Jeremiah 30:3 Cross References - Coverdale

3 For lo, the tyme commeth (saieth the LORDE) that I will bringe agayne the presoners of my people of Israel and Iuda, saieth the LORDE: For I will restore them vnto the londe, that I gaue to their fathers, and they shall haue it in possession.

Deuteronomy 30:3

3 then shal the LORDE thy God turne thy captiuyte, and haue compassion vpon the, and shal gather thy congregacion agayne from amonge all the nacions, whither the LORDE thy God hath scatered the.

Ezra 3:1

1 And whan the seuenth moneth came, and the children of Israel were now in their cities, the people came together euen as one man, vnto Ierusalem.

Ezra 3:8

8 In the seconde yeare of their commynge vnto the house of God at Ierusalem in the seconde moneth, beganne Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel, and Iesua the sonne of Iosedec, and the remnaunt of their brethren the prestes and Leuites, and all they that were come out of the captiuyte vnto Ierusalem, and appoynted the Leuites fro twentye yeare olde and aboue, to se that the worke of the house of the LORDE wete forwarde.

Ezra 3:12

12 Neuertheles many of the olde prestes and Leuites and awncient fathers, which had sene the house afore in his foundacion, and this was now before their eyes, wepte loude. But many shouted with ioye,

Psalms 53:6

6 Oh yt the sauynge health were geuen vnto Israel out of Sion: Oh that the LORDE wolde delyuer his people out of captiuyte. Then shulde Iacob reioyse, & Israel shulde be right glad.

Jeremiah 16:15

15 but (it shall be sayde) the LORDE lyueth, that brought the children of Israel from the North, & from all londes where I had scatred them. For I wil bringe the agayne in to the lode, that I gaue vnto their fathers.

Jeremiah 23:5

5 Beholde, the tyme commeth (saieth the LORDE) that I wil rayse vp the rightuous braunch off Dauid, which shall beare rule, and discusse matters with wy?dome, and shall set vp equyte and rightuousnes agayne in the earth.

Jeremiah 23:7-8

7 And therfore beholde, the tyme commeth (saieth the LORDE) that it shall no more be sayde: the LORDE lyueth, which brought the children off Israel out of the londe of Egipte: 8 But the LORDE lyueth, which brought forth, ad led the sede of the house off Israel, out off the north londe, and from all countrees where I had scatred them, and they shal dwell in their owne londe agayne.

Jeremiah 27:11

11 But the people that put their neckes vnder the yock of the kinge of Babilon, & serue him, those I wil let remayne still in their owne lode (saieth the LORDE) & they shal occupie it, & dwell there in.

Jeremiah 27:22

22 They shalbe caried vnto Babilon, and there they shall remayne, vntil I vyset them, saieth the LORDE. Then wil I bringe them hither agayne.

Jeremiah 29:14

14 I will be founde of you (saieth the LORDE) and will delyuer you out of preson, & gather you together agayne out of all places, where in I haue scatred you, saieth the LORDE: and wil bringe you agayne to the same place, from whence I caused you be caried awaye captyue.

Jeremiah 30:10

10 And as for the, o my seruaunt Iacob, feare not (saieth ye LORDE) and be not afrayed, o Israel. For lo, I will helpe the also from farre, & thy sede from the londe of their captiuyte. And Iacob shall turne agayne, he shalbe in rest, and haue a prosperous life, and no man shall make him afrayed.

Jeremiah 30:18

18 For thus saieth the LORDE: Beholde, I will set vp Iacobs tentes agayne, and defende his dwellinge place. The cite shalbe buylded in hir olde estate, and the houses shal haue their right foundacion.

Jeremiah 31:23

23 For thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: It will come therto, that when I haue brought Iuda out of captiuyte, these wordes shalbe herde in ye londe and in his cities: The LORDE, which is the fayre brydegrome of rightuousnesse, make the frutefull, o thou holy hill:

Jeremiah 31:27

27 Beholde (saieth the LORDE) the dayes come, that I will sowe the house of Israel and the house of Iuda, with men and with catell.

Jeremiah 31:31

31 Beholde, the dayes come (saieth the LORDE) yt I will make a new couenaunt with ye house of Israel & with ye house of Iuda:

Jeremiah 31:38

38 Beholde, the daies come saieth the LORDE, yt the cite of ye LORDE shalbe enlarged from the towre of Hananeel, vnto ye gate of the corner wall.

Jeremiah 32:37

37 Beholde, I will gather them together from all londes, wherin I haue scatred them in my wrath, in my fearfull and greate displeasure: and will bringe them agayne vnto this place, where they shal dwell safely.

Jeremiah 32:44

44 Yee londe shalbe bought for money, & euydeces made ther vpon & sealed before witnesses in the countre of Ben Iamin, & rounde aboute Ierusalem: in the cities of Iuda, in the cities that are vpo the mountaynes, & in them that lie beneth, yee & in the cities that are in the deserte. For I wil bringe their presoners hither agayne, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 33:7-11

7 And I will returne the captiuyte of Iuda and Israel: and will set them vp agayne, as they were afore. 8 From all my?dedes (wherin they haue offended agaynst me) I will clese them: And all their blasphemies which they haue done agaynst me, when they regarded me not, I will forgeue them. 9 And this shal get me a name, a prayse and honoure, amonge all people of the earth, which shall heare all the good, that I will shewe vnto them: Yee they shall be afrayed and astonnied at all the good dedes and benefites, that I will do for them. 10 Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE: In this place, wherof ye saye that it shalbe a wildernesse, wherin nether people ner catell shal dwell: In like maner in the cities of Iuda and without Ierusalem (which also shalbe so voyde, that nether people ner catell shall dwell there) 11 Shal the voyce of gladnesse be herde agayne, the voyce of the brydegrome and of the bryde, the voyce of them that shall synge: (Prayse the LORDE of hoostes, for he is louynge, and his mercy endureth for euer) and the voyce of them that shall offre vp giftes in the house of the LORDE. For I will restore the captiuyte of this londe, as it was afore, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 33:14-15

14 Beholde, the tyme commeth (saieth the LORDE) that I wil perfourme that good thinge, which I haue promised vnto the house of Israel and to the house of Iuda. 15 In those daies and at the same tyme, I will bringe forth vnto Dauid, the braunch of rightuousnes, and he shall do equite and rightuousnesse in the londe.

