Joshua 18 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And all the multitude of the children of Israel gathered them selues together vnto Silo, and they set vp ye Tabernacle of witnesse, and the londe was subdued vnto them. 2 But there were yet seuen trybes of the childre of Israel, vnto whom they had not deuyded their enheritaunce. 3 And Iosua sayde vnto the children of Israel: How longe are ye so slowe, to go and coquere the londe, which the LORDE God of youre fathers hath geuen you? 4 Chose you thre men out of euery trybe, yt I maye sende them, and that they maye get them vp and go thorow the londe, and descrybe it acordinge to the enheritaunces therof, and come vnto me. 5 Deuyde the londe in seuen partes. Iudas shal remayne vpon his borders of the south syde, and the house of Ioseph shal remayne vpon his borders of the north parte: 6 but descrybe ye the londe in seuen partes, and brynge them vnto me, then shal I cast ye lot for you before the LORDE oure God. 7 For the Leuites haue no porcion amonge you, but the presthode of the LORDE is their enheritaunce. As for Gad & Ruben and ye halfe trybe of Manasse, they haue receaued their enheritaunce beyonde Iordane eastwarde, which Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE gaue them. 8 Then the men gat vp, to go their waye. And whan they were aboute to go for to descrybe the londe, Iosua commaunded them, and sayde: Go youre waye, and walke thorow the londe, and descrybe it, and come agayne vnto me, that I maye cast ye lot for you before the LORDE at Silo. 9 So the men departed, and wente thorow the londe, and descrybed it in seuen partes vpon a letter acordinge to the cities, and came to Iosua in to the hoost at Silo. 10 Then Iosua cast the lot ouer them at Silo before the LORDE, and there distributed the londe amonge the children of Israel, vnto euery one his parte. 11 And the lot of the trybe of the children of Ben Iamin fell acordinge to their kynreds, and the border of their lot wente out betwene the children of Iuda & the children of Ioseph. 12 And their border was on ye north quarter of Iordane, and goeth vp from the north syde of Iericho, and commeth vp to the mountayne westwarde, and goeth out by the wyldernesse of Bethauen, 13 and goeth from thece towarde Lus, euen by the south syde of Lus (that is Bethel) and commeth downe vnto Ataroth Adar by the mountayne which lyeth on ye south syde of the lower Bethoron. 14 Then boweth it downe, and fetcheth a compasse vnto the south west quarter from the mount that lyeth ouer agaynst Bethoron towarde the south, and goeth out vnto Kiriath Baal, yt is Kiriath Iearim, a cite of the children of Iuda. This is the west border. 15 But the south border is from Kiriath Iearim forth, and goeth out towarde the west, and commeth forth vnto ye water well of Nepthoah: 16 and goeth downe by the edge of the mount, that lyeth before the valley of the sonne of Hinnam: and goeth downe thorow the valley of Hinnam on ye south syde of the Iebusites, and commeth downe to the well of Rogell, 17 and stretcheth from the northwarde, and commeth out vnto EnSemes, and commeth forth to the heapes that lye vp towarde Adumim, and cometh downe vnto the stone of Bohen the sonne of Ruben, 18 and goeth a longe besyde ye playne felde which lyeth north warde, and commeth downe vnto ye playne felde, 19 and goeth besyde Beth Hagla that lyeth towarde the north, and his ende is at the north border of the Salt see, vnto ye edge of Iordane southwarde. This is the south border. 20 But Iordane shal be the ende of the east quarter. This is the enheritaunce of ye children of Ben Iamin in their borders rounde aboute, amonge their kynreds. 21 The cities of the trybe of the children of Ben Iamin amoge their kynreds are these: Iericho, Beth Hagla, Emek Rezig, 22 Betharaba, Zemaraim, Bethel, 23 Auim, Haphar, Aphra, 24 Caphar Amonai, Aphni, Gaba: these are twolue cities and their vyllages. 25 Gibeon, Rama, Beeroth, 26 Mispa, Caphira, Moza, 27 Rekem, Ieerpeel, Thareala, 28 Zela, Eleph, and the Iebusites, that is Ierusalem, Gibeath, Kiriath: these are fourtene cities and their vyllages. This is the enheritaunce of the children of Ben Iamin in their kynreds.

Genesis 10:18

18 Aruadi, Zemari & Hamati: fro whence ye kynreds of ye Cananites are dispersed abrode.

Genesis 13:17

17 Arise, and go thorow the londe, in the length and bredth, for I wyl geue it vnto the.

Genesis 14:3

3 These came all together in to the brode valley, where now the salt see is:

Genesis 19:25

25 and ouerthrew those cities, the whole region, and all that dwelt in the cities, and that that grew vpon the earth.

Genesis 28:19

19 And he called the place Bethel, but afore the cite was called Lus.

Numbers 1:4

4 and of euery trybe ye shal take vnto you one captayne ouer his fathers house.

Numbers 13:2

2 Sende forth men to spye out ye lande of Canaan (which I wil geue vnto ye children of Israel) of euery trybe of their fathers a man, and let them all be soch as are captaynes amonge them.

Numbers 18:20

20 And the LORDE sayde vnto Aaro: Thou shalt inheret nothinge in their londe, ner haue eny porcio amonge them: for I am yi porcion, and thine enheritaunce amoge the children of Israel.

Numbers 18:23

23 But the Leuites shal do the seruyce in the Tabernacle of witnes, & shal beare their synne, for a perpetuall lawe amonge youre posterities. And they shall inheret none inheritaunce amonge the children of Israel.

