Job 16:17 Cross References - Coverdale

17 Howbeit there is no wickednesse in my hondes, and my prayer is clene.

Job 8:5-6

5 Yff thou woldest now resorte vnto God by tymes, and make thine humble prayer to ye Allmightie: 6 yf thou woldest lyue a pure and a godly life: shulde he not wake vp vnto the immediatly, & geue the the bewtie of rightuousnesse agayne?

Job 11:14

14 yf thou woldest put awaye the wickednesse, which thou hast in honde, so that no vngodlynesse dwelt in thy house:

Job 15:20

20 The vngodly despayreth all the dayes of his life, & the nombre of a tyrauntes yeares is vnknowne.

Job 15:34

34 For the congregacion of Ypocrites is vnfrutefull, & the fyre shal consume the houses of soch, as are gredy to receaue giftes.

Job 21:27-28

27 But I knowe what ye thinke, yee and what ye ymagin agaynst me vnrightuously. 28 For ye saye: where is the prynces palace? where is the dwellynge of the vngodly:

Job 22:5-9

5 Cometh not this for ye greate wickednesse, & for thine vngracious dedes which are innumerable? 6 Thou hast take the pledge from thy brethre for naught, & robbed the naked of their clothinge: 7 To soch as were weery, hast thou geue no water to drynke, thou hast withdrawe bred fro the hungrie: 8 Shulde soch one the as vseth violece, wroge & oppression (doinge all thinges of parcialyte, & hauynge respecte of personnes) dwell in the lode? 9 Thou hast sent wyddowes awaye emptie and oppressed the poore fatherlesse.

Job 27:6-7

6 My rightuous dealynge wil I kepe fast, & not forsake it: For my conscience reproueth me not in all my conuersacion. 7 Therfore myne enemy shalbe founde as the vngodly, & he yt taketh parte agaynst me, as the vnrightuous.

Job 29:12-17

12 For I delyuered ye poore whe he cried, & the fatherlesse yt wanted helpe. 13 He yt shulde haue bene lost, gaue me a good worde, & ye widdowes hert praised me. 14 And why? I put vpon me rightuousnes, which couered me as a garmet, & equite was my crowne. 15 I was an eye vnto the blynde, & a fote to the lame. 16 I was a father vnto the poore, & whe I knew not their cause, I sought it out diligetly. 17 I brake the chaftes of ye vnrightuous, & plucte the spoyle out of their teth.

