Jeremiah 46:10 Cross References - Coverdale

10 So shall this daye be vnto the LORDE God of hoostes, a daye of vegeaunce, that he maye avege him of his enemies. The swearde shal deuoure, it shalbe satisfied and bated in their bloude: For the LORDE God off hoostes shall haue a slayneoffringe towarde the North, by the water of Euphrates.

Deuteronomy 32:42

42 I wil make myne arowes dronken with bloude, and my swerde shal eate flesh ouer ye bloude of the slayne, and ouer the captyuite, and in that the enemies heade shall be discouered.

2 Kings 24:7

7 And the kynge of Egipte came nomore out of his londe: for the kynge of Babilon had conquered all that was the kynge of Egiptes, from the ryuer of Egipte vnto ye water Euphrates.

Isaiah 13:6

6 Mourne therfore, for the daye of the LORDE is at honde, and commeth as a destroyer from ye allmighty.

Isaiah 34:5-8

5 For my swearde (saieth he) shalbe bathed in heauen, & shal immediatly come downe vpon Idumea, and vpon the people which I haue cursed for my vengeaunce. 6 And the LORDES swearde shalbe full of bloude, & be rustie with the fatnesse & bloude of lambes and gootes, with the fatnesse of neeres of the wethers. For the LORDE shal kyl a great offringe in Bosra, and in the londe of Idumea. 7 There shal the Vnicornes fall with the Bulles, (that is with the giauntes) and their londe shalbe washed with bloude, & their grounde corrupte with fatnesse. 8 Vnto the also (o Sion) shal come the daye of the vengeaunce of God, and the yeare when as thyne owne iugdmentes shalbe recompensed.

Isaiah 61:2

2 yt I might declare ye acceptable yeare of ye LORDE, & the daye of ye avegeaunce of oure God: that I might comforte all them that are in heuynesse,

Isaiah 63:4

4 For the daye of vengeauce that I haue take in honde, & the yeare of my delyueraunce is come.

Jeremiah 46:2

2 These wordes folowinge preached he to the Egipcias concernynge the hoost off Pharao Necho kynge off Egipte, when he was in Charcamis besyde the water off Euphrates: what tyme as Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon slewe him, In the fourth yeare off Ioachim the sonne off Iosias kynge off Iuda.

Jeremiah 46:6

6 The lightest off fote shall not fle awaye, and the worthies shall not escape. Towarde the north by the water of Euphrates they shall stomble and fall.

Jeremiah 50:15

15 Crie out: vpon her, vpon her, agaynst her roude aboute: she shal yelde herselfe, her foundacios shal fall, & hir walles shall come downe, for it shalbe the vengeaunce of the LORDE. Yee vegeaunce shalbe taken of her, & as she hath done, so shal she be dealt withall.

Jeremiah 51:6

6 Fle awaye from Babilon, euery man saue his life. Let no man holde his tunge to hir wickednes, for the tyme of the LORDES vengeaunce is come, yee he shal rewarde her agayne.

Ezekiel 39:17-21

17 And thou sonne of man: thus saieth the LORDE God: Speake vnto all the foules and euery byrde, yee and to all the wilde beastes of the felde: heape you together and come, gather you roude aboute vpo my slaughter, that I haue slayne for you: euen a greate slaughter vpon the mountaynes of Israel: eate flesh, and drynke bloude. 18 Ye shal eate ye flesh of the worthies, and drynke the bloude of the prynces of the londe: of the wethers, of the lambes, of the goates, and of the oxen that be all slayne at Basan. 19 Eate ye fat youre bely full, and drynke bloude, till ye be droncken of the slaughter, which I haue slayne vnto you. 20 Fyl you at my table, with horses & stronge horsmen: with captaynes and all me of warre, saieth the LORDE God. 21 I will bringe my glory also amonge the Gentiles, that all the Heithen maye se my iudgment, that I haue kepte, and my honde which I haue layed vpon them:

Joel 1:15

15 alas, alas for this daye. And why? the daye of the LORDE is at honde, and commeth as a destroyer from the Allmightie.

Joel 2:1

1 Blowe out ye trompet in Sion, & crie vpo my holy hill, yt all soch as dwel in the londe, maye treble at it: for ye daie of the LORDE commeth, & is harde at honde:

Zephaniah 1:7-8

7 Be still at ye presence of the LORDE God, for the daye of the LORDE is at honde: yee the LORDE hath prepared a slayne offeringe, and called his gestes therto. 8 And thus shall it happen in the daye of the LORDES a slaynofferynge: I will vyset the prynces, the kinges children, & all soch as weere strauge clothinge.

Zephaniah 1:14-15

14 For the greate daye of the LORDE is at honde, it is harde by, & commeth on a pace. Horrible is ye tydinges of the LORDES daye, then shall the giaunte crie out: 15 for that daye is a daye of wrath, a daye of trouble & heuynesse, a daye of vtter destruccion & mysery, a darcke & glomynge daye, a cloudy & stormy daye,

Luke 21:22

22 For these are the dayes of vengeaunce, that euery thinge which is wrytten,maye be fulfilled.

Revelation 19:17-21

17 And I sawe an angell stonde in the Sonne, and he cryed with a lowde voyce, sayenge to all the fowles that flye by the myddes vnder the heauen: Come and gaddre youre selues togedder vnto the supper of the gret God, 18 that ye maye eate the flesshe of kynges, and of hye captaynes, and the flesshe of mighty men, and the flesshe of horsses, and of the that syt on them, and the flesshe of all free men and bond men, both of small and greate. 19 And I sawe the beeste and the kynges of ye earth, and their warriers gadred togedder, to make battayle agaynste him that sat vpon the horsse, and agaynst his sowdiers. 20 And the beeste was taken, and with him that false prophet that wrought myracles before him, with which he disceaued them that receaued the beestes marke, and them that worsshipped his ymage. These both were cast in to a ponde of fyre burnynge wt brymstone: 21 and the remnaunte were slayne with the swearde of him that sat vpon the horsse, which swearde proceded out of his mouth, and all the foules were filled with their flesshe.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.