James 5:16 Cross References - Coverdale

16 Knowlege youre fautes one to another: and praye one for another, that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a righteous man auayleth moche, yf it be feruet.

Genesis 18:23-32

23 and stepte vnto him, and sayde:Wilt thou then destroye the righteous with the vngodly? 24 Peradueture there maye be fiftie righteous within ye cite: wilt thou destroye those, and not spare the place, for fiftie righteous sake that are therin? 25 That be farre fro the, yt thou shuldest do this, and to slaye the righteous with the vngodly, and that the righteous shulde be as the vngodly. That be farre from the. Shulde not the iudge of all the worlde do acordinge to right? 26 And the LORDE sayde: Yf I fynde fiftie righteous at Sodome in the cite, I wil spare all the place for their sakes. 27 Abraham answered, and sayde: O se, I haue taken vpon me to speake vnto the LORDE, howbeit I am but dust and asshes. 28 Peraduenture there maye be fyue lesse then fiftie righteous therin: Wilt thou then destroye the whole cite because of those fyue? He sayde: yf I fynde fyue and fourtie therin, I will not destroye them? 29 And he proceded further to speake vnto him, and sayde: Peraduenture there might be fourtie founde therin. And he sayde: I wil do nothinge vnto them for those fourtyes sake. 30 Abraham sayde: Oh let not my LORDE be angrie, that I speake yet more. Peradueture there might be thirtie founde therin. And he sayde: Yf I fynde thirtie therin, I will do nothinge vnto them. 31 And he sayde: O se, I haue taken vpon me to speake vnto my LORDE.Peradueture there might be twetie founde therin. He answered: I wyll not destroye them for those twentyes sake. 32 And sayde: O let not my LORDE be angrie, that I speake yet once more. Peraduenture there might be ten founde therin. He saide: I wil not destroye them for those ten sake.

Genesis 19:29

29 For whan God destroyed ye cities of the region, he thought vpon Abraham, and conueyed Lot out of the cities which he ouerthrew, wherin Lot dwelt.

Genesis 20:7

7 Now therfore delyuer the man his wife ageyne, for he is a prophet: and let him pray for ye, and thou shalt lyue. But and yf thou delyuer her not ageyne, be sure, that thou shalt dye the death, and all that is thine.

Genesis 20:17

17 As for Abraham, he prayed vnto God: Then God healed Abimelech, and his wyfe, and his maydens, so that they bare childre.

Genesis 32:28

28 He sayde: Thou shalt nomore be called Iacob, but Israel, for thou hast stryuen with God and with men, and hast preuayled.

Genesis 41:9-10

9 Then spake the chefe butlar vnto Pharao, and saide: This daye do I remembre my fawte. 10 Whan Pharao was angrie with his seruauntes, and put me in preson with ye chefe baker in ye chefe marshals house,

Exodus 9:28-29

28 Yet praye ye vnto the LORDE, that the thonder & hayle of God maye ceasse, then wyl I let you go, that ye shal tary here no longer. 29 Moses sayde vnto him: Whan I am come out of the cite, I wyll stretch out myne handes vnto the LORDE, so shal the thonder ceasse, & there shal be nomore hayle: that thou mayest knowe, that the earth is the LORDES.

Exodus 9:33

33 So Moses wente from Pharao out of ye cite, & stretched out his hades vnto ye LORDE. And ye thoder & the hayle ceassed, & the rayne dropped not vpo the earth.