Job 31:1-40

1 I made a couenaunt wt myne eyes, yt I wolde not loke vpo a dasell. 2 For how greate a porcio shal I haue of God fro aboue? & what enheritauce fro ye Almightie on hie? 3 As for the vngodly & he yt ioyneth himself to ye copani of wicked doers shal not destruccion & misery came vpon him? 4 Doth not he se my wayes, & tell all my goinges? 5 Yf I haue cleued vnto vanite, or yf my fete haue runne to disceaue: 6 let me be weyed in an eauen balaunce, that God maye se my innocency. 7 Yf so be that I haue withdrawen my fote out of the right waye, yf my hert hath folowed myne eyesight, yf I haue stayned or defyled my hodes: 8 O then is it reason that I sowe, and another eate: yee that my generacion and posterite be clene roted out. 9 Yf my hert hath lusted after my neghbours wife, or yf I haue layed wayte at his dore: 10 O then let my wife be another mans harlot, and let other lye with her. 11 For this is a wickednesse and synne, that is worthy to be punyshed, 12 yee a fyre that vtterly shulde consume, & rote out all my substaunce. 13 Dyd I euer thynke scorne to do right vnto my seruautes and maydens, when they had eny matter agaynst me? 14 But seynge that God wil sytt in iudgment, what shal I do? And for so moch as he wil nedes vyset me, what answere shal I geue him? 15 He that fashioned me in my mothers wombe, made he not him also? were we not both shappen alyke in oure mothers bodies? 16 When the poore desyred enythinge at me, haue I denyed it them? Haue I caused ye wyddowe stonde waytinge for me in vayne? 17 Haue I eaten my porcion alone, that the fatherles hath had no parte with me? 18 (for mercy grewe vp with me fro my youth, & compassion fro my mothers wombe.) 19 Haue I sene eny man perish thorow nakednes & want of clothinge? Or, eny poore man for lack of rayment, 20 whose sydes thanked me not, because he was warmed wt ye woll of my shepe? 21 Dyd I euer lyft vp my honde to hurte the fatherlesse? Yee in the gate where I sawe my self to be in auctorite: 22 The let myne arme fall fro my shulder, & myne arme holes be broken from the ioyntes. 23 For I haue euer feared ye vengeaunce & punyshmet of God, & knew very well, yt I was not able to beare his burthe. 24 Haue I put my trust in golde? Or, haue I sayde to the fynest golde of all: thou art my cofidence? 25 Haue I reioysed because my substaunce was greate, and because my honde gat so moch? 26 Dyd I euer greatly regarde the rysinge of the Sonne? Or, had I the goinge downe of ye Moone in greate reputacion? 27 Hath my hert medled priuely wt eny disceate? Or, dyd I euer kysse myne owne honde 28 (that were a wickednesse worthy to be punyshed, for then shulde I haue denyed the God that is aboue.) 29 Haue I euer reioysed at the hurte of myne enemy? Or, was I euer glad, yt eny harme happened vnto him? Oh no, 30 I neuer suffred my mouth to do soch a sinne, as to wysh him euell. 31 Yet they of myne owne housholde saye: who shal let vs, to haue oure bely ful of his flesh? 32 I haue not suffred a straunger to lye wt out, but opened my dores vnto him. 33 Haue I euer done eny wicked dede where thorow I shamed my self before men: Or eny abhominacion, yt I was fayne to hyde it? 34 For yf I had feared eny greate multitude of people: Or yf I had bene dispysed of ye symple, Oh then shulde I haue bene afrayed. Thus haue I quyetly spent my lyfe, and not gone out at ye dore. 35 O that I had one which wolde heare me. Lo, this is my cause. Let ye Allmightie geue me answere: & let him that is my cotrary party, sue me with a lybell. 36 Then shall I take it vpon my shulder, & as a garlade aboute my heade. 37 I haue tolde the nombre of my goinges, and delyuered them vnto him as to a prynce. 38 But yf case be that my londe crie agaynst me, or yt the forowes therof make eny complaynte: 39 yf I haue eaten the frutes therof vnpayed for, yee yf I haue greued eny of the plow men: 40 Than, let thistles growe in steade of my wheate, & thornes for my barlye.Here ende the wordes of Iob.

Psalms 7:3-5

3 O LORDE my God, yff I haue done eny soch thinge: yf there be eny vnrightuousnes in my hades: 4 Yff I haue rewarded euell vnto the yt dealt frendly wt me or hurte the yt wt out eny cause are myne enemies: 5 Then let myne enemie persecute my soule, & take me: yee let hi treade my life downe in the earth, & laye myne honor in the dust.

Psalms 44:17-21

17 For the voyce of the slaunderer & blasphemer, for the enemie and auenger. 18 All this is come vpon vs, & yet haue we not forgotten the, ner behaued oure selues vnfaithfully in thy couenaunt. 19 Oure hert is not turned backe, nether oure steppes gone out of thy waye. 20 That thou smytest vs so in the place of the serpet, & couerest vs with ye shadowe of death. 21 Yf we had forgotten the name of oure God, & holde vp oure hondes to eny straunge God: Shulde not God fynde it out? for he knoweth the very secretes of the hert.

Psalms 66:18-19

18 (Yff I enclyne vnto wickednes with my herte, ye LORDE wil not heare me.) 19 Therfore God hath herde me, ad considred the voyce off my prayer.

Proverbs 15:8

8 The LORDE abhorreth ye sacrifice of the vngodly, but the prayer of the rightuous is acceptable vnto him.

Isaiah 59:6

6 Their webbe maketh no clothe, & they maye not couer the wt their labours. Their dedes are ye dedes of wickednes, & ye worke of robbery is in their hodes.

Jonah 3:8

8 but put on sack cloth both man and beest, and crye mightely vnto God: yee se that euery man turne fro his euell waye, and from the wickednesse, yt he hath in honde.

1 Timothy 2:8

8 I wil therfore that men praye in all places, liftinge vp pure hades without wrath or dowtynge.

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