John 12:40 Cross References - Coverdale

40 He hath blynded their eyes, and hardened their hert, that they shulde not se with the eyes, ner vnderstonde with the hert, & shulde be conuerted, and he shulde heale them.

Exodus 4:21

21 And the LORDE saide vnto Moses: When thou comest agayne in to Egipte, se yt thou do all the wonders (before Pharao) which I haue put in yi hade. But I wil harde his hert, yt he shall not let the people go.

Exodus 7:3

3 Neuertheles I wil harden Pharaos hert, yt I maye multiplye my tokens & wonders in the londe of Egipte.

Exodus 7:13

13 So Pharaos hert was hardened, and he herkened not vnto them, euen as the LORDE had sayde.

Exodus 14:4

4 And I wyll harden his hert, yt he shal folowe after them, & I wil get me honoure vpon Pharao, and vpon all his power. And ye Egipcias shal knowe, yt I am the LORDE. And they dyd so.

Exodus 14:8

8 for the LORDE hardened ye hert of Pharao kynge of Egipte, that he folowed after the children of Israel. And the children of Israel wente out with an hye hande.

Exodus 14:17

17 Beholde, I wyll harden ye hert of the Egipcians, yt they shall folowe after you. Thus wyl I get me honoure vpon Pharao, & vpon all his power, vpo his charettes and horsmen:

Deuteronomy 29:4

4 And yet vnto this daye hath not the LORDE geuen you an hert that vnderstondeth, eyes that se, & eares that heare.

Joshua 11:20

20 And this was done so of the LORDE that their hert was so hardened, to come against the children of Israel with battayll, yt they mighte be daned, & no fauoure to be shewed vnto them, but to be destroyed, as the LORDE commaunded Moses.

1 Kings 22:20

20 And the LORDE saide: Who wil disceaue Achab to go vp, & fall at Ramoth in Gilead. And one sayde this, another that.

Psalms 6:2

2 Haue mercy vpon me (o LORDE) for I am weake: o LORDE heale me, for all my bones are vexed.

Psalms 41:4

4 I sayde: LORDE be mercifull vnto me, heale my soule, for I haue synned agaynst the.

Psalms 135:10-18

10 Which smote dyuerse nacions, & slewe mightie kynges. 11 Sihon kynge of ye Amorites, Og the kynge of Basan, and all the kyngdomes of Canaa. 12 And gaue their lode for an heretage, for an heretage vnto Israel his people. 13 Thy name (o LORDE) endureth for euer, so doth thy memoriall (o LORDE) from one generacion to another. 14 For the LORDE wil auege his people, & be gracious vnto his seruautes. 15 As for the ymages of the Heithe, they are but syluer and golde, the worke of mens hades. 16 They haue mouthes, & speake not: eyes haue they, but they se not. 17 They haue eares, and yet they heare not, nether is there eny breth i their mouthes. 18 They that make them, are like vnto them, & so are all they that put their trust in the.

Psalms 147:3

3 He healeth the contrite in herte, and byndeth vp their woundes.

Isaiah 6:10

10 Harden the harte of this people, stoppe their eares, and shut their eyes, that they se not wt their eyes, heare not with their eares, and vnderstonde not with their hartes, and conuerte and be healed.

Isaiah 26:11

11 LORDE, they wil not se thine hie honde, but they shal se it, and be confounded: whe thou shalt deuoure them with the wrath of the people, and with the fyre of thine enemies.

Isaiah 29:10

10 For the LORDE shal geue you an hard slepinge sprete, and holde downe youre eyes: namely yor prophetes and heades which shulde se, them shal he couer.

Isaiah 42:19-20

19 But who is blynder, the my seruaunt? Or so deaf, as my messaungers, whom I sent vnto them? For who is so blynde as my people, & they yt haue the rule of them? 20 They are like, as yf thou vnderstodest moch, and keptest nothinge: or yf one herde well, but were not obedient.

Isaiah 53:5

5 where as he (not withstodinge) shal be wouded for oure offences, & smytten for oure wickednes. For the payne of or punyshmet shalbe layde vpo him, & wt his stripes shal we be healed.

Isaiah 57:18-19

18 But yf I maye se his right waye agayne, I make him whole, I lede him, and restore him vnto them whom he maketh ioyful, & that were sory for him. 19 I make the frutes of thakesgeuinge. I geue peace vnto them that are farre of, and to them that are nye, saye I the LORDE, that make him whole.

Jeremiah 3:22

22 O ye shrenkinge children, turne agayne, (saynge: lo, we are thine, for thou art the LORDE oure God:) And so shal I heale youre bacturnynges.