Exodus 17:11

11 And wha Moses helde vp his hade, Israel had the victory: but whan he let downe his hande, Amalek had the victory.

Exodus 32:10-14

10 and now suffre me, that my wrath maye waxe whote ouer them, & that I maye consume them, so wil I make a greate people of the. 11 But Moses be sought the LORDE his God, & sayde: Oh LORDE, wherfore wil thy wrath waxe whote ouer thy people, whom thou hast brought out of the lode of Egipte wt greate power & a mightie hade? 12 Wherfore shulde the Egipcians speake, & saye: He hath brought the for their myschefe, to slaye them in the mountaynes, and to destroye the vtterly from the earth? O turne the from the fearcenesse of yi wrath, & be gracious ouer the wickednesse of thy people. 13 Remembre thy seruautes Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, vnto who thou swarest by thyne owne self, and saydest: I wil multiplye youre sede as the starres of heauen, and all the londe that I haue promysed you, wil I geue vnto youre sede, & they shall inheret it for euer. 14 Thus the LORDE repented of the euell, which he sayde he wolde do vnto his people.

Numbers 11:2

2 The cryed the people vnto Moses. And Moses prayed vnto the LORDE. So ye fyre quenched.

Numbers 14:13-20

13 But Moses sayde vnto ye LORDE: Then shal ye Egipcians heare it (for wt thy power hast thou brought this people from amoge the) 14 so shal it be tolde the inhabiters of this lande also, which haue herde, yt thou O LORDE art amonge this people, yt thou art sene from face to face, & that thy cloude stondeth ouer them, and that thou goest before them in the cloudy piler on the daye tyme, and in the fyrie piler on the night season. 15 Yf thou shuldest now slaye this people as one man, then the Heythen that haue herde so good reporte of the, shulde saye: 16 The LORDE was not able to brynge the people in to the londe, that he sware vnto them, therfore hath he slayne them in the wyldernes. 17 So let the power of the LORDE now be greate, acordinge as thou hast spoken and sayde: 18 The LORDE is of longe sufferaunce and of greate mercy, and forgeueth synne and trespace, and leaueth no man innocent, & vysiteth the my?dede of the fathers vpon the children in to the thirde and fourth generacion. 19 O be gracious now vnto the synne of this people acordinge to thy greate mercy, like as thou hast forborne this people also, euer from Egipte vnto this place. 20 And the LORDE sayde: I haue forgeue it, as thou hast saide.

Numbers 21:7-9

7 The came they vnto Moses, and sayde: We haue synned, because we haue spoken agaynst the LORDE and agaynst the. Praye thou vnto the LORDE, that he take awaye the serpentes from vs. And Moses prayed for the people. 8 Then sayde the LORDE vnto Moses: Make the a brasen serpente, and set it vp for a token. Who so euer is bytten, and loketh vpon it, shal lyue. 9 Then made Moses a serpent of brasse, and set it vp for a token: and whan a serpent had bytten eny man, he behelde the brasen serpente, and recouered.

Deuteronomy 9:18-20

18 & I fell before the LORDE (euen as at the first tyme) fortye dayes & fortye nightes, & nether ate bred, ner drake water, because of all youre synnes which ye had synned, whan ye dyd soch euell in the sighte of the LORDE, to prouoke him vnto wrath. 19 For I was afrayed of the wrath and indignacion, wherwith the LORDE was angrie wt you, euen to haue destroyed you. And the LORDE herde me at that tyme also. 20 Morouer the LORDE was very angrie wt Aaron, so that he wolde haue destroyed him, but I made intercession for Aaron also at ye same tyme.

Joshua 10:12

12 Then spake Iosua vnto the LORDE (the same daye that the LORDE gaue ouer the Amorites before the children of Israel) and sayde in the presence of Israel: Sonne, holde styll at Gibeon, and thou Moone in the valley of Aialon.

1 Samuel 12:18

18 And whan Samuel called vpon the LORDE, the LORDE caused it to thoder and raine the same daye. Then all the people feared the LORDE greatly and Samuel,

2 Samuel 19:19

19 and sayde vnto the kynge: O my lorde, laye not the trespace vnto my charge, & thynke not vpon it that thy seruaunt vexed the, in the daye whan my lorde the kynge wente out of Ierusalem: and let not ye kynge take it to hert,

1 Kings 13:6

6 And the kynge answered, and sayde vnto the man of God: O praye the face of the LORDE thy God, and make intercession for me, that my hande maie be restored vnto me agayne. Then prayed the man of God vnto the face of the LORDE. And the kynges hande was restored him agayne, and became as it was afore.

