Joshua 20 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And the LORDE spake vnto Iosua, and sayde: 2 Speake to the children of Israel: Geue amonge you fre cities, wherof I spake vnto you by Moses, 3 that a deedsleyer which sleyeth a soule vnawarres and vnwittingly, maye flye thither, yt they maye be fre amoge you from the avenger of bloude. 4 And he that flyeth to one of those cities, shal stonde without before the porte of the cite, and shewe his cause before the Elders of the cite, then shall they take him to them in to the cite, and geue him place to dwell with them. 5 And yf the auenger of bloude folowe vpon him, they shall not delyuer the deedslayer in to his handes, for so moch as he hath slayne his neghboure vnawarres, and was not his enemye afore: 6 but he shall dwell in ye cite, tyll he stonde before the congregacion in iudgment, vntyll the hye prest dye, which shall be at that tyme. Then shall the deedsleyer returne, and go vnto his awne cite, and vnto his house to the cite, from whence he was fled. 7 Then appoynted they Kedes in Galile vpon mount Nepthali, and Sechem vpon mount Ephraim, and Kiriatharba, that is Hebron vpon mout Iuda. 8 And beyode Iordane on the east syde of Iericho, they gaue Beser in the wildernes vpon the playne out of the trybe of Ruben, and Ramoth in Gilead out of the trybe of Gad, and Golan in Basan out of the trybe of Manasse. 9 These were the cities appoynted for all ye children of Israel, and for the straungers which dwelt amonge them, that whosoeuer had slayne a soule vnawarres, might flye thither, that he shulde not be put to death by the auenger of bloude, tyll he had stonde before the congregacion.

Genesis 33:18-19

18 Afterwarde came Iacob peaceably vnto the cite of Sichem, which lyeth in ye lande of Canaan, after that he was come agayne out of Mesopotamia, and pitched before the cite, 19 and bought a pece of londe of the children of Hemor ye father of Sichem for an hundreth pens. There pitched he his tent,

Exodus 21:13-14

13 Yf he haue not layed wayte for him, but God let him fall in his hande vnawares, then wil I appoynte the a place, where he shal flye vnto. 14 But yf a man presume vpon his neghboure, and slaye him with disceate, then shalt thou take the same fro myne altare, that he maye be slayne.

Numbers 35:6

6 And amoge the cities which ye shal geue vnto the Leuites, ye shall geue the sixe fre cities, that he which comitteth a slaughter, maie flye thither. Besydes the same ye shal geue the yet two & fourtie cities:

Numbers 35:11-24

11 ye shall chose out cities to be fre cities, yt who so comytteth slaughter vnawarres, maye flye thither. 12 And soch fre cities shalbe amonge you because of the auenger of bloude, that he which hath commytted slaughter, dye not, tyll he stonde in iudgment before the congregacion.

Numbers 35:12

12 And soch fre cities shalbe amonge you because of the auenger of bloude, that he which hath commytted slaughter, dye not, tyll he stonde in iudgment before the congregacion. 13 And of these cities which ye shall geue, there shalbe sixe fre cities. 14 Thre shal ye geue on this side Iordane, and thre in the londe of Canaan. 15 These are the sixe fre cities, both for ye childre of Israel & for the straungers, & for soch as dwell amoge you, yt who so euer hath slaine eny soule vnawarres, maye flye thither.

Numbers 35:15

15 These are the sixe fre cities, both for ye childre of Israel & for the straungers, & for soch as dwell amoge you, yt who so euer hath slaine eny soule vnawarres, maye flye thither. 16 He yt smyteth eny man wt an yron weapo, yt he dye, the same is a murthurer, & shal dye the death. 17 Yf he cast at him wt a stone (wherwith enyman maye be slayne) yt he dye therof, then is he a murthurer, and shal dye the death. 18 Yf he smyte him wt an handweapon of wodd (wherwith eny man maie be slayne) that he dye, then is he a murthurer, and shal dye the death. 19 The auenger of bloude shal bringe ye murthurer to death. Whan he fyndeth him, he shal slaye him. 20 Yf he thrust at him of hate, or cast ought at him with laienge of wayte, or smyte him of envye wt his hande, that he dye, 21 then shal he that hath slayne him, dye the death: for he is a murthurer. The auenger of bloude shal brynge him to death, as soone as he fyndeth him. 22 But yf he thrust him by chaunce, & not of envye, or hurle ought at him without eny layenge of wayte, 23 or cast at him with a stone (wherof a man maye dye, & sawe it not) so yt he dye, & is not his enemie, nether thought him eny euell, 24 the shal the cogregacion iudge betwene him yt hath comytted ye slaughter, and the auenger of bloude, in soch cases.

Numbers 35:24-25

24 the shal the cogregacion iudge betwene him yt hath comytted ye slaughter, and the auenger of bloude, in soch cases. 25 And the cogregacion shal delyuer the deedslayer from the hande of ye auenger of bloude, & shal let him come agayne to the fre cite, whither he was fled: & there shall he abyde vnto ye death of the hye prest, which was anoynted with ye holy oyle.