Numbers 26:54-55

54 To many shalt thou geue the more enheritaunce, and to few the lesse, vnto euery one shall be geue acordinge to their nombre:

Numbers 26:54

54 To many shalt thou geue the more enheritaunce, and to few the lesse, vnto euery one shall be geue acordinge to their nombre: 55 yet shall the londe be deuyded by lott. Acordinge to ye names of the trybes of their fathers shal they enheret it:

Numbers 32:29-41

29 and saide vnto them: Yf the children of Gad & the children of Ruben go ouer Iordane wt you, all prepared to fight before the LORDE, & whan the londe is subdued vnto you, the geue them the londe of Gilead in possessio. 30 But yf they go not ouer with you in harnes, then shal they inheret wt you in ye lode of Canaa. 31 The children of Gad and the children of Rube answered, & sayde: As ye LORDE hath spoken vnto yi seruauntes, so wyll we do: 32 we wil go harnessed before the LORDE in to ye lade of Canaan, and possesse oure enheritaunce on this syde Iordane. 33 So Moses gaue vnto ye children of Gad and to the children of Ruben, and to the halfe trybe of Manasse the sonne of Ioseph, ye kyngdome of Sihon kynge of the Amorites and the kyngdome of Og the kynge of Basan, the londe with the cities therof in all ye coastes of ye countre rounde aboute. 34 The ye children of Gad buylded Dibon, Araroth, Aroer, Atroth, 35 Sophan, Iaeser, & Iegabeha, 36 Bethnimra, & Betharan, stronge fenced cities, & shepe foldes. 37 The children of Ruben buylded He?bo, Eleale, Kiriathaim, 38 Nebo, Baal Meon, & turned ye names, & Sibamas & gaue names vnto ye cities which they buylded. 39 And ye children of Machir the sonne of Manasse wente in to Gilead, & conquered it, and droue out the Amorites yt were therin. 40 Then Moses gaue Gilead vnto Machir ye sonne of Manasse, & he dwelt therin. 41 Iair ye sonne of Manasse, wente and conquered the vyllagies therof, and called them Hauoth Iair.

Numbers 33:54

54 And the londe shall ye deuyde out by lott amonge youre kynreds. Vnto those that are many, shall ye deuyde the more: And vnto them that are fewe, shall ye deuyde the lesse. Euen as the lott falleth there vnto euery one, so shal he haue it, acordinge to the trybes of their fathers.

Numbers 34:3

3 The South quarter shall begynne at the wyldernesse of Zin by Edom, so that youre South quarter be from the edge of the Salt see, which lyeth towarde the South:

Numbers 34:13

13 And Moses commaunded the children of Israel, and sayde: This is youre londe that ye shal deuyde out amonge you by lott, which the LORDE hath commaunded to geue vnto the nyne trybes, and to the halfe trybe.

Deuteronomy 3:12-17

12 This londe conquered we at the same tyme, from Aroer that lyeth on ye ryuer of Arnon. And vnto the Rubenites and Gaddites I gaue halfe mount Gilead with the cities therof: 13 but ye remnaunt of Gilead, & all Basan the kyngdome of Og, gaue I vnto the halfe trybe of Manasse. The whole region of Argob with all Basan was called the giauntes londe. 14 Iair the sonne of Manasse toke all the region of Argob vnto the coastes of Gessuri and Maachati, and Basan called he Hauoth Iair after his awne name, vnto this daye: 15 But vnto Machir I gaue Gilead. 16 And vnto the Rubenites and Gaddites I gaue one parte of Gilead vnto the ryuer of Arnon (at the myddes of the ryuer is ye border) and vnto the ryuer Iabok, which is the border of the children of Ammon: 17 the felde also, and Iordane (which is the coaste) from Cinereth vnto the see in the felde, namely, ye Salt see vnder mount Pisga, Eastwarde.

Deuteronomy 3:17

17 the felde also, and Iordane (which is the coaste) from Cinereth vnto the see in the felde, namely, ye Salt see vnder mount Pisga, Eastwarde.

Deuteronomy 4:47-48

47 & conquered his lade, & the londe of Og kynge of Basan, two kynges of the Amorites which were beyonde Iordane towarde the Sonne rysinge 48 fro Aroer (which lyeth vpon ye ryuer syde of Arnon) vnto mount Sion, which is Hermon:

Deuteronomy 10:1-22

1 At the same tyme sayde the LORDE vnto me: Hew ye two tables of stone like vnto the first, and come vp vnto me in to the mount, and make ye an Arke of wod, 2 and in the tables I wyll wryte the wordes, that were in the first, which thou brakest, and thou shalt laye them in the Arke. 3 So I made an Arke of Fyrre tre, and hewed two tables of stone (like as the first were) & wente vp into the mount, and ye two tables were in my hande. 4 Then wrote he in ye tables (acordinge as the first wrytinge was) the ten verses, which the LORDE spake vnto you out of the fyre vpon the mountayne, at the tyme of the gatheringe together. And the LORDE gaue the vnto me. 5 And I turned me, & wente downe from the mount, and layed the tables in the Arke which I had made, that they mighte be there, as the LORDE commaunded me. 6 And the childre of Israel departed from Beroth & Bue Iackan vnto Mosera (there dyed Aaron, & there was he buried: & Eleasar his sonne became prest in his steade.) 7 Fro thence they departed from Gadgad. From Gadgad to Iathbath, a londe of ryuers of water. 8 At the same season the LORDE separated out the trybe of Leui, to beare the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt, and to stonde before the LORDE, to mynister vnto him, and to prayse his name vnto this daye. 9 Therfore shal the Leuites haue no porcion ner enheritaunce with their brethren: for the LORDE is their enheritaunce, as the LORDE thy God hath promysed them.

Deuteronomy 10:9-22

9 Therfore shal the Leuites haue no porcion ner enheritaunce with their brethren: for the LORDE is their enheritaunce, as the LORDE thy God hath promysed them. 10 But I taried vpo the mount (like as afore) euen fortye dayes and fortye nightes, and the LORDE herde me at that tyme also, and wolde not destroye the. 11 But he sayde vnto me: Vp, & get the forth, yt thou mayest go before the people, yt they maye come in, and coquere the lode, which I sware vnto their fathers to geue them. 12 Now Israel, what requyreth the LORDE thy God of the, but yt thou feare the LORDE thy God, and that thou walke in all his wayes, & loue him, & serue the LORDE yi God with all thy hert, & with all thy soule: 13 and yt thou kepe the comaundementes of ye LORDE, & his ordinaunces, which I comaunde the this daye, yt thou mayest prospere? 14 Beholde, the heauen & the heauen of all heaues and the earth, and all yt is therin, is ye LORDES yi God. 15 Yeth hath he had a pleasure vnto yi fathers, to loue the: and hath chosen their sede after the, namely you, aboue all nacions, as it is come to passe this daye. 16 Circumcyse therfore ye foreskynne of yor hert, & be nomore styffnecked. 17 For the LORDE yor God is God of all goddes, & LORDE ouer all lordes, a greate God, mightie & terryble, which regardeth no personne, & taketh no giftes 18 and doeth righte vnto the fatherlesse and wedowe, and loueth the straunger, to geue him fode & rayment. 19 Therfore shal ye loue a strauger, for ye youre selues also were straungers in the londe of Egipte. 20 Thou shalt feare the LORDE thy God, him onely shalt thou serue, vnto him shalt thou cleue & sweare by his name. 21 He is thy prayse & yi God, which hath done for ye these greate & terryble thinges, yt thine eyes haue sene. 22 Thy fathers wete downe into Egipte wt seuentye soules, but now hath ye LORDE thy God made the as ye starres of heauen in multitude.

