Leviticus 19:13 Cross References - Coverdale

13 Thou shalt do yi neghboure no wronge, ner robbe him. The workmas laboure shal not byde with the vntyll the mornynge.

Exodus 22:8-9

8 But yf the thefe be not founde, then shal the good man of the house be brought before the Goddes (and shal sweare) that he hath not put his hande vnto his neghbours good. 9 Yf one accuse another in eny maner of trespace, whether it be for oxe, or Asse, or shepe, or rayment, what so euer it be that is lost: then shall both their causes come before the Goddes: Loke whom the Goddes condempne, the same shal restore dubble vnto his neghboure.

Exodus 22:13

13 But yf it be rauyshed (of beastes) then shal he brynge recorde therof, and not make it good.

Exodus 22:15

15 But yf the owner therof be by, then shal he not make it good, yf he hyred it for his money.

Exodus 22:21

21 Thou shalt not vexe ner oppresse a straunger, for ye youre selues were straungers also in the londe of Egipte.

Exodus 22:24-27

24 then shal my wrath waxe whote, so yt I shal sley you with the swerde, and youre wyues shalbe wedowes, and youre children fatherlesse, 25 Yf thou lende money vnto my people that is poore by the, thou shalt not behaue thyself as an vsurer vnto him, nether shalt thou oppresse him with vsury. 26 Yf thou take a garment of thy neghboure to pledge, thou shalt geue it him agayne before the Sonne go downe: 27 for his raymet is his onely couerynge of his skynne: wherin he slepeth. But yf he shall crie vnto me, I wyll heare him: for I am mercifull.

Leviticus 6:3

3 or founde that was lost, and denyeth it with a false ooth, what so euer it be, wherin a man synneth agaynst his neghboure. Now whan it commeth so to passe,

Deuteronomy 24:14-15

14 Thou shalt not withdrawe the hyre of ye nedye and poore amonge thy brethren, or straunger that is in thy londe, 15 or within thy gates, but shalt geue him his hyre the same daye, that the Sonne go not downe theron, for so moch as he is nedye, and his life susteyned therwith: that he call not vpon the LORDE agaynst the, and it be synne vnto the.

Job 31:39

39 yf I haue eaten the frutes therof vnpayed for, yee yf I haue greued eny of the plow men:

Proverbs 20:10

10 To vse two maner of weightes, or two maner of measures, both these are abhominable vnto the LORDE.

Proverbs 22:22

22 Se yt thou robbe not ye poore because he is weake, and oppresse not ye simple in iudgment:

Jeremiah 22:3

3 Thus the LORDE commaundeth: kepe equite and rightuousnesse, delyuer the oppressed fro the power off the violent: do not greue ner oppresse the straunger, the fatherlesse ner the wyddowe, ad shed no innocet bloude in this place.

Jeremiah 22:13

13 Wo worth him, that buyldeth his house with vnrightuousnes, ad his perlers with the good, that he hath gotten by violence: which neuer recompenseth his neghburs laboure, ner payeth him his hyre.

Ezekiel 22:29

29 The people in the londe vseth wicked extorcio and robbery. They vexe the poore and nedy: and oppresse the straunger agaynst right.

Malachi 3:5

5 I will come & punysh you, & I myself wil be a swift wytnes agaynst the witches, agaynst the aduouterers, agaynst false swearers: yee ad agaynst those, that wrogeously kepe backe the hyrelynges dewty: which vexe the wyddowes & the fatherlesse, & oppresse the straunger, and feare not me, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes.

Mark 10:19

19 Thou knowest the commaundementes: Thou shalt not breake wedlocke: thou shalt not kyll: thou shalt not steale: thou shalt beare no false wytnesse: thou shalt begyle no man: Honoure thy father and mother.

Luke 3:13

13 He sayde vnto them: Requyre nomore, then is appoynted you.

1 Thessalonians 4:6

6 And that no man go to farre, ner defraude his brother in bargayninge. For the LORDE is the auenger of all soch thinges, as we haue sayde & testified vnto you afore tyme.

James 5:4

4 Beholde, the hyre of the labourers which haue reped downe youre feldes (which hyer is of you kept backe by fraude) cryeth: and the cryes of the which haue reped, are entred in to the eares of the LORDE Sabaoth.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.