Numbers 35:25-25

25 And the cogregacion shal delyuer the deedslayer from the hande of ye auenger of bloude, & shal let him come agayne to the fre cite, whither he was fled: & there shall he abyde vnto ye death of the hye prest, which was anoynted with ye holy oyle.

Deuteronomy 4:41-43

41 Then separated Moses thre cities beyonde Iordane, towarde the Sonne rysinge, 42 yt he might flye thither, which had slayne his neghboure vnawarres, & hated him not afore tyme, yt he might flye in to one of these cities, & lyue. 43 Bezer in ye wildernes in the playne countre amonge the Rubenites, & Ramoth in Gilead amoge ye Gaddites, & Golan in Basan amonge the Manassites.

Deuteronomy 4:43

43 Bezer in ye wildernes in the playne countre amonge the Rubenites, & Ramoth in Gilead amoge ye Gaddites, & Golan in Basan amonge the Manassites.

Deuteronomy 19:2-13

2 thou shalt appoynte the out thre cities in the myddes of the lode, yt the LORDE thy God shal geue ye to possesse. 3 Thou shalt prepare the waye, and parte the coastes of yi londe (which ye LORDE thy God shal deuyde out vnto the) in to thre partes, that whosoeuer hath commytted a slaughter, maye flie thither. 4 And this shalbe the cause, that whosoeuer hath committed a slaughter, maye flye thyther, and lyue. 5 Yf eny man smyte his neghboure vnawarres, and hath not hated him in tyme passed (as whan a man goeth vnto the wod with his neghboure to hew downe tymber, and he turneth his hande wt the axe to hewe downe the wod, and the yron slyppeth from the helue, and hytteth his neghboure, that he dyeth) the same shal flye in to one of these cities, that he maye lyue, 6 lest the auenger of bloude folowe after the deedsleyer, whyle his hert is whote, and ouertake him, whyle the waye is so farre, and slaye him, where as yet no cause of death is in hi, for so moch as he hated him not in tyme passed. 7 Therfore commaunde I the, that thou appoynte out thre cities. 8 And whan the LORDE yi God enlargeth thy borders, as he hath sworne vnto thy fathers, & geueth the all the lode which he promysed thy fathers to geue 9 (so that thou kepe all these comaundementes, and do yt I commaunde the this daye, yt thou loue the LORDE thy God, and walke in his wayes all yi life longe) the shalt thou adde yet thre cities vnto these thre, 10 that innocent bloude be not shed in thy londe (which the LORDE yi God geueth the to enheritaunce) and so bloude come vpon the. 11 But yf eny man beare hate agaynst his neghboure, and layeth waite for him, and ryseth agaynst him, and smyteth him that he dye, and flyeth in to one of these cities, 12 then shall the Elders of the same cite sende thither, and cause him to be fetched from thence, and delyuer him in to the handes of the auenger of bloude, that he maye dye: 13 thine eye shal not pitie him, and the giltye bloude shalt thou put awaye fro Israel, that thou mayest prospere.

Joshua 5:14

14 He sayde: No, but I am the prynce of the LORDES hoost, and now am I come. Then fell Iosua downe to the earth vpon his face, & worshipped him, and sayde vnto him: What sayeth my LORDE vnto his seruaunt?

Joshua 6:2

2 But the LORDE sayde vnto Iosua: Beholde, I haue geuen Iericho with ye kynge and men of warre therof, in to yi hande.

Joshua 7:10

10 Then sayde the LORDE vnto Iosua: Stode vp, why lyest thou so vpon thy face?

Joshua 13:1-7

1 Now whan Iosua was olde and wel stricken in age, the LORDE sayde vnto him: Thou art olde & well aged, 2 and there remayneth yet moch of the londe to conquere, namely all Galile of the Philistynes, and all Gessuri, 3 from Sihor which floweth before Egipte, vnto the border of Ekron, northwarde, which is rekened vnto the Cananites: fyue lordes of the Philistynes, namely, the Gasites, the Asdodites, the Ascalonites, the Gethites, the Ekronites & the Hauites. 4 But from the north it is all ye londe of the Cananites, and Maara of the Sidonians vnto Aphek, euen vnto the border of the Amorites. 5 Morouer the londe of the Giblites eastwarde, from Baalgad vnder mount Hermon, tyll a ma come vnto Hamath. 6 All they that dwell vpon the mount, from Libanus vnto the warme waters, and all the Sidonians. I wyl dryue them out before the children of Israel: Onely let them be dealte out amonge Israel, as I haue commaunded the. 7 Deuyde thou this lode now to enheritauce amonge the nyne trybes and ye halfe trybe of Manasse.

Joshua 14:15

15 But afore tyme was Hebron called Kiriatharba, & greate people were there amonge the Enakims. And the lode ceassed from warre.

Joshua 20:4

4 And he that flyeth to one of those cities, shal stonde without before the porte of the cite, and shewe his cause before the Elders of the cite, then shall they take him to them in to the cite, and geue him place to dwell with them.

