Numbers 1:32 Cross References - Coverdale

32 Iosephs children of Ephraim, their kynreds & generacions after their fathers houses in ye nombre of the names, from twetye yeare and aboue,

Genesis 30:24

24 and she called him Ioseph, and sayde: God geue me yet another sonne.

Genesis 37:1-36

1 Iacob dwelt in ye lande, wherin his father was a straunger, namely in the lade of Canaa. 2 And these are ye generacios of Iacob. Ioseph was seuetene yeare olde, wha he became a keper of the catell wt his brethren, & the lad was wt the children of Bilha & Silpa his fathers wyues, and tolde their father of ye euell reporte yt was of the. 3 Israel loued Ioseph more the all his childre because he had begotte him in his olde age, and he made him a cote of many coloures. 4 Now wha his brethre sawe, yt his father loued him more the all his brethre, they had euell wyll at him, & coude not speake a fredly worde vnto hi. 5 Ioseph also had once a dreame, and tolde his brethre therof. The hated they him ye more, 6 for he sayde: Heare I praye you what I dreamed. 7 Me thought we were byndinge sheeues vpo ye felde, & my shefe arose, and stode vp, and youre sheeues rounde aboute made obeysaunce vnto my shefe. 8 Then sayde his brethre vnto him: Shalt thou be or kinge, and haue domynio ouer vs? And they hated him yet ye more, because of his dreame, & his wordes. 9 And he had yet another dreame, which he tolde his brethre, & saide: Beholde, I had yet another dreame: Me thought ye Sonne & ye Moone & eleuen starres made obeisauce to me. 10 And wha this was tolde his father and his brethre, his father reproued him, & sayde vnto him: What maner of dreame is this, yt thou hast dreamed? Shall I & thy mother, & thy brethren come & fall before ye vpon the groude? 11 And his brethre had envie at him. But his father marcked this sayenge. 12 Now wha his brethren were gone forth to kepe their fathers catell in Siche, 13 Israel sayde vnto Ioseph: Do not yi brethren kepe the catell in Sichem? Come, I wil sende the vnto the. He answered: Here am I. 14 And he sayde: Go thy waye, and loke whether it be well wt thy brethren and with ye catell, and brynge me worde agayne how it is. And he sent him out of the valley of Hebron, to go vnto Sichem. 15 Then a certayne man founde him, wandringe out of his waye in the felde, which axed him, and sayde: Whom sekest thou? 16 He answered: I seke my brethren: tell me I pray the where they kepe. 17 The man sayde: They are gone from hence, for I herde them saye: let vs go vnto Dothan. Then folowed Ioseph after his brethren, and founde them at Dothan. 18 Now whan they sawe him a farre of, afore he came at the, they deuysed to sleye him, 19 and sayde one to another: Lo, there cometh the dreamer, 20 come on, and let vs sley him, & cast him in a pytt, and saye: a wicked beast hath deuoured him: the shal it be sene, what his dreames are. 21 When Ruben herde that, he wolde haue delyuered him out of their handes, & sayde: O let vs not sley a soule. 22 Ruben sayde morouer vnto him: Shed no bloude, but cast him in to this pytt yt is in the wyldernes, & laye ye no hades vpon him. (He wolde haue delyuered him out of their hades, yt he might haue brought him agayne vnto his father.) 23 Whan Ioseph now came to his brethre, they stryped him out of his cote, that partye coloured cote which he had vpon him, 24 & toke him and cast him in to a pytt. But the same pytt was emptye, and no water in it, 25 & they sat them downe to eate. In the meane season they lift vp their eyes, and sawe a copany of Ismaelites comynge from Gilead, with their camels, which bare spyces, balme, and myrre, and were goinge downe into Egipte. 26 Then saide Iuda vnto his brethre: what helpeth it vs, that we sleye oure brother, and hyde his bloude? 27 Come, let vs sell him vnto the Ismaelites, that oure handes be not defyled vpon him, for he is oure brother, oure flesh and bloude. And they herkened vnto him. 28 And as the Madianites marchaunt men wente by, they drew Ioseph out of the pytt, and solde him vnto the Ismaelites (for twetye syluer pens) which brought him in to Egipte. 29 Now whan Ruben came agayne vnto the pytt, & founde not Ioseph therin, he rent his clothes, 30 and came agayne to his brethre and sayde: The lad is not yonder, whyther shal I go? 31 Then toke they Iosephs cote & slewe a goate, and dypped the cote in ye bloude, 32 and sent awaye that partie coloured cote, and caused it be brought vnto their father and sayde: This haue we founde, loke, whether it be thy sonnes coate, or no. 33 But he knewe it, and sayde: It is my sonnes coate, a wicked beast hath deuoured him, a rauyshinge beast hath rauyshed Ioseph. 34 And Iacob rete his clothes, and put a sack cloth aboute his loynes, & mourned for his sonne a longe season. 35 And all his sonnes & doughters came vnto him to coforte him. But he wolde not be coforted, & saide: With sorowe wil I go downe in to the graue vnto my sonne. And his father wepte for him. 36 But the Madianites solde him in Egipte vnto Potiphar Pharaos chefe Marshall.

