2 And he sayde: Take ye sonne, this onely sonne of thine, eue Isaac whom thou louest, and go thy waye in to the londe of Moria, & offre him there for a burntofferynge, vpon a mountayne that I shal shew the.

Genesis 22:7-8

7 Then sayde Isaac vnto his father Abraham: My father. Abraham answered: here I am, my sonne. And he sayde: lo, here is fyre and wodd, but where is the shepe for the brentofferynge? 8 Abraham answered: My sonne, God shall prouyde him a shepe for the brentofferynge. And they wente both together.

Genesis 22:13

13 Then Abraham lift vp his eyes, and sawe behynde him a ramme, holde fast by the hornes in the breres, and wente, and toke the ramme, and offred him for a brent sacrifice, in steade of his sonne.

Genesis 22:17

17 I wyll prospere and multiplye thy sede as the starres of heauen, and as the sonde vpon the see shore. And thy sede shall possesse the gates of his enemies:

Genesis 28:2

2 but get the vp, and go in to Mesopotamia vnto the house of Bethuel thy mothers father, and take ye there a wife of ye doughters of Laban yi mothers brother.

Genesis 28:7

7 and that Iacob obeyed his father and his mother, and was gone vnto Mesopotamia:

Genesis 28:14

14 and thy sede shal be as ye dust of ye earth. And thou shalt sprede forth towarde the west, east, north, and south: and thorow the and thy sede shall all the kynreds vpon earth be blessed.

Genesis 49:9

9 Iuda is a yonge lyon, thou art come vp hye my sonne, fro the spoyle. He kneled downe and couched himself as a lyon & as a lionesse: who wil rayse him vp?

Genesis 49:27

27 Ben Iamin, a rauyshinge wolfe. In the mornynge shal he deuoure the praye, but in the euenynge he shal deuyde the spoyle.

Exodus 9:16

16 Yet haue I stered ye vp for this cause, euen to shew my power vpon ye, and that my name might be declared in all londes.

Exodus 13:21

21 And ye LORDE wete before the by daye in a piler of a cloude, to lede the ye right waye: and by night in a piler of fyre, that he might shewe the light to walke both by daie and night.

Exodus 14:18

18 and the Egipcians shal knowe, that I am ye LORDE, whan I haue gotten me honor vpon Pharao, vpon his charettes, and vpon his horsmen.

Exodus 18:12

12 And Iethro toke brentofferynges, and offered vnto God. Then came Aaron and all ye elders of Israel to eate bred with Moses father in lawe before God.

Exodus 19:5-6

5 Yf ye wyll harken now vnto my voyce, and kepe my couenaunt, ye shalbe myne owne before all people: for the whole earth is myne: 6 and ye shall be vnto me a presterly kingdome, and an holy people. These are the wordes that thou shalt saye vnto the children of Israel.

Exodus 20:2

2 I am the LORDE thy God, which haue brought the out of the londe of Egipte from ye house of bondage.

Exodus 20:24

24 Make me an altare of earth, wher vpon thou mayest offer yi burntofferynges, & peaceofferynges, thy shepe and thine oxen. For loke in what place so euer I make ye remembraunce of my name, there wil I come vnto the, and blesse the.

Exodus 27:1-8

1 And thou shalt make an altare of Firre tre, fyue cubytes longe & brode, yt it maye be foure square, & thre cubytes hye: 2 thou shalt make hornes vpon the foure corners of it, & shalt ouer laye it with brasse. 3 Make ashpanes, shouels, basens, fleshokes, cole panes. All ye apparell therof shalt thou make of brasse. 4 Thou shalt make a gredyron also like a nett, of brase, & foure brasen rynges vpon the foure corners of it: 5 from vnder vp aboute the altare shalt thou make it, so that the gredyron reach vnto ye myddest of the altare. 6 Thou shalt make staues also for the altare, of Fyrre tre, ouer layed with golde, 7 and shalt put the staues in the rynges, that the staues maye be on both the sydes of ye altare, to beare it withall. 8 And holowe with bordes shalt thou make it, like as it is shewed the in the mount.

Exodus 29:45-46

45 And I wyl dwell amonge the children of Israel, & wyll be their God: 46 so yt they shal knowe, how that I am the LORDE their God, which brought them out of the londe of Egipte, that I might dwell amonge them, euen I the LORDE their God.

Exodus 33:14-16

14 He sayde: My presence shal go before the, there with wyll I lede the. 15 But he sayde vnto him: Yf thy presence go not, then cary vs not vp from hence: 16 for wherby shal it be knowne, yt I and thy people haue founde fauoure in thy sight, but in yt thou goest with vs? that I & thy people maye haue some preemynence before all people that are vpon the face of the earth.

Exodus 33:16-16

16 for wherby shal it be knowne, yt I and thy people haue founde fauoure in thy sight, but in yt thou goest with vs? that I & thy people maye haue some preemynence before all people that are vpon the face of the earth.

Exodus 34:9

9 and saide: LORDE, yf I haue founde grace in thy sight, the let the LORDE go with vs (for it is an hard necked people) that thou mayest haue mercy vpon oure wickednesses and synnes, and let vs be thyne inheritaunce.

Leviticus 1:1

1 And the LORDE called Moses, and spake vnto him out of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse, and sayde:

Numbers 2:9

9 So yt all they which beloge to ye hoost of Iuda, be in the summe an C. sixe and foure score thousande, & foure hundreth be longinge to their armye, & they shall go before.

Numbers 2:16

16 So that all they which belonge to the hoost of Ruben, be in the summe, an hundreth, one & fiftie thousande, foure hudreth and fiftye, belonginge to their armye. And they shall be the seconde in the iourney.

Numbers 2:24

24 So yt all they which belonge to the hoost of Ephraim, be in the summe, an hundreth thousande, eight thousande, & an hudreth, belonginge to his armie. And they shal be the thirde in the iourney.

Numbers 2:31

31 So yt all they which belonge to the hoost of Dan, be in the summe, an hudreth thousande, seuen & fiftie thousande, & sixe hundreth. And they shalbe the last in the iourney with their baners.

Numbers 21:20

20 and fro Bamoth vnto the valley that lieth in ye felde of Moab at the toppe of Pisga, and turneth towarde the wyldernesse.

Numbers 22:5-6

5 And he sent out messaungers vnto Balaam the sonne of Beor, which was an interpreter. (The same dwelt by the water of the lande of ye children of his people) that they shulde call him, and he caused to saye vnto him: Beholde, there is come out of Egipte, a people, which couereth ye face of ye earth, and lyeth ouer agaynst me.

Numbers 22:5

5 And he sent out messaungers vnto Balaam the sonne of Beor, which was an interpreter. (The same dwelt by the water of the lande of ye children of his people) that they shulde call him, and he caused to saye vnto him: Beholde, there is come out of Egipte, a people, which couereth ye face of ye earth, and lyeth ouer agaynst me. 6 Come now therfore, and curse me this people, for they are to mightie for me, yf peraduenture I might be able to smyte them, and to dryue them out of the lande. For I wote, that whom thou blessest, he is blessed: and whom thou cursest, he is cursed.