Deuteronomy 13:12

12 Yf thou hearest in eny cite which ye LORDE thy God hath geue the to dwell in,

Deuteronomy 18:1-2

1 The prestes, the Leuites, all the trybe of Leui shal haue no parte ner enheritaunce wt Israel. The offerynges of ye LORDE & his enheritaunce shal they eate. 2 Therfore shal they haue no inheritaunce amonge their brethren, because the LORDE is their enheritauce, as he hath saide vnto the

Joshua 2:1

1 Iosua the sonne of Nun sent out two spyes preuely from Setim, and sayde vnto them: Go youre waye, loke vpon the londe and Iericho. They wente forth, and came in to ye house of an harlot, called Rahab, and laye there.

Joshua 3:12

12 Take now therfore twolue men out of ye trybes of Israel, out of euery trybe one.

Joshua 3:16

16 then the water that came downe fro aboue, stode straight vp vpon one heape, very farre from the cite of Adom, that lyeth on the syde of Zarthan: But the water that ranne downe to the see (euen to the salt see) fell awaye, and decreased. So ye people wente thorow ouer agaynst Iericho.

Joshua 4:2

2 Take vp twolue stones out of Iordane,

Joshua 6:1

1 As for Iericho, it was shut & kepte because of the childre of Israel, so that no man mighte go out ner in.

Joshua 7:2

2 Now whan Iosua sent out men from Iericho vnto Hai, which lyeth besyde Bethaue on ye eastsyde of Bethel, he sayde vnto the: Go vp, and spye the londe. And whan they had gone vp, and spyed out Hai,

Joshua 7:16-18

16 Then Iosua gat him vp by tymes in the mornynge, and brought forth Israel, one trybe after another, and ye trybe of Iuda was taken. 17 And whan he had brought forth the kynreds in Iuda, ye kinred of the Serahites was taken. And whan he had brought forth the kynred of the Serahites, one housholde after another, Sabdi was taken.

Joshua 7:17

17 And whan he had brought forth the kynreds in Iuda, ye kinred of the Serahites was taken. And whan he had brought forth the kynred of the Serahites, one housholde after another, Sabdi was taken. 18 And wha he had brought forth his house, one housholder after another, Achan the sonne of Charmi ye sonne of Sabdi the sonne of Serah of the trybe of Iuda, was taken.

Joshua 9:17

17 For as the children of Israel wente forth on their iourney, they came on the thirde daye vnto their cities, which are called Gibeon, Caphira, Beeroth, and Cirath Iearim,

Joshua 10:2

2 For Gibeon was a greate cite, like as one of the kynges cities, and greater then Hai, and all the citesyns therof were men of armes.

Joshua 10:11

11 And whan they fled before Israel, the waye downe to Bethoron, the LORDE caused a greate hayle from heauen to fall vpon them, vnto Aseka, so that they dyed: & many mo of them dyed of the hayle, then the children of Israel slewe with the swerde.

Joshua 12:3

3 and ouer the playne felde, vnto the see of Cynneroth eastwarde, and vnto the see of the playne felde, namely the Salt see towarde the east, the waye vnto Beth Iesimoth: and from the south beneth by the ryuers of mount Pisga.

Joshua 13:7

7 Deuyde thou this lode now to enheritauce amonge the nyne trybes and ye halfe trybe of Manasse. 8 For the Rubenites & Gaddites with ye halfe trybe of Manasse, haue receaued their enheritauce, which Moses gaue the beyonde Iordane Eastwarde, acordinge as Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE gaue them the same, 9 from Aroer which lieth vp by the water syde of Arnon, and the cite in the myddes of the water, & all the coastes of Medba vnto Dibon, 10 and all the cities of Sihon the kynge of the Amorites, which, dwelt at Hesbon, vnto the border of the children of Ammon: 11 and Gilead and ye border of Gessuri and Maachati, and all mout Hermon, and all Basan vnto Salcha: 12 all ye kyngdome of Og at Basan, which dwelt at Astaroth and Edrei, that remained yet ouer of Raphaim. But Moses smote them and droue them out. 13 The children of Israel droue not out the Gessurites & Maachathites, but both Gessur and Maachat dwelt amonge the childre of Israel vnto this daye. 14 But vnto ye trybe of the Leuites he gaue no enheritaunce: for the offeringe of the LORDE God of Israel is their enheritaunce, acordinge as he hath promysed them. 15 So Moses gaue vnto the trybe of ye children of Ruben after their kynreds, 16 so that their border was Aroer, which lyeth vpon the water syde of Arnon, and the cite in the myddes of the same water, with all the playne felde vnto Medba: 17 Hesbon, and all the cities therof which lye in the playne felde: Dibon, Bamoth Baal, & Beth Baal Meon, 18 Iahza, Kedemoth, Mephaath, 19 Kiriathaim, Sibama, Zeretha Sahar, vpon mount Emek, 20 Beth Peor: the ryuers by Pisga, and Beth Iesimoth, 21 and all the cities vpon the playne, and all the realme of Sihon kynge of the Amorites, which dwelt at Hesbon, whom Moses smote with the prynces of Madian, Eui, Rekem, Zur, Hur, & Reba, the mightie men of kynge Sihon, which were inhabiters of the londe. 22 And Balaam the sonne of Beor the prophecier, dyd the children of Israel kyll with the swerde amonge the other that were slayne: 23 and the border of ye childre of Ruben was Iordane. This is the enheritaunce of the children of Ruben amonge their kynreds, cities and vyllages. 24 Vnto the trybe of the children of Gad amonge their kynreds gaue Moses, 25 so that their border was, Iahesar and all the cities in Gilead, and the halfe londe of the children of Ammon, vnto Aroer, which lyeth before Rabbath: 26 and from Hesbon vnto Ramath Mispe & Betomim: and fro Mahanaim vnto the border of Debir. 27 But in the valley, Beth Haram, Beth Nimra, Suchoth and Zaphon (which remayned yet of the realme of Sihon kynge of Hesbon) and was by Iordane, vnto the edge of the see of Cyneroth, on this syde Iordane eastwarde. 28 This is the inheritaunce of the children of Gad in their kynreds, cities & vyllagyes. 29 Vnto the halfe trybe of the children of Manasse after their kynreds, gaue Moses, 30 so that their border was fro Mahanaim, all Basan, all the kyngdome of Og kynge of Basan, and all the townes of Iair which lye in Basan, namely thre score cities. 31 And halfe Gilead, Astaroth, Edrei, the cities of the kyngdome of Og at Basan, vnto the children of Machir the sonne of Manasse. This is the halfe porcion of the children of Machir after their kynreds.