Genesis 39:1-23

1 Ioseph was brought downe in to Egipte, & Potiphar an Egipcia Pharaos chefe marshall bought him of ye Ismaelites, yt brought him downe. 2 And ye LORDE was wt Ioseph, in so moch yt he became a luckye ma, & was in his master ye Egipcians house. 3 And his master sawe yt the LORDE was wt him: for what so euer he dyd, the LORDE made it to prospere in his hade: 4 so yt he founde fauor in his masters sight, & was his seruaunt. He made him ruler of his house, and put all that he had, vnder his hande. 5 And from the tyme forth that he had made him ruler of his house and all his goodes, ye LORDE blessed the Egipcians house for Iosephs sake: and there was nothynge but the very blessynge of the LORDE in all yt he had in ye house & in the felde, 6 therfore left he all yt he had, in Iosephs hande. And medled with nothinge himself, saue onely the bred that he ate. And Ioseph was fayre of bewtye, and well fauoured of face. 7 And it fortuned after these actes, that his masters wife cast hir eyes vpon Ioseph, and sayde: Slepe with me. 8 But he denyed, and saide vnto her: Beholde, my master knoweth not what is in ye house, and all that he hath, that hath he put vnder my hande. 9 And there is no man so greate in the house as I, and he hath kepte nothinge fro me, excepte the: for thou art his wife. How shulde I then do so greate euell, and synne agaynst God? 10 But she spake soch wordes vnto Ioseph daylie. Neuertheles he herkened not vnto her, to slepe by her, or to be in her company. 11 It fortuned vpon a tyme, that Ioseph wente in to the house to do his busynesse, and there was none of ye folkes of the house thereby. 12 And she caught him by his garment, & sayde: Slepe with me. But he left the garment in hir hande, and fled, and gat him out of the house. 13 Now wha she sawe that he had left his garmet in hir hande, and fled out, 14 she called the folkes in the house, and sayde vnto the: Lo, he hath brought vs in the Hebrue, to do vs shame. He came in here vnto me, to slepe by me: but I cried with loude voyce. 15 And whan he herde that I made a noyse & cried, he left his garmet here by me, and fled, and ranne out. 16 And she layed vp his garmet by her, tyll his master came home, 17 and tolde him euen the same wordes, and sayde: The Hebrue seruaunt whom thou broughtest here vnto vs, came in here to me, for to do me shame. 18 But whan I made a noyse and cried, he left his garment here by me, and fled out. 19 Whan his master herde the wordes of his wyfe which she tolde him, and sayde: Thus hath the Hebrue seruaunt done vnto me, he was very wroth. 20 Then his master toke him, and put him in the preson, wherin the kinges presoners laie. And there he laye in preson. 21 But the LORDE was with him, and had mercy vpon him, & caused him to fynde fauor in the sight of the officer of ye preson, 22 so that he committed all the presoners of the preson vnto his hades: that what so euer were done, might be done by him. 23 For the officer of the preson sawe, yt the LORDE was with him in all yt was vnder his handes, and that what so euer he dyd, the LORDE made it to come prosperously to passe.

Genesis 46:20

20 And vnto Ioseph in ye land of Egipte were borne Manasses and Ephraim, whom Asnath the doughter of Potiphar prest of On bare vnto him.

