Matthew 13:20 Cross References - Coverdale

20 But he yt is sowne in the stonye grounde, is this: wha one heareth the worde, & anone with ioye receaueth it:

1 Samuel 11:13-15

13 But Saul sayde: There shal noman dye this daye, for to daye hath the LORDE geuen health in Israel. 14 Samuel sayde vnto the people: Come, let vs go vnto Gilgall, and renue the kyngdome there. 15 Then wente all the people vnto Gilgall, and there they made Saul kinge before the LORDE at Gilgal, and offred deedofferinges before the LORDE. And Saul with all the men of Israel reioysed there greatly.

2 Chronicles 24:2

2 And Ioas dyd that which was right in the sight of the LORDE, as longe as Ioiada the prest lyued.

2 Chronicles 24:6

6 Then the kynge called Ioiada the pryncipall, and sayde vnto him: Why lokest thou not vnto the Leuites, yt they bringe in from Iuda and Ierusalem, the colleccion which Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE appoynted to be gathered amoge Israel for the Tabernacle of witnes?

2 Chronicles 24:14

14 And whan they had perfourmed this, they brought the resydue of the money before the kynge and Ioiada, wherof there were made vessels for the house of the LORDE, vessels for the ministracion and burntofferinge, spones and ornamentes of golde and siluer. And they offred burntofferynges allwaye in the house of the LORDE, as longe as Ioiada lyued.

Psalms 78:34-37

34 When he slewe them, they sought him, and turned them early vnto God. 35 They thought then that God was their socoure, and that the hye God was their redemer. 36 Neuerthelesse, they dyd but flater him in their mouthes, and dissembled with him in their tonges. 37 For their herte was not whole with him, nether continued they in his couenaunt.

Psalms 106:12-13

12 Then beleued they in his worde, and songe prayse vnto him. 13 But within a whyle they forgat his workes, & wolde not abyde his councell.

Isaiah 58:2

2 For they seke me dalye, and wil knowe my wayes, euen as it were a people that dyd right, and had not forsaken the statutes of their God. They argue with me concernynge right iudgment, and wil pleate at the lawe with their God.

Ezekiel 33:31-32

31 These come vnto the, after ye maner of a greate people: yee my people syt downe before the, and heare thy wordes, but they do not therafter: For in their mouthes they shewe themselues, as though they were feruent, but their herte goeth after their owne couetous lucre. 32 And as a balet yt hath a swete tune, ad is pleasaut to synge, so shalt thou be vnto them: thy wordes shal they heare, but they will not do therafter.

Matthew 13:5-6

5 Some fell vpon stony grounde, & anone it spronge vp, because it had no depth of earth: 6 But whan the Sonne arose, it caught heate: and for so moch as it had no rote, it withred awaye.

Mark 4:16-17

16 And likewyse are they that are sowen on the stonye grounde: which when they haue herde the worde, receaue it with ioye, 17 and haue no rote in them: but endure for a tyme. When trouble and persecucion aryseth for ye wordes sake, immediatly they are offended.

Mark 6:20

20 Notwithstodinge Herode feared Iho, for he knew that he was a iust and holy man: and he kepte him, and herkened vnto him in many thinges, and herde him gladly.

John 5:35

35 He was a burnynge and shyninge light, but ye wolde haue reioysed a litle whyle in his light.

Acts 8:13

13 Then Symon himself beleued also, and was baptysed, and cleued vnto Philippe. And wha he sawe the dedes and tokens that were done, he wondred.

Galatians 4:14-15

14 and my tentacion which I suffred after the flesh, ye despysed not, nether abhorred, but receaued me as an angell of God, yee euen as Christ Iesus. 15 How happy were ye then? For I beare you recorde, that yf it had bene possible, ye had plucked out youre awne eyes, and geue them vnto me.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.