Jonah 1:2 Cross References - Coverdale

2 Aryse, and get the to Niniue that greate cite: and preach vnto them, how yt their wickednesse is come vp before me.

Genesis 10:11

11 Out of that lode came Assur, and buylded Niniue, and ye stretes of ye cite, and Calah,

Genesis 18:20-21

20 And the LORDE sayde: There is a crie at Sodome and Gomorra, which is greate, & their synnes are exceadinge greuous: 21 therfore will I go downe & se, whether they haue done all together, acordinge to that crye, which is come before me, or not, that I maye knowe.

2 Kings 19:36

36 So Sennacherib the kinge of Assyria brake vp, and departed, and returned, and abode at Niniue.

Ezra 9:6

6 and sayde: My God, I am ashamed, and darre not lifte vp mine eies vnto the my God: for oure wickednesses are growne ouer oure heade, & oure trespaces are waxen greate vnto ye heaue.

Isaiah 58:1

1 And therfore crie now, as loude as thou canst. Leaue not of, lift vp thy voyce like a tropet, and shewe my people their offences, and ye house of Iacob their synnes.

Jeremiah 1:7-10

7 And the LORDE answered me thus: Saye not so, I am to yonge: For thou shalt go to all that I shall sende the vnto, and what so euer I comaunde the, that shalt thou speake. 8 Be not afrayed of their faces, for I wilbe with the, to delyuer the, saieth the LORDE. 9 And with that, the LORDE stretched out his honde, and touched my mouth, and sayde morouer vnto me: Beholde I put my wordes in thy mouth, 10 and this daye do I set the ouer the people and kingdomes: that thou mayest rote out, breake of, destroye, and make waist: and that thou mayest buylde vp, and plate.

Ezekiel 2:7

7 Se that thou speake my wordes vnto them, whether they be obediet or not, for they are obstinate.

Ezekiel 3:5-9

5 for I sende the not to a people that hath a strauge, vnknowne or harde speache, but vnto the house off Israel: 6 Not to many nacions, which haue diuerse speaches and harde languages, whose wordes thou vnderstodest not: Neuertheles, yf I sent the to those people, they wolde folowe the: 7 But the house off Israel wil not folowe ye, for they wil not folowe me: Yee all the house off Israel haue stiff foreheades and harde hertes. 8 Beholde therfore, I will make thy face preuayle agaynst their faces, and harden thy foreheade agaynst their foreheades: 9 so that thy foreheade shall be harder then an Adamat or flynt stone: that thou mayest feare them ye lesse, and be lesse afrayed off them, for they are a frauwerde housholde.

Jonah 3:2

2 vp, and get the to Niniue that greate cite, & preach vnto them the preachinge, which I bade the.

Jonah 4:11

11 And shulde not I then haue compassion vpon Niniue that greate cite, wherin there are aboue an C. and xx. thousande personnes, yt knowe not their right hode fro the lefte, besydes moch catell?

Micah 3:8

8 As for me, I am full of strength, & of ye sprete of ye LORDE, full of iudgment & boldnesse: to shewe the house of Iacob their wickednesse, & the house of Israel their synne.

Nahum 1:1

1 This is the heuy burthen of Niniue, which Naum of Elchos dyd wryte, as he sawe it.

Nahum 2:1-3

1 The scaterer shal come vp agaynst the, & laye sege to the castell. Loke thou wel to the stretes, make thy loynes stronge, arme thy self with all thy myght: 2 for the LORDE shal restore agayne the glory of Iacob, like as ye glory of Israel. The destroyers haue broken them downe, & marred the wyne braunches. 3 The shylde of his giauntes glistereth, his men of warre are clothed in purple. His charettes are as fyre, when he maketh him forwarde, his archers are wel deckte & trimmed.

Zephaniah 2:13-15

13 Yee he shall stretch out his honde ouer the north, and destroye Assur. As for Niniue, he shal make it desolate, drye and waist. 14 The flockes and all the beastes of the people shall lye in the myddest of it, pellicanes and storckes shall abyde in the vpper postes of it, foules shal synge in the wyndowes, and rauens shal syt vpon the balckes, for the bordes of Cedre shalbe ryue downe. 15 This is the proude and carelesse cite, that sayde in hir herte: I am, and there is els none. O how is she made so waist, yt the beestes lye therin? Who so goeth by, mocketh her, and poynteth at her with his fynger.

Matthew 10:18

18 And ye shall be brought before prynces and kynges for my sake, in witnes to them and to the gentyls.

James 5:4

4 Beholde, the hyre of the labourers which haue reped downe youre feldes (which hyer is of you kept backe by fraude) cryeth: and the cryes of the which haue reped, are entred in to the eares of the LORDE Sabaoth.

Revelation 18:5

5 For her synnes are gone vp to heauen, and the LORDE hath remembred her wyckednes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.