Genesis 48:1-22

1 After this it was tolde Ioseph: Beholde, yi father is sicke. And he toke with him his two sonnes Manasses and Ephraim. 2 Then was it tolde Iacob: beholde, yi sonne Ioseph cometh vnto ye. And Israel toke a corage vnto him, & sat vp vpo ye bed, 3 & sayde vnto Ioseph: The Allmightye God appeared vnto me at Lus in ye lade of Canaan, & blessed me, 4 & saide vnto me: Beholde, I wil cause ye to growe & increase & wyll make a multitude of people of ye, & wil geue this lade vnto yi sede after ye for an euerlastinge possession. 5 Therfore shal now thy two sonnes Manasses & Ephraim (which were borne vnto the in Egipte, before I came hither vnto the) be myne, like as Ruben & Simeon. 6 As for those that thou begettest after the, they shal be thine owne. But these shalbe named with the names of their brethren in their inheritaunce. 7 And wha I came out of Mesopotamia, Rachel dyed by me in the lande of Canaan, by the waye, whan there was yet but a feldes brede vnto Eprath: and I buryed her in the waye towarde Ephrath, which now is called Bethleem. 8 And Israel loked vpon Iosephs sonnes, & sayde: What are these? 9 Ioseph answered: They are my sonnes, which God hath geuen me here. He sayde: Brynge the hither to me, yt I maye blesse the. 10 (For Israels eyes were heuy for age, & he coude not well se.) And he brought the vnto him. So he kyssed them, & enbraced the, 11 & saide vnto Ioseph: Beholde, I haue sene yi face, which I thought not: & lo, God hath caused me to se yi sede also. 12 And Ioseph toke them from his lappe, and they fell downe to the grounde vpon their face. 13 Then Ioseph toke them both, Ephraim in his right hande towarde Israels left hade, and Manasses in his left hande towarde Israels right hade, & brought the vnto him. 14 But Israel stretched out his right hande, & layed it vpo ye heade of Ephraim ye yogest & his left hande vpo Manasses heade, & did so wyttingly wt his handes, for Manasses was ye firstborne. 15 And he blessed Ioseph, & saide: The God before who my fathers Abraha & Isaac haue walked: ye God yt hath fed me my lyfe longe vnto this daye: 16 the angell which hath delyuered me fro all euell, blesse these laddes, yt they maye be called after my name, & after ye name of my fathers Abraha & Isaac, yt they maye growe & multiplye vpon earth. 17 But wha Ioseph sawe yt his father layed ye right hade vpo Ephraims heade, it displeased him, & he lift vp his fathers hande, to remoue it fro Ephraims heade vnto ye heade of Manasses, 18 & sayde vnto him: Not so my father, this is ye firstborne, laye yi right hade vpo his heade. 19 Neuertheles his father wolde not, & saide: I knowe it well my sonne, I knowe it well, this shall be a people also, & shalbe greate: but his yonger brother shal be greater the he, & his sede shal be full of people. 20 So he blessed them the same daye & saide: In ye shal Israel blesse, so yt it shal be sayde: God set the as Ephraim & Manasses. And so he set Ephraim aboue Manasses. 21 And Israel saide vnto Ioseph: Beholde, I dye, & God shall be wt you, & brynge you agayne in to ye lande of youre fathers. 22 I haue geuen the a pece of londe, without ye brethren, which I gat with my swerde and my bowe out of the hande of the Amorites.

Genesis 49:22-26

22 The fruteful sonne Ioseph, that florishinge sonne to loke vpon, the doughters go vpo the wall. 23 And though the shoters angered him, stroue with him, and hated him, 24 yet his bowe bode fast, and the armes of his hades were made stroge by the handes of ye Mightie in Iacob. Of him are come herdmen & stones in Israel. 25 Of yi fathers God art thou helped, & of the Allmightie art thou blessed, wt blessynges of heauen from aboue, with blessinges of ye depe yt lyeth vnder, with blessynges of brestes & wombes. 26 The blessinges promised vnto thy father and my fore elders go mightely, after the desyre of the hyest in the worlde: these shal light on Iosephs heade, and on the toppe of his heade, that was separate from his brethren.

Numbers 2:18-19

18 On the West syde shall lye ye pauylions & baner of Ephraim wt their hoost: their captayne shalbe Elisama sonne of Amihud, 19 and his armye in the summe, fourtye thousande and fyue hundreth.

Numbers 26:35-37

35 The childre of Ephraim in their kynreds were, Suthelah: of whom cometh ye kynred of the Suthelahites. Becher: of whom cometh ye kynred of the Becherites. Thahan: of whom cometh the kynred of the Thahanites. 36 The childre of Suthelah were, Eran: of whom cometh ye kynred of ye Eranites. 37 These are ye kynreds of the childre of Ephraim, in their nombre, two and thirtie thousande and fyue hundreth. These are the childre of Ioseph in their kynreds.

Deuteronomy 33:17

17 His bewtye is as a firstborne oxe, and his hornes are as ye hornes of an Vnicorne: with the same shal he pusshe the nacions together, euen vnto the endes of the worlde. These are the thousandes of Ephraim, and the thousandes of Manasse.

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