Nehemiah 9:15 Cross References - Coverdale

15 and gauest them bred from heauen whan they were hongrye, and broughte forth water for them out of the rock whan they were thyrstye: and promysed them, that they shulde go in, and take possession of the londe, where ouer thou haddest lyfte vp thine hande for to geue them.

Genesis 14:22

22 But Abram sayde vnto the kinge of Sodome: I lift vp my honde vnto the LORDE the most hye God, possessor of heauen and earth,

Exodus 16:4

4 The sayde ye LORDE vnto Moses: beholde I wyl rayne you bred from heauen, and let the people go out, and gather daylie, what they nede, that I maye proue whether they walke in my lawe or not.

Exodus 16:14-15

14 And whan the dew was falle, beholde, there laye a thinge in the wildernes, thynne and small, as the horefrost vpon the grounde. 15 And whan the children of Israel sawe it, they saide one to another: This is Ma. For they wyst not what it was. But Moses sayde vnto them: It is the bred that ye LORDE hath geue you to eate.

Exodus 17:6

6 Beholde, I wyl stonde there before the vpon a rock in Horeb, there shalt thou smyte the rocke, so shall there water runne out, that the people maye drynke. Moses dyd so before the elders of Israel.

Numbers 14:30

30 shall not come in to the lande (cocernynge the which I lift vp my hade, yt I wolde let you dwell therin) saue Caleb ye sonne of Iephune, and Iosua the sonne of Nun.

Numbers 20:7-13

7 And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, and sayde: 8 Take the staffe, & gather the cogregacion together, thou & thy brother Aaron, & speake vnto the rocke before their eyes, & it shall geue his water. And thus shalt thou prouyde the water out of the rocke, & geue the congregacion drynke, and their catell also. 9 The toke Moses the staffe before ye LORDE, as he commaunded him, 10 & Moses & Aaron gathered the congregacion together before the rocke, & sayde vnto the: Heare ye rebellions: Shal we prouyde you water out of this rocke? 11 And Moses lift vp his hande, & smote ye rocke wt the staffe two tymes. Then came ye water out abudantly, so yt the cogregacion dranke, and their catell also. 12 But the LORDE sayde vnto Moses & Aaron: Because ye beleued me not, to sanctifye me before ye childre of Israel, ye shal not bringe this congregacion in to the londe that I shal geue the. 13 This is ye water of strife, where the children of Israel stroue wt the LORDE and he was sanctified vpon them.

Deuteronomy 1:8

8 Beholde, I haue delyuered you the londe, go in, and take it in possession, which the LORDE sware vnto yor fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, that he wolde geue it vnto the, and their sede after them.

Deuteronomy 1:21

21 Beholde, there the londe before the, which the LORDE thy God hath geue vnto the: Go vp, & conquere it, as ye LORDE God of thy fathers hath sayde vnto the: feare not, and be not discoraged.

Deuteronomy 8:3

3 He chastened the, and let the hunger, and fed the with Manna (which thou and thy fathers knewe not) to make the knowe, that man lyueth not by bred onely, but by all that proceadeth out of the mouth of the LORDE.

Deuteronomy 8:15-16

15 and led ye thorow this greate & terrible wyldernes, where were serpentes that spouted fyre, and Scorpions, & drouth, and where there was no water, and brought the water out of the hard flynte, 16 and fed the in the wyldernesse with Manna wherof yi fathers knewe not, that he might chasten the, and proue the) to do the good afterwarde)

Joshua 1:2-4

2 My seruaunt Moses is deed, vp now, and go ouer this Iordane, thou and all this people in to the londe that I haue geuen the children of Israel. 3 All the places that the soles of youre fete shal treade vpon, haue I geuen vnto you, as I sayde vnto Moses: 4 From the wyldernesse and this Libanus vnto the greate water Euphrates: all the londe of the Hethites vnto the greate see towarde the west, shal be youre border.

Nehemiah 9:20

20 And thou gauest them thy good sprete to enfourme them, and withheldest not thy Manna from their mouth, and gauest the water wha they were thirstie.

Psalms 77:15-20

15 Thou with thine arme hast delyuered thy people, euen the sonnes of Iacob and Ioseph. 16 Sela. The waters sawe ye (o God) ye waters sawe ye, & were afrayed: ye depthes were moued. 17 The thicke cloudes poured out water, ye cloudes thodered, and thy arowes wente abrode. 18 Thy thonder was herde rounde aboute, the lighteninges shone vpon the grounde, the earth was moued and shoke withall. 19 Thy waye was in the see, and thy pathes in the greate waters, yet coude no man knowe thy fotesteppes. 20 Thou leddest thy people like a flocke of shepe, by the honde of Moses and Aaron.

Psalms 78:24-25

24 So he commauded the cloudes aboue, and opened the dores of heauen. 25 He rayned downe Manna vpo them for to eate, and gaue them bred from heauen.

Psalms 105:40-41

40 At their desyre, there came quales, and he fylled them with the bred of heaue. 41 He opened the rocke of stone, & the waters flowed out: so that ryuers ranne in the wildernesse.

Psalms 114:8

8 Which turned the harde rocke in to a stondinge water, & the flynt stone in to a sprynginge well.

Ezekiel 20:15

15 But I swore vnto them in the wildernesse, that I wolde not bringe them into the londe, which I gaue them: a londe that floweth with mylcke & hony, & is a pleasure of all londes:

John 6:31-35

31 Oure fathers ate Mana in the wyldernesse, as it is wrytte: He gaue the bred fro heauen to eate. 32 Then sayde Iesus vnto the: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Moses gaue you not bred from heaue, but my father geueth you the true bred from heauen: 33 For this is that bred of God, which commeth from heauen, and geueth life vnto the worlde. 34 The sayde they vnto him: Syr, geue vs allwaye soch bred. 35 But Iesus sayde vnto the: I am yt bred of life. He that cometh vnto me, shal not huger: & he that beleueth on me, shal neuer thyrst.

1 Corinthians 10:3-4

3 and dyd all eate of one spirituall meate, 4 and dyd all drynke of one spirituall drynke: but they dronke of the spirituall rocke that folowed the, which rocke was Christ.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.