Numbers 22:6-7

6 Come now therfore, and curse me this people, for they are to mightie for me, yf peraduenture I might be able to smyte them, and to dryue them out of the lande. For I wote, that whom thou blessest, he is blessed: and whom thou cursest, he is cursed. 7 And the Elders of the Moabites wente on with ye Elders of the Madianites, and had the rewarde of ye soyth sayenge in their handes, and they came vnto Balaam, & tolde him the wordes of Balaac. 8 And he saide vnto the: Tary here all night, & I will bringe you worde agayne, euen as the LORDE shal saye vnto me. So ye prynces of ye Moabites abode with Balaam.

Numbers 22:8

8 And he saide vnto the: Tary here all night, & I will bringe you worde agayne, euen as the LORDE shal saye vnto me. So ye prynces of ye Moabites abode with Balaam. 9 And God came vnto Balaam, & sayde: What men are these, which are with ye?

Numbers 22:9

9 And God came vnto Balaam, & sayde: What men are these, which are with ye?

Numbers 22:11

11 Beholde, there is a people come out of Egipte, and couereth the face of the earth, come now therfore, & curse me the, yf peradueture I maye be able to fighte with them, & to dryue the out. 12 But God sayde vnto Balaam: Go not with them, & curse not that people, for they are blessed.

Numbers 22:17

17 for I wyll promote the vnto hye honoure, & wil do what so euer thou sayest vnto me. Come I praye the, curse me this people. 18 Balaam answered, & sayde vnto ye seruautes of Balac: Yf Balac wolde geue me his house full of syluer & golde, yet coulde I not go beyonde ye worde of the LORDE my God, to do litle or greate.

Numbers 22:20

20 Then came God to Balaam by night, & saide vnto him: Yf the men are come to call the, get the vp then, and go with the: but what I shal saye vnto the, that shalt thou do.

Numbers 22:31-35

31 Then opened the LORDE the eyes of Balaam, yt he sawe ye angell of the LORDE stondinge in ye waye, & a drawe swerde in his hade. And he enclyned him selfe, & bowed downe wt his face. 32 And the angell of the LORDE sayde vnto him: Wherfore hast thou smytte thine Asse now thre tymes? Beholde, I am come out to resiste ye, for yi waye is frowarde, & cotrary vnto me. 33 And ye Asse sawe me, & auoyded fro me thre tymes: or els yf she had not turned asyde fro me, I had slayne the, & saued the Asse alyue. 34 Then sayde Balaam vnto ye angell of ye LORDE: I haue synned, for I wyst not, that thou stodest in the waye agaynst me. And now yf it displease ye, I wil turne agayne. 35 The angell of ye LORDE saide vnto him: Go with the me: but thou shalt speake nothinge els, then yt I shal saye vnto ye. So Balaam wente forth wt the princes of Balac.

Numbers 22:35

35 The angell of ye LORDE saide vnto him: Go with the me: but thou shalt speake nothinge els, then yt I shal saye vnto ye. So Balaam wente forth wt the princes of Balac.

Numbers 22:38

38 Balaam answered him: Lo, I am come vnto ye But how can I saye eny thinge els, the yt God putteth in my mouth? yt I must speake

Numbers 22:41

41 And in the mornynge, Balac toke Balaam, and they wete vp to the hye place of Baal, that from thece he might se vnto the vttemost parte of ye people

Numbers 23:1

1 . And Balaam sayde vnto Balac: Buylde me here seuen altares, and prouyde me here seuen bullockes, and seue rammes.

Numbers 23:1-2

1 . And Balaam sayde vnto Balac: Buylde me here seuen altares, and prouyde me here seuen bullockes, and seue rammes. 2 Balac dyd as Balaam sayde. And both Balac and Balaam offred, on euery altare a bullocke & a ramme. 3 And Balaam sayde vnto Balac: Stonde thou by yi burntofferynge, I wil go, yf happly the LORDE wil mete me, & call me, yt I maye tell the, what so euer he sheweth me. And he wente his waye, as he sayde.

Numbers 23:5

5 The LORDE put ye worde in Balaams mouth, and sayde: Go agayne vnto Balac, and saye on this wise.

Numbers 23:7-8

7 Then toke he vp his parable, & sayde: Balac the kynge of the Moabites hath caused to fet me out of Syria from the moutaynes towarde the East, (& sayde:) Come, curse me Iacob: come, defye me Israel. 8 How shall I curse, whom God curseth not? How shal I defye, whom ye LORDE defyeth not?

Numbers 23:12-13

12 He answered & saide: Must I not kepe & speake yt, which the LORDE putteth in to me mouth? 13 Balac saide vnto him: Come wt me yet vnto another place, fro whence thou mayest se ye vttemost parte of them, & not se them all, and curse me them there.

Numbers 23:13

13 Balac saide vnto him: Come wt me yet vnto another place, fro whence thou mayest se ye vttemost parte of them, & not se them all, and curse me them there. 14 And he toke him vp to a fre place, eue vnto the toppe of Pisga, & buylded seuen altares, and offered on euery altare a bullocke & a ramme. 15 And he sayde vnto Balac: Stonde so by thy burntoffrynge, whyle I go yonder. 16 And the LORDE mett Balaam, & put the worde in his mouth, & sayde: Go agayne vnto Balac, & saye on this wyse.

Numbers 23:18

18 And he toke vp his parable, & sayde: Ryse vp Balac & heare, marke my testimony wt thine eares thou sonne of Ziphor. 19 God is not a man yt he shulde lye, ner a mans childe yt eny thinge shulde repente him. Shulde he saye and not do? Shulde he speake & not make it good? 20 Beholde, I am brought hither to blesse, I blesse, & can not go backe there fro.

Numbers 23:20-20

20 Beholde, I am brought hither to blesse, I blesse, & can not go backe there fro.

Numbers 23:23

23 For there is no Sorcerye in Iacob, & no Soyth sayer in Israel. Whan the tyme cometh, it shalbe saide vnto Iacob, & to Israel, what God doth.

Numbers 23:26

26 Balaam answered, & sayde vnto Balac: Haue I not tolde the: All yt the LORDE speaketh, yt must I do?

Numbers 23:29

29 And Balaam sayde vnto Balac: Buylde me here seuen altares, and prouyde me seuen bullockes and seuen rammes. 30 Balac dyd as Balaam sayde, and offered on euery altare a bullocke vnd a ramme.

Numbers 24:1

1 Now whan Balaam sawe yt it pleased the LORDE, that he shulde blesse Israel, he wente not (as he dyd before) to seke witches, but set his face straight towarde the wyldernesse,

Numbers 24:3

3 and he toke vp his parable, and sayde: Thus sayeth Balaam the sonne of Beor:

Numbers 24:8

8 God hath broughte hi out of Egipte, his strength is as of an vnicorne. He shal eate vp the Heithen his enemies, and grynde their bones to poulder, and shute thorow them with his arowes.

Numbers 24:8-9

8 God hath broughte hi out of Egipte, his strength is as of an vnicorne. He shal eate vp the Heithen his enemies, and grynde their bones to poulder, and shute thorow them with his arowes. 9 He hath layed him downe as a Lyon and as a Lyonesse. Who wyll rayse him vp? Blessed be he, yt blesseth the: and cursed, that curseth the. 10 The was Balac furious i wrath against Balaam, & smote his hades together, & sayde vnto him: I haue called the, yt thou shuldest curse myne enemies, and beholde, thou hast blessed the now thre tymes:

Numbers 24:12-13

12 Balaam answered him: Tolde not I thy messaungers (whom thou sendedst vnto me) & sayde: 13 Yf Balac wolde geue me his house full of syluer and golde, yet coulde I not go beyonde the worde of the LORDE, to do either euell or good after myne awne hert: but what ye LORDE speaketh, that must I speake also.

