Isaiah 51:13 Cross References - Coverdale

13 And forgettest the LORDE that made the, that spred out the heauens, and layde the foundacion of the earth. But thou art euer afrayde for the sight of thyne oppressoure, which is ready to do harme: Where is the wrath of the oppressoure?

Exodus 14:10-13

10 And whan Pharao came nye them, the children of Israel lift vp their eyes, and beholde, ye Egipcians wente behinde the, and they were sore afrayed, and cried vnto the LORDE. 11 And sayde vnto Moses: Were there no graues in Egipte, yt thou hast brought vs awaye to dye in the wyldernes? Wherfore hast thou done this vnto vs, that thou hast caried vs out of Egipte? 12 Is not this it, that we sayde vnto the in Egipte? Leaue of, & let vs serue the Egipcians: for it were better for vs to serue the Egipcians, then to dye in the wyldernes? 13 Moses sayde vnto the people: Feare you not, stonde styll, and beholde, what a saluacion the LORDE shall shewe vpon you this daye: for these Egipcians whom ye se this daye, shall ye neuer se more for euer:

Exodus 15:9-10

9 The enemie thought: I will folowe vpon them, and ouertake them, and deuyde ye spoyle, and coole my mynde vpon them. I wil drawe out my swerde, and my hande shal destroye them. 10 Thou blewest with thy wynde, the see couered them, and they sancke downe as leed in the mightie waters.

Deuteronomy 32:18

18 Thy rocke that begat ye, hast thou despysed: and hast forgotten God that made the.

Esther 5:14

14 Then sayde Seres his wife and all his frendes vnto him: Let the make a galowe of fiftye cubites hie, & tomorow speake thou vnto the kynge, that Mardocheus maye be hanged theron, yf thou comest merely with the kynge vnto the bancket. Aman was well content withall, and caused a galowe to be prepared.

Esther 7:10

10 So they hanged Aman on the galowe that he had made for Mardocheus. Then was the kynges wrath stylled.

Job 9:8

8 He himself alone spredeth out ye heauens, and goeth vpon the wawes of the see.

Job 20:5-9

5 the prayse of the vngodly hath bene shorte, and that the ioye of Ypocrytes continued but ye twincklinge of an eye? 6 Though he be magnified vp to the heaue, so that his heade reacheth vnto the cloudes: 7 yet he perisheth at the last like donge: In so moch yt they which haue sene him, saye: Where is he? 8 He vanysheth as a dreame, so that he can nomore be founde, & passeth awaye as a vision in ye night. 9 So that the eye which sawe him before, getteth now no sight of him, & his place knoweth him nomore.

Job 37:18

18 hast thou helped him to spred out the heauen, which is to loke vpo, as it were cast of cleare metall?

Psalms 9:6-7

6 The enemies swerdes are come to an ende, thou hast ouerthrowen their cities, their memoriall is perished with the. 7 But ye LORDE endureth for euer, he hath prepared his seate vnto iudgmet.

Psalms 37:35-36

35 Hope thou in the LORDE, & kepe his waye: & he shal so promote the, that thou shalt haue the lode by enheritauce, & se, when the vngodly shall perishe. 36 I myself haue sene the vngodly in greate power, & florishinge like a grene baye tre:

Psalms 76:10

10 Sela. When thou punyshest one man, he must knowlege, that thou art redy to punysh other mo.

Psalms 102:25-26

25 Thou LORDE in the begynnynge hast layed ye foundacion of the earth, and the heauens are the workes of thy hondes. 26 They shal perishe, but thou shalt endure: they all shall wexe olde as doth a garment,

Psalms 104:2

2 Thou deckest thy self with light, as it were wt a garment, thou spredest out the heauen like a curtayne.

Isaiah 7:4

4 and saye vnto him: take hede to thyself and be still, but feare not, nether be faynt harted, for these two tales: that is: for these two smokynge fyre brandes, the wrath and furiousnes of Rezin the Sirian and Romelies sonne:

Isaiah 8:12-13

12 rounde with none of the, who so euer saye: yonder people are bounde together. Neuertheles feare them not, nether be afrayde of them, 13 but sanctifie the LORDE of hoostes, let him be youre feare and drede.