1 Kings 17:18-24

18 And she sayde vnto Elias: What haue I to do with the, thou man of God? Art thou come in vnto me, yt my synne shulde be kepte in remembraunce, & that my sonne shulde be slayne? 19 He sayde vnto her: Geue me thy sonne. And he toke him fro hir lappe, & caried him vp in to ye chamber where he himselfe dwelt, and layed him vpo his bed, 20 & called vpon the LORDE, and sayde: O LORDE my God, hast thou dealt so euell wt the wedow with whom I dwell, yt thou woldest slaye hir sonne? 21 And he stretched out him selfe ouer the childe thre tymes, & called vpon the LORDE, and saide: O LORDE my God, let the soule of this childe come agayne in to him. 22 And the LORDE herde the voyce of Elias. And the soule of the childe came agayne vnto him, & he reuyued. 23 And Elias toke the childe, and broughte him downe from the chamber in to the house and delyuered him vnto his mother, and sayde: Beholde, thy sonne lyueth. 24 And the woman sayde vnto Elias: Now knowe I, that thou art a man of God, & that the worde of the LORDE is in thy mouth of a trueth.

2 Kings 4:33-35

33 And he wete in, & shut the dore on the both, & made his prayer vnto the LORDE, 34 & wente vp, & layed him selfe vpon the childe, & layed his mouth vpon the childes mouth, and his eyes vpon his eyes, and his handes vpon his handes, & so stretched him selfe forth vpon him, so yt the childes body was warme. 35 And he rose vp, & wente in to the house once hither and thither, & wente vp, & layed him selfe a longe vpon him. Then nesed the childe seue tymes, and afterwarde the childe opened his eyes.

2 Kings 19:15-20

15 & made his prayer before the LORDE, and sayde: O LORDE God of Israel, thou that syttest vpo the Cherubins, thou onely art God amonge all ye kyngdomes of the earth, thou hast made heauen and earth. 16 Enclyne thine eare O LORDE, and heare: open thine eyes, and beholde, and heare the wordes of Sennacherib, which hath sent hither to blaspheme the lyuynge God. 17 It is true (O LORDE) that the kynges of Assiria haue destroyed the Heythen and their londe with the swerde, 18 and haue cast their goddes in the fyre: for they were not Goddes, but ye worke of mes hondes, wodd and stone, therfore haue they destroyed them. 19 But now O LORDE helpe thou vs out of his hande, that all the kyngdomes vpon earth maye knowe, that thou LORDE art God alone. 20 Then sent Esay the sonne of Amos vnto Ezechias, sayenge: Thus sayeth the LORDE God of Israel: Where as thou hast made thy prayer vnto me concernynge Sennacherib ye kynge of Assiria, I haue herde it.

2 Kings 20:2-5

2 And he turned, his face to the wall, and prayed vnto ye LORDE, and sayde: 3 Remembre (O LORDE) that I haue walked faithfully before the, & with a perfecte hert, and haue done yt which is good in thy syghte. And Ezechias wepte sore. 4 But whan Esay was not gone out of halfe the cite, ye worde of ye LORDE came to him, & sayde: 5 Turne back, & tell Ezechias ye prynce of my people: Thus sayeth ye LORDE God of thy father Dauid: I haue herde thy praier, & considered yi teares. Beholde, I wil heale ye: on the thirde daye shalt thou go in to ye house of the LORDE,

2 Chronicles 14:11-12

11 And Asa called vpon ye LORDE his God and sayde: LORDE, it is no differece wt ye, to helpe by fewe or by many. Helpe vs O LORDE oure God: for oure trust is in the, & in thy name are we come forth against this multitude. LORDE oure God, let no man preuayle agaynst the. 12 And the LORDE smote the Morias before Asa and before Iuda, so that they fled.

