Job 9:24 Cross References - Coverdale

24 As for the worlde, he geueth it ouer in to the power of the wicked, soch as the rulers be, wherof all londes are full. Is it not so? where is there eny, but he is soch one?

2 Samuel 15:30

30 But Dauid wente vp to mount Olyuete and wepte, & his heade was couered. And all the people that was with him, had euery man his heade couered and wente on and wepte.

2 Samuel 19:4

4 As for the kynge, he had couered his face, and cryed loude, and sayde: Oh my sonne Absalom, Absalom my sonne, my sonne.

Esther 6:12

12 And Mardocheus came agayne to the kynges gate, but Aman gat him home in all the haist, mournynge with bare heade,

Esther 7:8

8 And whan the kynge came agayne out of the palace garden in to ye parler where they had eaten, Aman had layed him vpon the bed that Hester sat vpon. Then saide the kinge: wyl he force the quene also besyde me in the house? As soone as that worde wente out of the kynges mouth, they couered Amans face.

Job 10:3

3 Thinkest thou it well done, to oppresse me, to cast me of (beinge a worke of thy hondes) and to manteyne the councell of the vngodly?

Job 12:6-10

6 The houses of robbers are in wealth and prosperite, & they that maliciously medle agaynst God, dwel without care: yee God geueth all thinges richely with his honde. 7 Axe the catell, & they shal enfourme the: the foules of the ayre, and they shall tell ye: 8 Speake to the earth, and it shall shewe the: Or to the fyshes of the see, and they shal certifie the. 9 What is he, but he knoweth, that ye hode of the LORDE made all these? 10 In whose honde is the soule of euery lyuynge thinge, and the breth of all men.

Job 12:17

17 He carieth awaye the wyse men, as it were a spoyle, and bryngeth the iudges out of their wyttes.

Job 16:11

11 God hath geuen me ouer to the vngodly, and delyuered me in to the hondes of ye wicked.

Job 21:7-15

7 Wherfore do wicked me lyue in health and prosperite, come to their olde age, & increase in riches? 8 Their childers children lyue in their sight, & their generacion before their eyes. 9 Their houses are safe from all feare, for the rodd of God doth not smyte the. 10 Their bullocke gendreth, and that not out of tyme: their cow calueth, and is not vnfrutefull. 11 They sende forth their children by flockes, and their sonnes lede the daunce. 12 They beare with them tabrettes and harpes, and haue instrumentes of musick at their pleasure. 13 They spende their dayes in welthynesse: but sodenly they go downe to hell. 14 They saye vnto God: go from vs, we desyre not the knowlege of thy wayes. 15 What maner of felowe is the Allmightie, that we shulde serue him? What profit shulde we haue, to submitte oure selues vnto him?

Job 24:25

25 Is it not so? Who wil the reproue me as a lyar, & saye yt my wordes are nothinge worth?

Job 32:2

2 But Eliu the sonne of Barachel the Bussite of the kynred of Ram, was very sore displeased at Iob, that he called himself iust before God.

Psalms 17:14

14 Fro the men of thy honde (o LORDE) from the men off the worlde, which haue their porcion in this life: whose belies thou fyllest with thy treasure.

Psalms 73:3-7

3 And why. I was greued at ye wicked, to se the vngodly in soch prosperite. 4 For they are in no parell of death, but stonde fast like a palace. 5 They come in no misfortune like other folke, nether are they plaged like other men. 6 And this is the cause that they be so puft vp in pryde, & ouerwhelmed with cruelte and vnrigthuousnesse. 7 Their eyes swell for fatnesse, they do euen what they lyst.

Jeremiah 12:1-2

1 O Lorde, thou art more rightuous, then that I shulde dispute with the: Neuertheles, let me talke with the in thinges reasonable. How happeneth it, that the waye off the vngodly is so prosperous? and that it goeth so wel with them, which (with out eny shame) offede and lyue in wickednesse? 2 Thou plantest them, they take rote, they growe, and bringe forth frute. They boost moch off the, yet doest thou not punysh them.

Jeremiah 14:4

4 For the groude shalbe dried vp, because there cometh no rayne vpon it. The plowmen also shalbe ashamed, ad shal couer their heades.

Daniel 4:17

17 This erande of the watcher, is a comaundemet grounded and sought out in the councel off him, that is most holy: to lerne men for to vnderstonde, that the hyest hath power ouer the kyngdomes off men, ad geueth them, to whom it liketh him, and bryngeth the very outcastes off men ouer them.

