Luke 15:13 Cross References - Coverdale

13 And not longe therafter, gathered the yonger sonne all together, & toke his iourney in to a farre countre, and there waisted he his goodes with ryotous lyuynge.

2 Chronicles 33:1-10

1 Manasses was twolue yeare olde wha he was made kynge, and reigned fyue and fiftye yeare at Ierusalem, 2 and dyd that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE (euen after the abominacions of the Heythen, whom the LORDE expelled before the children of Israel) and turned backe, 3 and buylded the hye places, ( which his father Ezechies had broken downe) and set vp altares vnto Baalim, and made groues, and worshipped all the hoost of heauen, and serued them. 4 He buylded altares also in ye LORDES house, wherof the LORDE had sayde: At Ierusalem shal my name be for euer. 5 And vnto all the hoost of heauen buylded he altares in both the courtes of ye house of the LORDE. 6 And in the valley of the sonne of Hennon caused he his awne sonnes to go thorow the fyre, and chosed dayes, & regarded byrdescryenge, and witches, and founded soythsayers and expounders of tokens, and dyd moch that was euell in the sighte of the LORDE to prouoke him vnto wrath. 7 Carued ymages also and Idols (which he caused to make) set he vp in Gods house, wherof the LORDE saide vnto Dauid and to Salomon his sonne: In this house at Ierusalem which I haue chosen out of all the trybes of Israel, wyl I set my name for euer 8 and wyl nomore let the fote of Israel remoue fro the londe that I appoynted for their fathers, so farre as they obserue to do all yt I haue commaunded them, in all the lawe, statutes and ordinaunces by Moses. 9 But Manasses disceaued Iuda and them of Ierusale, so that they dyd worse then the Heythen, whom the LORDE destroyed before the children of Israel. 10 And the LORDE spake vnto Manasses and his people, and they regarded it not.

Job 21:13-15

13 They spende their dayes in welthynesse: but sodenly they go downe to hell. 14 They saye vnto God: go from vs, we desyre not the knowlege of thy wayes. 15 What maner of felowe is the Allmightie, that we shulde serue him? What profit shulde we haue, to submitte oure selues vnto him?

Job 22:17-18

17 which saye vnto God: go from vs, and after this maner: Tush, what wil the Allmightie do vnto vs? 18 where as he (not with stodinge) fylleth their houses wt all good. Which meanynge of the vngodly be farre fro me.

Psalms 10:4-6

4 The vngodly is so proude and full of indignacio, that he careth not: nether is God before his eyes. 5 His wayes are allwaye filthie, thy iudgmentes are farre out of his sight, he defyeth all his enemies. 6 For he sayeth in his herte: Tush, I shal neuer be cast downe, there shal no harme happe vnto me. His mouth is full of cursynge, fraude and disceate: vnder his toge is trauayle & sorow.

Psalms 73:27

27 For lo, they that forsake the, shal perishe, thou destroyest all them that committe fornicacion agaynst the.

Proverbs 5:8-14

8 Kepe thy waye farre from her, and come not nye ye dores of hir house. 9 That thou geue not thine honor vnto another, and thy yeares to the cruell. 10 That other men be not fylled with thy goodes, & that thy labours come not in a straunge house. 11 Yee that thou mourne not at the last (when thou hast spent thy body and goodes) 12 and then saye: Alas, why hated I nurtoure? why dyd my hert despyse correccion? 13 Wherfore was not I obedient vnto the voyce of my teachers, & herkened not vnto them that infourmed me? 14 I am come almost in to all mysfortune, in the myddest of the multitude and congregacion.

Proverbs 6:26

26 An harlot wil make a ma to begg his bred, but a maried woman wil hunt for ye precious life.

Proverbs 18:9

9 Who so is slouthfull and slacke in his labor, is ye brother of him ye is a waister.

Proverbs 21:17

17 He yt hath pleasure in banckettes, shal be a poore man: Who so delyteth in wyne and delicates, shal not be riche.

Proverbs 21:20

20 In a wyse mans house there is greate treasure and plenteousnesse, but a foolish body spendeth vp all.

Proverbs 23:19-22

19 My sonne, ue eare & be wyse, so shal thine hert prospere in the waye. 20 Kepe no company wt wyne bebbers and ryotous eaters of flesh: 21 for soch as be dronckardes and ryotous, shal come to pouerte, & he that is geuen to moch slepe, shal go wt a ragged cote. 22 Geue eare vnto thy father that begat the, and despyse not thy mother whan she is olde.

