John 2:13 Cross References - Coverdale

13 And the Iewes Easter was at hande. And Iesus wete vp to Ierusalem,

Exodus 12:6-14

6 And ye shal kepe it vnto ye fourtene daye of the moneth. And euery man of the congregacion of Israel shal slaye it aboute the eueninge. 7 And they shal take of his bloude, and stryke it on both the syde postes of the dore, and on the vpperdore post of the house, that they eate it in. 8 And so shal they eate flesh ye same night, rosted at the fyre, & vnleuended bred, and shal eate it with sowre sawse. 9 Ye shal not eate it rawe, ner sodden with water, but onely rosted at the fyre, his heade wt his fete and pertenaunce. 10 And ye shal leaue nothynge of it ouer vntyll the mornynge: but yf eny thinge be left ouer vntyll the mornynge, ye shal burne it with fyre. 11 Of this maner shal ye eate it: Ye shal be gyrded aboute youre loynes, and haue youre shues vpon youre fete, and staues in yor handes, and ye shal eate it with haist: for it is ye LORDES Passeouer. 12 For in the same night wil I go thorow the londe of Egipte, & smyte all the firstborne in the lande of Egipte, from men vnto catell, & vpon all the goddes of Egipte wyll I do execucion. 13 Euen I the LORDE. And the bloude shal be youre token, vpon the houses wherin ye are: yt whan I se the bloude, I maye passe ouer, and that the plage happen not vnto you, to destroye you, whan I smyte the londe of Egipte. 14 And this daye shall ye haue for a remembraunce, and ye shall kepe it holy for a feast vnto the LORDE, ye & all youre posterities, for a perpetuall custome.

Numbers 28:16-25

16 And on the fourtene daye of the first moneth is the Easter vnto the LORDE, 17 and on the fyftene daye of the same moneth is the feast. Seue dayes shal vnleuended bred be eaten. 18 The first daye shalbe an holy conuocacion: No seruile worke shal ye do therin, 19 and ye shal offre a burntofferynge vnto the LORDE: two yonge bullockes, one ramme, seuen labes of a yeare olde without blemysh, 20 with their meatofferynge: thre tenth deales of fyne floure myngled with oile to either bullocke, and two tenth deales to the ramme, 21 and one tenth deale to euery lambe amonge the seuen lambes. 22 And an he goate for a synofferinge, to make an attonement for you. 23 And these shal ye offre in the mornynge, besydes the burntofferynge, which is a daylie burntofferynge. 24 After this maner shal ye offre ye bred euery daye seuen dayes longe for an offeringe of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE, to the daylie burntofferynge, and drynkofferynge also. 25 And the seuenth daye shal be called an holy conuocacion with you: no seruyle worke shal ye do therin.

Deuteronomy 16:1-8

1 Obserue the moneth Abib, yt thou offre Easter vnto the LORDE yi God: for in the moneth Abib the LORDE thy God broughte ye out of Egipte by nighte. 2 And for the Easter vnto ye LORDE thy God, thou shalt offre oxen & shepe, in ye place which ye LORDE shal chose, yt his name maye dwell there. 3 Thou shalt eate no leuended bred in yt feast. Seuen dayes shalt thou eate the vnleuended bred of thy tribulacion: For with soroufull haist camest thou out of the londe of Egipte, that thou mayest remebre the daye of thy departinge out of ye londe of Egipte, all yi life longe. 4 In seue dayes shal there no leueded bred be sene within all thy coastes: & of the flesh that is offred ye first daye at euen, there shal nothinge be lefte ouer night vntyll the mornynge. 5 Thou mayest not offre Easter wt in eny of thy gates, which the LORDE thy God hath geuen the: 6 but in the place which the LORDE thy God hath chosen, that his name maye dwell there, there shalt thou offre this Easter, at euen whan the Sonne is gone downe, euen in the same season that thou camest out of Egipte: 7 and thou shalt dighte it, and eate it in the place that the LORDE thy God hath chosen, and then turne the on the morowe, & go home in to thy tente. 8 Sixe dayes shalt thou eate vnleuended bred, and on the seuenth daye is the gatheringe together of the LORDE thy God. Thou shalt do no worke therin.

Deuteronomy 16:16

16 Thre tymes in the yeare shal all thy males appeare before the LORDE thy God (in the place that he shall chose) namely, in the feast of vnleuended bred, in the feast of wekes, and in the feast of Tabernacles. He shal not appeare emptie before the LORDE,

Luke 2:41

41 And his elders wente to Ierusalem euery yeare at the feast of Easter.

John 2:23

23 Wha he was at Ierusale at Easter in ye feast, many beleued on his name, whan they sawe ye tokes yt he dyd.

John 5:1

1 Afterwarde, there was a feast of the Iewes, and Iesus wente vpto Ierusalem.

John 6:4

4 And Easter ye feast of the Iewes was nye.

John 11:55

55 The Iewes Easter was nye at hande. And there wente vp many to Ierusale out of that countre before ye Easter, to purifye them selues.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.