Micah 1:9 Cross References - Coverdale

9 for their woude is past remedy: And why? it is come in to Iuda, & hath touched ye porte of my people at Ierusale allredy.

2 Kings 18:9-13

9 In the fourth yeare of Ezechias kynge of Iuda (yt was the seuenth yeare of Oseas the sonne of Ela kynge of Israel) came Salmanasar the kynge of Assiria vp agaynst Samaria, and layed sege vnto it, 10 and wanne it after thre yeares in the sixte yeare of Ezechias, that is in the nyenth yeare of Oseas kynge of Israel, the was Samaria wonne. 11 And the kynge of Assiria caried Israel awaye vnto Assiria, and set them at Halah and Habor by the water Gosan, and in the cities of the Meedes. 12 And all because they herkened not vnto the voyce of the LORDE their God, and had transgressed his couenaunt: And as for all that Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE had commaunded the, they had nether herkened vnto eny of those, ner done them. 13 In the fourteth yeare of kynge Ezechias dyd Sennacherib ye kynge of Assiria come vp agaynst all the stronge cities of Iuda, & coquered the.

2 Chronicles 32:1-23

1 After these actes and faithfulnes came Sennacharib the kynge of Assur, and wente in to Iuda, and pitched before the stroge cities, and thoughte to plucke them vnto him. 2 And whan Ezechias sawe that Sennacherib came, and that his face stode to fighte agaynst Ierusalem, 3 he deuysed with his rulers and mightie men, to couer the waters of the welles that were without the cite, and they helped him: 4 and there gathered together a greate people, and couered all ye welles and water brokes in the myddes of the londe, and sayde: Lest the kynges of Assur fynde moch water wha they come. 5 And he toke a corage vnto him, and buylded all the walles where they were in decaye, and made towres theron, and buylded yet another wall without, and strengthed Millo in the cite of Dauid. And made moch ordinaunce and shyldes, 6 and set captaynes of warre ouer the people.And gathered them vnto him vpon the brode strete by the gate of the cite, and spake hertely vnto them, and sayde: 7 Be stronge and bolde, feare not, and be not afrayed for the kynge of Assur, ner all ye multitude that is with him: for there is one greater with vs then with him. 8 With him is a fleshly arme, but with vs is the LORDE oure God, to helpe vs and to fighte for vs. And ye people trusted vnto the wordes of Ezechias kynge of Iuda. 9 Afterwarde sent Sennacherib the kynge of Assur his seruauntes vnto Ierusalem (for he laye before Lachis, & all his hoost wt him) to Ezechias ye kinge of Iuda, & to all Iuda that was at Ierusale, sayenge: 10 Thus sayeth Sennacherib ye kynge of Assur: Wherin put ye youre trust ye that dwell in the beseged Ierusalem? 11 Ezechias disceaueth you, that he maye delyuer you vnto death, hoger and thyrst, and sayeth: The LORDE oure God shal delyuer vs from the hande of the kynge of Assur. 12 Is it not Ezechias, that hath put awaye his hye places and altares, and sayde vnto Iuda and Ierusalem: Before one altare shal ye worshippe, and burne incense theron? 13 Knowe ye not what I and my fathers haue done to all ye people in the londes? Haue the goddes of the Heythen in the londes bene able to delyuer their countrees fro my hande? 14 What is he amonge all the goddes of these Heythen (whom my father damned) that was able to delyuer his people fro my hande? yt youre God shulde be able to delyuer fro my hande. 15 Therfore let not Ezechias now disceaue you, and let him not persuade you eny soch thinge, and beleue him not. For yf no god of all the Heythe and kyngdomes might delyuer his people fro my hande and from the hande of my progenitours, then shal not youre goddes be able to delyuer you fro my hande. 16 His seruautes also spake yet more against the LORDE God, and agaynst his seruaunt Ezechias. 17 And he wrote a letter to blaspheme the LORDE God of Israel, and spake of him, and sayde: Like as the goddes of the Heythen in their londes haue not bene able to delyuer their people from my hande, euen so shal not the God of Ezechias delyuer his people fro my hande. 18 And the cryed with loude voyce in the Iewish langage vnto the people of Ierusalem that were vpon the wall, to make them fearfull and to be fayntharted, that they might wynne the cite. 19 And they spake agaynst the God off Ierusalem, euen as agaynst the goddes off the nacions vpon earth, which were but the workes of mens hondes. 20 But contrary wyse the kynge Ezechias and the prophet Esay the sonne of Amos prayed, and cryed vnto heaue. 21 And the LORDE sent an angell, which destroyed all the mightie men of the hoost, and the prynces and rulers in ye tentes of the kynge of Assur, so that he departed agayne with shame in to his owne londe. And whan he wente in to his gods house, they yt came of his owne body, slewe him there with the swerde. 22 Thus the LORDE, helped Ezechias and them at Ierusalem, out of the hade of Sennacherib ye kynge of Assur, and of all other, and mayntayned the fro all on euery syde, 23 so yt many broughte presentes vnto the LORDE to Ierusalem, and Iewels vnto Ezechias the kynge of Iuda. And afterwarde was he exalted in the sighte of all Heythen.

