Matthew 6:10 Cross References - Coverdale

10 Thy kyngdome come. Thy wyll be fulfilled vpon earth as it is in heauen.

Nehemiah 9:6

6 LORDE, thou art alone, thou hast made heauen, and the heauen of all heauens, with all their hoost, the earth and all that therin is, the See and all that is therin: thou geuest life vnto all, and ye hoost of heauen bowe themselues vnto the.

Psalms 2:6

6 Yet haue I set my kynge vpon my holy hill of Sion.

Psalms 40:8

8 In the begynnynge of the boke it is written of me, that I shulde fulfill thy wil O my God, & that am I contet to do: yee thy lawe is within my hert.

Psalms 103:19-21

19 The LORDE hath prepared his seate in heaue, and his kyngdome ruleth ouer all. 20 O prayse the LORDE ye angels of his, ye that be mightie instregth, fulfillinge his commaundement, that me maye heare the voyce of his wordes. 21 O prayse the LORDE all ye his hoostes, ye seruauntes of his, that do his pleasure.

Isaiah 2:2

2 It will be also in processe of tyme: That the hill where the the house of the LORDE is buylded, shal be ye chefe amoge hilles, and exalted aboue al litle hilles. And al heithe shal prease vnto him and the multitude of people shall go vnto him,

Jeremiah 23:5

5 Beholde, the tyme commeth (saieth the LORDE) that I wil rayse vp the rightuous braunch off Dauid, which shall beare rule, and discusse matters with wy?dome, and shall set vp equyte and rightuousnes agayne in the earth.

Daniel 2:44

44 In the dayes off these kynges, shall the God of heauen set vp an euerlastinge kyngdome which shall not perish, and his kyngdome shall not be geuen ouer to another people: Yee the same shall breake and destroye all these kyngdomes, but it shall endure for euer.

Daniel 4:35

35 in comparyson off whom, all they that dwell vpon the earth, are to be reputed as nothinge. He handleth acordinge to his will, amoge ye powers of heauen & amonge the inhabitours of the earth: and there is none that maye resiste his honde, or saye: what doest thou?

Daniel 7:13

13 I sawe in a vision by night, and beholde: there came one in the cloudes of heauen like the sonne of a man, which wente vnto the olde aged, before whom they brought him:

Daniel 7:27

27 As for the kyngdome, power and all might that is vnder the heauen: it shal be geuen to the holy people off the most hyest, whose kyngdome is euerlastinge, yee all powers shall serue and obeye him.

Zechariah 9:9

9 Reioyce thou greatly, o doughter Sion: be glad, o doughter Ierusalem. For lo, thy kinge commeth vnto the, euen the rightuous and Sauioure: Lowly and symple is he, he rydeth vpon an asse, and vpo the foale of an asse.

Matthew 3:2

2 saynge: Amede youre selues, the kyngdome of heuen is at honde.

Matthew 4:17

17 From that tyme forth beganne Iesus to preach, and to saye: Amende youre selues, ye kingdome of heauen is at honde.

Matthew 7:21

21 Not all they that saye vnto me, LORDE LORDE, shall enter in to the kyngdome of heauen: but he that doth the will of my father which ys in heauen.

Matthew 12:50

50 For who soeuer doth ye wyll of my father which is in heaue, the same is my brother, sister and mother.

Matthew 16:28

28 Verely I saye vnto you: there stonde here some, which shal not taist of death, tyll they se ye sonne of ma come in his kingdome.

Matthew 26:42

42 Agayne, he wete forth the seconde tyme and prayed, sayenge: O my father, yf this cuppe can not passe awaye fro me (excepte I drynke of it) thy will be fulfilled.

Mark 3:35

35 For who so euer doth the will of God the same is my brother, and my sister and my mother.

Mark 11:10

10 blessed be the kyngdome of oure father Dauid, which commeth in the name of the LORDE. Hosyanna in the height.

Luke 19:11

11 Now whyle they herkened, he tolde a symilitude also, because he was nye vnto Ierusalem, and because they thought, that the kyngdome of God shulde appeare immediatly.

