Malachi 2:11 Cross References - Coverdale

11 Now hath Iuda offended: yee the abhominacion is done in Israel and in Ierusale, for Iuda hath defyled the Sactuary of the LORDE, which he loued, and hath kepte the doughter of a straunge God.

Genesis 6:1-2

1 So whan men beganne to multiplie vpon the earth, and had begot them doughters, 2 the children of God sawe the doughters of men, that they were fayre, and toke vnto the wyues soch as they liked.

Exodus 19:5-6

5 Yf ye wyll harken now vnto my voyce, and kepe my couenaunt, ye shalbe myne owne before all people: for the whole earth is myne: 6 and ye shall be vnto me a presterly kingdome, and an holy people. These are the wordes that thou shalt saye vnto the children of Israel.

Leviticus 18:24-30

24 Ye shal defyle youre selues in none of these thinges. For ye Heithen (whom I wil cast out before you) haue stayned them selues in all these, 25 and the londe is defyled there thorow. And their wickednesse wyl I vyset vpo them, so that the londe shal spue out the indwellers therof. 26 Therfore kepe ye my statutes and lawes, and do not one of these abhominacions, nether one of youre awne selues ner the straunger amonge you 27 (for all soch abhominacions haue ye people of this lode done which were before you, & haue defyled the lande) 28 that the lande spue not you out also, whan ye haue defyled it, as it spewed out the Heythe, that were there before you. 29 For who so euer commytte these abhominacios, the same soules shalbe roted out from amonge their people. 30 Therfore kepe ye my statutes, that ye do not after ye abhominable customes, which were before you, that ye be not defyled therwith: For I am the LORDE youre God.

Leviticus 20:26

26 Therfore shall ye be holy vnto me: for I the LORDE am holy, which haue separated you fro the nacions, that ye shulde be myne.

Deuteronomy 7:3-6

3 Ye shall not geue youre doughters vnto their sonnes, ner take their doughters vnto youre sonnes. 4 For they will make youre sonnes departe fro me, to serue straunge goddes: then shall the wrath of the LORDE waxe whote vpon you, and destroye you shortly. 5 But thus shal ye do with them: Ye shal ouerthrowe their altares, breake downe their pilers, cut downe their groues, & burne their ymages with fyre. 6 For thou art an holy people vnto the LORDE thy God. The hath the LORDE thy God chosen, that thou shuldest be his awne peculier people, from amonge all nacions that are vpon the earth.

Deuteronomy 14:2

2 For thou art an holy people vnto the LORDE thy God. And the LORDE hath chosen the to be his awne peculier people, from amoge all the nacions that are vpon the earth.

Deuteronomy 33:26-29

26 There is no God as the God of the iust. He that sytteth vpon heauen, be thy helpe. And his glory is in the cloudes, 27 that is the dwellynge of God from the beginnynge, and vnder the armes of the worlde. And he shal dryue out thyne enemye before the, and saye: Be destroyed. 28 And Israel shall dwell safe alone. The eye of Iacob shalbe vpon ye londe where corne and wine is, heauen also shal droppe with dewe. 29 Happye art thou Israel, who is lyke vnto the? O thou people yt art saued by the LORDE, which is thy helpe, shylde, and the swerde of thy glorye. Thyne enemies shal pyne awaye, and thou shalt treade vpon the height of them.

Judges 3:6

6 they toke their doughters to wyues, & gaue their doughters vnto their sonnes, & serued their goddes,

1 Kings 11:1-8

1 But kynge Salomon loued many outlandish wemen, Pharaos doughter, and wemen of Moab, of Ammo, of Edom, of Sidon, and of Heth, 2 euen of those nacions, that the LORDE spake of vnto the children of Israel: Go not ye vnto them, and let not them come vnto you: they shal surely bowe youre hertes after their goddes: Vnto these dyd Salomon enclyne with affeccion. 3 And he had seuen hundreth wemen to wyues, and thre hundreth concubynes, and his wyues turned his hert asyde. 4 And whan he was now olde, his wyues bowed his hert after straunge goddes, so that his hert was not whole with the LORDE his God, as was the hert of Dauid his father. 5 So Salomon walked after Astaroth the god of the Sidonians, and after Malcom the abhominacion of the Ammonites. 6 And Salomon dyd yt which displeased the LORDE, and folowed not ye LORDE to ye vttemost as dyd his father Dauid. 7 The buylded Salomo an hie place vnto Chamos the abhominacio of ye Moabites (vpon the mount that lyeth before Ierusale) and vnto Moloch the abhominacion of the Ammnnites. 8 Thus dyd Salomon for all his outladish wyues, which brent incense, and offred vnto their goddes.

Ezra 9:1-2

1 Whan all this was perfourmed, the rulers came to me, and sayde: The people of Israel, and the prestes, & Leuites are not separated from the nacions in the londes as touchinge their abhominacions, namely of the Cananites, Hethites, Pheresites, Iebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egipcians, and Amorites. 2 For they haue taken the doughters of the same, & their sonnes, and haue myxte the holy sede with ye nacions in the londes: and the hande of the rulers and lordes of councell hath bene principall in this trespace.

Ezra 9:12

12 Therfore shal ye not geue youre doughters vnto their sonnes, and their doughters shall ye not take vnto youre sonnes, and seke not their peace and welth for euer, that ye maye be stronge, and enioye the good in the londe, and yt ye and youre children maye haue the inheritaunce of it for euermore.