Jeremiah 33:26

26 then will I also cast awaye the sede of Dauid my seruaunt: so that I wil take no prynce out of his sede, to rule the posterite of Abraha, Isaac and Iacob. But yet I will turne agayne their captiuyte, and be mercifull vnto them.

Ezekiel 20:42

42 and that ye maye knowe, that I am the LORDE, which haue brought you in to the londe of Israel: yee in to the same lode, that I swore to geue vnto youre forefathers.

Ezekiel 28:25-26

25 Thus saieth the LORDE God: when I gather the housholde of Israel together agayne, from the nacions amonge whom they be scatred: then shal I be sanctified in the, in ye sight of the Getiles: & they shal dwell in the lode, yt I gaue to my seruaunt Iacob. 26 They shal dwell safely therin, buylde houses, and plante vynyardes: Yee safely shal they dwell therin, when I haue punyshed all those, that despyse them rounde aboute: and then shall they knowe, yt I am the LORDE their God.

Ezekiel 36:24

24 As for you, I wil take you from amonge the Heithen, and gather you together out of all countrees, and bringe you agayne in to youre owne londe.

Ezekiel 37:21-25

21 and shalt saye vnto them: Thus saieth the LORDE God: beholde I wil take awaye the childre of Israel from amonge the Heithen, vnto whom they be gone, and wil gather them together on euery syde, and bringe them agayne in to their owne londe: 22 yee I wil make one people of the in ye londe, vpon the mountaynes of Israel, and they all shal haue but one kinge. They shall nomore be two peoples from hensforth, nether be deuyded in to two kingdomes: 23 they shal also defyle the selues nomore with their abhominacions, Idols and all their wickeddoinges. I wil helpe the out of all their dwellinge places, wherin they haue synned: & will so clense them, that they shalbe my people, and I their God. 24 Dauid my seruaunt shalbe their kinge, & they all shal haue one shepherde only. They shal walke in my lawes, and my commaundementes shalt they both kepe & fulfill. 25 They shal dwell in the londe, that I gaue vnto Iacob my seruaunt, where as youre fathers also haue dwelt. Yee eue in the same londe shal they, their children, & their childers children dwell for euermore: and my seruaunt Dauid shal be their euerlastynge prynce.

Ezekiel 39:25-28

25 Therfore thus saieth ye LORDE God: Now will I bringe agayne the captyues of Iacob, and haue mercy vpon the whole house of Israel, and be gelous for my holy names sake. 26 All their confucion and offence that they haue done agaynst me, shal be taken awaye: and so safely shal they dwell in their londe, that no man shal make them afrayed. 27 And when I haue brought the agayne from amonge the people, when I haue gathered them together out of their enemies londes, and am praysed in them before many Heithen: 28 then shall they knowe, that I am the LORDE their God, which suffred them to be led in to captiuyte amonge the Heithen, but now haue brought them agayne in to their owne londe, and not left one of them yonder.

Ezekiel 47:14

14 Parte it indifferently vnto one as vnto another: of the which lode I swore vnto youre fathers, that it shulde fall to youre enheritaunce.

Joel 3:1

1 For take hede: In those dayes & at ye same tyme, when I turne agayne the captyuite of Iuda & Ierusale:

Amos 9:14-15

14 and I wil turne the captyuyte of my people of Israel: they shal repayre the waist cities, & haue the in possessio: they shal plante vinyardes, ad drynke the wyne therof: they shal make gardens, and enioye the frutes off the. 15 And I wil plate them vpo their owne groude, so that I will neuer rote them out agayne from their londe, which I haue geuen the sayeth the LORDE thy God.

Obadiah 1:19-20

19 They of the south shal haue the mount of Esau in possession: and loke what lieth vpon the grounde, that shal the Philistynes haue: the playne feldes shal Ephraim and Samaria possesse: and the mountaynes of Galaad shal Ben Iamin haue. 20 And this hoost shalbe the childre of Israels presoners: Now what so lieth from Canaan vnto Sarphad, and in Sepharad, that shal be vnder the subieccion of Ierusalem: and the cities of the south shall enheret it.

Zephaniah 3:20

20 At ye same tyme wil I bringe you in, and at the same tyme wil I gather you. I wil get you a name and a good reporte, amonge all people of the earth, when I turne backe youre captiuyte before youre eyes, saieth the LORDE.

Luke 17:22

22 And he sayde to the disciples: The tyme shal come, wha ye shal desyre to se one daye of the sonne of man, and shal not se it.

Luke 19:43

43 For the tyme shal come vpon the, that thine enimies shal cast vp a bake aboute the, and aboute thy children with the, and besege ye, and kepe the in on euery syde,

Luke 21:6

6 The time shal come, wherin of all this that ye se, there shal not be left one stone vpon another, which shal not be broken downe.

Hebrews 8:8

8 For in rebukynge the he sayeth: Beholde, the dayes wyll come (sayeth the LORDE) that I wyl fynish vpo the house of Israel, and vpon the house off Iuda,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.