Numbers 24:13-13

13 Yf Balac wolde geue me his house full of syluer and golde, yet coulde I not go beyonde the worde of the LORDE, to do either euell or good after myne awne hert: but what ye LORDE speaketh, that must I speake also.

Numbers 24:15

15 And he toke vp his parable, and sayde: Thus sayeth Balaam the sonne of Beor: Thus sayeth ye man, whose eyes are opened:

Numbers 24:17

17 I shal se him, but not now: I shal beholde him, but not nie at hade. There shal a starre come out of Iacob, & a cepter shall come vp out of Israel, and shal smyte ye rulers of the Moabites, and ouercome all the children of Seth.

Numbers 24:21

21 And whan he sawe the Kenites, he toke vp his parable, & sayde: Stroge is yi dwellinge, and on a rocke hast thou put thy nest,

Numbers 24:23

23 And he toke vp his parable agayne, & sayde: Alas, who shal lyue, wha God doth this?

Numbers 29:32

32 On the seuenth daye, seuen bullockes, two rammes, fourtene lambes of a yeare olde wt out blemysh,

Deuteronomy 3:27

27 Get the vp to the toppe of mount Pisga, and lifte vp thine eyes towarde the west, and towarde the north, and towarde the south, and towarde ye east: and beholde it with thine eies, for thou shalt not go ouer this Iordane.

Deuteronomy 4:49

49 & all ye playne felde beyonde Iordane eastwarde vnto the see in ye plaine felde vnder mount Pisga.

Deuteronomy 18:18

18 I wil rayse them vp a prophet from amonge their brethren like vnto the, and wyl put my wordes in his mouth, & he shal speake vnto them all that I shal comaunde him.

Deuteronomy 23:4

4 because they met you not wt bred & water in ye waye, wha ye came out of Egipte. And besides yt, they hired agaynst you Balaa ye sonne of Beor, ye interpreter out of Mesopotamia, to curse ye.

Deuteronomy 32:8

8 Whan the most Hyghest deuyded ye nacions and scatred the children of men. Then set he the borders of the nacions acordinge to the nombre of the children of Israel.

Deuteronomy 33:5

5 And he was in the fulnesse of the kynge, & helde ye rulers of ye people together, with the trybes of Israel.

Deuteronomy 33:17

17 His bewtye is as a firstborne oxe, and his hornes are as ye hornes of an Vnicorne: with the same shal he pusshe the nacions together, euen vnto the endes of the worlde. These are the thousandes of Ephraim, and the thousandes of Manasse.

Deuteronomy 33:20

20 And to Gad he sayde: Blessynge haue Gad, which maketh rowme. He dwelleth as a lyon, and spoyleth the arme and the toppe of the heade.

Deuteronomy 33:28

28 And Israel shall dwell safe alone. The eye of Iacob shalbe vpon ye londe where corne and wine is, heauen also shal droppe with dewe.

Deuteronomy 34:1

1 And Moses wente from the felde of ye Moabites vp vnto mount Nebo, vpo ye toppe of mout Pisga ouer agaynst Iericho. And the LORDE shewed him all the londe of Gilead vnto Dan,

Joshua 13:22

22 And Balaam the sonne of Beor the prophecier, dyd the children of Israel kyll with the swerde amonge the other that were slayne:

Joshua 24:9

9 Then Balac the sonne of Ziphor the kynge of the Moabites gat him vp, and foughte agaynst Israel: and he sente and bad call Balaam the sonne of Beor, to curse you,

Judges 3:20

20 And Ehud came in vnto him. He sat in a syled Sommer perler, which was for him selfe alone. And Ehud saide: I haue somwhat to saye vnto the of God. The rose he vp fro his seate.

Judges 6:13

13 But Gedeon sayde vnto him: Syr, yf the LORDE be wt vs, wherfore is all this then happened vnto vs? And where are all the wonders, which oure fathers tolde vs, & sayde: The LORDE brought vs out of Egipte? But now hath the LORDE forsaken vs, and delyuered vs in to the hande of the Madianites.

1 Samuel 3:17

17 He sayde: What is ye worde yt the LORDE hath spoke vnto the? hyde it not fro me. God do this & that vnto ye, yf thou hyde oughte fro me, of all that he hath talked wt the.

1 Samuel 15:22

22 Samuel saide: Hath the LORDE pleasure in sacrifices and burntofferynges, as in obeynge the voyce of the LORDE? Beholde, obedience is better then offerynge, and to herken is better then the fat of rammes.

1 Samuel 15:29

29 The ouerwynner in Israel also shal not lye, nether shal he repente: for he is no man, that he shulde repente.

1 Samuel 17:10

10 And the Philistyne sayde: I haue spoke disdanedly vnto the hoost of Israel this daye. Geue me one, and let vs fighte together.

1 Samuel 17:25-26

25 And euery man in Israel sayde: Haue ye sene the man commynge vp hither? For he is come vp hither, to speake disdanedly vnto Israel. And who so euer smyteth him, him wyll the kynge make ryche, and geue him his doughter, and make his fathers house fre in Israel. 26 Then sayde Dauid vnto the men that stode by him: What shalbe done to the man, that smyteth this Philistyne, and turneth this shame awaye from Israel? For what is he this Philistyne this vncircucysed, that defyeth the hoost of ye lyuynge God?

1 Samuel 17:36

36 So thy seruaunt smote both the Lyon and ye Bere. Therfore shall this Philistyne this vncircumcysed be euen as one of them: for he hath defyed the hoost of the lyuynge God.

1 Samuel 17:45

45 Neuertheles Dauid sayde vnto the Philistyne: Thou commest vnto me with swerde, speare and shylde. But I come vnto the in the name of the LORDE Zebaoth the God of the hoost of Israel, whom thou hast despysed.

2 Samuel 21:21

21 And whan he spake despitefully vnto Israel, Ionathas ye sonne of Simea Dauids brother smote him.

2 Samuel 23:9

9 After him was Eleasar the sonne of Dodi the sonne of Ahohi amonge the thre Worthies with Dauid, whan they spake despytefully to the Philistynes, and were gathered together to the battayll, and the men of Israel wente vp.

1 Kings 20:23

23 For the kynge of ye Syrians seruauntes sayde vnto him: Their goddes are goddes of the mountaynes, therfore haue they gotten the victory. But let vs fyghte with them on the playne, and thou shalt se that we shal ouercome them.

1 Kings 20:28

28 And there came a man of God, and sayde vnto the kynge of Israel: Thus sayeth the LORDE: Because the Syrians haue sayde, that the LORDE is a God of the moutaynes and not a God of the valleys, therfore haue I geuen all this greate heape in to thy handes, that ye maye knowe how that I am ye LORDE.