Joshua 13:33

33 But vnto ye trybe of Leui gaue Moses no enheritaunce: for the LORDE God of Israel is their enheritaunce, as he hath promysed them.

Joshua 14:1-2

1 This is it that the children of Israel haue enhereted in the londe of Canaan, which Eleasar the prest, and Iosua the sonne of Nun, and the chefe of the fathers amonge the trybes of the children of Israel parted out amonge them. 2 But by lot dyd they deuyde it out amoge them, acordinge as the LORDE comaunded Moses to geue vnto the nyne trybes and ye halfe:

Joshua 14:2-2

2 But by lot dyd they deuyde it out amoge them, acordinge as the LORDE comaunded Moses to geue vnto the nyne trybes and ye halfe:

Joshua 15:1-12

1 The lot of the trybe of the children of Iuda amonge their kynreds, was ye coaste of Edom by the wyldernesse of Zin, which borderth southwarde on the edge of the south coutrees.

Joshua 15:1

1 The lot of the trybe of the children of Iuda amonge their kynreds, was ye coaste of Edom by the wyldernesse of Zin, which borderth southwarde on the edge of the south coutrees.

Joshua 15:1-8

1 The lot of the trybe of the children of Iuda amonge their kynreds, was ye coaste of Edom by the wyldernesse of Zin, which borderth southwarde on the edge of the south coutrees. 2 Their south borders were from the vttemost syde of the salt see, that is, from the coast that goeth southwarde,

Joshua 15:2-8

2 Their south borders were from the vttemost syde of the salt see, that is, from the coast that goeth southwarde,

Joshua 15:2

2 Their south borders were from the vttemost syde of the salt see, that is, from the coast that goeth southwarde, 3 and commeth out from thece towarde ye eastsyde of Acrabbim, and goeth forth thorow Zinna, and yet goeth vp from the south towarde Cades Bernea, and goeth thorow Hesron, and goeth vp to Adara, & fetcheth a compase aboute Carcaa,

Joshua 15:3-8

3 and commeth out from thece towarde ye eastsyde of Acrabbim, and goeth forth thorow Zinna, and yet goeth vp from the south towarde Cades Bernea, and goeth thorow Hesron, and goeth vp to Adara, & fetcheth a compase aboute Carcaa, 4 & goeth thorow Asmona, and commeth forth to the ryuer of Egipte, so that the see is the ende of ye border. Let this be youre border southwarde.

Joshua 15:4-8

4 & goeth thorow Asmona, and commeth forth to the ryuer of Egipte, so that the see is the ende of ye border. Let this be youre border southwarde. 5 But the east border is from the salt see to the vttemost parte of Iordane.

Joshua 15:5-8

5 But the east border is from the salt see to the vttemost parte of Iordane. 6 The border northwarde, is from the see coast which is on ye edge of Iordane, and goeth vp vnto Beth Hagla, and stretcheth out from the north vnto Betharaba, and commeth vp vnto the stone of Bohen the sonne of Ruben,

Joshua 15:6-8

6 The border northwarde, is from the see coast which is on ye edge of Iordane, and goeth vp vnto Beth Hagla, and stretcheth out from the north vnto Betharaba, and commeth vp vnto the stone of Bohen the sonne of Ruben,

Joshua 15:6

6 The border northwarde, is from the see coast which is on ye edge of Iordane, and goeth vp vnto Beth Hagla, and stretcheth out from the north vnto Betharaba, and commeth vp vnto the stone of Bohen the sonne of Ruben, 7 and goeth vp vnto Debir from ye valley of Achor, and from the north coaste that is towarde Gilgall, which lyeth ouer agaynst Adumim vpwarde, which is on the north syde of the water. Then goeth it vnto ye water of Ensemes, and commeth out vnto the well of Rogell.

Joshua 15:7-8

7 and goeth vp vnto Debir from ye valley of Achor, and from the north coaste that is towarde Gilgall, which lyeth ouer agaynst Adumim vpwarde, which is on the north syde of the water. Then goeth it vnto ye water of Ensemes, and commeth out vnto the well of Rogell. 8 Then goeth it vp to the valley of the sonne of Hinnam, a longe besyde the Iebusite that dwelleth from ye southwarde, that is Ierusalem: and commeth vp vnto the toppe of the mount which lyeth before the valley of Hinnam from the westwarde, that borderth on the edge of the valley of Raphaim towarde the north.

Joshua 15:8-8

8 Then goeth it vp to the valley of the sonne of Hinnam, a longe besyde the Iebusite that dwelleth from ye southwarde, that is Ierusalem: and commeth vp vnto the toppe of the mount which lyeth before the valley of Hinnam from the westwarde, that borderth on the edge of the valley of Raphaim towarde the north.

Joshua 15:8

8 Then goeth it vp to the valley of the sonne of Hinnam, a longe besyde the Iebusite that dwelleth from ye southwarde, that is Ierusalem: and commeth vp vnto the toppe of the mount which lyeth before the valley of Hinnam from the westwarde, that borderth on the edge of the valley of Raphaim towarde the north. 9 Then commeth it from the toppe of the same mount vnto the water well of Nephtoah, and commeth out vnto the cities of mount Ephron, and boweth towarde Baala, that is Kiriath Iarim,

Joshua 15:9

9 Then commeth it from the toppe of the same mount vnto the water well of Nephtoah, and commeth out vnto the cities of mount Ephron, and boweth towarde Baala, that is Kiriath Iarim, 10 and fetcheth a copasse aboute from Baala westwarde vnto mount Seir, and goeth by the north syde of the mount Iarim, that is Chessalon: and cometh downe to Bethsemes, and goeth thorow Thimna, 11 and breaketh out on the north syde of Acron, and stretcheth forth towarde Sicron, and goeth ouer mount Baala, and commeth out vnto Iabueel: so that their vttemost border is the see. 12 The weste border is the greate see. This is the border of the children of Iuda rounde aboute in their kynreds.

