Luke 14:18 Cross References - Coverdale

18 And they begane all together to excuse the selues one after another: The first saide vnto hi: I haue bought a ferme, and I must nedes go forth and se it, I praye ye haue me excused.

Isaiah 28:12-13

12 This shal bringe rest, yf one refresh the weery, ye this shal bringe rest. But they had no will to heare. 13 And therfore the LORDE shal answere their stubbournes (Comaunde yt maye be comaunded, byd yt maye be bydden, forbyd yt maye be forbydde, kepe backe yt maye be kepte backe, here a litle, there a litle) That they maye go forth, fall backwarde, be brussed, snared and taken.

Isaiah 29:11-12

11 And all visions shalbe vnto you, as the wordes that stonde in a sealed lettre, when one offreth it to a man that is lerned, and sayeth: rede vs this lettre. The he answereth: I ca not rede it, for it is shutt. 12 But yf it be geue to one yt is not lerned, or sayde vnto him: rede this lettre: Then sayeth he. I can not rede.

Jeremiah 5:4-5

4 Therfore I thought in my self: peraduenture they are so symple and folish, that they vnderstonde nothinge of the LORDES waye, and iudgmentes of oure God. 5 Therfore will I go vnto their heades and rulers, and talke with them: yf they knowe the waye of the LORDE, and the iudgmetes of oure God. But these (in like maner) haue broken the yock, and bursten the bondes in sonder.

Jeremiah 6:10

10 But vnto whom shal I speake? whom shal I warne, that he maye take hede? Their eares are so vncircumcised, that they maye not heare. Beholde, they take the worde of God but for a scorne, and haue no lust therto.

Jeremiah 6:16-17

16 Thus saieth the LORDE: go into the stretes, considre and make inquisicion for the olde waye: and yf it be the good and right waye, then go therin, that ye maye fynde rest for youre soules. (But they saye: we will not walke therin) 17 and I will set watchmen ouer you, and therfore take hede vnto the voyce of the trompet. But they saye: we will not take hede.

Matthew 22:5-6

5 But they made light of it, and wente their wayes: one to his hussbandrye, another to his marchaundise. 6 As for the remnaut, they toke his seruauntes, and intreated the shamefully, and slew the.

Matthew 24:38-39

38 For as they were in the dayes before ye floude (they ate, they dronke, they maried, and were maried, euen vnto the daye yt Noe entred in to the shippe, 39 and they regarded it not, tyll the floude came and toke them all awaye) So shal also the commynge of the sonne of man be.

Luke 8:14

14 As for it that fel amonge the thornes, are soch as heare it, and go forth amonge the cares, riches and volupteousnesses of this life, and are choked and brynge forth no frute.

Luke 17:26-31

26 And as it came to passe in the tyme of Noe, so shal it come to passe also in ye dayes of the sonne of man. 27 They ate, they dranke, they maried, and were maried, euen vnto ye daye that Noe wente in to the Arke, and ye floude came, and destroyed them all. 28 Likewyse also as it came to passe in the tyme of Lot, they ate, they dranke, they bought, they solde, they planted, they buylded. 29 But euen the same daye that Lot wente out of Sodom, it rayned fyre and brymstone from heaue, and destroyed them all. 30 After this maner also shal it go, in the daye whan the sonne of man shal appeare. 31 In that daye, who so is vpo the rofe, and his stuffe in ye house, let him not come downe to fetch it: Likewyse he that is in the felde, let him not turne backe, for it that is behynde him.

Luke 18:24

24 Whan Iesus sawe that he was sory, he sayde: How hardly shal the riche come in to the kyngdome of God?

Luke 20:4-5

4 The baptyme of Iho was it from heauen, or of men? 5 But they thought in them selues, and sayde: Yf we saye, from heauen, then shal he saye: Why dyd ye not the beleue him?

John 1:11

11 He came in to his awne, and his awne receaued him not.

John 5:40

40 and ye wil not come vnto me, that ye might haue life.

Acts 13:45-46

45 But whan the Iewes sawe the people, they were full of indignacion, and spake agaynst that which was spoken of Paul, speakinge agaynst it, & blasphemynge. 46 But Paul and Barnabas waxed bolde, and sayde: It behoued first the worde of God to be spoken vnto you: but now that ye thrust it fro you, and counte youre selues vnworthy of euerlastinge life, lo, we turne to the Gentyles.

Acts 18:5-6

5 Whan Sylas and Timotheus were come fro Macedonia, Paul was constrayned by the sprete to testifye vnto ye Iewes, that Iesus was very Christ. 6 But wha they sayde cotrary and blasphemed, he shoke his rayment, and sayde vnto them: Youre bloude be vpon youre awne heade. From hence forth I go blamelesse vnto the Gentyles.

Acts 28:25-27

25 But wha they agreed not amoge the selues, they departed, wha Paul had spoke one worde: Full well hath the holy goost spoke by ye prophet Esay vnto or fathers, 26 & sayde: Go vnto this people, and saye: With eares ye shal heare, & not vnderstode: & with eyes shal ye se, & not perceaue. 27 For ye hert of this people is waxed grosse, & they heare hardly wt their eares: & their eyes haue they closed, yt they shulde not once se wt their eyes, & heare wt their eares, & vnderstode i their hertes, and be couerted, yt I mighte heale the.

1 Timothy 6:9-10

9 For they that wylbe riche, fall in to the teptacion and snare, and in to many folisshe & noysome lustes, which drowne men in destruccion and damnacion. 10 For Couetousnes is the rote of all euell, which whyle some lusted after, they erred from the faith, and tangled them selues with many sorowes.

2 Timothy 4:4

4 and shal turne their eares from the trueth, and shalbe geuen vnto fables.

2 Timothy 4:10

10 For Demas hath lefte me, and loueth this present worlde, and is departed vnto Tessalonica, Crescens in to Galacia, Titus vnto Dalmacia,

Hebrews 12:16

16 that there be no whoremonger, or vncleane person, as Esau, which for one meate sake solde his byrth righte.

1 John 2:15-16

15 Se that ye loue not the worlde, nether ye thinges that are in the worlde. Yf eny man loue the worlde, the loue of the father is not in him: 16 for all that is in the worlde (namely the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pryde of life) is not of the father, but of the worlde.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.