1 Kings 22:14

14 Micheas sayde: As truly as the LORDE liueth, loke what the LORDE sayeth vnto me, yt wyl I speake.

2 Kings 18:22

22 But yf ye wolde saye vnto me: We put oure trust in ye LORDE oure God. Is not that he, whose hye places and altares Ezechias hath take downe, and sayde vnto Iuda and Ierusale: Before this altare which is at Ierusale, shal ye worshippe?

1 Chronicles 15:26

26 And whan God had helped the Leuites yt bare the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt, there were offred seuen bullockes & seuen rames,

1 Chronicles 17:17

17 And this (O God) hast thou thoughte yet to litle, but hast spoken of thy seruauntes house yet longe for to come. And thou LORDE God hast loked downe vpon me from aboue, euen as one man loketh vpon another.

2 Chronicles 13:12

12 Beholde, God is the captayne of oure hoost, and with vs are his prestes, and the blowynge trompettes, to trompe agaynst you. Ye children of Israel, fight not agaynst the LORDE God of yor fathers: for ye shal not prospere.

2 Chronicles 18:13

13 But Micheas sayde: As truly as the LORDE lyueth, loke what my God sayeth vnto me, yt wyl I speake.

2 Chronicles 29:21

21 and they broughte seuen bullockes, seuen rammes, seuen lambes, and seuen he goates to be the synofferynge, for the Sanctuary, & for Iuda. And he spake vnto the prestes the children of Aaron, that they shulde offre vpon the altare of the LORDE.

Ezra 9:2

2 For they haue taken the doughters of the same, & their sonnes, and haue myxte the holy sede with ye nacions in the londes: and the hande of the rulers and lordes of councell hath bene principall in this trespace.

Nehemiah 13:2

2 because they mett not the children of Israel wt bred and water, and hyred Balaam against the, that he shulde curse them: neuertheles oure God turned ye curse in to a blessynge.

Esther 3:8

8 And Ama sayde vnto kinge Ahasuerus: There is a people scatered abrode and dispersed amonge all people in all the londes of thine empire, and their lawe is cotrary vnto all people, and they do not after the kynges lawes, nether is it the kinges profit to suffre the after this maner.

Job 23:13

13 It is he himself alone, who will turne him back? He doth as him listeth, and bryngeth to passe what he wil.

Job 27:1

1 Iob also proceaded and wete forth in his communicacion, sayege:

Job 29:1

1 So Iob proceaded and wete forth in his communicacion, sayenge:

Job 39:9-11

9 Wyll the vnicorne be so tame as to do ye seruyce, or to abyde still by thy cribbe? 10 Cast thou bynde ye yock aboute him in thy forowes, to make him plowe after the in ye valleis? 11 Mayest thou trust hi (because he is stroge) or comitte thy labor vnto hi?

Job 42:8

8 Therfore take vij. oxen and seuen rammes, and go to my seruaunt Iob, offre vp also for youre selues a brentofferynge, and lat my seruaunt Iob praye for you. Him will I accepte, and not deale with you after youre foolishnesse: in that ye haue not spoke ye thinge which is right, like as my seruaunt Iob hath done.

Psalms 2:1-3

1 Why do the Heithe grudge? why do the people ymagyn vayne thinges? 2 The kynges of the earth stode vp, and the rulers are come together, agaynst the LORDE ad agaynst his anoynted. 3 Let vs breake their bondes a sunder, and cast awaye their yocke from vs.

Psalms 17:12

12 Like as a lyon that is gredy of his pray, & as it were a lyons whelpe lurckynge in his denne.

Psalms 22:21

21 Saue me from the lyons mouth, and heare me fro amonge the hornes off the vnicornes.

Psalms 23:4

4 Though I shulde walke now in the valley of the shadowe of death, yet I feare no euell, for thou art with me: thy staffe & thy shepehoke coforte me.

Psalms 31:19

19 Let me not be confounded (o LORDE) for I call vpon the: let the vngodly rather be put to confucion, and brought vnto the hell.

Psalms 32:2

2 Blessed is the man, vnto whom the LORDE imputeth no synne, in whose sprete there is no gyle.

Psalms 32:5

5 Therfore I confessed my synne vnto the, and hyd not myne vnrightuousnesse.

Psalms 37:37

37 but when I wente by, lo, he was gone: I sought him, but he coude no where be founde.

Psalms 44:1-3

1 We haue herde with or eares (o God) or fathers haue tolde vs, what thou hast done in their tyme, of olde. 2 How thou hast dryue out the Heithen wt thy honde, & plated the in: how thou hast destroyed the nacions & cast the out. 3 For they gat not the londe in possession thorow their owne swerde, nether was it their owne arme that helped them.

Psalms 46:7

7 The LORDE of hoostes is wt vs, the God of Iacob is oure defence.

Psalms 46:11

11 The LORDE of hoostes is wt vs, the God of Iacob is oure defence. Sela.

Psalms 47:5-7

5 Sela. God is gone vp wt a mery noyse, & the LORDE wt the sownde of the tropet. 6 O synge prayses, synge prayses vnto God: O synge prayses, synge prayses vnto oure kynge. 7 For God is kynge of all the earth, O synge prayses vnto him with vnderstondinge.

Psalms 50:8-9

8 I reproue the not because of thy sacrifice, yi burntofferinges are allwaye before me. 9 I wil take no bullockes out of thy house, ner gotes out of thy foldes.

Psalms 64:9

9 And all men that se it, shal saye: this hath God done for they shal perceaue, yt it is his worke.

Psalms 68:35

35 God is wonderfull in his Sanctuary, he is the God of Israel, he will geue strength and power vnto his people. Blessed be God.

Psalms 78:2

2 I wil open my mouth in parables, and speake of thinges of olde.

Psalms 89:15-18

15 Rightuousnes and equite is the habitacion of thy seate, mercy and trueth go before thy face. 16 Blessed is the people (o LORDE) that can reioyse in the, and walketh in the light of thy countenaunce. 17 Their delite is in thy name all the daye longe, and thorow thy rightuousnesse they shalbe exalted. 18 For thou art the glory of their strength, & thorow thy fauoure shalt thou lift vp oure hornes.

Psalms 89:35

35 My couenaunt wil I not breake, ner disanulle the thinge yt is gone out of my lippes.

Psalms 92:10

10 But my horne shalbe exalted like the horne of an Vnicorne, & shal be anoynted with fresh oyle.

Psalms 97:1

1 The LORDE is kynge, the earth maye be glad therof: yee the multitude of the Iles maie be glad therof.

Psalms 103:12

12 Loke how wyde the east is from the west, so farre hath he set oure synnes from vs.

Psalms 106:28

28 They ioyned them selues vnto Baal Peor, and ate the offeringes of the deed.

Psalms 109:17-20

17 He clothed him self with cursynge like as with a rayment: yee it wente in to his bowels like water, and like oyle in to his bones.

Psalms 109:17

17 He clothed him self with cursynge like as with a rayment: yee it wente in to his bowels like water, and like oyle in to his bones. 18 Let it be vnto him as the cloke that he hath vpon him, and as the gyrdle that he is gyrded withall. 19 Let it thus happen from the LORDE vnto myne enemies, and to those that speake euell agaynst my soule. 20 But deale thou with me (o LORDE God) acordinge vnto thy name, for swete is thy mercy.

