Matthew 10:20 Cross References - Coverdale

20 For it is not ye that speake, but the sprete of your father which speaketh in you.

2 Samuel 23:2

2 The sprete of the LORDE hath spoken by me, and the vtteraunce therof is done thorow my tunge.

Matthew 6:32

32 After all soch thynges do the heithen seke. For youre heauenly father knoweth, that ye haue nede of all these thynges.

Mark 12:36

36 But Dauid himself saieth thorow the holy goost: The LORDE sayde vnto my LORDE: Syt thou on my right honde, tyll I make thine enemies yi fotestole.

Luke 11:13

13 Yf ye then which are euell, can geue youre children good giftes, how moch more shal the father of heauen geue the holy sprete vnto them that axe him?

Luke 12:12

12 for the holy goost shal teach you in the same houre, what ye ought to saye.

Luke 12:30-32

30 The Heithen in the worlde seke after all soch thinges. 31 But seke ye the kyngdome of God, and all these shal be mynistred vnto you. 32 Feare not thou litle flocke, for it is youre fathers pleasure to geue you the kyngdome.

Luke 21:15

15 for I wil geue you mouth & wyssdome, agaynst the which all youre aduersaries shal not be able to speake ner to resist.

Acts 2:4

4 and they were all fylled with the holy goost. And they beganne to preach with other tunges, euen as the sprete gaue them vtteraunce.

Acts 4:8

8 Peter full of the holy goost, sayde vnto them: Ye rulers of the people, and ye Elders of Israel,

Acts 6:10

10 and they coulde not resiste the wyssdome and the sprete, out of the which he spake.

Acts 7:55-56

55 But he beynge full of the holy goost, loked vp towarde heauen, and sawe the glorye of God, and Iesus stodinge on the righte hande of God, 56 and sayde: Beholde, I se the heauens open, and the sonne of ma stondinge on ye righte honde of God.

Acts 13:9

9 But Saul which is also called Paul, beynge full of the holy goost, loked vpon him,

Acts 28:25

25 But wha they agreed not amoge the selues, they departed, wha Paul had spoke one worde: Full well hath the holy goost spoke by ye prophet Esay vnto or fathers,

2 Corinthians 13:3

3 seynge that ye seke experiece of him, which speaketh in me, euen Christ, which amonge you is not weake, but is mightie amoge you.

1 Peter 1:12

12 Vnto the which (prophetes) it was declared, that not vnto them selues, but vnto vs they shulde mynister the thinges which are now shewed vnto you, by them which thorow ye holy goost sent downe from heauen, haue preached vnto you the thinges which the angels delyte to beholde.

2 Peter 1:21

21 For the prophecie was neuer broughte by the wyll of man, but the holy men of God spake, as they were moued of ye holy goost.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.