Joshua 20:6

6 but he shall dwell in ye cite, tyll he stonde before the congregacion in iudgment, vntyll the hye prest dye, which shall be at that tyme. Then shall the deedsleyer returne, and go vnto his awne cite, and vnto his house to the cite, from whence he was fled.

Joshua 21:11

11 So they gaue them Kiriatharba, which was the fathers of Enak, that is Hebron vpon the mount Iuda, and the suburbes therof rounde aboute.

Joshua 21:13

13 Thus gaue they vnto the children of Aaron the prest, the fre cite of the deed sleyers, Hebron and the suburbes therof, Libna and the suburbes therof,

Joshua 21:21

21 and they gaue the the fre cite of the deedsleiers, Seche and the suburbes therof vpon mount Ephraim Gaser and the suburbes therof,

Joshua 21:27

27 But vnto the children of Gerson amonge the kynreds of the Leuites were geuen, Of the halfe trybe of Manasse two cities, the fre cite for the deedslayer, Gola in Basan and the suburbes therof, Beasthra, and the suburbes therof.

Joshua 21:32

32 Of the trybe of Nephtali thre cities, the fre cite Kedes (for the deedsleyer) in Galile, Hamoth, Dor, and Karthan with the suburbes therof:

Joshua 21:36

36 Of the trybe of Ruben foure cities, Bezer, Iahza,

Joshua 21:38

38 Of the trybe of Gad foure cities, the fre cite for the deedsleyer, Ramoth in Gilead, Mahanaim,

Ruth 4:1-2

1 Boos wente vp to ye gate, and sat him downe there: & beholde, whan ye nye kynsman wente by, Boos spake vnto him, & sayde: Come & syt the downe here (and called him by his name.) And he came & sat him downe, 2 & he toke ten men of the Elders of ye cite, & sayde: Syt you downe here. And they sat the downe.

1 Kings 22:3-4

3 And the kynge of Israel sayde vnto his seruauntes: Knowe ye not yt Ramoth in Gilead is oures? and we syt styll, and take it not out of the hande of the kynge of Syria. 4 And he sayde vnto Iosaphat: Wilt thou go with me to the battaill vnto Ramoth in Gilead? Iosaphat sayde vnto the kynge of Israel: I wyll be as thou my people as thy people, and my horses as thy horses.

1 Kings 22:6

6 Then the kynge of Israel gathered the prophetes aboute a foure hundreth men, and sayde vnto them: Shal I go vnto Ramoth in Gilead to fighte, or shal I let it alone? They sayde: Go vp, ye LORDE shal delyuer it in to ye kinges hande.

1 Chronicles 6:76

76 Out of the trybe of Nephtali, Redes in Galile, Hamon and Kiriathaim with their suburbes.

1 Chronicles 6:78

78 And beyode Iordane ouer agaynst Iericho eastwarde besyde Iordane out of the trybe of Ruben, Bezer in the wildernes, Iahza,

1 Chronicles 6:80

80 Out of the trybe of Gad, Ramoth in Gilead, Mahanaim,

2 Chronicles 10:1

1 Roboam wente vnto Sichem: for all Israel was come vnto Sichem: to make him kinge.

Job 5:4

4 that his children were without prosperite or health: that they were slayne in the dore, and no ma to delyuer them:

Job 29:7

7 when I wente thorow the cite vnto the gate, & whe they set me a chayre in ye strete:

Psalms 26:9

9 O destroye not my soule with the synners, ner my life with the bloudthurstie.

Proverbs 31:23

23 Hir hu?bade is moch set by in ye gates, whe he sytteth amonge ye rulers of ye londe.

Jeremiah 38:7

7 So Ieremy stack fast in the myre. Now when Abdemelech the Morian beynge a chamberlayne in the kynges courte, vnderstode, that they had cast Ieremy in to the dongeon:

Luke 1:39

39 And Mary arose in those dayes,and wente in to the moutaynes with haist, into ye cite of Iewry,

Romans 8:1

1 Then is there now no damnacion vnto the that are in Christ Iesu, which walke not after the flesh, but after ye sprete.

Romans 8:33-34

33 Who wyl laye enythinge to ye charge of Gods chosen? Here is God that maketh righteous, 34 who wil then condemne? Here is Christ that is deed, yee rather which is raysed vp agayne, which is also on ye righte hande of God, and maketh intercession for vs.

Hebrews 6:18-19

18 yt by two immutable thinges (in the which it is vnpossible yt God shulde lye) we mighte haue a stronge consolacion: euen we, which are fled to holde fast the hope that is set before vs,

Hebrews 6:18

18 yt by two immutable thinges (in the which it is vnpossible yt God shulde lye) we mighte haue a stronge consolacion: euen we, which are fled to holde fast the hope that is set before vs, 19 which (hope) we haue as a sure and stedfast anker of oure soule. Which (hope) also entreth in, in to those thinges that are within ye vayle,

Hebrews 9:26

26 for the must he often haue suffred sence the worlde beganne. But now in the ende of the worlde hath he appeared once, to put synne to flight, by the offerynge vp of himselfe.

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