Psalms 116:15

15 O LORDE, I am thy seruaunt, I am thy seruaunt,

Psalms 118:15

15 The voyce of ioye & myrth is in the dwellynges of ye rightuous, for ye right hande of the LORDE hath gotte the victory.

Psalms 126:2-3

2 The shal oure mouth be fylled with laughter, and oure tonge with ioye. 3 Then shal it be sayed amonge the Heithen: the LORDE hath done greate thinges for them.

Psalms 136:13-20

13 Which deuyded the reed see in to partes, for his mercy endureth for euer. 14 And made Israel to go thorow ye myddest of it, for his mercy endureth for euer 15 But as for Pharao and his hoost, he ouerthrewe them in the reed see, for his mercy endureth for euer. 16 Which led his people thorow the wyldernesse, for his mercy endureth for euer. 17 Which smote greate kynges, for his mercy endureth for euer. 18 Yee and slewe mightie kynges, for his mercy endureth for euer. 19 Sihon kynge of the Amorites, for his mercy endureth for euer. 20 And Og the kynge of Basan, for his mercy endureth for euer.

Proverbs 14:32

32 The vngodly is afrayed of euery parell, but the rightuous hath a good hope eue in death.

Proverbs 15:8

8 The LORDE abhorreth ye sacrifice of the vngodly, but the prayer of the rightuous is acceptable vnto him.

Proverbs 16:1

1 A man maye well purpose a thinge in his harte, but ye answere of ye tonge cometh of ye LORDE.

Proverbs 16:9

9 A ma deuyseth a waye in his herte, but it is ye LORDE yt ordreth his goinges.

Proverbs 19:21

21 There are many deuices in a mas herte, neuertheles the coucell of ye LORDE shal stode.

Proverbs 21:30

30 There is no wy?dome, there is no vnderstondinge, there is no councell agaynst the LORDE.

Proverbs 26:2

2 Like as ye byrde and the swalowe take their flight and fle here and there, so the curse that is geuen in vayne, shal not light vpon a man.

Proverbs 26:25

25 but wha he speaketh fayre, beleue him not, for there are seuen abhominacios in his herte.

Proverbs 30:30

30 A Lyon which is kynge of beastes, & geueth place to no man:

Isaiah 1:10-11

10 Heare the worde of the LORDE ye tyrauntes of Sodoma: and herken vnto the lawe of oure God, thou people of Gomorra. 11 Why offre ye so many sacrifices vnto me? I am discontent for the brentoffringes of wethers, and with ye fatnesse offedbeastes. I haue no pleasure in the bloude of bullockes, lambes and gootes.

Isaiah 1:11-11

11 Why offre ye so many sacrifices vnto me? I am discontent for the brentoffringes of wethers, and with ye fatnesse offedbeastes. I haue no pleasure in the bloude of bullockes, lambes and gootes. 12 When ye apeare before me, who requyreth you to treade within my porches? 13 Offre me no mo oblacions, for it is but lost laboure. I abhorre youre incense. I maye not awaye with youre newmoones, youre Sabbathes and solempne dayes. Youre fastinges are also in vayne. 14 I hate youre new holy dayes and fastinges, euen fro my very harte. They make me weery, I can not abyde them. 15 Though ye holde out yor hondes, yet turne I myne eyes from you. And though ye make many prayers, yet heare I nothinge at all, for youre hondes are full of bloude.

Isaiah 1:18

18 Now go to (saieth the LORDE) we wil talke together. Is it not so? Though youre synnes be as read as scarlet, shal they not be whyter then snowe? And though they were like purple, shall they not be like whyte woll?

Isaiah 8:10

10 take youre councel together, yet must youre councel come to nought: go in honde withal, yet shal it not prospere. Excepte Emanuel: (that is God) be with

Isaiah 12:6

6 Crie out, and be glad, thou that dwellest in Sion, for greate is thy prince: the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 14:27

27 For yf the LORDE of hoostes determe a thinge, who wyl dysanulle it? And yf he stretch forth his honde, who wil holde it in agayne?

Isaiah 31:4

4 For thus hath the LORDE spoke vnto me: Like as the Lyon or lyos whelpe roareth vpon the pray that he hath gotten, and is not afrayde, though ye multitude of shepardes crie out vpon him, nether abashed for all the heape of them: So shal the LORDE of hoostes come downe from the mount Sion, and defende his hill.

Isaiah 33:22

22 For the LORDE shalbe oure capteyne, the LORDE shalbe oure lawe geuer, The LORDE shalbe oure kinge, & he himself shalbe oure Sauioure.

Isaiah 38:17

17 Neuertheles my couersacion hath so pleased ye, that thou woldest not make an ende of my life, so that thou hast cast all my synnes behynde thy backe.

Isaiah 41:4

4 Who hath made, created, and called the generacions from the begynnynge? Euen I the LORDE, which am the first, and with the last.

Isaiah 41:10

10 be not afrayde, for I wil be with ye. Lake not behinde ye, for I wil be thy God, to stregth ye, helpe ye, & to kepe ye with this right hode of myne.

Isaiah 43:13

13 And euen he am I from the begynnynge, and there is none, that can take eny thinge out of my honde. And what I do, can no man chaunge.

Isaiah 44:25

25 I destroye the tokens of witches, and make the Sothsayers go wronge. As for the wise, I turne them bacward, and make their conninge folishnesse.

Isaiah 46:6

6 Ye fooles (no doute) wil take out syluer and golde out of youre purses, and weye it, and hyre a goldsmyth to make a god of it, that men maye knele downe and worshipe it.

Isaiah 46:10-11

10 In the begynnynge of a thinge, I shewe the ende therof: and I tel before, thinges that are not yet come to passe. With one worde is my deuyce accomplished, & fulfilleth all my pleasure. 11 I call a byrde out of the east, and all that I take in honde, out of farre countrees. As soone as I commaunde, I bringe it hither: as soone as I thinke to deuyse a thinge, I do it.

Isaiah 47:12-13

12 Now go to thy coniurers, and to the multitude of thy witches, (whom thou hast bene acquanted withal from thi youth) yf they maye helpe the, or strengthe the. 13 Thou hast hither to had many councels of them, so let the heauengasers & the beholders of starres, come on now and delyuer the: yee and let the shewe, when these new thinges shall come vpon the.

Isaiah 51:16

16 I shal put my worde also in thy mouth, and defende the with the turnynge of my honde: that thou mayest plante the heauens, and laye the foundacions of the earth, and saye vnto Sion: thou art my people.

Isaiah 57:1-2

1 Bvt in the meane season ye righteous perisheth, & no ma regardeth it in his hert. Good godly people are taken awaye. & no ma cosidreth it. Namely: that the righteous is conuayed awaye thorow ye wicked: 2 that he himself might be in rest, lie quietly vpon his bed, & lyue after his owne pleasure.

Isaiah 58:3-4

3 Wherfore fast we (saye they) and thou seist it not? we put oure liues to straitnesse, and thou regardest it not? 4 Beholde, when ye fast, youre lust remayneth still: for ye do no lesse violence to youre detters: lo, ye fast to strife and debate, and to smyte him with youre fist, that speaketh vnto you. Ye fast not (as somtyme) that youre voyce might be herde aboue.