Proverbs 27:8

8 He that oft tymes flytteth, is like a byrde yt forsaketh hir nest.

Proverbs 28:7

7 Whoso kepeth the lawe, is a childe of vnderstondinge: but he yt fedeth ryotous men, shameth his father.

Proverbs 29:3

3 Who so loueth wy?dome, maketh his father a glad man: but he yt kepeth harlottes, spedeth awaye yt he hath.

Ecclesiastes 11:9-10

9 Be glad then (O thou yonge man) in thy youth, and lat thine hert be mery in thy yonge dayes: folowe the wayes of thine owne hert, and the lust of thine eyes: but be thou sure, that God shal bringe the in to iudgment for all these thinges. 10 Pvt awaye displeasure out of yi hert, & remoue euell from thy body: for childehode and youth is but vanite.

Isaiah 1:4

4 Alas for this synful people, which are experte in blasphemies, a frawerde generacion, vnnatural children. They haue forsaken the LORDE, they haue prouoked the holy one of Israel vnto anger, and are gone bacward.

Isaiah 22:13

13 But they to fulfil their lust and wilfulnes, slaugter oxe, they kyll shepe, they eate costly meate, & drynke wyne: let vs eate and drinke, tomorow we shal die.

Isaiah 30:11

11 Treade out of the waye, go out of the path, turne the holy one of Israel from vs.

Isaiah 56:12

12 Come (saye they) I wil fetch wyne, so shal we fyll oure selues, that we maye be dronken. And do tomorow, like as to daye, yee and moch more.

Jeremiah 2:5

5 Thus saieth ye LORDE vnto you: What vnfaithfulnesse founde youre fathers in me, that they wente so farre awaye fro me, fallinge to lightnesse, and beinge so vayne?

Jeremiah 2:13

13 For my people hath done two euels. They haue forsake me the well of the water of life, and digged them pittes, yee vile and broken pittes, that holde no water.

Jeremiah 2:17-19

17 Cometh not this vnto the, because thou hast forsaken the LORDE thy God, euer sence he led the by the waye? 18 And what hast thou now to do in ye strete of Egipte? to drinke foule water? Ether, what makest thou in the waye to Assiria? To drinke water of the floude? 19 Thine owne wickednesse shal reproue the, and thy turnynge awaye shal condemne the: that thou mayest knowe and vnderstonde, how euel and hurtful a thinge it is, yt thou hast forsaken the LORDE thy God, and not feared him, saieth the LORDE God of hoostes.

Jeremiah 2:31

31 Yf ye be the people of the LORDE, then herke vnto his worde: Am I the become a wildernesse vnto the people of Israel? or a londe that hath no light? Wherfore saieth my people then: we are falle of, and we wil come no more vnto the?

Amos 6:3-7

3 Ye are taken out for the euel daye, euen ye that syt in the stole of wylfulnesse: 4 Ye that lye vpon beddes off yuery, and vse youre wantonnesse vpon youre couches: ye that eate the best lambes of ye flocke, and the fattest calues off the droaue: 5 ye that synge to the lute, and in playenge off instrumentes compare youre selues vnto Dauid: 6 ye that drynke wyne out of goblettes, & anoynte youre selues with the best oyle, but no man is sory for Ioseps hurte. 7 Therfore now shall ye be the first of them, that shal be led awaye captyue, and the lusty chere of the wylfull shall come to an ende.

Micah 6:3

3 O my people, what haue I done vnto the? or wherin haue I hurte the? geue me answere.

Luke 15:30

30 But now that this thy sonne is come, which deuoured his goodes with harlottes, thou hast slayne a fed calfe.

Luke 16:1

1 He sayde also vnto his disciples: There was a certayne riche man, which had a stewarde, that was accused vnto him, that he had waisted his goodes.

Luke 16:19

19 There was a certayne riche man, which clothed him self with purple and costly lynnen, and fared deliciously euery daye.

Romans 13:13-14

13 Let vs walke honestly as in the daye, not in excesse off eatinge aud in dronkennesse, not in chamburynge and wantonnesse, not in stryfe and enuyenge: 14 but put ye on the LORDE Iesus Christ, and make not prouysion for ye flesh, to fulfill the lustes of it.

Ephesians 2:13

13 But now ye that be in Christ Iesu, and afore tyme were farre of, are now made nye by the bloude of Christ.

Ephesians 2:17

17 and came and preached peace in the Gospell, vnto you which were afarre of, and to the that were nye.

1 Peter 4:3-4

3 For it is ynough, yt we haue spent ye tyme past of the life, after the will of ye Heythen, wha we walked in wantannesse, lustes, dronkenes, glotony, ryotous drynkynge, & i abhominable Idolatrye. 4 And it semeth to the a straunge thinge, yt ye runne not also wt them vnto the same excesse of ryote, & speake euell of you.

2 Peter 2:13

13 and so receaue ye rewarde of vnrighteousnes.They counte it pleasure to lyue deliciously for a season: Spottes are they and fylthynes: lyuynge at pleasure and in disceaueable wayes: feastynge wt that which is youres,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.