Isaiah 10:29-34

29 and go ouer ye foorde. Gaba shalbe their restinge place, Rhama shalbe afrayde, Gabea Saul shal fle awaye. 30 The voyce of ye noyse of thy horses (o doughter Gallim) shalbe herde vnto lais and to Anathoth, which also shalbe in trouble. 31 Madmena shal tremble for feare, but the citesyns of Gabim are maly, 32 yet shal he remayne at Nob that daye. After that, shal he lift vp his honde agaynst the mount Sion, and agaynst the hill of Ierusalem. 33 But se, the LORde God of hoostes shal take awaye the proude from thence, wt feare. He shal hew downe the proude, and fel the hie mynded. 34 The thornes of the wod shal be rooted out wt yron, and Libanus shal haue a mightie fal.

Isaiah 14:16-17

16 They that se the, shal narowly loke vpo the, and thinke in them selues, sayenge: Is this the man, that brought all londes in feare, and made ye kingdomes afrayde: 17 Is this he that made the worlde in a maner waist, & and layde the cities to the grounde, which let not his prisoners go home?

Isaiah 16:4

4 let the persecuted Moabites dwel amoge you, be oure open refuge agaynst the destroyer: for the aduersary oppresseth vs, the robber vndoeth vs, & the tyraunte dryueth vs out of oure londe.

Isaiah 17:10

10 So shalt thou (o Damascus) be desolate, because thou hast forgotte God yi Sauioure, & hast not called to remebraunce ye rock of thi stregth, Wherfore thou hast also set a fayre plate, & grafted a straunge braunch.

Isaiah 33:18-19

18 and his herte shal delite in the feare of God. What shal then become of the scrybe? of the Senatoure? what of him that teacheth childre? 19 There shalt thou not se a people of a straunge tuge, to haue so diffused a laguage, that it maye not be vnderstonde: nether so straunge a speache, but it shal be perceaued.

Isaiah 37:36-38

36 Thus the angel went forth, and slewe of the Assirians hooste, an clxxxv. thousande. And when men arose vp early (at Ierusale:) Beholde, all laye ful of deed bodies. 37 So Sennacherib the kinge of the Assirians brake vp, and dwelt at Niniue. 38 Afterwarde it chaunsed, as he prayed in the Teple of Nesrah his god, that Adramalech and Sarazer his owne sonnes slewe him with the swearde, and fled in to the londe of Ararat. And Esarhadon his sonne reigned after him.

Isaiah 40:22

22 That he sytteth vpon the Circle of the worlde, and that all the inhabitours of the worlde are in coparison of him, but as greshoppers: That he spredeth out the heaues as a coueringe, that he stretcheth them out, as. a tent to dwell in:

Isaiah 42:5

5 For thus saieth God the LORDE vnto him (Euen he that made the heauens, and spred them abrode, & set forth the earth with hir encrease: which geueth breath vnto the people that is in it, & to them that dwel therin)

Isaiah 44:24

24 For thus saieth the LORDE thy redemer, euen he that fashioned the from thy mothers wombe: I am the LORDE, which do all thinges my self alone. I only haue spred out the heauens, and I only haue layde the foundacion of the earth.

Isaiah 45:12

12 I haue made the earth, and created ma vpon it. With my hondes haue I spred forth heauen, and geuen a commaundment for all the hooste therof.

Isaiah 48:13

13 My honde is the foundacion of the earth, & my right honde spanneth ouer the heauens. As soone as I called the they were there.

Isaiah 57:11

11 For when wilt thou be aba?shed or feare, seinge thou hast broken thy promyse, & remembrest not me, nether hast me in thine hert? Thinkest thou, that I also will holde my peace (as afore tyme) yt thou fearest me not?