Isaiah 59:21

21 I will make this conuenaunt with them (sayeth ye LORDE): My sprete that is come vpon the, & the wordes which I haue put in yi mouth, shal neuer go out of thy mouth, nor out of ye mouth of thy childre, no ner out of ye mouth of thy childers childre, from this tyme forth for euer more.

Isaiah 63:9-12

9 In their troubles he forsoke the not, but the angel that went forth from his presence, delyuered them: Of very loue & kindnesse that he had vnto them, redemed he them. He hath borne them, and caried them vp euer, sence the worlde begane. 10 But after they prouoked him to wrath and vexed his holy minde, he was their enemie, and fought agaynst them him self. 11 Yet remebred he the olde tyme, of Moses & his people: How he brought them from the water of the see, as a shepherde doth with his shepe: how he had geuen his holy sprete amonge them: 12 how he had led Moses by the right honde with his glorious arme: how he had deuyded the water before them (wherby he gat him self an euerlastinge name)

Jeremiah 1:9

9 And with that, the LORDE stretched out his honde, and touched my mouth, and sayde morouer vnto me: Beholde I put my wordes in thy mouth,

Jeremiah 37:17

17 Then Sedechias the kynge sent for him, & called him, & axed him quietly in his owne house, sayenge: thinkest thou this busynes (that now is in honde) cometh of the LORDE? Ieremy answerde: yee yt it doth: & thou (sayde he) shalt be delyuered in to the kynge of Babilons power.

Jeremiah 46:28

28 Feare thou not (o Iacob my seruaunt) saieth the LORDE, for I am with the: and will destroye all nacions, amonge whom I haue scatred the. Neuertheles I will not consume the, but chasten the and correcke the: yee and that with discrecion: nether wil I spare the, as one that were fautlesse.

Jeremiah 50:20

20 In those dayes and at the same tyme (saieth the LORDE) yf the offence of Israel be sought for, there shal none be founde: Yf men enquere for the synne of Iuda, there shal be none: for I wil be mercifull vnto them, whom I suffre to remayne ouer.

Ezekiel 17:2

2 Thou sonne of man: put forth a darcke speakynge and a parable, vnto the house of Israel,

Ezekiel 20:49

49 Then sayde I: O LORDE, they wil saye of me: Tush, they are but fables, that he telleth.

Ezekiel 33:31

31 These come vnto the, after ye maner of a greate people: yee my people syt downe before the, and heare thy wordes, but they do not therafter: For in their mouthes they shewe themselues, as though they were feruent, but their herte goeth after their owne couetous lucre.

Ezekiel 45:23

23 And in the feast of the seuen dayes he shal offre euery daye a bullocke & a ram, that are with out blemysh, for a burntoffrynge vnto the LORDE: & an he gaote daylie for a synoffrynge.

Ezekiel 48:35

35 Thus shal it haue xviij M measures roude aboute. And from that tyme forth, ye name of the cite shalbe: the LORDE is there.

Daniel 2:44

44 In the dayes off these kynges, shall the God of heauen set vp an euerlastinge kyngdome which shall not perish, and his kyngdome shall not be geuen ouer to another people: Yee the same shall breake and destroye all these kyngdomes, but it shall endure for euer.

Daniel 9:15

15 And now, o LORDE oure God, thou that with a mightie honde hast brought thy people out of Egipte, to get thy self a name, which remayneth this daye: we haue synned

Hosea 11:9

9 therfore haue I not turned me to destroye Ephraim in my wrothful displeasure. For I am God and no man, I am euen that holy one in the myddest of the, though I came not within the cite.

Hosea 12:11

11 But at Galaad is the abhominacion, they are fallen to vanyte. At Galgal they haue slayne oxen: and as many heapes of stones as they had in their lode forowes, so many aulters haue they made.

Hosea 14:2-4

2 Take these wordes with you, when ye turne to the LORDE, & saye vnto him: O forgeue vs all oure synnes, receaue vs graciously, & then wil we offre ye bullockes of oure lyppes vnto the. 3 Assur shalbe no more oure helper, nether will we ryde vpon horses eny more. As for the workes of oure hondes, we wil nomore call vpon them: For it is thou that art oure God, thou shewest euer mercy vnto the fatherlesse. 4 O (yf they wolde do this) I shulde heale their sores: yee with all my herte wolde I loue them: so yt my wrath shulde clene be turned awaye from them.

Amos 3:8

8 When a lyon roareth, who will not be afrayed? Seynge then that the LORDE God himself speaketh, who will not prophecy?

Amos 9:9

9 For lo, this I promyse: though I siffte ye house of Israel amonge all nacions (like as they vse to sifte in a syue) yet shall not ye smallest grauel stone fall vpo the earth:

Micah 2:4

4 In that daye shall this terme be vsed, and a mournynge shal be made ouer you on this maner: We be vtterly desolate, the porcion off my people is translated. Whan wil he parte vnto vs the londe, that he hath taken from vs?

Micah 5:8-9

8 Yee the residue of Iacob shalbe amonge the Gentiles and the multitude off people, as the lyon amonge the beestes of ye wodde, and as the lyons whelpe amonge a flocke of shepe: which (when he goeth thorow) treadeth downe, teareth in peces, and there is no man that can helpe. 9 Thyne honde shalbe lift vp vpon thine enemies, and all thine aduersaries shal perish.

Micah 6:4-5

4 Because I brought the fro the londe of Egipte, and delyuered the out of the house of bondage? Because I made Moses, Aaron and Miriam to lede the? 5 Remembre (o my people) what Balach the kynge of Moab had ymagined agaynst the, ad what answere that Balaam the sonne of Beor gaue him, from Sethim vnto Galgal: yt ye maye knowe the louynge kyndnesses of ye LORDE.

Micah 6:5-5

5 Remembre (o my people) what Balach the kynge of Moab had ymagined agaynst the, ad what answere that Balaam the sonne of Beor gaue him, from Sethim vnto Galgal: yt ye maye knowe the louynge kyndnesses of ye LORDE.

Micah 7:15

15 Maruelous thinges will I shewe them, like as when they came out of Egipte.

Micah 7:18-20

18 Where is there soch a God as thou? that pardonest wickednes, and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thine heretage? He kepeth not his wrath for euer. And why? his delyte is to haue compassion: 19 he shal turne agayne, & be mercyfull to vs: he shal put downe oure wickednesses, & cast all oure synnes in to the botome of the see. 20 Thou shalt kepe thy trust with Iacob, and thy mercy for Abraham, like as thou hast sworne vnto oure fathers longe agoo.

Micah 7:20-20

20 Thou shalt kepe thy trust with Iacob, and thy mercy for Abraham, like as thou hast sworne vnto oure fathers longe agoo.

Nahum 2:11

11 Where is now the dwellinge of the lyos, and the pasture of the lyons whelpes? where the lyon and the lyonesse wente with the whelpes, and no man frayed them awaye?

Habakkuk 2:3

3 for ye visio is yet farre of for a tyme, but at ye last it shal come to passe, & not fayle. And though he tary, yet wait thou for him, for in very dede he wil come, and not be slacke.

Habakkuk 2:6

6 But shall not all these take vp a prouerbe agaynst him, and mocke him with a byworde, and saye: Wo vnto him that heapeth vp other mens goodes? How longe wil he lade himself with thicke claye?

