Nehemiah 12:44 Cross References - Coverdale

44 At the same tyme were there men appoynted ouer the treasure chestes (wherin were ye Heueofferynges, the firstlinges and the tithes) that they shulde gather them out of ye feldes aboute the cities, to destribute the vnto the prestes and Leuites acordinge to the lawe: for Iuda was glad of the prestes, and Leuites, that they stode and wayted

Numbers 3:10

10 As for Aaron & his sonnes, thou shalt appoynte them to wayte on their prestes office. Yf another preasse therto, he shal dye.

Numbers 8:24-25

24 This is it that belongeth vnto the Leuites: From fyue and twentye yeare and aboue, shal they go in to the office of the Tabernacle of witnesse. 25 But fro fyftie yeare forth, they shal ceasse from the waitinge of the seruyce therof, and shall mynister nomore,

1 Chronicles 9:26

26 for vnto these foure maner of chefe dorrkepers were the Leuites committed. And they had the ouersight of the chestes and treasures in ye house of God.

1 Chronicles 23:28

28 yt they shulde stonde vnder the hande of the children of Aaron, to mynister in the house of the LORDE in the courte, and to the chestes, and for purifyenge, and to all maner of sanctifyenge, and to euery worke of the office in the house of God.

1 Chronicles 26:21-26

21 Of the children of Laedan, the childre of the Gersonites. Of Laedan were these the heades of the fathers, namely ye Iehielites. 22 The children of the Iehielites were, Setha and his brother Ioel ouer the treasures of the house of the LORDE. 23 Amonge the Amramites, Iezeharites, Hebronites and Vsielites, 24 was Sebuel the sonne of Gerson the sonne of Moses, prynce ouer the treasures. 25 His brother Elieser had a sonne Rehabia, whose sonne was Iesaia, whose sonne was Iora, whose sonne was Sichri, whose sonne was Selomith: 26 the same Selomith and his brethren were ouer all the treasures of the thinges that were halowed, which kinge Dauid halowed, and the pryncipall of the fathers amonge the rulers ouer thousandes & ouer hundreds, and rulers in the hoost

2 Chronicles 5:11-12

11 And whan the prestes wente out of the Sanctuary (for all ye prestes that were founde, sanctified them selues, because the courses were not kepte) 12 the Leuites with all those that were vnder Asaph, Heman, Iedithun and their children and brethren, beynge clothed in lynnen, songe with Cymbales, psalteries and harpes, and stode towarde the east parte of the altare, and an hundreth & twentye prestes with them, which blewe wt trompettes.

2 Chronicles 13:11-12

11 and euery mornynge and euery euenynge kyndle they the burntofferynges vnto the LORDE, and the swete incense, and prepare the shewbred vpo the pure table, and the golden candilsticke with his lampes, to be kyndled euery euenynge: for we wayte vpo the LORDE oure God. As for you, ye haue forsaken him. 12 Beholde, God is the captayne of oure hoost, and with vs are his prestes, and the blowynge trompettes, to trompe agaynst you. Ye children of Israel, fight not agaynst the LORDE God of yor fathers: for ye shal not prospere.

2 Chronicles 31:11-13

11 Then commaunded the kynge, that they shulde prepare chestes in the house of the LORDE. And they prepared them, 12 and put in the Heueofferynges, and tithes and that which was halowed, faithfully.And the ouersighte of the same had Chanania the Leuite, and Simei his brother the seconde, 13 and Iehiel, Asasia, Naglath, Asahel, Ierimoth, Iosabad, Eliel, Iesmachia, Mahath and Benaia, ordeyned of the hande off Chanania and Simei his brother, acordinge to the commaundement of kynge Ezechias. But Asaria was prynce in the house of God.

Nehemiah 10:37-39

37 and that we shulde brynge the firstlinges of oure dowe, and of oure Heueofferinges, and the frutes of all maner trees, of wyne also and of oyle, vnto the prestes to the chestes of the house of oure God. And the tithes of or lode vnto the Leuites, yt the Leuites might haue the tithes in all the cities of oure mynistracion. 38 And the prest the sonne of Aaron shal wt the Leuites haue also of the tithes of ye Leuites, so that the Leuites shal brynge vp the tithes of their tithes vnto the house of oure God to the chest in ye treasure house. 39 For the children of Israel and the children of Leui shall brynge vp the Heueofferynges of the corne, wyne and oyle vnto the chestes, there are the vessels of the Sanctuary, & the prestes yt mynister, and the porters & syngers, yt we forsake not the house of oure God.

Nehemiah 13:4-5

4 And before this had the prest Eliasib delyuered the chest of ye house of oure God vnto his kynsman Tobia: 5 for he had made him a greate chest, and there had they aforetyme layed the meatofferynges, frankencense, vessell, and the tithes of corne, wyne and oyle (acordinge to the commaundement geuen to the Leuites, syngers and porters) and the Heueofferynges of the prestes.

Nehemiah 13:12-13

12 Then brought all Iuda the tithes of corne, wyne and oyle vnto the treasure. 13 And I made treasurers ouer ye treasure, euen Selemia ye prest, and Sadoc the scrybe, & of the Leuites Pedaia, and vnder their hande Hanan the sonne of Sachur the sonne of Mathania: for they were counted faithfull, and their office was, to destribute vnto their brethren.

Proverbs 8:34

34 Blessed is ye man that heareth me, watchinge daylie at my gates, & geuynge attendaunce at the postes of my dores.

Isaiah 40:31

31 But vnto them that haue the LORDE before their eyes, shal strength be encreased, Aegles wynges shal growe vpon them: When they runne, they shal not fall: and when they go, they shal not be weery.

Romans 12:7

7 Let him that hath an office, wayte vpo the office: let him that teacheth, take hede to the doctryne:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.