Jeremiah 23:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Wo be vnto the shepherdes, that destroye, and scatre my flocke, saieth the LORDE.

Isaiah 56:9-12

9 All the beastes of the felde, & all the beastes of ye wod, shal come to deuoure hi. 10 For his watchmen are all blinde, they haue alltogether no vnderstondinge, they are all domme dogges, not beinge able to barcke, they are slepery: slogish are they, & lie snortinge: 11 they are shamelesse dogges, yt be neuer sati?fied. The sheperdes also in like maner haue no vnderstondinge, but euery man turneth his owne waye, euery one after his owne couetousnes, wt all his power. 12 Come (saye they) I wil fetch wyne, so shal we fyll oure selues, that we maye be dronken. And do tomorow, like as to daye, yee and moch more.

Jeremiah 2:8

8 The prestes the selues saide not once: where is ye LORDE? They yt haue the lawe in their hondes, knowe me not: The shepherdes offende agaynst me. The prophetes do seruyce vnto Baal, & folowe soch thinges as shall bringe them no profit.

Jeremiah 2:26

26 Like as a thefe that is taken with the dede, commeth to shame, eue so is the house of Israel come to confucion: the comon people, their kinges and rulers, their prestes and prophetes.

Jeremiah 10:21

21 For the hyrdmen haue done folishly, that they haue not sought the LORDE. Therfore haue they dealt vnwisely with their catell, & all are scatred abrode.

Jeremiah 12:10

10 Dyuerse hyrdme haue broken downe my vynyarde, and troden vpon my porcion. Of my pleasaunt porcion, they haue made a wildernes & deserte.

Jeremiah 22:22

22 All thy hyrdmen shalbe dryuen with the wynde, and thy derlinges shalbe caried awaye in to captiuyte: Then shalt thou be brought to shame and confucion, because of all thy wickednes:

Jeremiah 23:2

2 Wherfore, this is the comaundemet of the LORDE God of Israel, vnto the shepherdes that fede my people: Ye scatre ad thrust out my flocke, and loke not vpon them. Therfore, now will I vyset the wickednes of youre ymaginacions, saieth ye LORDE:

Jeremiah 23:11-15

11 For the prophetes and the prestes them selues are poluted Ypocrytes, ad their wickednes haue I founde in my house, saieth the LORDE. 12 Wherfore, their waye shall be slippery in the darcknesse, where in they maye stacker and fall. For I will bringe a plage vpon them, euen the yeare of their visitacion, saieth the LORDE. 13 I haue sene foly amonge the prophetes of Samaria, yt they preched for Baal, ad disceaued my people off Israel. 14 I haue sene also amonge the Prophetes off Ierusalem foule aduoutery, and presumptuous lies. They take the most shamefull men by the hode, flatringe them, so that they canot returne from their wickednes. All these with their citesyns are vnto me, as Sodom, and as the inhabitours off Gomorre. 15 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes concernynge the prophetes: Beholde, I wil fede them with wormwod, & make them dryncke the water of gall. For fro the prophetes of Ierusalem is the sicknes of Ypocrisie come in to all the londe.

Jeremiah 25:34-36

34 Mourne (o ye shepherdes) & crie: sprinckle youre selues with a?shes, o ye rammes of the flocke: for the tyme of youre slaughter is fulfilled, and ye shal fall like vessels connyngly made for pleasure. 35 The shepherdes shall haue no waye to fle, and the rammes of the flocke shall not escape. 36 Then shal the shepherdes crie horribly, and the rammes of the flocke shal mourne: for the LORDE shal consume their pasture,

Jeremiah 50:6

6 My people hath bene a lost flocke, my shepherdes haue disceaued them, & haue made them go astraye vpon the hilles. They haue gone from the mountayne to the litle hill, & forgotten their folde.

Ezekiel 13:3

3 thus saieth the LORDE God: Wo be vnto those folish prophetes, that folowe their owne sprete, and speake, where they se nothinge.

Ezekiel 22:25-29

25 thy prophetes that are in the, are sworne together to deuoure soules, like as a roaringe Lyon, that lyueth by his pray. They receaue riches and good, and make many wyddowes in ye. 26 Thy prestes breake my lawe, and defyle my Sanctuary. They put no dyfference betwene the holy and vnholy, nether discerne betwene the clene and vnclene: they turne their eyes fro my Sabbathes, and I am vnhalowed amonge them. 27 Thy rulers in the are like rauyshinge wolues, to shed bloude, and to destroye soules, for their owne covetous lucre. 28 As for thy prophetes, they dawbe with vntempered claye, they se vanities, and prophecie lies vnto them, sayenge: the LORDE God sayeth so, where as the LORDE hath not spoken 29 The people in the londe vseth wicked extorcio and robbery. They vexe the poore and nedy: and oppresse the straunger agaynst right.