2 Chronicles 30:20

20 And the LORDE herde Ezechias, and healed the people.

2 Chronicles 32:20-22

20 But contrary wyse the kynge Ezechias and the prophet Esay the sonne of Amos prayed, and cryed vnto heaue. 21 And the LORDE sent an angell, which destroyed all the mightie men of the hoost, and the prynces and rulers in ye tentes of the kynge of Assur, so that he departed agayne with shame in to his owne londe. And whan he wente in to his gods house, they yt came of his owne body, slewe him there with the swerde. 22 Thus the LORDE, helped Ezechias and them at Ierusalem, out of the hade of Sennacherib ye kynge of Assur, and of all other, and mayntayned the fro all on euery syde,

Job 42:8

8 Therfore take vij. oxen and seuen rammes, and go to my seruaunt Iob, offre vp also for youre selues a brentofferynge, and lat my seruaunt Iob praye for you. Him will I accepte, and not deale with you after youre foolishnesse: in that ye haue not spoke ye thinge which is right, like as my seruaunt Iob hath done.

Psalms 10:17-18

17 LORDE, thou hearest the desyrous longinge off the poore: their herte is sure, that thine eare herkeneth therto. 18 Helpe the fatherlesse and poore vnto their right, that the vngodly be nomore exalted vpon earth.

Psalms 34:15

15 For the eyes of the LORDE are ouer the rightuous, and his eares are open vnto their prayers.

Psalms 145:18-19

18 The LORDE is nye vnto all them that call vpon him, yee all soch as call vpon him faithfully. 19 He fulfilleth the desyre of them that feare him, he heareth their crie, and helpeth them.

Proverbs 15:8

8 The LORDE abhorreth ye sacrifice of the vngodly, but the prayer of the rightuous is acceptable vnto him.

Proverbs 15:29

29 The LORDE is farre from the vngodly, but he heareth ye prayer of the rightuous.

Proverbs 28:9

9 He that turneth awaye his eare from hearinge ye lawe, his prayer shalbe abhorred.

Jeremiah 15:1

1 Then spake the LORDE vnto me, ad sayde: Though Moses and Samuel stode before me, yet haue I no herte to this people. Dryue them awaye, that they maye go out of my sight.

Jeremiah 29:12-13

12 Ye shall crie vnto me, ye shal go & call vpo me, & I shal heare you. 13 Ye shal seke me, & fynde me: Yee, yf so be that ye seke me with youre whole herte,

Jeremiah 33:3

3 Thou hast cried vnto me, and I haue herde the: I haue shewed greate and hie thinges, which were vnknowne vnto you.

Daniel 2:18-23

18 yt they shulde beseke the God of heauen for grace in this secrete, that Daniel and his felowes with other soch as were wyse in Babilon, perished not. 19 Then was the mystery shewed vnto Daniel in a visio by nyght. And Daniel praysed ye God of heaue, 20 Daniel also cryed loude, and sayde: O that the name of God might be praysed for euer and euer, for wi?dome and strength are his owne: 21 he chaungeth the tymes and ages: he putteth downe kynges, he setteth vp kynges: he geueth wy?dome vnto the wyse, and vnderstodinge to those that vnderstode 22 he openeth the depe secretes: he knoweth ye the thynge that lyeth in darknesse, for the light dwelleth with him. 23 I thanke the, and prayse the (O thou God off my fathers) that thou hast lent me wy?dome and strength, & hast shewed me the thinge, that we desyred off the, for thou hast opened the kynges matter vnto me.

Daniel 9:20-22

20 As I was yet speakinge at my prayers, knowleginge myne owne synnes and ye synnes of my people, makinge so myne intercession before the LORDE my God, for the holy hils sake of my God: 21 yee whyle I was yet speakinge in my prayer, beholde, the ma Gabriel (whom I had sene afore in the vision) came flyenge to me, and touched me aboute ye offeringe tyme in the euenynge. 22 He infourmed me, and spake vnto me: O Daniel (sayde he) I am now come, to make the vnderstonde it:

Hosea 12:3-4

3 He toke his brother by the hele, when he was yet in his mothers wombe: and in his strength he wrestled with God. 4 He stroue with the Angel, and gat the victory: so that he prayde and desyred him. He fande him at Bethel, & there he talked wt vs.