Daniel 5:18-21

18 therof O kinge, God the hyest gaue vnto Nabuchodonosor thy father, ye dignite of a kynge, wt worshipe & honor: 19 so yt all people, kynreddes & tunges stode in awe & feare of him, by reason off the hye estate, that he had lent him. For why: he slewe, whom he wolde: he smote, whom it pleased him. Agayne: whom he wolde, he set vp: and whom he list, he put downe. 20 But because his herte was so proude, and his stomack set fast vnto wylfulnesse: he was deposed from his kyngly trone, and his magesty was taken from him. 21 He was shot out from amonge men, his herte was like a beestes herte, and his dwellynge was with the wylde Asses: he was fayne to eate grasse like an oxe, and his body was wet with the dew off the heauen: till he knewe, that the hyest had power vpon the kyngdomes of men, and setteth ouer them, whom he list.

Daniel 7:7-28

7 After this I sawe in a vision by night, & beholde: the fourth beest was grymme and horrible, and maruelous stronge. It had greate yron teth, it deuoured, and destroyed, and stamped the residue vnder fete. It was farre vnlike the other beestes that were before it: for it had ten hornes, wheroff I toke good hede. 8 And beholde, there came vp amonge the, another like horne, before whom there were thre of the first hornes pluckte awaye. Beholde, this horne had eyes like a ma, & a mouth speakynge presumptuous thinges. 9 I loked till the seates were prepared, ad till the olde aged sat him downe. His clothinge was as white as snowe, and the hayres of his heade like the pure woll. His trone was like the firie flame, and his wheles as the burnynge fyre. 10 There drew forth a firie streame, & wente out from him. A thousand tymes a thousande serued him, x.M. tymes ten thousande stode before him. The iudgmet was set, and the bokes opened. 11 Then toke I hede there vnto, because of the voyce of the proude wordes, which that horne spake. I behelde, till the beest was slayne, and his body destroyed, & geuen ouer to be brent in the fyre. 12 As for the power of the other beestes also, it was taken awaye, but their lyues were prolonged for a tyme and season. 13 I sawe in a vision by night, and beholde: there came one in the cloudes of heauen like the sonne of a man, which wente vnto the olde aged, before whom they brought him: 14 Then gaue he him power ad dignite regall, that all people, trybes and tunges shulde serue him. His power is an euerlastinge power, which shal neuer be put downe: & his kyngdome endureth vncorrupte. 15 My herte was vexed, & I Daniel had a troubled sprete within me, ad the visions off my heade made me afrayed: 16 till I gat me vnto one off them that stode by, to knowe the treuth, concerninge all these thinges. So he tolde me, and made me vnderstode the interpretacio of these thinges. 17 These foure greate beastes, are foure kinges which shal aryse out of the earth. 18 These shal take in the kyngdome off the sayntes of the most hyest, and possesse it still more & more for a longe season. 19 After this I requyred diligently to knowe the treuth, concerninge the fourth beest, which was so farre vnlike the other beestes, and so horrible: whose teth were of yron, and his nales off brasse: which deuoured and destroied, and stamped the resydue vnder his fete. 20 I desyred also to knowe the treuth, as touchinge the ten hornes that he had vpon his heade, and this other which came vp afterwarde, before whose face there fell downe thre: which horne had eyes and a mouth that spake presumptuous thinges, and loked with a grimmer visage then his felowes. 21 I behelde, and the same horne made battail agaynst the sayntes, yee ad gat the victory off them: 22 vntill the tyme, that the olde aged came, that the iudgment was geue to the chefest sayntes: and till the tyme, that ye sayntes had the kyngdome in possession. 23 He gaue me this answere: That fourth beest shalbe the fourth kingdome vpo earth: it shalbe more then all other kyngdomes, it shall deuoure, treade downe ad destroye all other londes. 24 The ten hornes, are ten kynges that shal aryse out of that kyngdome, after who there shall stonde vp another, which shall be greater then the first. 25 He shall subdue thre kynges, and shall speake wordes agaynst the hyest off all: he shall destroye the sayntes of the most hyest and thynke, that he maye chaunge tymes and lawes. They shall be geuen vnder his power, vntill a tyme, two tymes, and halff a tyme. 26 But the iudgment shalbe kepte, so that his power shalbe taken from him, for he shalbe destroyed, and perish at the last. 27 As for the kyngdome, power and all might that is vnder the heauen: it shal be geuen to the holy people off the most hyest, whose kyngdome is euerlastinge, yee all powers shall serue and obeye him. 28 Thus farre extede ye wordes. Neuerthelesse, I Daniel was so vexed in my thoughtes, that my countenaunce chaunged, but the wordes I kepte still in my herte.

Habakkuk 1:14-17

14 Thou makest men as the fish in the see, and like as the crepinge beestes, that haue no gyde. 15 They take vp all with their angle, they catch it in their net, & gather it in their yarne: wherof they reioyce and are glad. 16 Therfore offre they vnto their net, and do sacrifice vnto their yarne: because that thorow it their porcion is become so fat, and their meate so pleteous. 17 Wherfore they cast out their net agayne, & neuer ceasse to slaye the people.

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