Ezekiel 34:2-10

2 Thou sonne off ma, prophecye agaynst the shepherdes of Israel, prophecy, and speake vnto them: Thus saieth the LORDE God: Wo be vnto the shepherdes off Israel, that fede them selues. Shulde not the shepherdes fede ye flockes? 3 Ye haue eaten vp the fatte, ye haue clothed you with the woll: the best fedde haue ye slayne, but ye flocke haue ye not norished: 4 The weake haue ye not holden vp, the sicke haue ye not healed: the broken haue ye not bounde together, the outcastes haue ye not brought agayne: ye lost haue ye not sought, but churlishly and cruelly haue ye ruled the. 5 Thus are they scatred here and there without a shepherde: yee all the beastes off the felde deuoure them, and they go astraye. 6 My shepe go wandringe vpon all moutaynes and vpon euery hye hill, yee they be scatred abrode in all feldes, and there is no man, that careth for them, or seketh after them. 7 Therfore o ye shepherdes heare the worde off the LORDE, 8 Thus sayeth the LORDE God: As truly as I lyue, for so moch as my shepe are robbed, and deuoured off all the wylde beestes off the felde, hauynge no shepherde: and seynge that my shepherdes take no regarde off my shepe, but fede them selues only, and not my shepe: 9 Therfore heare ye worde off the LORDE, o ye shepherdes: 10 Thus sayeth the LORDE God: Beholde, I myselff will vpon the shepherdes, and requyre my shepe from their hondes, and make the ceasse from fedynge of my shepe: yee the shepherdes shall fede them selues nomore: For I will delyuer my shepe out off their mouthes so that they shall not deuoure them after this.

Ezekiel 34:21

21 for so moch as ye haue shot the weake shepe a po ye sydes & shulders, and runne vpon them with youre hornes, so longe till ye haue vtterly scatred them abrode.

Ezekiel 34:31

31 Ye men are my flocke, ye are the shepe of my pasture: and I am youre God, saieth the LORDE God.

Micah 3:11-12

11 O ye iudges, ye geue sentence for giftes: O ye preastes, ye teach for lucre: O ye prophetes, ye prophecy for money. Yet wil they be take as those that holde vpon God, and saye: Is not the LORDE amonge vs? Tush, there can no misfortune happen vs. 12 Therfore shal Sion (for youre sakes) be plowed like a felde: Ierusale shall become an heape of stones, and the hill of ye temple shal be turned to an hye wodde.

Zephaniah 3:3-4

3 Hir rulers within her are as roaringe lyons: hir iudges are as wolues in the euenynge, which leaue nothinge behynde them till the morow. 4 Hir prophetes are light personnes and vn faithfull men: hir prestes vnhalowe the Sanctuary, and do wronge vnder the pretence of the lawe.

Zechariah 11:5-7

5 which shalbe slayne of those that possesse them: yet they take it for no synne, but they yt sell the, saye: The LORDE be thanked, I am rich: Yee their owne shepherdes spare them not. 6 Therfore wil I nomore spare those that dwell in the londe (sayeth the LORDE) but lo, I will delyuer the people, euery man in to his neghbours honde, and in to the hode of his kynge: that they maye smyte the londe, and out off their hondes wil not I delyuer them. 7 I myself fedde ye slaughter shepe (a poore flocke verely) ad toke vnto me two staues: the one I called louynge mekenesse, the other I called wo, and so I kepte the shepe.

Zechariah 11:15-17

15 And the LORDE sayde vnto me: Take to the also the staff off a foolish shepherde: 16 for lo, I will rayse vp a shepherde in the londe, which shall not seke after the thinges that be lost, ner care for soch as go astraye: he shall not heale the wounded, he shal not norish the thinge that is whole: but he shall eate the flesh off soch as be fat, and teare their clawes in peces. 17 O Idols shepherde, that leaueth the flocke. The swerde shal come vpon his arme and vpon his right eye. His arme shalbe clene dried vp, and his right eye shalbe sore blynded.

