Jeremiah 34:22 Cross References - Coverdale

22 But thorow my commaundement (saieth the LORDE) they shal come agayne before this cite, they shall fight agaynst it, wynne it, and burne it. Morouer I will laye the cities of Iuda so waist, that no man shall dwell therin.

2 Samuel 16:11

11 And Dauid sayde vnto Abisai and to all his seruauntes: Beholde, my sonne which came of my body, seketh after my lyfe, how moch more now the sonne of Iemini? Let him curse on, for the LORDE hath commaunded him:

2 Kings 24:2-3

2 And ye LORDE sent men of warre vpon him out of Chaldea, out of Syria, out of Moab, & fro amonge the childre of Ammon, & caused the for to come in to Iuda, to destroie it acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, which he spake by his seruauntes the prophetes. 3 It fortuned eue so vnto Iuda, acordynge to ye worde of the LORDE, that he wolde put them awaye from his presence, because of ye sinnes of Manasses which he dyd,

2 Chronicles 36:17

17 For he broughte the kynge of the Caldees vpon them, and caused for to slaye all their yonge men with the swerde in the house of their Sanctuary, and spared nether yonge ma ner virgin, nether aged ner graudfather, but gaue them all in to his hande.

Isaiah 6:11

11 Then spake I: LORDE, how longe? he answered: vntil the cities be vtterly without inhabitours, and ye houses without men, till the lode be also desolate, and lye vnbuylded.

Isaiah 10:5-7

5 Wo be also vnto Assur, which is a staff of my wrath, in whose honde is the rod of my punyshment. 6 For I shal sende him amonge those ypocritish poeple, amonge the people that haue deserued my disfauoure shal I send him: that he maye utterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe like the myre in the strete. 7 Howbeit his meanynge is not so, nether thinketh his harte of this fashion. But he ymagineth only, how he maye ouerthrowe and destroye moch people,

Isaiah 13:3

3 For I will sende for my debites and my gyautes (sayeth the LORDE) and in my wrath I will call for soch, as tryumphe in my glory.

Isaiah 24:12

12 Desolacion shal remayne in the cities, and the gates shalbe smytten with waistnesse.

Isaiah 37:26

26 Yee (saiest thou) hast thou not herde, what I haue taken in honde, & brought to passe of olde tyme? That same wil I do now also: waist, destroye, & bringe the stronge cities vnto heapes of stones.

Isaiah 45:1-3

1 Thus saieth the LORDE vnto Cirus his anoynted, whom he ledeth by ye right hode: that the people maye fall downe before him: I wil lowse the gyrdle of kinges, yt they shal open the gates before thy face, and not to shut their dores. 2 I wil go before the, and make the croked straight. I shal breake the brasen dores, & burst the yron barres. 3 I shall geue the the hyd treasure, & the thinge which is secretly kepte: that thou mayest knowe, yt I the God of Israel haue called the by thy name:

Isaiah 64:10

10 The cities of thy Sanctuary lye waist, Sion is a wildernesse, and Ierusalem a deserte.

Jeremiah 4:7

7 For the spoyler of the Gentiles is broken vp from his place, as a lyon out of his dene, that he maye make the londe waist, and destroye the cities, so, that no man maye dwell therin.

Jeremiah 9:11

11 I will make Ierusalem also an heape of stones, and a denne of venymous wormes. And I wil make the cities of Iuda so waist, that no man shal dwell therin.

Jeremiah 21:4-10

4 Thus saieth the LORDE God off Israel: beholde, I will turne backe the weapens, that ye haue in youre hondes, wherwith ye fight agaynst the kinge of Babilo & the Caldees, which besege you rounde aboute ye walles: & I wil brige the together in to the myddest of this cite, 5 and I myselff will fight agaynst you, with an outstretched honde, ad with a mightie arme, in greate displeasure and terrible wrath: 6 and will smyte them, that dwell in this cite: yee both me ad catell shal dye of the pestilence. 7 And after this (saieth the LORDE) I shall delyuer Sedechias the kinge of Iuda, & his seruauntes, his people (and soch as are escaped in the cite, from the pestilence, swearde, and honger) into the power of Nabuchodonosor kinge of Babilon: yee in to the hodes of their enemies, in to the hodes of those yt folowe vpon their lyues, which shall smyte them with ye swerde: they shal not pite the, they shal not spare them, they shall haue no mercy vpon them. 8 And vnto this people thou shalt saye: Thus saieth the LORDE: beholde, I laye before you the waye of life and deeth. 9 Who so abydeth in this cite, shal perish: ether wt the swearde, with honger, or with pestilece. But who so goeth out to holde on ye Caldees parte, yt besege it, he shal saue his life, and shall wynne his soule for a pray. 10 For I haue set my face agaynst this cite (saieth the LORDE) to plage it, and to do it no good. It must be geue in to the honde of the kinge of Babilon, & be brent with fyre.