Isaiah 1:5-6

5 Wherfore shulde ye be plaged eny more? For ye are euer fallinge awaye. The whole heade is sick, and the herte is very heuy. 6 From the sole of the foote vnto the heade, there is no whole parte in all yor body: but all are woundes, botches, sores and strypes, which can nether be helped, bounde vp, molified, ner eased with eny oyntment.

Isaiah 3:26

26 At that tyme shall their gates mourne and complayne, and they shal syt as desolate folck vpon the earth.

Isaiah 8:7-8

7 Beholde, the LORDE shal bringe mightie and great floudes of water vpon them: namely, ye kynge of the Assirians with all his power. Which shall poure out his furyousnes vpo euery man, and renne ouer all their bankes. 8 And shal breake in vpon Iuda, increasinge in power, till he get him by the throte. He shal fyl also the wydenesse of thy londe wt his brode wynges, O Emanuel.

Isaiah 10:28-32

28 He shal come to Aiath, and go thorow toward Migron. But at Machnias shal he muster his hooste, 29 and go ouer ye foorde. Gaba shalbe their restinge place, Rhama shalbe afrayde, Gabea Saul shal fle awaye. 30 The voyce of ye noyse of thy horses (o doughter Gallim) shalbe herde vnto lais and to Anathoth, which also shalbe in trouble. 31 Madmena shal tremble for feare, but the citesyns of Gabim are maly, 32 yet shal he remayne at Nob that daye. After that, shal he lift vp his honde agaynst the mount Sion, and agaynst the hill of Ierusalem.

Isaiah 37:22-36

22 this is the answere, that the LORDE hath geuen concernynge him: Despised art thou, & mocked (o doughter of Sion) he hath shaken his heade at the, o doughter of Ierusalem. 23 But thou Sennacherib, whom hast thou defied or blaspemed? And agaynst who hast thou lifted vp thy voyce, & exalted thy proude lokes? euen agaynst the holy one of Israel. 24 Thou with thy seruauntes hast blasphemed the LORDE, and thus holdest thou of thyself: I couer the hie mountaynes, & sydes of Libanus with my horsmen. And there wil I cut downe the hie Cedre trees & the fayrest Fyrre trees. I will vp in to the heyth of it & in to the chefest of his timbre woddes. 25 Yf there be no water, I wil graue & drynke. And as for waters of defence, I shal drie them vp with the fete of myne hooste. 26 Yee (saiest thou) hast thou not herde, what I haue taken in honde, & brought to passe of olde tyme? That same wil I do now also: waist, destroye, & bringe the stronge cities vnto heapes of stones. 27 For their inhabitours shalbe like lame men, brought in feare & confounded. They shalbe like the grasse & grene herbes in the felde, like the hay vpo house toppes, that wythereth, afore it be growne vp. 28 I knowe thy wayes, thy goinge forth & thy comynge home, yee & thy madnesse agaynst me. 29 Therfore thy furiousnesse agaynst me, & thy pryde is come before me. I wil put a rynge in yi nose, & a bridle byt in the chawes of the, & turne the aboute, eue the same waye thou camest. 30 I wil geue the also this token (o Ezechias) this yeare shalt thou eate that is kepte in stoare, & the next yeare soch as groweth of himself, and in the thirde yeare ye shal sowe and reape, yee ye shal plante vynyardes, and enioye the frutes therof. 31 And soch of the house of Iuda as are escaped, shal come together, and the remnaunt shal take rote beneth, & bringe forth frute aboue. 32 For the escaped shal go out of Ierusale, & the remnaunte from the mount Sion. And this shal the gelousy of the LORDE of hoostes bringe to passe. 33 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE, cocernynge the kinge of the Assirians: He shall not come in to the citie, and shal shute no arowe in to it, there shall no shilde hurte it, nether shal they graue aboute it. 34 The same waye that he came, shal he returne, and not come at this citie, saieth the LORDE. 35 And I wil kepe and saue the citie (saieth he) for myne owne, & for my seruaunte Dauids sake. 36 Thus the angel went forth, and slewe of the Assirians hooste, an clxxxv. thousande. And when men arose vp early (at Ierusale:) Beholde, all laye ful of deed bodies.

Jeremiah 15:18

18 Shall my heuynes endure for euer? Are my plages then so greate, yt they maye neuer be healed? Wilt thou be as a water, that falleth, and can not contynue?

Jeremiah 30:11-15

11 For I am with the, to helpe the, saieth the LORDE. And though I shal destroye all the people, amonge whom I haue scatred the, yet will I not destroye the, but correcke the, and that with discrecion. For I knowe, that thou art in no wise without faute. 12 Therfore thus saieth ye LORDE: I am sory for thy hurte and woundes. 13 There is no man to medle with thy cause, or to bynde vp thy woundes: there maye no man helpe the. 14 All thy louers haue forgotten the, and care nothinge for the. For I haue geuen the a cruell stroke, and chastened the roughly: and that for the multitude of thy my?dedes, for thy synnes haue had the ouer hande. 15 Why makest thou mone for thy harme? I my self haue pite of thy sorowe, but for the multitude of thy my?dedes and synnes, I haue done this vnto the.

Micah 1:12

12 The rebellious cite hopeth, that it shal not be so euell: but for all that, the plage shal come from the LORDE, euen in to the porte of Ierusalem.

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