Matthew 3:6

6 and were baptised of him in Iordan, cofessynge their synnes.

Matthew 7:7-11

7 Axe, and it shalbe geuen you: Seke, and ye shall fynde: knocke, and it shalbe opened vnto you. 8 For whosoeuer axeth, receaueth: and he that seketh, fyndeth: and to hym yt knocketh, it shal opened. 9 Ys there eny man amonge you, which yf his sonne axed hym bred, wolde offer him a stone? 10 Or yf he axed fysshe, wolde he proffer hym a serpent? 11 yf ye then which are euell, can geue youre chyldren good gyftes: how moche more shall youre father which is in heauen, geue good thynges to them that axe hym?

Matthew 18:15-17

15 Yf thy brother trespace agaynst the, go and tell him his faute betwene the and him alone. Yf he heare the, thou hast wone thy brother. 16 But yf he heare the not, then take yet with the one or two, that in the mouth of two or thre wytnesses, euery matter maye be stablyshed. 17 Yf he heare not them, tell it vnto the congregacion. Yf he heare not the cogregacion, holde him as an Heithen and Publican.

Matthew 21:22

22 And what soeuer ye axe in prayer, yf ye beleue, ye shal receaue it.

Luke 7:3-4

3 Wha he herde of Iesus, he sent the elders of the Iewes vnto him, and prayed him, that he wolde come, and make his seruaunt whole. 4 But wha they came to Iesus, they besought him instantly, & sayde: He is worthy yt thou shuldest shewe this for him,

Luke 9:6

6 And they departed, and wente thorow the townes, preachinge ye Gospell, & healynge euery where.

Luke 11:11-13

11 Yf the sonne axe bred of eny of you that is a father, wyl he geue him a stone therfore? Or yf he axe a fysshe, wyl he for the fish offre him a serpent? 12 Or yf he axe an egg, wyl he profer him a scorpion? 13 Yf ye then which are euell, can geue youre children good giftes, how moch more shal the father of heauen geue the holy sprete vnto them that axe him?

Luke 18:1-8

1 He tolde them a symilitude, signifienge, yt men ought allwayes to praye, & not to leaue of, 2 & sayde: There was a iudge in a cite, which feared not God, and stode in awe of no man. 3 And in the same cite there was a wedowe, which came vnto him, and sayde: delyuer me fro myne aduersary. 4 And he wolde not a greate whyle. But afterwarde he thought within hi self: Though I feare not God, & stonde in awe of no man, 5 yet seynge this weddowe is so importune vpon me, I wil delyuer her, lest she come at the last, and rayle vpon me. 6 Then sayde the LORDE: Heare what ye vnrighteous iudge sayeth. 7 But shall not God also delyuer his chosen, that crye vnto hi daye and night, though he differre the? 8 I saye vnto you: He shal delyuer them, and that shortly. Neuertheles, whan the sonne of man cometh, suppose ye, that he shal fynde faith vpon earth?

John 9:31

31 For we knowe that God heareth not ye sinners: but yf eny ma be a fearer of God, and doth his will, him heareth he.

Acts 4:24-31

24 Wha they herde that, they lifte vp their voyce wt one acorde vnto God, and sayde: LORDE, thou that art the God which made heauen and earth, and the see, and all that therin is thou 25 that by the mouth of Dauid thy seruaut hast sayde: Why do the Heythe rage? and ye people ymagin vayne thinges? 26 The kynges of the earth stonde vp, and the prynces haue gathered them selues together agaynst ye LORDE, and agaynst his. Christ. 27 Of a trueth agaynst thy holy childe Iesus, whom thou hast anoynted, both Herode & Pontius Pilate with the Heythen and people of Israel, haue gathered the selues together, 28 to do what soeuer thy hande and thy councell determyned before to be done. 29 And now LORDE, beholde their threatenynges, and graunte vnto thy seruauntes with all stedfast boldnesse to speake thy worde: 30 and stretch out thine hande, that healinge and tokes and wonders maye be done by the name of thy holy childe Iesus. 31 And wha they had prayed, the place moued where they were gathered together, & they were all fylled with ye holy goost, & spake the worde of God boldly.