Zechariah 10:4-5

4 Out of Iuda shal come the helmet, the nale, the batelbowe, and all the princes together. 5 They shalbe as the giauntes, which in the batell treade downe the myre vpon ye stretes. They shal fight, for ye LORDE shalbe with them, so that the horsmen shalbe confounded.

Zechariah 12:6

6 In that tyme will I make the prynces of Iuda like an hote burnynge ouen with wodd, and like a cresshet off fyre amonge the strawe: so that they shal cosume all the people roude aboute them, both vpon the right honde and the left. Ierusale also shalbe inhabited agayne: namely, in the same place where Ierusalem stondeth.

Malachi 3:6

6 For I am the LORDE yt chaunge not, & ye (o children of Iacob) wil not leaue of:

Matthew 1:23

23 Beholde, a mayde shall be with chylde, and shall brynge forth a sonne, and they shall call his name Emanuel, which is by interpretacion, God wt vs.

Matthew 12:25

25 Neuertheles Iesus knew their thoughtes, and sayde vnto them: Euery kyngdome deuyded within it self, shalbe desolate: and euery cite or house deuyded in it self, maye not contynue.

Matthew 12:27

27 But yf I cast out deuils thorow Beelzebub, thorow whom do youre childre cast them out? Therfore shal they be youre iudges.

Matthew 13:33

33 Another parable spake he vnto the: The kyngdome of heaue is like vnto leue, which a woman toke, and myxte it amonge thre peckes of meele, tyll all was leuended.

Matthew 13:35

35 yt the thinge might be fulfilled, which was spoke by ye prophet, sayenge: I wil open my mouth in parables, and wil speake out the secretes from the begynnynge of the worlde.

Matthew 16:18

18 And I saie to ye: Thou art Peter, & vpo this rocke wil I builde my cogregacion: and ye gates of hell shal not preuayle agaynst it.

Matthew 20:12

12 and sayde: These last haue wrought but one houre, and thou hast made the equall vnto us, which haue borne the burthen and heate of the daye.

Matthew 23:13

13 Wo vnto you Scrybes and Pharises, ye ypocrytes, that shut vp the kyngdome of heauen before men: Ye come not in youre selues, nether suffre ye them to enter, that wolde be in.

Mark 12:12

12 And they wente aboute to take him (but they feared the people) for they perceaued, that he had spoke this parable agaynst the. And they left him, and wente their waye.

Luke 2:29-30

29 LORDE, now lettest thou thy seruaut departe in peace, acordinge to thy promesse. 30 For myne eyes haue sene thy Sauioure,

Luke 10:18-19

18 But he sayde vnto them: I sawe Sathan fall downe from heauen as a lightenynge. 19 Beholde, I haue geuen you power to treade vpon serpetes and scorpions, and ouer all power of the enemye, and nothinge shall hurte you.

Luke 12:12

12 for the holy goost shal teach you in the same houre, what ye ought to saye.

Luke 18:12

12 I fast twyse in the weke, I geue the tithes of all that I haue.

Luke 19:37-38

37 And whan he wete downe fro mount Oliuete, ye whole multitude of his disciples begane ioyfully to prayse God with loude voyce, ouer all the miracles that they had sene, 38 and sayde: Blessed be he, that cometh a kynge in the name of the LORDE. Peace be in heauen, and prayse in the height.

Luke 21:33

33 Heauen and earth shal passe, but my wordes shal not passe.

John 10:27-29

27 My shepe heare my voyce, & I knowe the, & they folowe me. 28 And I geue the euerlastinge life, & they shal neuer perishe, and noma shal plucke the out of my hande. 29 My father which gaue the me, is greater the all: & noman is able to plucke them out of my fathers hande.

John 11:47

47 Then the hye prestes, and the pharises gathered a councell, and sayde: What do we? This man doth many tokens.

John 11:51

51 This spake he not of himself, but for so moch as he was hye prest of the same yeare, he prophecied. For Iesus was for to dye for the people,

John 16:2

2 They shal excomunicate you. The tyme commeth, that who soeuer putteth you to death, shal thynke that he doth seruyce vnto God.

Acts 4:16

16 & saide: What shal we do to these me? for a manyfest token is done by them, and is openly knowne vnto the that dwell at Ierusalem, and we can not denye it.

Acts 4:19-20

19 But Peter & Ihon answered, and sayde vnto the: Iudge ye youre selues, whether it be right before God, that we shulde be more obedient vnto you, then vnto God. 20 We can not chose, but speake that we haue sene & herde.

Acts 5:12

12 Many tokens and wonders were done amonge the people by the hades of the Apostles (and they were all together with one acorde in Salomons porche:

Acts 5:14

14 The multitude of the men and women that beleued in the LORDE, grewe more and more)

Acts 5:29

29 But Peter and the Apostles answered, and sayde: We ought more to obeye God then men.

Acts 10:38

38 how God anoynted the same Iesus of Nazareth with the holy goost and wt power, which wente aboute, & dyd good, and healed all those that were oppressed of the deuell, for God was with him.

Acts 15:12

12 Then all ye multitude helde their peace, and gaue audience vnto Paul and Barnabas, which tolde how greate tokens and wonders God had done by the amoge the Heythen.

Romans 3:27

27 Where is now then thy reioysinge? It is excluded. By what lawe? By the lawe of workes? Nay, but by the lawe of faith.

Romans 4:7-8

7 Blessed are they, whose vnrighteousnesses are forgeuen, and whose synnes are couered. 8 Blessed is the man, vnto whom the LORDE imputeth no synne.

Romans 6:14

14 For synne shal not haue power ouer you, in so moch as ye are not vnder the lawe, but vnder grace.

Romans 8:1

1 Then is there now no damnacion vnto the that are in Christ Iesu, which walke not after the flesh, but after ye sprete.

Romans 8:38-39

38 For sure I am, that nether death ner life, nether angell, ner rule, nether power, nether thinges present, nether thinges to come, 39 nether heyth, ner loweth, nether eny other creature shalbe able to separate vs from the loue of God, which is in Christ Iesu oure LORDE.

Romans 11:29

29 For verely the giftes & callynge of God are soch, that it can not repente him of them.

Romans 15:8-10

8 But I saye that Christ Iesus was a mynister of the circumcision for the trueth of God, to cofirme the promyses made vnto the fathers, 9 and that the Heythen mighte prayse God because of mercy, as it is wrytten: For this cause wyl I prayse the amoge the Getyles, and synge vnto thy name. 10 And agayne he sayeth: Reioyse ye Heythen with his people.

Romans 16:18

18 For they yt are soch, serue not the LORDE Iesu Christ, but their awne belly: & thorow swete preachinges & flateringe wordes, they disceaue ye hertes of ye innocentes.

Romans 16:20

20 The God of peace treade Sathan vnder yor fete shortly. The grace of or LORDE Iesu Christ be with you

1 Corinthians 3:21-22

21 Therfore let no man reioyse in men. For all is youres, 22 whether it be Paul or Apollo, whether it be Cephas or the worlde, whether it be life or death, whether it be presente or for to come. All is youres,

1 Corinthians 15:53-57

53 For this corruptible must put on vncorrupcion, and this mortall must put on immortalite. 54 But whan this corruptible shal put on vncorrupcion, and this mortall shal put on immortalite, the shal the worde be fulfylled that is wrytte: 55 Death is swalowed vp in victory. Death, where is thy stynge? Hell, where is yi victory? 56 The stynge of death is synne: The strength of synne is the lawe. 57 But thankes be vnto God, which hath geue vs the victory thorow oure LORDE Iesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 2:14

14 Yet thankes be vnto God, which all waye geueth vs the victory in Christ, and openeth ye fauoure of his knowlege by vs in euery place.