Jeremiah 2:32

32 Doth a mayden forget hir raymet, or a bryde hir stomacher? And doth my people forget me so loge?

Jeremiah 10:11-12

11 As for their goddes, it maye well be sayde of the: they are goddes, that made nether heaue ner earth: therfore shal they perish fro the earth, and from all thinges vnder heauen. 12 But (as for oure God) he made the earth with his power, and with his wisdome hath he fynished the whole compasse of the worlde, with his discrecion hath he spred out the heauens,

Jeremiah 51:15

15 Yee euen the LORDE of hoostes, that with his power made the earth, with his wi?dome prepayred ye rounde worlde, & with his discrecion spred out the heauens.

Daniel 3:15

15 wel, be redy herafter, when ye heare the noyse of the tropettes, blowne with the harpes, shawmes, psalteries, symphonies and all ye other melodies: that ye fall downe, and worshipe the ymage which I haue made. But yff ye worshipe it not, ye shal be cast immediatly in to an hote burnynge ouen. Let se, what god is there, yt maye delyuer you out of my hondes?

Daniel 3:19

19 Then was Nabuchodonosor full off indignacion, so that ye countenaunce of his face chaunged vpo Sidrac, Misac & Abdenago. Therfore he charched and commaunded, that the ouen shulde be made seuen tymes hoter, then it was wote to be:

Daniel 4:32-33

32 thou shalt be cast out of mens company: thy dwellinge shalbe with the beestes off the felde, so that thou shalt eate grasse like as an oxe, till seuen yeares be come and gone ouer the: euen vntill thou knowest, that the hyest hath power vpon the kyngdomes off men, and that he maye geue them, vnto whom it pleaseth him. 33 The very same houre was this matter fulfylled vpo Nabuchodonosor: so that he was cast out off mes copany, & ate grasse like an oxe. His body was wet with the dew of heauen, till his hayres were as greate as Aegles fethers, and his nales like byrdes clawes.

Matthew 2:16-20

16 Then Herod perceauynge yt he was disceaued of the wyse men, was excedynge wroth, and sent forth, and slue all the chyldren that were in Bethleem, and in all the coastes there of, as many as were two yere olde and vnder, accordynge to the tyme which he had diligently searched out of the wyse men. 17 Then was yt fulfilled which was spoken by ye Prophet Ieremy sayinge: 18 On ye hilles was a voyce herde, greate mournynge, wepynge, & lamentacion: Rachel wepynge for her chyldren, and wolde not be conforted, because they were not. 19 When Herode was deed: beholde, an angell of the LORDE appered in a dreame to Ioseph in Egypte, 20 sayinge: arise and take the chylde and his mother, & go into ye londe of Israel. For they are deed, which sought the chyldes life.

Acts 12:23

23 Immediatly the angell of the LORDE smote him, because he gaue not God the honoure: And he was eaten vp of wormes, and gaue vp the goost.

1 Corinthians 1:20

20 Where are the wyse? Where are ye scrybes? where are ye disputers of this worlde?

1 Corinthians 15:55

55 Death is swalowed vp in victory. Death, where is thy stynge? Hell, where is yi victory?

Hebrews 1:9-12

9 Thou hast loued righteousnes, & hated iniquyte: wherfore God (which is thy God) hath anoynted the with the oyle of gladnesse aboue yi felowes. 10 And thou LORDE in ye begynnynge hast layed the foundacion of the earth, and ye heaues are the workes of thy handes, 11 they shal perishe, but thou shalt endure: they all shal waxe olde as doth a garmet, 12 and as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them, and they shalbe chaunged. But thou art ye same, and thy yeares shal not fayle.

Hebrews 11:15

15 And doutles yf they had bene myndefull off that countre from whence they came out, they had leysure to haue returned agayne.

Revelation 19:20

20 And the beeste was taken, and with him that false prophet that wrought myracles before him, with which he disceaued them that receaued the beestes marke, and them that worsshipped his ymage. These both were cast in to a ponde of fyre burnynge wt brymstone:

Revelation 20:9

9 and they went vp on the playne of the earth, and compased the tentes of the sayntes aboute, and the beloued cite. And fyre cam doune from God out of heauen, and deuoured them:

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