Malachi 1:14 Cross References - Coverdale

14 Cursed be the dyssembler, which hath in his flocke one that is male, and when he maketh a vowe, offereth a spotted one vnto the LORDE. For I am a greate kynge (sayeth the LORDE of hoostes) and my name is fearfull amonge the Heithen.

Genesis 27:12

12 then might my father peraduenture fele me, and I shulde seme vnto him as though I begyled him, and so brynge a curse vpon me and not a blessynge.

Leviticus 22:18-21

18 Speake vnto Aaron & his sonnes, & to all ye childre of Israel: What so euer Israelite or straunger in Israel wyll do his offerynge, whether it be their vowe, or of fre wyl, that they wyll offre a burntofferynge vnto the LORDE, 19 to reconcyle them selues, it shal be a male, and without blemysh, of the oxen, or lambes or goates. 20 What so euer hath eny blemish, shal they not offre, for they shal fynde no fauoure therwith. 21 And who so wyl offre an health offeringe vnto the LORDE to separate out a vowe, or of fre wyl, oxen or shepe, it shalbe without blemysh, yt it maye be accepted. It shal haue no deformite.

Deuteronomy 28:58

58 Yf thou wilt not be diligent to do all the wordes of this lawe which are wrytten in this boke, that thou mayest feare this glorious and fearfull name, euen the LORDE thy God,

Joshua 7:11-12

11 Israel hath offended, and trasgressed ouer my couenaunt, which I commaunded the. They haue taken also of the thinge that was damned, and haue stollen, and dyssembled, and layed it amonge their ornamentes. 12 The children of Israel are not able to stonde before their aduersaries, but must turne their backes vpon their enemies: for they are a cursed. I wyll no more be with you from hece forth yf ye put not out the damned from amonge you.

Psalms 47:2

2 For the LORDE the most hyest is to be feared, & he is the greate kynge vpo all ye earth.

Psalms 48:2

2 The hill of Sion is like a fayre plate, wherof all the londe reioyseth: vpon the north syde lyeth the cite of the greate kinge.

Psalms 68:35

35 God is wonderfull in his Sanctuary, he is the God of Israel, he will geue strength and power vnto his people. Blessed be God.

Psalms 76:12

12 Which taketh awaye the breth of prynces, & is wonderfull amoge the kynges of the earth.

Psalms 95:3

3 For the LORDE is a greate God, and a greate kynge aboue all goddes.

Ecclesiastes 5:4-5

4 Yf thou make a vowe vnto God, be not slacke to perfourme it. As for foolish vowes, he hath no pleasure in them. 5 Yf thou promyse eny thinge, paye it: for better it is that thou make no vowe, then that thou shuldest promise, and not paye.

Isaiah 57:15

15 For thus saieth the hie and excellet, euen he that dwelleth in euerlastingnesse, whose name is the holyone: I dwel hie aboue and in the sanctuary, & with him also, yt is of a cotrite and huble sprete: yt I maye heale a troubled mynde, and a cotrite herte.

Jeremiah 10:10

10 But the LORDE is a true God, a lyuinge God, and an euerlastinge kinge. Yf he be wroth, the earth shaketh: all the Getiles maye not abyde his indignacion.

Jeremiah 48:10

10 Cursed be he that doth the worke of the LORDE necligently, and cursed be he that kepeth backe his swearde from sheddynge off bloude.

Daniel 4:37

37 The dyd I Nabuchodonosor, loaue, magnifie and prayse the kynge of heauen: for all his workes are true, and his wayes right. As for those that go on proudly, he is able to bri bringe them downe.

Daniel 9:4

4 I prayed before the LORDE my God, and knowleged, sayenge: O LORDE, thou greate & fearfull God, thou that kepest couenaunt and mercy with them, which loue the, and do thy commaundementes:

Zechariah 14:9

9 And the LORDE himself shalbe kynge ouer all the earth. At that tyme shal there be one LORDE only, and his name shalbe but one.

Malachi 1:8

8 Yf ye offre ye blynde, is not yt euell? And yf ye offre the lame and sick, is not that euell? Yee offre it vnto thy prynce, shal he be cotent with the, or accepte thy personne, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes?