Joshua 15:34

34 Saroah, Engannim, Thapua, Enam,

Joshua 15:60

60 Kiriath Baal (that is Kiriath Iearim) Harabba, two cities & their vyllages. 61 And in the wyldernesse was Betharaba, Middin, Sechacha,

Joshua 15:63

63 But the Iebusites dwelt at Ierusalem, and the children of Iuda coude not dryue them awaye. So the Iebusites remayne with the children of Iuda at Ierusalem vnto this daye.

Joshua 16:1-10

1 And the lot fell vnto the children of Ephraim fro Iordane ouer agaynst Iericho, vnto the water on the east syde of Iericho, and the wyldernesse, yt goeth vp from Iericho thorow the mountayne of Bethel,

Joshua 16:1

1 And the lot fell vnto the children of Ephraim fro Iordane ouer agaynst Iericho, vnto the water on the east syde of Iericho, and the wyldernesse, yt goeth vp from Iericho thorow the mountayne of Bethel, 2 and commeth out from Bethel vnto Lus, and goeth thorow the coast of Arciataroth,

Joshua 16:2-3

2 and commeth out from Bethel vnto Lus, and goeth thorow the coast of Arciataroth, 3 and stretcheth downe westwarde vnto ye coaste of Iaphleti to ye border of the lower Bethoron, and vnto Gaser: and the ende therof is by the greate see.

Joshua 16:3-3

3 and stretcheth downe westwarde vnto ye coaste of Iaphleti to ye border of the lower Bethoron, and vnto Gaser: and the ende therof is by the greate see. 4 This the children of Ioseph (Manasses & Ephraim) receaued to enheritaunce. 5 The Border of the children of Ephraim amonge their kynreds of their enheritaunce from the east, was Ataroth Adar vnto the vpper Bethoron,

Joshua 16:5

5 The Border of the children of Ephraim amonge their kynreds of their enheritaunce from the east, was Ataroth Adar vnto the vpper Bethoron, 6 & goeth out westwarde by Michmethath that lyeth towarde the north, there fetcheth it a compasse towarde the east syde of the cite Thaenath Silo, and goeth there thorow from the east vnto Ianoha, 7 and commeth downe from Ianoha vnto Ataroth and Naaratha, and bordreth on Iericho, and goeth out at Iordane. 8 From Thapuah goeth it westwarde vnto Naalkama, and the out goinge of it is at the see. This is the enheritaunce of the trybe of the children of Ephraim amonge their kynreds. 9 And all the borders, cities with their vyllages of the childre of Ephraim laye scatred amonge the enheritaunce of the children of Manasse. 10 And they droue not out ye Cananites, which dwelt at Gaser. So ye Cananites remayned amoge Ephraim vnto this daye, and became tributaries.

Joshua 18:1

1 And all the multitude of the children of Israel gathered them selues together vnto Silo, and they set vp ye Tabernacle of witnesse, and the londe was subdued vnto them.

Joshua 18:3

3 And Iosua sayde vnto the children of Israel: How longe are ye so slowe, to go and coquere the londe, which the LORDE God of youre fathers hath geuen you?

Joshua 18:6

6 but descrybe ye the londe in seuen partes, and brynge them vnto me, then shal I cast ye lot for you before the LORDE oure God.

Joshua 18:8

8 Then the men gat vp, to go their waye. And whan they were aboute to go for to descrybe the londe, Iosua commaunded them, and sayde: Go youre waye, and walke thorow the londe, and descrybe it, and come agayne vnto me, that I maye cast ye lot for you before the LORDE at Silo. 9 So the men departed, and wente thorow the londe, and descrybed it in seuen partes vpon a letter acordinge to the cities, and came to Iosua in to the hoost at Silo. 10 Then Iosua cast the lot ouer them at Silo before the LORDE, and there distributed the londe amonge the children of Israel, vnto euery one his parte.

Joshua 18:12

12 And their border was on ye north quarter of Iordane, and goeth vp from the north syde of Iericho, and commeth vp to the mountayne westwarde, and goeth out by the wyldernesse of Bethauen,

Joshua 18:16

16 and goeth downe by the edge of the mount, that lyeth before the valley of the sonne of Hinnam: and goeth downe thorow the valley of Hinnam on ye south syde of the Iebusites, and commeth downe to the well of Rogell,

Joshua 18:18

18 and goeth a longe besyde ye playne felde which lyeth north warde, and commeth downe vnto ye playne felde, 19 and goeth besyde Beth Hagla that lyeth towarde the north, and his ende is at the north border of the Salt see, vnto ye edge of Iordane southwarde. This is the south border.

Joshua 18:28

28 Zela, Eleph, and the Iebusites, that is Ierusalem, Gibeath, Kiriath: these are fourtene cities and their vyllages. This is the enheritaunce of the children of Ben Iamin in their kynreds.

Joshua 19:1-9

1 Then fell the seconde lot of the trybe of the children of Simeon acordinge to their kynreds, and their enheritaunce was amonge the enheritaunce of ye children of Iuda. 2 And to their enheritaunce they had Beer Seba, Molada, 3 Hazar Sual, Baala, Azem, 4 El Tholad, Bethul, Harma, 5 Ziklag, Betha Markaboth, Hazar Sussa, 6 Beth Lebaoth, and Saruhen: these are thirtene cities & their vyllages. 7 Ain, Rimon, Ether, Asan: these are foure cities and their vyllages. 8 And all ye vyllages that lye aboute the cities vnto Balath Beer Ramath towarde the south. This is the enheritaunce of the trybe of the children of Simeon in their kynreds: 9 for the enheritaunce of the children of Simeon is vnder the porcion of the children of Iuda. For so moch as the enheritaunce of the children of Iuda was to greate for them, therfore inhereted the children of Simeon amonge their enheritaunce.

Joshua 19:51

51 These are the enheritaunces which Eleasar the prest and Iosua ye sonne of Nun, and the chefest of the fathers amonge ye tribes, deuided out by lot vnto the childre of Israel at Silo before the LORDE, euen before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnes, and so they ended the deuydinge out of the londe.

Joshua 21:2

2 and spake vnto them at Silo in the londe of Canaan, and sayde: The LORDE commaunded by Moses, that we shulde haue cities geuen vs to dwell in, and the suburbes of the same for oure catell.

Joshua 21:17

17 But of the trybe of Ben Iamin they gaue foure cities, Gibeon and ye suburbes therof, Gaba, and the suburbes therof,

Joshua 21:22

22 Kibzaim and the suburbes therof, Bethron and the suburbes therof.

Joshua 22:9

9 So the Rubenites, Gaddites, and the halfe trybe of Manasse returned, and wente from the children of Israel out of Silo (which lyeth in the londe of Canaan) to go in to the countre of Gilead to the londe of their possession, that they mighte possesse it, acordynge to the commaundement of the LORDE by Moses.

