Jeremiah 6:17 Cross References - Coverdale

17 and I will set watchmen ouer you, and therfore take hede vnto the voyce of the trompet. But they saye: we will not take hede.

Isaiah 21:11

11 The heuy burthen of Duma. One of Seir cried vnto me: watchman, what hast thou espied by night? Watchman, what hast thou espied by night?

Isaiah 56:10

10 For his watchmen are all blinde, they haue alltogether no vnderstondinge, they are all domme dogges, not beinge able to barcke, they are slepery: slogish are they, & lie snortinge:

Isaiah 58:1

1 And therfore crie now, as loude as thou canst. Leaue not of, lift vp thy voyce like a tropet, and shewe my people their offences, and ye house of Iacob their synnes.

Jeremiah 25:4

4 Though the LORDE hath sent his seruauntes, all the prophetes vnto you in season: Yet wolde ye not obeye, ye wolde not encline yor eares to heare.

Ezekiel 3:17-21

17 Thou sonne off man, I haue made the a watch man vnto the house of Israel: therfore take good hede to the wordes, and geue them warnynge at my commaundement. 18 Yff I saye vnto the, concernynge the vngodly ma, that (without doute) he must dye, and thou geuest him not warnynge, ner speakest vnto him, that he maye turne from his euell waye, and so to lyue: Then shall the same vngodly man dye in his owne vnrightuosnes: but his bloude will I requyre off thyne honde. 19 Neuertheles, yff thou geue warnynge vnto the wicked, and he yet forsake not his vngodlynesse: then shall he dye in his owne wickednesse, but thou hast discharged thy soule. 20 Now yf a rightuous ma go fro his rightuousnesse, and do the thinge that is euell: I will laye a stomblinge blocke before him, and he shall dye, because thou hast not geuen him warninge: Yee dye shall he in his owne synne, so that the vertue, which he did before, shall not be thought vpon: but his bloude will I requyre of thine honde. 21 Neuertheles, yf thou exhortest the rightuous, that he synne not, and so ye rightuous do not synne: Then shall he lyue, because he hath receaued thy warnynge, and thou hast discharged thy soule.

Ezekiel 33:2-9

2 Thou sonne off man, Speake to the childre of thy people, and tell them: When I sende a swearde vpon a londe, yf the people off the londe take a man off their countre, and set him to be their watchman: 3 ye same man (wha he seyth the swearde come vpon the londe) shall blowe the trompet, and warne the people. 4 Yff a man now heare the noyse off the trompet & will not be warned, and the swearde come ad take him awaye: his bloude shall be vpo his owne heade: 5 For he herde the soude of the trompet, and wolde not take hede, therfore his bloude be vpon him. But yff he will receaue warnynge, he shal saue his life. 6 Agayne, yf the watch man se the swerde come, and shewe it not with the trompet, so yt the people is not warned: yff the swearde come then, and take eny man from amoge the: the same shall be taken awaye in his owne synne, but his bloude will I requyre off the watchmans honde. 7 And now (O thou sonne of man) I haue made the a watchman vnto the house of Israel: that where as thou hearest eny thinge out of my mouth, thou mayest warne them on my behalfe. 8 Yff I saye vnto the wicked: thou wicked, thou shalt surely dye: and thou geuest him not warnynge, that he maye bewarre off his vngodly waye: then shall the wicked dye in his owne synne, but his bloude will I requyre of thy honde. 9 Neuertheles yf thou warne the wicked off his waye, to turne from it, where as he yet wil not be turned from it: then shal he dye because off his synne, but thou hast delyuered thy soule.

Hosea 8:1

1 Set the horne to thy mouth, and blowe: get the swiftly (as an Aegle) vnto the house of the LORDE: for they haue broken my couenannt, and transgressed my lawe.

Amos 3:6-8

6 Crie they out Alarum with the trompet in the cite, and the people not afrayed? Commeth there eny plage in a cite, without it be the LORDES doinge? 7 Now doth the LORDE God no maner of thinge, but he telleth his secrete before vnto his seruauntes ye prophetes. 8 When a lyon roareth, who will not be afrayed? Seynge then that the LORDE God himself speaketh, who will not prophecy?

Habakkuk 2:1

1 I stode vpon my watch, and set me vpon my bulworke, to loke & se what he wolde saye vnto me, and what answere I shulde geue him yt reproueth me.

Zechariah 7:11

11 Neuertheles they wolde not take hede, but turned their backes, and stopped their eares, that they shulde not heare.

Acts 20:27-31

27 For I haue kepte nothinge backe, but haue shewed you all the councell off God. 28 Take hede therfore vnto youre selues, and to all the flocke, amonge the which the holy goost hath set you to be Bishoppes, to fede the congregacion of God, which he hath purchaced thorow his owne bloude. 29 For this I knowe, that after my departinge there shal enter in amonge you greuous wolues, which shal not spare the flocke. 30 Yee eue from amonge youre awne selues shal men aryse, speakynge peruerse doctryne, to drawe disciples after them. 31 Therfore awake, and remembre, that by the space of thre yeares I ceassed not to warne euery one off you both nighte and daye with teares.

Hebrews 13:17

17 Obey them that haue the ouersighte off you, and submytte youre selues vnto them: for they watch for youre soules, euen as they that must geue accoptes therfore, that they maye do it with ioye, and not with grefe: for that is an vnprofitable thinge for you.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.