Malachi 1:11

11 For from the rysinge vp of ye sonne vnto ye goinge downe of the same, my name is greate amonge the Gentiles: Yee in euery place shal there sacrifice be done, and a clene meatofferinge offred vp vnto my name: for my name is greate amonge the Heithe, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes.

Malachi 3:9

9 Therfore are ye cursed with penury, because ye dyssemble with me, all the sorte of you.

Matthew 5:35

35 nor yet by the earth, for it is his fote stole: nether by Ierusalem, for it is the cyte of ye greate kinge:

Matthew 24:51

51 and shal hew him in peces and geue him his rewarde with ypocrytes: there shal be waylinge and gnasshinge of teth.

Mark 12:41-44

41 And Iesus sat ouer agaynst the Gods chest, and behelde how the people put money in to the Godschest. And many that were riche: put in moch. 42 And there came a poore wyddowe, and put in two mytes, which make a farthinge. 43 And he called vnto him his disciples, and sayde vnto them: Verely I saye vnto you: this poore wyddowe hath put more in ye Godschest, then all they that haue put in: 44 For they all haue put i of their superfluyte, but she of hir pouerte hath put in all that she had, euen hir whole lyuynge.

Mark 14:8

8 She hath done what she coulde, she is come before, to anoynte my body for my buriall.

Luke 12:1-2

1 There were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, in so moch that they trode one another: Then beganne he, and sayde first vnto his disciples: Bewarre of the leuen of the Pharises, which is ypocrisye. 2 But there is nothinge hyd, that shal not be discouered: nether secrete, that shal not be knowne.

Luke 12:46

46 the same seruauntes lorde shal come in a daye whan he loketh not for him, and in an houre that he is not aware of, & shal hew him in peces, and geue him his rewarde with the vnbeleuers.

Acts 5:1-10

1 But a certayne man named Ananias with Saphira his wife, solde his possession, 2 and kepte awaye parte of the money (his wife knowinge of it) and broughte one parte, & layed it at the Apostles fete. 3 But Peter sayde: Ananias, Wherfore hath Sathan fylled thine hert, that thou shuldest lye vnto the holy goost, and withdrawe awaye parte of the money of the lyuelod? 4 Mightest thou not haue kepte it, whan thou haddest it? And whan it was solde, the money was also in thy power: Why hast thou then conceaued this thinge in thine hert? Thou hast not lyed vnto me, but vnto God. 5 Whan Ananias herde these wordes, he fell downe, & gaue vp the goost. And there came a greate feare vpon all the that herde of this. 6 The yonge men rose vp, and put him asyde, and caried him out, and buried him. 7 And it fortuned as it were aboute ye space of thre houres after, his wife came in, and knewe not what was done. 8 But Peter answered vnto her. Tell me, solde ye the londe for somoch? She sayde: Yee, for so moch. 9 Peter sayde vnto her: Why haue ye agreed together, to tempte the sprete of the LORDE? Beholde, the fete of the which haue buried thy hussbande, are at the dore, & shal carye the out. 10 And immediatly she fell downe at his fete, and gaue vp the goost. Then came in the yonge men, and founde her deed, and caried her out, and buried her by hir hussbade.

2 Corinthians 8:12

12 For yf there be a wyllinge mynde, it is accepted acordinge to that a man hath, not acordinge to that he hath not.

1 Timothy 6:15

15 which appearynge (at his tyme) he shal shewe that is blessed, and mightie onely, the kynge of all kynges, and LORDE of all lordes:

Hebrews 12:29

29 For oure God is a consumynge fyre.

Revelation 15:4

4 Who shal not feare the O LORDE and gloryfie thy name? For thou only art holy, for all getiles shall come and worshippe before the, for thy iudgmentes are made manyfest.

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearefull and vnbeleuynge, and the abhominable, and murthurers, and whormongers, and sorcerers, and ydolaters, & all lyars, shal haue their parte in the lake, that burneth with fyre and brymstone, which is the seconde death.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.