Judges 1:8

8 But ye childre of Iuda foughte agaynst Ierusalem, and wane it, and smote it with the edge of the swerde, and set fyre vpon the cite.

Judges 1:21

21 Howbeit ye children of Ben Iamin droue not out ye Iebusites which dwelt at Ierusalem, but ye Iebusites dwelt amonge the children of Ben Iamin at Ierusalem vnto this daye. 22 Likewyse the children of Ioseph wete vp also vnto Bethel, & the LORDE was wt the. 23 And the house of Ioseph spyed out Bethel (which afore tyme was called Lus) 24 and the watch men sawe a man goinge out of the cite, and saide vnto him: Shewe vs where we maye come in to the cite, & we wyll shewe mercy vpon the. 25 And whan he had shewed them where they mighte come in to the cite, they smote ye cite wt the edge of the swerde: but they let the man go & all his frendes. 26 Then wete the same man vp in to ye countre of the Hethites, & buylded a cite, and called it Lus, & so is the name of it yet vnto this daye.

Judges 10:17

17 And the children of Ammon called them selues together, and pitched in Gilead: But the children of Israel gathered them selues together also, and pitched at Mispa.

Judges 18:9

9 They sayde: Arise, let vs go vp vnto them, for we haue sene the londe, yt it is a very good londe: make haist therfore, & be not slacke to go, that ye maye come to take possession of the londe.

Judges 18:31

31 And thus they set amonge the the ymage of Micha, which he had made, as loge as ye house of God was at Silo.

Judges 19:10

10 Neuerttheles the man wolde not tary, but gat him vp, and wete his waye, and came ouer agaynst Iebus (that is Ierusalem) and his couple of asses lade, and his concubyne with him.

Judges 19:12-15

12 Not withstondinge his master sayde vnto him: I wil not turne in to ye cite of the aleauntes, that are not of the children of Israel, but I wyl go ouer vnto Gibea. 13 And he sayde vnto his seruaut: Go thou before, that we maye come to some place, and tarye at Gibea or at Ramah allnight. 14 And they wente on and walked, and the Sonne wente downe vpon the harde by Gibea, which lyeth in the trybe of BenIamin: 15 and they turned in there, yt they mighte come in, and tarye at Gibea all nighte. But whan he came in, he sat him downe in ye strete of the cite: for there was noman that wolde lodge them in his house that night.

Judges 20:4-5

4 Then answered the Leuite the husbande of the woman that was slayne, and sayde: I came to Gibea in BenIamin with my concubyne, to tary there allnight, 5 then the cytesins of Gibea gat them vp agaynst me, and compased me aboute in the house by night, and thoughte to slaye me, and defyled my cocubyne, so that she dyed:

Judges 21:19

19 And they sayde: Beholde there is a yearly feast of the LORDE at Silo, which lieth on the northsyde of the Gods house, and on the eastside of the strete as a ma goeth from Bethel vnto Sichem, and lieth on the south side of Libona.

1 Samuel 1:1

1 There was a man of Ramathaim Sophim of mount Ephraim, whose name was Elcana ye sonne of Ieroham, ye sonne of Elihu, ye sonne of Tohu, ye sonne of Zuph, yt was an Ephrate.

1 Samuel 1:3

3 And ye same man wete vp fro his cite at his tyme, to worshippe and to offer vnto the LORDE Zebaoth at Silo. There were the prestes of the LORDE Ophni and Phineas, the two sonnes of Eli.

1 Samuel 1:24

24 And whan she had weened him, she broughte him vp with her, with thre bullockes, with an Ephi of fyne floure, and a bottell of wyne, and broughte him in to ye house of the LORDE at Silo. Neuertheles the childe was yet but yonge.

1 Samuel 4:3-4

3 And whan the people came in to the hoost, the Elders of Israel sayde: Wherfore hath the LORDE caused vs to be smytten this daie before the Philistynes? Let vs take vnto vs the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt from Silo, & let it come amoge vs, that it maye helpe vs from the hande of oure enemies. 4 And the people sent vnto Silo, & caused to fet thece the Arke of ye couenaunt of the LORDE Zebaoth, that sytteth vpon the Cherubins. And with the Arke of the couenaunt of God there were the two sonnes of Eli, Ophni and Phineas.

1 Samuel 7:1-2

1 So the men of Kiriath Iearim came downe, & fetched vp ye Arke of ye LORDE, & brought it in to ye house of Abinadab at Gibea, & they consecrated Eleasar his sonne, yt he might kepe ye Arke. 2 And fro yt daye that the Arke of ye LORDE abode at KiriathIearim, ye tyme extended forth so longe tyll it came to twentye yeares: and all the house of Israel wepte after the LORDE.

1 Samuel 10:26

26 And Saul wente home also vnto Gibea, and there wente with him one parte of the hoost, whose hertes God had touched.

1 Samuel 13:15-16

15 And Samuel arose, and wente vp from Gilgal vnto Gibea Ben Iamin. And Saul nombred the people that was founde with him, vpon a sixe hundreth men. 16 Saul & his sonne Ionathas, and ye people that was with them, taried at Gibea Ben Iamin: but ye Philistynes had pitched their tentes at Michmas. 17 And out of the hoost of the Philistynes there wente thre bondes of men to destroye: one turned the waye towarde Ephra in to the londe of Sual:

1 Samuel 14:41

41 And Saul sayde vnto the LORDE the God of Israel: Do thou that right is. The was Ionathas and Saul taken: but the people wente forth fre.

2 Samuel 5:8

8 Then sayde Dauid the same daye: Who so euer smyteth the Iebusites, and optayneth the perquellies, the lame & the blynde, which (Iebusites) Dauids soule hateth. Herof cometh the prouerbe: Let no blynde ner lame come in to the house.

2 Samuel 6:2

2 and gat him vp, and wente with all the people that was with him of the citesins of Iuda, to fetch vp the Arke of God from thence: whose name is: The name of the LORDE Zebaoth dwelleth theron betwene the Cherubins

2 Samuel 17:17

17 As for Ionathas and Ahimaaz, they stode by the well of Rogel, and a damsell wente thither and tolde them. They wente on their waye, and tolde kynge Dauid, for they durst not be sene to come in to the cite.

