Jeremiah 52:18 Cross References - Coverdale

18 They toke awaye also the Cauldrons, shouels, flesh hokes, sprinklers, spones & all the brasen vessell that was occupide in the seruyce:

Exodus 25:29

29 Thou shalt make also his disshes, spones, pottes, and flat peces of pure golde, to poure out and in.

Exodus 27:3

3 Make ashpanes, shouels, basens, fleshokes, cole panes. All ye apparell therof shalt thou make of brasse.

Exodus 37:16

16 And the vessels vpon the table made he also of fyne golde: the disshes, spones, flat peces and pottes, to poure in and out withall.

Exodus 37:23

23 And he made the seuen lampes with their snoffers & outquenchers of pure golde.

Exodus 38:3

3 And he made all maner of vessels for the altare, cauldrons, shouels, basens, fleshokes, and colepannes all of brasse.

Numbers 4:7

7 And vpon the shewe table they shal sprede a yalowe clothe also, and set ther on the disshes, spones, flatpeces and pottes to poure out and in, and the daylie bred shal lye vpon it,

Numbers 4:14

14 that they occupye vpon it: colepames, fleshokes, shouels, basens, with all the apparell of the altare, and they shal sprede a couerynge of doo skynnes theron, and put his staues therto.

Numbers 7:13-14

13 And his gifte was a syluer charger, worth an hundreth and thyrtie Sycles: A syluer boule, worth seuentye Sycles (after the Sycle of the Sanctuary) both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferinge: 14 And a golden spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incense:

Numbers 7:19-20

19 his gifte was a syluer charger, worth an hundreth and thirtie Sycles: A syluer boule, worth seuentye Sycles (after the Sycle of the Sanctuary) both full of fyne floure myngled with oile for a meatofferinge: 20 And a golden spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incense:

Numbers 7:26

26 And a golden spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incense:

Numbers 7:32

32 And a golde spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incense:

Numbers 7:38

38 And a golde spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incese:

Numbers 7:44

44 And a golden spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incense:

Numbers 7:50

50 And a golde spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incense:

Numbers 7:56

56 And a golde spone, worth ten Sycles of golde, full of incese.

1 Kings 7:40

40 And Hiram made pottes also and shouels and basens, & so fynished he all the worke, that kynge Salomon caused to be made in the house of the LORDE:

1 Kings 7:45

45 And the pottes, shouels and basens. And all the ornamentes which Hiram made vnto kynge Salomon for the house of the LORDE, were of pure metall.

1 Kings 7:50

50 lampes and snoffers of golde, therto flat peces, charges, basens, spones and censours of pure golde. And the hokes of ye dores on the insyde of the house in the most holy, and in the dores of the house of the teple of the LORDE were of golde.

2 Kings 25:14-16

14 And the pottes, shouels, fleshokes, spones, & all ye brasen vessell that was occupied in the seruyce, caried they awaye. 15 And ye chefe captayne toke awaye ye censors and basens yt were of golde and syluer, 16 two pilers, one lauer, and the seates yt Salomon had made for ye house of the LORDE. The metall of all these ornamentes coulde not be weyed.

1 Chronicles 28:17

17 And pure golde for the fleshokes, basens and censors: and for the golden cuppes, vnto euery cuppe his weight: and for the siluer cuppes, vnto euery cuppe his weighte:

2 Chronicles 4:8

8 And made ten tables, and set them in the temple: fyue on the righte hande, and fyue on the lefte. And made an hundreth basens of golde.

2 Chronicles 4:11

11 And Hiram made cauldrous, shouels and basens. So Hiram fynished the worke which he made for kynge Salomon in the house of God:

2 Chronicles 4:16

16 And pottes, shouels, fleshokes, and all their vessels made Hiram Abif of pure metall for kynge Salomon vnto the house of the LORDE.

2 Chronicles 4:22

22 And the knyues, basens, spones and pottes, were of pure golde. And the intraunce and his dores within vnto the Most holy, and the dores of the house of the temple were of golde.

Ezra 1:10

10 thirtye cuppes of golde, and of other syluer cuppes foure hundreth and ten, and of other vessels a thousande.

Ezekiel 46:20-24

20 then sayde he vnto me: This is the place, where the prestes shall dight the trespace and synofferynges, & bake ye meatofferynges: that they nede not beare the in to the outwarde courte, and so to vnhalowe the people. 21 So he brought me in to the vttemost courte, rounde aboute all the foure corners. Beholde, in euery corner of ye fore courte, there was yet a litle courte. 22 Yee in all the foure corners of the courte, there was made a litle courte of xl. cubites longe, and xxx. cubites brode: these foure litle courtes were of one like measure, 23 & there went a rygge wall rounde aboute them all foure, vnder the which there were harthes made rounde aboute. 24 Then sayde he vnto me: This is the kechin, where the ministers of the house shal dight the slayne offerynges of the people.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.