2 Corinthians 5:1

1 We knowe surely, yt yf oure earthy house of this dwellynge were destroyed, we haue a buyldynge ordeyned of God, an house not made with handes, but euerlastynge in heauen.

2 Corinthians 5:19

19 For God was in Christ, and reconcyled the worlde vnto himselfe, and counted not ther synnes vnto them, and amonge vs hath he set vp the worde of ye attonemet.

2 Corinthians 6:16

16 How acordeth ye teple of God with ymages? Ye are the temple of the lyuynge God, as sayeth God: I wyl dwell in them, and walke in them, and wyl be their God, & they shalbe my people. 17 Wherfore come out from amoge them, and separate youre selues (sayeth the LORDE) and touche no vncleane thinge, so wyl I receaue you,

Galatians 1:23-24

23 Neuertheles they had herde onely, that: He that persecuted vs in tyme passed, preacheth now ye faith which some tyme he destroyed: 24 and they praysed God in me.

Ephesians 2:9

9 not of workes, lest eny ma shulde boast him selfe.

Ephesians 2:12-14

12 that ye at the same tyme were without Christ, and reputed aleauntes from the comen welth of Israel, and were straungers from the Testamentes of promes, therfore had ye no hope, and were without God in this worlde. 13 But now ye that be in Christ Iesu, and afore tyme were farre of, are now made nye by the bloude of Christ. 14 For he is or peace, which of both hath made one, and hath broken downe the wall, that was a stoppe betwene vs,

Philippians 1:21-23

21 For Christ is to me life, & death is to me auautage. 22 But in as moch as to lyue in ye flesh is frutefull to me for the worke, I wote not what 23 I shal chose, for both these thinges lye harde vpon me. I desyre to be lowsed, & to be with Christ, which thinge were moch better (for me)

1 Thessalonians 1:8-9

8 For fro you was the worde of the LORDE noysed out, not onely in Macedonia & Achaia, but i all quarters also is yor faith i God spred abrode so that it nedeth not vs to speake eny thinge at all. 9 For they them selues shewe of you, what maner of entrynge in we had vnto you, and how ye are turned vnto God from ymages, for to serue the lyuynge and true God,

2 Timothy 4:6-8

6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the tyme of my departinge is at honde. 7 I haue foughte a good fighte: I haue fulfylled the course: I haue kepte the faith. 8 From hence forth there is layed vp for me a crowne of righteousnes, which the LORDE the righteous iudge shal geue me in yt daye: Howbeit not vnto me onely, but vnto all them that loue his comynge.

Titus 1:2

2 vpon the hope of eternall life: which God that can not lye hath promysed before the tymes of the worlde:

Titus 1:16

16 They saye that they knowe God, but with the dedes they denye him: for so moch as they are abhominable and dishobedient, and vnmete to all good workes.

Titus 2:14

14 which gaue him selfe for vs, to redeme vs fro all vnrighteousnes, and to pourge vs to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe, to be feruently geuen vnto good workes.

Hebrews 6:18

18 yt by two immutable thinges (in the which it is vnpossible yt God shulde lye) we mighte haue a stronge consolacion: euen we, which are fled to holde fast the hope that is set before vs,

James 1:17

17 Euery good gifte, & euery parfait gift, is from aboue, and cometh downe from ye father of light, with whom is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.

James 3:9-10

9 Therwith blesse we God the father, and therwith cursse we men which are made after the similitude of God. 10 Out of one mouth proceadeth blessynge and cursynge. My brethre these thinges ought not so to be.

1 Peter 1:5

5 that are kepte by the power of God thorow faith to saluacion, which is prepared all ready to be shewed in the last tyme:

1 Peter 2:9

9 But ye are that chosen generacion, that kyngly presthode, that holy nacion, that peculier people, yt ye shulde shewe the vertues of him, which hath called you out of darknesse in to his maruelous lighte:

2 Peter 1:13-15

13 Notwithstondinge I thinke it mete, as loge as I am in this tabernacle, to stere you vp by puttinge you in remembraunce. 14 For I am sure, that I must shortly put of my tabernacle, euen as oure LORDE Iesus Christ hath shewed vnto me. 15 Yet wyl I do my diligece, that allwaye after my departynge ye maye haue wherwith to kepe these thinges in remembraunce.

Jude 1:11

11 Wo be vnto the, for they haue folowed the waye of Cain, and are vtterly geue to the erroure of Balaam for lukers sake, and perysshe in the treason of Core.

Revelation 5:5

5 And one of the elders sayde vnto me: wepe not: Beholde, the lyon which is off the trybe of Iuda, ye rote of Dauid, hath obtayned to ope the boke, and to lowse the seue seales therof.

Revelation 12:9

9 And the greate dragon that olde serpent (called the deuell and Sathanas) was cast out. Which disceaued all the worlde. And he was cast in to the earth, and his angelles were cast out with him also.

Revelation 14:13

13 And I herde a voyce from heauen, sayenge vnto me: wryte: Blessed are ye deed, which here after dye in the LORDE. Yee the sprete sayeth, that they rest from their laboures, for their workes folowe them.

Revelation 19:11-21

11 And I sawe heaue open, & beholde, a whyte horsse and he yt sat vpon him, was called faithfull and true, & in rightewesnes dyd iudge and make battayle. 12 His eyes were as a flame of fyre, and on his heade were many crounes: & he had a name wrytten, that noman knewe but him selfe. 13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipt in bloude, and his name is called, ye worde of God. 14 And ye warriers which were in heauen, folowed him vpon whyte horsses, clothed with whyte and pure sylke 15 and out of his mouthe wente a sharppe swerde, that with it he shulde smyte the Heithen: And he shall rule them with a rodde of yron, and he trode the wynefatte of the fearcenesse and wrath of allmightye God. 16 And hath on his vesture and on his thyghe a name wrytten: Kynge of all kinges, and LORDE of all lordes. 17 And I sawe an angell stonde in the Sonne, and he cryed with a lowde voyce, sayenge to all the fowles that flye by the myddes vnder the heauen: Come and gaddre youre selues togedder vnto the supper of the gret God, 18 that ye maye eate the flesshe of kynges, and of hye captaynes, and the flesshe of mighty men, and the flesshe of horsses, and of the that syt on them, and the flesshe of all free men and bond men, both of small and greate. 19 And I sawe the beeste and the kynges of ye earth, and their warriers gadred togedder, to make battayle agaynste him that sat vpon the horsse, and agaynst his sowdiers. 20 And the beeste was taken, and with him that false prophet that wrought myracles before him, with which he disceaued them that receaued the beestes marke, and them that worsshipped his ymage. These both were cast in to a ponde of fyre burnynge wt brymstone: 21 and the remnaunte were slayne with the swearde of him that sat vpon the horsse, which swearde proceded out of his mouth, and all the foules were filled with their flesshe.

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