2 Samuel 21:14

14 And the bones of Saul and of his sonne Ionathas buried they in ye londe of Ben Iamin, besyde ye graue of his father Cis. So after this was God at one with the londe.

1 Kings 1:9

9 And wha Adonias offred shepe and oxe, and fat catell besyde the stone of Soheleth, which lyeth by the well of Rogel, he called all his brethre the kynges sonnes, and all the men of Iuda the kynges seruautes.

1 Kings 2:27

27 Thus Salomo put forth Abiathar, that he must nomore be the prest of the LORDE, that the worde of the LORDE mighte be fulfilled, which he spake ouer the house of Eli at Silo.

1 Kings 3:4-5

4 And the kynge wente vnto Gibeon, to do sacrifice there: for that was a goodly hye place. And Salomon offred a thousande burntofferynges vpon the same altare. 5 And the LORDE appeared vnto Salomon at Gibeon in a dreame of the nighte, and God sayde: Axe what I shal geue ye.

1 Kings 9:2

2 ye LORDE appeared vnto him the seconde tyme, euen as he appeared vnto him at Gibeon.

1 Kings 12:29-32

29 And the one set he at Bethel, & the other in Dan. 30 And this dede turned to synne, for the people wente before the one vnto Dan. 31 He made an house also in the hye places, and made prestes of the smallest in the people, which were not of the childre of Leui. 32 And vpon the fiftene daye of the eighte moneth he made an holy daye, like as the solempne feast in Iuda, and offered vpon the altare. Thus dyd he at Bethel, in doynge sacrifice vnto the calues which he had made,and at Bethel he ordeyned the prestes of the hye places that he had made:

1 Kings 14:2

2 and Ieroboam saide vnto his wyfe: Get the vp, and disguise the, so that no man perceaue that thou art Ieroboams wyfe, and go vnto Silo: beholde, there is the prophet Ahias, which promysed me yt I shulde be kynge ouer this people:

1 Kings 14:4

4 And Ieroboams wyfe did so, and gat hir vp, and wente vnto Silo, and came in to the house of Ahias. But Ahias coulde not se, for his eyes were dymme for age.

2 Kings 23:10

10 He suspended Tophet also in the valley of the children of Ennon, that noman shulde cause his sonne or his doughter to go thorow ye fyre vnto Moloch.

1 Chronicles 13:5-6

5 So Dauid gathered all Israel together from Sihor of Egipte, tyll a man come vnto Hemath, to fetch the Arke of God from Kiriath Iearim. 6 And Dauid wente vp wt all Israel to Kiriath Iearim, which lieth in Iuda, to brynge from thence the Arke of God the LORDE, that sytteth vpo the Cherubins, where the name is named:

1 Chronicles 14:9

9 And the Philistynes came, and scatered the selues beneth in ye valley of Rephaim.

2 Chronicles 13:4

4 And Abia gatt him vp vpon the hyll Zemaraim, which lyeth vpon mount Ephraim and sayde: Herken vnto me thou Ieroboam and all Israel:

2 Chronicles 28:3

3 and brent incense in the valley of the children of Hennon, and bret his awne sonnes in ye fire, after the abhominacions of the Heithen, who the LORDE expelled before the childre of Israel.

2 Chronicles 33:6

6 And in the valley of the sonne of Hennon caused he his awne sonnes to go thorow the fyre, and chosed dayes, & regarded byrdescryenge, and witches, and founded soythsayers and expounders of tokens, and dyd moch that was euell in the sighte of the LORDE to prouoke him vnto wrath.

Ezra 2:25

25 the children off Kiriath Arim, Caphira and Beeroth, seuen hundreth and thre and fortye: 26 the children off Rama and Gaba, sixe hundreth and one and twetye:

Nehemiah 7:30

30 the men of Rama and Gaba, sixe hudreth and one and twentye:

Psalms 16:5-6

5 Their drynkofferynges of bloude wil not I offre, nether make mencion of their name in my mouth. 6 The LORDE himself is my good and my porcion, thou manteynest my enheritauce.

Psalms 47:4

4 He choseth vs for an heretage, the beutie of Iacob whom he loued.

Psalms 61:5

5 Sela. For thou (o LORDE) hast herde my desyres, thou hast geuen an heretage vnto those that feare thy name.

Psalms 78:66

66 So the LORDE awaked as one out of slepe, and like a giaunte refreshed with wyne.

Psalms 105:11

11 Sayenge: vnto the wil I geue the londe of Canaan, the lott of youre heretage.

Proverbs 2:2-6

2 that thine eare maye herken vnto wysdome, applie thine herte then to vnderstodinge. 3 For yf thou criest after wy?dome, & callest for knowlege: 4 yf thou sekest after her as after money, and dyggest for her as for treasure: 5 The shalt thou vnderstonde ye feare of the LORDE, and fynde ye knowlege of God. 6 For it is the LORDE that geueth wy?dome, out of his mouth commeth knowlege and vnderstondinge.

Proverbs 10:4

4 An ydle hande maketh poore, but a quycke laboringe hande maketh riche.

Proverbs 13:4

4 The slogarde wolde fayne haue, and can not get his desyre: but the soule of the diligent shal haue plenty.

Proverbs 15:19

19 The waye of ye slouthfull is full of thornes, but ye strete of the rightuous is well clensed.

Proverbs 16:33

33 The lottes are cast in to the lappe, but their fall stodeth in the LORDE.

Proverbs 18:18

18 The lot pacifieth ye variauce, & parteth ye mightie asunder.

Ecclesiastes 9:10

10 What so euer thou takest in hande to do, that do with all thy power: for amoge the deed (where as thou goest vnto) there is nether worke, councell, knowlege ner wy?dome.

Isaiah 10:29

29 and go ouer ye foorde. Gaba shalbe their restinge place, Rhama shalbe afrayde, Gabea Saul shal fle awaye.

Isaiah 11:15

15 The LORDE also shal cleue the tunges of the Egipcias see, and with a mightie wynde shal he lift vp his honde ouer Nilus, and shal smyte his seue streames and make men go ouer drye shod.

Isaiah 28:21

21 For the LORDE shal steppe forth as he dyd vpon the mount Perazim, and shal take on as he dyd vpo the dale of Gabaon: that he maye bringe forth his deuyce, his straunge deuyce: and fulfil his worke, his wonderful worcke.