Acts 10:38

38 how God anoynted the same Iesus of Nazareth with the holy goost and wt power, which wente aboute, & dyd good, and healed all those that were oppressed of the deuell, for God was with him.

Acts 12:5-11

5 And Peter was kepte in the preson But prayer was made without ceassinge of the congregacion, vnto God for him. 6 And whan Herode wolde haue broughte him out vnto the people, in the same nighte slepte Peter betwene two soudiers, bounde with two cheynes. And the kepers before the dore kepte the preson. 7 And beholde, the angell of the LORDE was there presente, and a lighte shyned in the habitacion, and he smote Peter on the syde, and waked him vp, and sayde: Aryse vp quyckly. And the cheynes fell of from his hondes. 8 And the angell sayde vnto him: Gyrde the, and put on thy shues. And he dyd so. And he sayde vnto him: Cast thy mantle aboute the, and folowe me. 9 And he wente out, and folowed him, and wyst not, that it was trueth that was done by ye angell, but thoughte he had sene a vision. 10 Neuertheles they wente thorow the first and seconde watch, and came to the yron gate, that ledeth vnto the cite, which opened to the by his awne acorde. And they wente out, and passed thorow one strete, and immediatly the angell departed from him. 11 And whan Peter was come to himself, he sayde: Now I knowe of a trueth, that ye LORDE hath sent his angell, and delyuered me out of the honde of Herode, and from all the waytinge for of the people of the Iewes.

Acts 19:18

18 Many of the also that beleued, came and cofessed, and shewed their workes.

Romans 3:10

10 As it is wrytte: There is none righteous, no not one.

Romans 5:19

19 For as by the disobedience of one, many became synners, euen so by the obedience of one shal many be made righteous.

Colossians 1:9

9 For this cause we also, sence the daye yt we herde of it, ceasse not to praye for you, & desyre that ye mighte be fulfylled with the knowlege of his will, in all wyssdome and spirituall vnderstondinge,

1 Thessalonians 5:17

17 praye contynually,

1 Thessalonians 5:23

23 The very God of peace sanctifye you thorow out. And I praye God, that youre whole sprete, soule & body be kepte blameles vnto ye comynge of oure LORDE Iesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:25

25 Brethren, praye for vs.

Hebrews 11:4

4 By faith offered Abell vnto God a more plenteous sacrifice: by the which he optayned wytnesse, that he was righteous: God testifyenge of his giftes, by the which also he beynge deed, yet speaketh.

Hebrews 11:7

7 By faith Noe honoured God, after yt he was warned of thinges which were not sene, & prepared the Arke, to ye sauinge of his housholde: thorow the which Arke he condemned the worlde, and became heyre of the righteousnes, which commeth by faith.

Hebrews 12:13

13 and se that ye haue straight steppes vnto youre fete, lest eny haltinge turne you out of the waye, yee let it rather be healed.

Hebrews 13:18

18 Praye for vs. We haue confidence, because we haue a good coscience in all thinges, and desyre to lyue honestly.

1 Peter 2:24

24 which his owne selfe bare oure synnes in his body vpon the tre, that we shulde be delyuered from synne, & shulde lyue vnto righteousnes: by whose strypes ye were healed.

1 John 3:22

22 And what so euer we axe, we shal receaue it: because we kepe his comaundemetes, and do those thinges, which are pleasaunt in his sighte.

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