Jeremiah 32:29

29 For the Caldees shall come, and wynne this cite, and set fyre vpon it, and burne it: with the gorgeous houses, in whose parlers they haue made sacrifice vnto Baal, and poured drynkeofferinges vnto straunge goddes, to prouoke me vnto wrath.

Jeremiah 33:10

10 Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE: In this place, wherof ye saye that it shalbe a wildernesse, wherin nether people ner catell shal dwell: In like maner in the cities of Iuda and without Ierusalem (which also shalbe so voyde, that nether people ner catell shall dwell there)

Jeremiah 37:8-10

8 But the Caldees shall come agayne, & fight agaynst this cite, wynne it, and set fyre vpon it. 9 For thus saieth the LORDE: disceaue not yor owne myndes, thinkynge on this maner: Tush, the Caldees go now their waye from vs: No, they shall not go their waye. 10 For though ye had slayne the whole hooste off the Caldees. that besege you, and euery one of the slayne laye in his tent, yet shulde they stonde vp, and set fyre vpon this cite.

Jeremiah 38:23

23 Therfore all thy wyues with their children shall fle vnto the Caldees, and thou shalt not escape their hondes, but shalt be ye kynge of Babilons presoner, & this cite shall be brent.

Jeremiah 39:1-2

1 Now when the cite off Ierusale was taken (for in the ix. yeare of Sedechias kynge of Iuda in the tenth Moneth, came Nabuchodonosor the kynge off Babilon and all his hooste, and beseged Ierusalem. 2 And in the xi. yeare of Sedechias in the fourth Moneth ye ix. daye of ye Moneth, he brake in to the cite).

Jeremiah 39:8

8 Morouer, the Caldees bret vp the kynges palace, with ye other houses of the people, and brake downe the walles off Ierusalem.

Jeremiah 44:2-6

2 Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: Ye haue sene all ye mysery, yt I haue brought vpon Ierusalem, and vpon all the cities of Iuda: so that this daye they are desolate, and no man dwellinge therin: 3 & yt because of the greate blasphemies, which they committed, to prouoke me vnto anger: In that they wente backe to do sacrifice ad worshipe vnto straunge goddes: whom nether they, ner ye, ner yor fathers haue knowne. 4 How be it, I sent vnto them my seruautes all the prophetes: I rose vp early, I sent vnto them, and gaue them warninge: O do no soch abhominable thinges, & thinges that I hate 5 But they wolde not folowe ner herke, to turne from their wickednes, and to do nomore sacrifice vnto straunge goddes. 6 Wherfore my indignacion & wrath was kyndled, and it brente vp the cities of Iuda, the feldes with the stretes off Ierusalem: so that they were made waist and desolate, as it is come to passe this daye.

Jeremiah 44:22

22 In so moch, that the LORDE might no longer suffre the wickednes off youre inuencions, and the abhominable thynges which ye dyd? Is not youre londe desolate & voyde, yee and abhorred, so that no ma dwelleth therin enymore, as it is come to passe this daye?

Jeremiah 52:7

7 So all the souldyers brake awaye, and fled out of the cite by night, thorow the waye of the porte betwene the two walles by the kynges garden. Now ye Caldees had copassed the cite rounde aboute, yet wente these men their waye towarde the wildernesse.

Jeremiah 52:13

13 & brent vp the house of the LORDE. He brent vp also the kinges palace, all the houses & all the gorgeous buyldinges in Ierusale.

Lamentations 1:1

1 Alas, how sitteth the cite so desolate, yt some tyme was full of people? how is she become like a wedowe, which was the lady of all nacions? How is she brought vnder tribute, that ruled all londes?

Ezekiel 33:27-28

27 Saye thou these wordes vnto the: Thus saieth the LORDE God: As truly as I lyue, all ye that dwell in this wildernesse, shall be slayne wt the swearde: what so is vpon the felde, will I geue vnto the beestes to be deuoured: those that be in stronge holdes and dennes, shall dye off the pestilece. 28 For I wil make the londe desolate and waist, and ye pope off hir strength shall come to an ende. The mountaynes in Israel shalbe so waiste that no man shall trauayle therby.

Amos 3:6

6 Crie they out Alarum with the trompet in the cite, and the people not afrayed? Commeth there eny plage in a cite, without it be the LORDES doinge?

Micah 7:13

13 Not wt stondinge the londe must be waisted, because of them that dwell therin, and for the frutes of their owne ymaginacions.

Zechariah 1:12

12 Then the LORDES angel gaue answere and sayde: O LORDE of hoostes, how longe wilt thou be vnmercifull to Ierusale and to the cities of Iuda, with whom thou hast bene displeased now these lxx. yeares?

Zechariah 7:14

14 but scatered them amonge all Gentiles, whom they knewe not. Thus the londe was made so desolate, yt there traualed no man in it nether to ner fro, for that pleasaunt londe was vtterly layed waist.

Matthew 22:7

7 When the kynge herde that, he was wroth, and sent forth his warryers, and destroyed those murtherers, and set fyre vpon their cite.

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