Luke 19:38

38 and sayde: Blessed be he, that cometh a kynge in the name of the LORDE. Peace be in heauen, and prayse in the height.

Luke 22:42

42 & sayde: Father, yf thou wilt, take awaye this cuppe fro me: Neuerthelesse, not my wyll, but thyne be fulfylled.

John 4:34

34 Iesus sayde vnto the: My meate is this, that I do the wyll of him that sent me, and to fynish his worke.

John 6:40

40 This is the wyl of him which hath sent me, that, who soeuer seyth the sonne and beleueth on him, haue euerlastinge life, and I shal rayse him vp at the last daye.

John 7:17

17 Yf eny man wyl do his will, he shal knowe, whether this doctryne be of God, or whether I speake of my self.

Acts 13:22

22 And whan he had put him downe, he set vp Dauid to be their kynge, of whom he reported, sayenge: I haue founde Dauid the sonne of Iesse, a man after my hert, he shal fulfyll all my wyll.

Acts 21:14

14 But wha he wolde not be persuaded, we ceassed, and sayde: The will of the LORDE be fulfylled.

Acts 22:14

14 He sayde: The God of oure fathers hath ordeyned the before, that thou shuldest knowe his wyll, and se the thinge yt is rightfull, and heare the voyce out of his mouth:

Romans 12:2

2 And fashion not youre selues like vnto this worlde, but be chaunged thorow the renewynge off yor mynde, yt ye maye proue, what thinge that good, yt acceptable, & perfecte wil of God is.

Ephesians 6:6

6 not with seruyce onely in the eye sighte, as men pleasers: but as the seruauntes off Christ, doynge the wyll off God from the hert

Colossians 1:9

9 For this cause we also, sence the daye yt we herde of it, ceasse not to praye for you, & desyre that ye mighte be fulfylled with the knowlege of his will, in all wyssdome and spirituall vnderstondinge,

Colossians 1:13

13 Which hath delyuered vs fro the power of darknesse, & translated vs in to the kyngdome of his deare sonne

1 Thessalonians 4:3

3 For this is the will of God, euen youre sanctifienge, that ye shulde absteyne from whordome,

1 Thessalonians 5:18

18 in all thinges be thankfull: for this is the wyll of God in Christ Iesu towarde you.

Hebrews 1:14

14 Are they not all mynistrynge spretes, sent to mynister for their sakes, which shalbe heyres of saluacion?

Hebrews 10:7

7 Then sayde I: Lo, I come. I the begynnynge of the boke it is wrytten of me, that I shulde do yi wyll O God.

Hebrews 10:36

36 For ye haue nede of pacience, that after ye haue done the wil of God, ye mighte receaue the promes.

Hebrews 13:21

21 make you perfecte in all good workes, to do his wyll, workynge in you that which is pleasaunt in his sighte thorow Iesus Christ, to whom be prayse for euer and euer Amen.

1 Peter 2:15

15 For so is the will of God, that ye with well doynge shulde put to sylence the ignoraunce of folishmen:

1 Peter 4:2

2 yt hece forth (as moch tyme as yet remayneth in ye flesh) he shulde not lyue after the lustes of me, but after the wil of God.

Revelation 11:15

15 And the seuenth angel blewe, and ther were made greate voyces in heauen, sayege: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure LORDES and his Christes, and he shal reigne for eurmore.

Revelation 12:10

10 And I harde a lowde voyce, which sayde in heauen: Now is saluacion, and strength and the kyngdome become oure Gods, and ye power his Christes: For he is cast downe, which accused them before God daye and night.

Revelation 19:6

6 And I herde the voyce of moch people, eue as ye voyce of many waters, & as ye voyce of stronge thondrynges, sayenge: Alleluia, for God omnipotent raigneth.

Revelation 20:4

4 And I sawe seates, and they sat vpon them, and the iudgement was geuen vnto them: and I sawe the soules of them that were beheaded for the witnes of Iesu, and for the worde of God: which had not worshipped the beest, nether his ymage, nether had taken his marke vpon their forheades, or on their hondes: and they lyued, and raygned with Christ a thousand yeare:

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