Isaiah 30:33

33 For he hath prepared the fyre of payne from the begynnynge, yee euen for kynges also. This hath he made depe & wyde, ye norishinge therof is fyre and wodde innumerable, which the breath ofte LORDE kyndleth, as it were a match of brymstone.

Jeremiah 7:12-14

12 Go to my place in Silo, where vnto I gaue my name afore tyme, and loke well what I dyd to the same place, for the wickednes of my people of Israel. 13 And now, though ye haue done all these dedes (saieth the LORDE) and I my self rose vp euer by tymes to warne you and to comon with you: yet wolde ye not heare me: I called, ye wolde not answere. 14 And therfore euen as I haue done vnto Silo, so wil I do to this house, that my name is geuen vnto, (and that ye put youre trust in) yee vnto the place that I haue geuen to you and youre fathers.

Jeremiah 7:31-32

31 They haue also buylded an aulter at Tophet, which is in the valley of ye childre of Enno: yt they might burne their sonnes and doughters, which I neuer comaunded them, nether came it euer in my thought. 32 And therfore beholde, the dayes shal come (saieth the LORDE) that it shal no more be called. Tophet, or the valley of the children of Ennon, but the valley of the slayne: for in Tophet they shalbe buried, because they shal els haue no rowme.

Jeremiah 19:2

2 in to the valley of the children off Ennon, which lieth before the porte that is made of brick, & shewe them there the wordes, that I shall tell the,

Jeremiah 19:6

6 Beholde therfore, ye tyme cometh (saieth the LORDE) yt this place shal no more be called Tophet, ner ye valley of ye childre of Enno, but ye valley of slaughter.

Jeremiah 19:11

11 Thus saieth the LORDE off hoostes: Eue so wil I destroye this people & cite: as a Potter breaketh a vessel, that can not be made whole agayne. In Tophet shal they be buried, for they shal haue none other place.

Jeremiah 26:6

6 then will I do to this house, as I dyd vnto Silo, and will make this cite to be abhorred of all the people of the earth.

Jeremiah 31:15

15 Thus saieth the LORDE: The voyce of heuynes, wepynge and lamentacion came vp in to heauen: euen of Rachel mournynge for hir children, and wolde not be comforted, because they were awaye.

Jeremiah 32:35

35 They haue buylded hie places for Baal in the valley of the children of Ennon, to vowe their sonnes and doughters vnto Moloch: which I neuer commauded them, nether came it euer in my thought, to make Iuda synne with soch abhominacion.

Ezekiel 47:22

22 and deuyde it to be an heretage for you, and for the straugers that dwel amoge you, and begette children. For ye shal take them amonge the childre of Israell, like as though they were of youre owne housholde and countre, and they shal haue heretage with you amonge the childre of Israel.

Ezekiel 48:29

29 This is ye lode wt his porcios, which ye shal distribute vnto the trybes of Israel, saieth ye LORDE God.

Hosea 4:15

15 Though thou Israel art disposed to playe ye harlot, yet shuldest not thou haue offended, o Iuda: thou shuldest not haue runne to Galgala, ner haue gone vp to Bethaue, ner haue sworne: the LORDE lyueth.

Hosea 5:8

8 Blowe with the shawmes at Gabea, and with the trumpet in Rama, crie out at Bethauen vpon the yonside of Ben Iamin.

Hosea 10:5

5 They that dwell in Samaria haue worshipped the calfe of Bethaue: therfore shall the people mourne ouer them, yee and the prestes also, that in their welthynesse reioysed with them: and why? it shal passe awaye from them.

Hosea 10:9

9 O Israel, thou hast synned as Gabaa dyd afore tyme, where they remayned: shulde not the batel then come vpon the wicked children, as wel as vpon the Gabaonites?

Zephaniah 3:16

16 In that tyme it shall be sayed to Ierusalem: feare not, and to Sion: let not thine hondes be slacke,

Matthew 20:6

6 And aboute the eleuenth houre he wete out, and founde other stodynge ydle, and sayde vnto them: Why stonde ye here all the daye ydle?

Matthew 27:35

35 So whan they had crucified him, they parted his garmetes, and cast lottes therfore: that the thinge might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the prophet: They haue parted my garmetes amonge the, & cast lottes vpon my vesture.

Matthew 27:57

57 At euen there came a rich man of Arimathia, called Ioseph, which was also a disciple of Iesus.

Luke 10:30

30 Then answered Iesus, and sayde: A certayne man wente downe from Ierusalem vnto Iericho, and fell amonge murthurers, which stryped him out of his clothes, and wounded him, and wente their waye, and left him half deed.

Luke 19:1

1 And he entred in, and wente thorow Iericho:

John 6:27

27 Laboure not for the meate which perisheth but yt endureth vnto euerlastinge life, which the sonne of ma shal geue you: For him hath God the father sealed.

John 17:2

2 Like as thou hast geuen him power ouer all fleshe, that he shulde geue euerlastinge life to as many as thou hast geuen him.

Acts 1:24-26

24 makinge their prayer and sayenge: Thou LORDE, which knowest the hertes of all men, shewe whether of these two thou hast chosen, 25 that the one maye take the rowme of this mynistracion and Apostelshippe, from the which Iudas by transgression fell, that he might go awaye in to his awne place. 26 And they gaue forth the lottes ouer them, and the lot fell vpon Mathias. And he was counted with the eleuen Apostles.

Acts 13:19

19 and destroyed seuen nacions in the lande of Canaan, and parted their londe amonge them by lott.

Acts 26:18

18 to ope their eyes, that they maye turne from the darknesse vnto the lighte, and from the power of ye deuell vnto God, that they maye receaue forgeuenesse of synnes, and the enheritaunce with them that are sanctified by faith in me.

Romans 14:19

19 Let vs therfore folowe those thinges which make for peace, & thinges wherwith one maye edifye another.

Philippians 3:13-14

13 Brethren, I counte not my selfe yet that I haue gotten it: but one thinge I saye: I forget that which is behynde, and stretch my selfe vnto that which is before, 14 & preace vnto ye marck apoynted, to optayne the rewarde of the hye callynge of God in Christ Iesu.

Colossians 1:12

12 and geue thankes vnto the father, which hath made vs mete for the enheritaunce of sayntes in lighte.

2 Peter 1:10-11

10 Wherfore (brethre) geue the more diligence, to make youre callynge and eleccion sure: for yf ye do soch thinges, ye shal not fall, 11 and by this meanes shal there be plenteously mynistred vnto you an entrynge in vnto ye euerlastinge kyngdome of oure LORDE and Sauioure Iesus Christ.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.