Jeremiah 5:21

21 Heare this (thou folish and vndiscrete people.) Ye haue eyes, but ye se not: eares haue ye, but ye heare not.

Ezekiel 12:2

2 Thou sonne of ma, thou dwellest in the myddest of a frauwerde housholde: which haue eyes to se, & yet se not: eares haue they to heare, and yet heare they not, for they are an obstinate housholde.

Ezekiel 14:9

9 And yf that prophet be disceaued, when he telleth him a worde: then I the LORDE myself haue disceaued that prophet, and wil stretch forth myne honde vpon him, to rote him out of my people of Israel:

Hosea 6:1

1 In their aduersite they shall seke me, and saye: come, let vs turne agayne to the LORDE: for he hath smytten vs, and he shal heale vs:

Hosea 14:4

4 O (yf they wolde do this) I shulde heale their sores: yee with all my herte wolde I loue them: so yt my wrath shulde clene be turned awaye from them.

Matthew 13:13-15

13 Therfore speake I vnto the by parables, for with seynge eyes they se not, & with hearinge eares they heare not, for they vnderstonde it not. 14 And in them is fulfilled ye prophecie of Esay, which sayeth: Ye shal heare in dede, and shal not vnderstonde: and with seinge eyes shal ye se, and not perceaue. 15 For ye hert of this people is waxed grosse, & their eares are thick of hearige, & their eyes haue they closed, lest they shulde once se wt ye eyes, & heare wt the eares, & vnderstode wt the hert, & turne, that I might heale them.

Matthew 15:14

14 Let the go, they are ye blynde leaders of ye blynde. Wha one blinde leadeth another, they fall both i ye diche.

Mark 4:12

12 that with seynge eyes they maye se, and not discerne: and that with hearinge eares they maye heare, and not vnderstode, lest at eny tyme they turne, and their synnes be forgeuen them.

Mark 6:52

52 for they had forgotten the loaues, and their hert was blynded.

Mark 8:17-18

17 And Iesus vnderstode that, and sayde vnto them: Why trouble ye youre selues, that ye haue no bred? Are ye yet without vnderstondinge? Haue ye yet a blynded hert in you? 18 Haue ye eyes, & se not? and haue ye eares, and heare not? and remebre ye not,

Luke 4:18

18 The sprete of the LORDE is with me, because he hath anoynted me: to preach the Gospell vnto ye poore hath he sent me: to heale the broken harted: to preach delyuerauce to the captyue, and sight to the blynde: and frely to set at liberty them that are brused:

Luke 8:10

10 And he sayde: Vnto you it is geue, to knowe the mysteryes of the kyngdome of God, but vnto the other in parables, yt though they se it, they shulde not se it, and though they heare it, they shulde not vnderstonde.

John 9:39

39 And Iesus sayde: I am come to iudgmet in to this worlde, that they which se not, might se: and that they which se, might be made blynde.

Acts 3:19

19 Do penaunce now therfore and turne you, that youre synnes maye be done awaye, whan the tyme of refreshinge shal come before the presence of the LORDE,

Acts 15:3

3 And they were broughte on their waye by ye cogregacion, & wente thorow Phenices and Samaria, and declared the conuersacion of the Heythen, and brought greate ioye vnto all the brethren.

Acts 28:26

26 & sayde: Go vnto this people, and saye: With eares ye shal heare, & not vnderstode: & with eyes shal ye se, & not perceaue.

Romans 9:18

18 Thus hath he mercy on whom he wyl: and whom he wyl, he hardeneth.

Romans 11:7-11

7 What the? Israel hath not optayned yt which he soughte, but the eleccion hath optayned it. As for ye other, they are blynded. 8 As it is wrytten: God hath geuen them the sprete of vnquyetnesse, eyes that they shulde not se, and eares that they shulde not heare, eue vnto this daye. 9 And Dauid sayeth: Let their table be made a snare to take the withall, & an occasion to fall, & a rewarde vnto the. 10 Let their eyes be blynded that they se not, and euer bowe downe their backes. 11 I saye then: Haue they therfore stombled, yt they shulde cleane fall to naughte? God forbyd: but thorow their fall is saluacion happened vnto ye Heythen, that he mighte prouoke them to be zelous after them.

James 5:19-20

19 Brethren, yf eny of you erre fro the trueth and another conuert him, 20 let ye same knowe that he which conuerted the synner from goynge astraye out off his waye, shal saue a soule fro death, and shal hyde the multitude of synnes.

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