Jeremiah 35:2 Cross References - Coverdale

2 Go vnto ye house of the Rechabites, & call them out, & bringe the to ye house of the LORDE in to some commodious place, and geue them wyne to drynke.

1 Kings 6:5-6

5 And rounde aboute by the wall of ye house he buylded a compase, so yt it wente both aboute the temple and the quere, and made his outwarde wall roude aboute. 6 The nethermost stacion was fyue cubytes wyde, and ye myddest sixe cubites wyde, and the thirde seuen cubites wyde. For he layed balkes rounde aboute the house, that they touched not ye wall of the house.

1 Kings 6:10

10 He buylded a galery also aboue vpon the whole house fyue cubytes hye, and couered the house with Ceder tymber.

2 Kings 10:15-16

15 And whan he wente from thence, he foude Ionadab ye sonne of Rechab, which met him, & saluted him. And he sayde vnto him: Is thyne hert righte, as myne hert is with thyne hert? Ionadab sayde: Yee. Yf it be so (sayde he) then geue me thy hande. And he gaue him his hande. And so he caused him to syt besyde him in the charet, 16 and saide: Come with me, and se my zele for the LORDE. And they caryed him with him vpon his charet.

1 Chronicles 2:55

55 And ye kynreds of the scrybes which dwelt at Iabes, are ye Thireathites, Simeathites, Suchothites, these are the Kenites, yt came of Hamath the father of Beth Rechab.

1 Chronicles 9:26

26 for vnto these foure maner of chefe dorrkepers were the Leuites committed. And they had the ouersight of the chestes and treasures in ye house of God.

1 Chronicles 9:33

33 These are the heades of the singers amoge the fathers of the Leuites chosen out ouer the chestes: for daye and night were they in worke withall.

1 Chronicles 23:28

28 yt they shulde stonde vnder the hande of the children of Aaron, to mynister in the house of the LORDE in the courte, and to the chestes, and for purifyenge, and to all maner of sanctifyenge, and to euery worke of the office in the house of God.

2 Chronicles 3:9

9 And for nales he gaue fiftye Sicles of golde in weight, and ouerlayed the chambers with golde.

2 Chronicles 31:11

11 Then commaunded the kynge, that they shulde prepare chestes in the house of the LORDE. And they prepared them,

Ezra 8:29

29 Watch ye therfore and kepe it, tyll ye weye it downe before the chefe prestes and Leuites, and awncient fathers of Israel at Ierusalem in the chestes of the house of the LORDE.

Nehemiah 13:5

5 for he had made him a greate chest, and there had they aforetyme layed the meatofferynges, frankencense, vessell, and the tithes of corne, wyne and oyle (acordinge to the commaundement geuen to the Leuites, syngers and porters) and the Heueofferynges of the prestes.

Nehemiah 13:8-9

8 and it greued me sore, and I cast forth all the vessels of Tobias house out of the chest, 9 and commauded them to clense the chest. And thither broughte I agayne the vessels of the house of God, the meatofferynge and the incense.

Jeremiah 35:4

4 and brought them to the house off the LORDE, in to the closet of the children off Hanan the sonne off Igdalia the man off God: which was by the closet off the prynces, that is aboue the closet of Maasia the sonne of Sellum, which is the chefe off the tresury.

Jeremiah 35:8

8 Thus haue we obeyed the comaundemet of Ionadab ye sonne of Rechab oure father, in all yt he hath charged vs, and so we drynke no wyne all oure lyue longe: we, oure wyues, or sonnes & oure doughters.

Ezekiel 40:7-13

7 betwene the chambers were fyue cubites. The poste of the dore within the porche, was one meterodde. 8 He measured also the porche of the ynnermer dore, which conteyned a meterodde. 9 The measured he the entrie of the dore, that conteyned eght cubites, and his pilers two cubites: and this entrie stode inwarde. 10 The chambers of the dore eastwarde, were thre on euery syde: alike brode and longe. The pilers also that stode of both the sydes, were of one measure. 11 After this, he measured the wydenesse of the dore: which was x cubites, & the heyth of the dore xiij cubites. 12 The edge before the chabres was one cubite brode vpo both the sydes, & the chambres six cubites wyde of either syde. 13 He measured ye dore from the rygge of one chabre to another, whose wydenesse was xxv cubites, & one dore stode agaynst another.

Ezekiel 40:16

16 The chambers and their pilers within, rounde aboute vnto ye dore, had syde wyndowes: So had the fore entries also, whose wyndowes wente rounde aboute within. And vpon the pilers there stode date trees.

Ezekiel 41:5-11

5 He measured also the wall of the house, which was sixe cubites. The chambres yt stode rounde aboute ye house, were euery one foure cubites wyde, 6 and one stode harde vpo another, wherof there were xxxiij. And there stode postes beneth by the walles rounde aboute the house, to beare the vp: but in ye wall of ye house they were not fastened: 7 The syde chambres were the hyer the wyder, and had steppes thorow them rounde aboute ye house. Thus was it wyder aboue, that from the lowest men might go to the hyest & mydde chabers. 8 I sawe also that the house was very hye rounde aboute. The foundacion of the syde chambres was a meterodde (that is sixe cubites) brode. 9 The thicknesse of the syde wall without, conteyned fyue cubites, & so dyd ye outwall of the chabers in ye house. 10 Betwene the chambers, was the wydenes xx. cubites rounde aboute ye house. 11 The chambre dores stode ouer agaynst the outwall, the one dore was towarde the north, ye other towarde the south: and the thicknesse of the outwall was v cubites rounde aboute.

Ezekiel 42:4-13

4 And before this chabre there was a walkinge place of x. cubites wyde, and within was a waye of one cubite wyde, and their dores towarde the north. 5 Thus the hyest chambres were allwaye narower then the lowest and myddelmost of ye buildinge: 6 for they bare chambre vpon chambre, and stode thre together one vpon another, not hauynge pilers like the fore courte: therfore were they smaller then those beneth and in the myddest, to reken from the grounde vpwarde. 7 The wall without that stode by ye chambres towarde the vttemost courte vpon the fore syde of the chambres, was L. cubites loge: 8 for the legth of ye vttemost chambers in the fore courte was L. cubites also: but the length therof before the temple was an C. cubites. 9 These chambres had vnder them an intraunce of the east syde, wherby a man might go into them out of the fore courte, 10 thorow the thicke wall of the fore courte towarde the east, right ouer agaynst the separated buyldinge. 11 Before the same buyldinge vpo this syde there were chabers also which, had a waye vnto them, like as the chambers on the north syde of the same length and wydenesse. Their intraunce, fashion and dores were all of the same maner. 12 Yee euen like as the other chamber dores were, so were those also of the south syde. And before the waye towarde the syngers steppes on the east syde, there stode a dore to go in at. 13 Then sayde he vnto me: The chambers towarde the north & the south, which stode before the backe buyldinge: those be holy habitacions, wherin the prestes that do seruyce before the LORDE, must eate the most holy offringes: and there must they laye the most holy offringes: meatoffringes, synneoffringes & trespace offringes, for it is an holy place.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.