Matthew 9:36

36 And when he sawe the people, he had compassion on the, because they were pyned awaye, and scattered abroade, euen as shepe hauinge no shepherd,

Matthew 15:14

14 Let the go, they are ye blynde leaders of ye blynde. Wha one blinde leadeth another, they fall both i ye diche.

Matthew 23:13-29

13 Wo vnto you Scrybes and Pharises, ye ypocrytes, that shut vp the kyngdome of heauen before men: Ye come not in youre selues, nether suffre ye them to enter, that wolde be in. 14 Wo vnto you Scrybes and Pharises, ye ypocrytes, that deuoure wyddowes houses, and that vnder the culoure of prayenge longe prayers, therfore shal ye receaue ye greater damnacion. 15 Wo vnto you Scrybes and Pharises, ye ypocrytes, which compasse see and lode to make one Proselyte: and whan he is become one, ye make of him a childe of hell, two folde more then ye youre selues are. 16 Wo vnto you blyndegydes, which saye: Who so euer sweareth by the temple, that is nothinge: but who so euer sweareth by the golde of the temple, he is giltie. 17 Ye fooles and blynde, whether is greater? the golde, or the teple that sanctifieth the golde? 18 And who so euer sweareth by the altare, that is nothinge: but who so euer sweareth by the offeringe that is vpo it, he is giltye. 19 Ye fooles and blynde, whether is greater? the offeringe, or the altare that sanctifieth the offerynge? 20 Therfore who so sweareth by the altare, sweareth by the same, and by all that is theron: 21 and who so sweareth by the temple, sweareth by the same, and by him that dwelleth therin. 22 And who so sweareth by heauen, sweareth by the seate of God, and by him that sytteth theron. 23 Wo vnto you scrybes and Pharises, ye ypocrytes, which tythe Mynt, Anyse and Commyn, and leaue the waightier matters of the lawe behynde: namely, iudgment, mercy, and fayth. These ought to haue bene done, and not to leaue the other behynde. 24 O ye blynde gydes, which strayne out a gnat, but swalowe vp a Camell. 25 Wo vnto you scrybes and Pharises, ye Ypocrytes, which make cleane the vttersyde of the cuppe and platter, but within are ye full of robbery and excesse. 26 Thou blynde Pharise, clense first the in syde of the cuppe and platter, that the out syde maye be cleane also. 27 Wo vnto you scrybes and Pharises, ye Ypocrites, which be like vnto paynted Sepulcres, that appeare beutyfull outwarde, but within they are full of deed mens bones and all fylthines. 28 Euen so are ye also: Outwarde ye appeare righteous vnto men, but within ye are full of ypocrisye and iniquyte. 29 Wo vnto you scrybes and Pharises, ye ypocrites, which buylde the tombes of the prophetes, and garnysh the sepulcres of the righteous,

Luke 11:42-52

42 But wo vnto you Pharises, ye that tythe mynt and rewe, and all maner herbes, and passe ouer iudgmet and ye loue of God. These ought to haue bene done, and not to leaue the other vndone. 43 Wo vnto you Pharises, for ye loue to syt vppermost in the synagoges, and to be saluted in the market. 44 Wo vnto you scrybes and Pharyses, ye ypocrites, for ye are like couered sepulcres, where ouer men walke, and are not awarre of them. 45 Then answered one of the scrybes, and sayde vnto him: Master, with these wordes thou puttest vs to rebuke also. 46 But he saide: And wo vnto you also ye scrybes, for ye lade men with vntollerable burthens, and ye youre selues touch them not with one of yor fyngers. 47 Wo vnto you, for ye buylde the sepulcres of the prophetes, but youre fathers put them to death. 48 Doutles ye beare wytnesse, and consente vnto the dedes of yor fathers: for they slewe them, and ye buylde their sepulcres. 49 Therfore sayde the wyssdome of God: I wil sende prophetes and Apostles vnto the: and some of them shal they put to death and persecute, 50 hat the bloude of all the prophetes which hath bene shed sens the foundacion of the worlde was layed, maye be requyred of this generacion: 51 from the bloude of Abell, vnto ye bloude of Zachary, which perished betwene the altare and ye temple. Yee I saye vnto you: it shalbe requyred of this generacion. 52 Wo vnto you scrybes, for ye haue receaued ye keye of knowlege. Ye are not come in youre selues, and haue forbydden them that wolde haue bene in.

John 10:10

10 A thefe cometh not, but for to steale, kyll, and destroye. I am come, yt they might haue life, and haue it more abundauntly.

John 10:12

12 But an hyred seruaunt, which is not the shepherde, nether the shepe are his awne, seyth ye wolfe comynge, and leaueth ye shepe, and flyeth. And the wolfe catcheth & scatereth ye shepe.

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