Ezra 10:2

2 And Sachania the sonne of Iehiel one of the children of Elam, answered, and sayde vnto E?dras: We haue trespaced agaynst the LORDE oure God, in that we haue taken straunge wyues of all the people of the londe. Now there is hope yet in Israel cocerninge this,

Nehemiah 13:23-29

23 And at the same tyme sawe I Iewes, that maried wyues of Asdod, Ammon and of Moab, 24 and their children spake halfe in the speache of Asdod, and coulde not speake in ye Iewish language, but by ye tonge mighte a ma perceaue euery people. 25 And I reproued them, and cursed them, & smote certayne men of the, and plucte them vp, and toke an ooth of them by God: Ye shal not geue youre daughters vnto their sonnes, nether shal ye take their daughters vnto youre sonnes, or for youre selues. 26 Dyd not Salomon ye kynge of Israel synne ther in? & yet amonge many Heythen was there no kynge like him, & he was deare vnto his God, and God made him kynge ouer all Israel, and the outlandish wemen. 27 (Omitted Text) 28 And one of the children of Ioiada the sonne of Eliasib ye hye prest, had made a cotracte wyth Saneballath the Horonite: but I chaced him fro me. 29 O my God, thynke thou vpon them that are quyte of the presthode, and haue desyled the couenaunt of the presthode and of the Leuites.

Psalms 106:28

28 They ioyned them selues vnto Baal Peor, and ate the offeringes of the deed.

Psalms 106:34-39

34 Nether destroyed they the Heithen, as the LORDE commaunded them. 35 But were mengled amonge the Heithen, and lerned their workes. 36 In so moch that they worshipped their ymages, which turned to their owne decaye. 37 Yee they offred their sonnes & their doughters vnto deuels. 38 And shed the innocent bloude of their sonnes and of their doughters, whom they offred vnto the ymages of Canaan, so that the londe was defyled with bloude. 39 Thus were they stayned wt their owne workes, and wente a whoringe with their owne invencions.

Jeremiah 2:3

3 Thou Israel wast halowed vnto te LORDE, and so was his first frutes. All they that deuoured Israel, offended: mi?fortune fell vpon them, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 2:7-8

7 And when I had brought you in to a pleasaunt welbuylded londe, that ye might enioye the frutes and all the comodities of the same: ye went forth and defyled my londe, & brought myne heretage to abhominacion. 8 The prestes the selues saide not once: where is ye LORDE? They yt haue the lawe in their hondes, knowe me not: The shepherdes offende agaynst me. The prophetes do seruyce vnto Baal, & folowe soch thinges as shall bringe them no profit.

Jeremiah 2:21-22

21 where as I planted the out of noble grapes and good rotes. How art thou turned then into a bytter, vnfrutefull, and straunge grape? 22 Yee and that so sore: that though thou wasshest the with Nitrus & makest thiself to sauoure with that swete smellinge herbe of Borith: yet in my sight thou art stayned with thy wickednesse, saieth the LORDE thy God.

Jeremiah 3:7-9

7 hast thou sene also, (when she had done all this) how I sayde vnto her: that she shulde turne agayne vnto me, and yet she is not returned? Iuda that vnfaithfull sister of hirs also sawe this: 8 Namely, that affter I had well sene the aduoutrye of the shrenkinge harlot Israel, I put her awaye, and gaue her a byll of deuorcement. For all this, hir vnfaithfull sister Iuda was not ashamed, but wente backe and played the whore also. 9 Yee and the noyse of hir whordome hath defyled the whole lode. For she hath committed hir aduoutrie with stones and stockes.

Jeremiah 7:10

10 Then come ye, and stonde before me in this house (which hath my name geuen vnto it) and saye: Tush, we are absolued quyte, though we haue done all these abhominacions.

Ezekiel 18:13

13 he lendeth vpon vsury, and taketh more ouer. Shal this man lyue? He shal not lyne. Seinge he hath done all these abhominacions, he shall dye: his bloude shalbe vpon him.

Ezekiel 22:11

11 Euery ma hath dealte shamefully with his neghbours wife, & abhominably defyled his doughter in lawe. In the hath euery man forced his owne sister, euen his fathers doughter:

Hosea 6:7

7 But euen like as Adam dyd, so haue they broken my couenaunt, and set me at naught.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18

14 Set youre selues therfore at large.Beare not a straunge yock with the vnbeleuers. For what fellishippe hath righteousnes with vnrighteousnes? What company hath lighte wt darknesse? 15 How agreeth Christ with Belial? Or what parte hath the beleuer with the infydele? 16 How acordeth ye teple of God with ymages? Ye are the temple of the lyuynge God, as sayeth God: I wyl dwell in them, and walke in them, and wyl be their God, & they shalbe my people. 17 Wherfore come out from amoge them, and separate youre selues (sayeth the LORDE) and touche no vncleane thinge, so wyl I receaue you, 18 & be youre father, & ye shalbe my sonnes and doughters, sayeth ye Allmightie LORDE.

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearefull and vnbeleuynge, and the abhominable, and murthurers, and whormongers, and sorcerers, and ydolaters, & all lyars, shal haue their parte in the lake, that burneth with fyre and brymstone, which is the seconde death.

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