James 1:15 Cross References - Coverdale

15 The whe lust hath conceaued, she bringeth forth synne, & synne when it is fynished, bringeth forth deeth.

Genesis 2:17

17 But of ye tre of knowlege of good and euell, shalt thou not eate. For loke in what daye so euer thou eatest therof, thou shalt dye the death.

Genesis 3:6

6 And the woman sawe that ye tre was good to eate of, and lustye vnto the eyes, and a pleasaunt tre to make wyse, and toke of the frute of it, and ate, and gaue vnto hir husbande also therof, and he ate.

Genesis 3:17-19

17 And vnto Adam he sayde: For so moch as thou hast herkened vnto the voyce of thy wyfe, and hast eaten of the tre, wherof I commaunded the, sayenge: thou shalt not eate of it. Cursed be ye earth for thy sake. With sorowe shalt thou eate therof, all the dayes of thy life. 18 Thornes and thistles shalt it beare vnto the, and thou shalt eate the herbes of the felde. 19 In the sweate of thy face shalt thou eate thy bred, tyll thou be turned agayne vnto earth, whece thou art take: for earth thou art, and vnto earth shalt thou be turned agayne.

Genesis 4:5-8

5 but vnto Cain and his offerynge he loked not. Then was Cain exceadinge wroth, and his countenaunce chaunged. 6 And the LORDE sayde vnto Cain: Why art thou angrie? and why doth thy countenaunce chaunge? Is it not so? that yf thou do well, thou shalt receaue it: 7 but and yf thou do euell, thy synne lyeth open in the dore? Shal he then be subdued vnto the? and wilt thou rule him? 8 And Cain talked with Abell his brother. And it happened, that whan they were in the felde, Cain arose agaynst Abell his brother, and slew him.

Job 15:35

35 He conceaueth trauayle, he beareth myschefe, & his body bryngeth forth disceate.

Psalms 7:14

14 Beholde, he trauayleth with myschefe, he hath coceaued vnhappynesse, and brought forth a lye.

Psalms 9:17

17 Sela. The wicked must be turned vnto hell, and all the Heithen yt forget God.

Isaiah 59:4

4 No man regardeth righteousnes, & no ma iudgeth truly Euery man hopeth in vayne thinges, and ymagineth disceate, coceaueth weerynesse, & bringeth forth euell.

Micah 2:1-3

1 Wo vnto them, that ymagyn to do harme, and deuyse vngraciousnesse vpon their beddes, to perfourme it in ye cleare daye: for their power is agaynst God. 2 When they covet to haue londe, they take it by violence, they robbe men off their houses. Thus they oppresse a ma for his house, & euery man for his heretage. 3 Therfore thus sayeth the LORDE: Beholde, agaynst this housholde haue I deuysed a plage, wherout ye shal not plucke youre neckes: Ye shal nomore go so proudly, for it will be a perlous tyme.

Matthew 26:14

14 Then one of the twolue (called Iudas Iscarioth) wente vnto the hye prestes,

Matthew 26:48-59

48 And he that betrayed him, had geuen them a toke, sayenge: Whom so euer I kysse, that same is he, laye hodes vpo him. 49 And forth withal he came to Iesus, and sayde: Hayle master, and kyssed him. 50 And Iesus sayde vnto him: Frende, wherfore art thou come? Then came they, and layed hondes vpon Iesus, and toke him. 51 And beholde, one of them that were with Iesus, stretched out his honde, and drue his swerde, and stroke a seruaunt of the hye prestes, & smote of his eare: 52 Then sayde Iesus vnto him: Put vp yi swerde in to his place. For all that take the swerde, shal perish with the swerde. 53 Or thinkest thou that I can not praye my father now, to sende me more then twolue legions of angels? 54 But how the shulde the scriptures be fulfylled? For thus must it be. 55 In the same houre sayde Iesus vnto the multitude: Ye are come out as it were to a murthurer with swerdes and staues for to take me. I sat daylie teachinge in the temple amonge you, and ye toke me not. 56 But all this is done, that the scriptures of the prophetes might be fulfylled. 57 The all the disciples left him, and fled. But they that toke Iesus, led him to Caiphas the hye prest, where the scrybes and the elders were gathered together. 58 As for Peter, he folowed him a farre of vnto the hye prestes palace, & wente in, and sat with the seruauntes, that he might se the ende. 59 But the hye prestes and the elders, and the whole councell sought false wytnesse ageynst Iesus, that they might put him to death,

Acts 5:1-3

1 But a certayne man named Ananias with Saphira his wife, solde his possession, 2 and kepte awaye parte of the money (his wife knowinge of it) and broughte one parte, & layed it at the Apostles fete. 3 But Peter sayde: Ananias, Wherfore hath Sathan fylled thine hert, that thou shuldest lye vnto the holy goost, and withdrawe awaye parte of the money of the lyuelod?

Romans 5:12-21

12 Wherfore as by one man synned entred in to the worlde, and death by ye meanes off synne: 13 euen so wente death also ouer all men, in so moch as they all haue synned. For synne was in ye worlde vnto the lawe: but where no lawe is, there is not synne regarded. 14 Neuertheles death reigned from Adam vnto Moses, euen ouer them also that synned not with like trangression as dyd Adam, which is ye ymage of him yt was to come. 15 But it is not with the gifte as with the synne: for yf thorow the synne of one many be deed, yet moch more plenteously came the grace and gifte of God vpon many by the fauoure that belonged vnto one man Iesus Christ. 16 And the gifte is not onely ouer one synne, as death came thorow one synne of one that synned. For the iudgment came of one synne vnto condempnacion, but the gifte to iustifye fro many synnes. 17 For yf by ye synne of one, death raigned by the meanes of one, moch more shal they which receaue the abudaunce of grace and of the gifte vnto righteousnes, raigne in life by ye meanes of one Iesus Christ. 18 Likewyse the as by the synne of one, condemnacion came on all men, euen so also by the righteousness of one, came the iustififienge off life vpon all men. 19 For as by the disobedience of one, many became synners, euen so by the obedience of one shal many be made righteous. 20 But the lawe in the meane tyme entred, that synne shulde increace. Neuertheles where abundaunce of synne was, there was yet more plenteousnes of grace: 21 that, like as synne had reigned vnto death, eue so mighte grace reigne also thorow righteousnes to euerlastinge life by the meanes of Iesus Christ.

Romans 6:21-23

21 What frute had ye at that tyme in those thinges, wherof ye are now ashamed? For the ende of soch thinges is death. 22 But now that ye be fre from synne, and are become the seruauntes of God, ye haue youre frute that ye shulde be holy: but the ende is euerlastinge life. 23 For death is the rewarde of synne, but the gifte of God is euerlastinge life.

Revelation 20:14-15

14 And deth and hell were cast in to the lake of fyre. This is that second deeth. 15 And whosoeuer was not founde wrytten in the boke off life, was cast in to the lake of fyre.

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