James 1:22 Cross References - Coverdale

22 And se that ye be doers of ye worde & not heares only, deceauinge youre awne selues.

Isaiah 44:20

20 The kepinge of dust, and folishnesse of herte hath turned them a syde: so that none of them can haue a fre conscience to thinke: maye not I erre?

Obadiah 1:3

3 The pryde of thine herte hath lift the vp, thou that dwellest in ye stroge holdes off stone, and hast made the an hye seate: Thou sayest in thyne herte: who shal cast me downe to the grounde?

Matthew 7:21-27

21 Not all they that saye vnto me, LORDE LORDE, shall enter in to the kyngdome of heauen: but he that doth the will of my father which ys in heauen. 22 Many shall saye to me in that daye: LORDE, LORDE: haue we not prophecied in thy name? Haue we not cast out deuyls in thy name? Haue we not done many greate dedes in thy name? 23 And then will I knowlege vnto them: I neuer knewe you, Departe fro me, ye workers of iniquite. 24 Whosoeuer therfore heareth of me these sayinges, and doeth the same, I wyll lycke hym vnto a wyse man, which buylt hys house vpon a rocke: 25 Now whan abundaunce of rayne descended, and the wyndes blewe and bet vpon that same house, it fel not, because it was grounded on the rocke. 26 And who soeuer heareth of me these sayinges, & doth the not, shalbe lyckened vnto a folysh ma, which buylt his housse apon the sonde: 27 Now whan abudaunce of rayne desceded, & the wyndes blewe, & bet vpon yt housse, it fell, and great was the fall of it.

Matthew 12:50

50 For who soeuer doth ye wyll of my father which is in heaue, the same is my brother, sister and mother.

Matthew 28:20

20 and teach them to kepe all thinges, what soeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo, I am with you euery daye vnto the ende of the worlde.

Luke 6:46-48

46 But why call ye me LORDE LORDE, & do not that I saye vnto you? 47 Who so euer commeth vnto me, and heareth my wordes and doth the, I wil shewe you to whom he is lyke. 48 He is like vnto a man which buylded an house, and digged depe, and layed ye foundacion vpon a rocke. Whan the waters came, the floudes bett vpon that house, and coulde not moue it: for it was grouded vpo ye rocke.

Luke 11:28

28 But he sayde: Yee blessed are they that heare the worde of God, and kepe it.

Luke 12:47-48

47 The seruaunt that knewe his lordes wil and prepared not himself, nether dyd acordinge to his will, shal be beaten with many strypes: 48 But he that knewe it not, and yet dyd thinges worthy of strypes, shal be beaten with few strypes. For loke vnto whom moch is geuen, of him shal moch be sought: and loke to whom moch is commytted, of him shal moch be requyred.

John 13:17

17 Yf ye knowe these thinges, blessed are ye yf ye do them.

Romans 2:13

13 For before God, they are not righteous, which heare ye lawe: but they that do the lawe, shalbe iustified.

1 Corinthians 3:18

18 Let no ma disceaue himselfe. Yf eny man thinke himselfe wyse amoge you, let him become a foole in this worlde, that he maye be wyse.

1 Corinthians 6:9

9 Knowe ye not that ye vnrighteous shal not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not disceaued. Nether whoremongers, ner worshippers off ymages, ner breakers off wedlocke, ner weaklinges, nether abusers of them selues with mankynde,

1 Corinthians 15:33

33 Be not ye disceaued. Euell speakinges corruppe good maners.

Galatians 6:3

3 But yf eny man thinke himselfe to be somwhat (whan in dede he is nothinge) the same disceaueth himselfe.

Galatians 6:7

7 Be not disceaued, God wil not be mocked. For what soeuer a man soweth, that shal he reape.

Philippians 4:8

8 Furthermore brethren, whatsoeuer thinges are true, whatsoeuer thinges are honest, what soeuer thinges are iust, what so euer thinges are pure, what soeuer thinges pertayne to loue, whatsoeuer thinges are of honest reporte: yf there be eny vertuous thinge, yf there be eny laudable thinge,

Colossians 3:17

17 And what soeuer ye do in worde or worke, do all in the name of the LORDE Iesu, and geue thankes vnto God the father by him.

2 Timothy 3:13

13 But the euell men and disceauers shal waxe worse and worse, disceauynge and beynge disceaued.

Titus 3:3

3 For we oure selues also were in tymes past, vnwyse, dishobedient, in erroure, seruynge lustes and dyuerse maners of voluptuousnes, lyuynge in maliciousnes and envye, full of hate, hatynge one another.

James 1:26

26 Yf eny man amonge you seme deuoute, & refrayne not his toge: but deceaue his awne herte, this mannes deuocion is in vayne.

James 2:14-20

14 What a vayleth it my brethre, though a man saye he hath faith, when he hath no dedes? Can faith saue him? 15 If a brother or a sister be naked or destitute of dayly fode, 16 & one of you saye vnto them: Departe in peace, God sende you warmnes and fode: notwithstodinge ye geue them not tho thinges which are nedfull to the body: what helpeth it them? 17 Euen so faith, yf it haue no dedes, is deed in it selfe. 18 Ye & a man might saye: Thou hast faith, and I haue dedes: Shewe me thy faith by thy dedes: and I wil shewe the my faith by my dedes. 19 Beleuest thou yt ther is one God? Thou doest well. The deuils also beleue and tremble. 20 Wilt thou vnderstode o thou vayne man that faith with out dedes is deed:

James 4:17

17 Therfore to him that knoweth how to do good, and doth it not, to him it is synne.

2 Peter 2:13

13 and so receaue ye rewarde of vnrighteousnes.They counte it pleasure to lyue deliciously for a season: Spottes are they and fylthynes: lyuynge at pleasure and in disceaueable wayes: feastynge wt that which is youres,

1 John 1:8

8 Yf we saye that we haue no synne, we disceaue oure selues, and the trueth is not in vs.

1 John 2:3

3 And hereby are we sure that we knowe him, yf we kepe his comaundemetes.

1 John 3:7

7 Babes, let noman disceaue you. He that doeth righteousnes, is righteous, euen as he is righteous.

3 John 1:11

11 My beloued, folowe not yt which is euell, but that which is good. He that doeth well, is of God: but he that doeth euell, seyth not God.

Revelation 12:9

9 And the greate dragon that olde serpent (called the deuell and Sathanas) was cast out. Which disceaued all the worlde. And he was cast in to the earth, and his angelles were cast out with him also.

Revelation 22:7

7 Beholde, I come shortly. Happy is he yt kepeth ye sayege of ye prophesy of this boke.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.