Isaiah 48:8 Cross References - Coverdale

8 Morouer there be some wherof thou hast nether herde ner knowne, nether haue they bene opened vnto thine eares afore tyme. For I knew that thou woldest maliciousli offende, therfore haue I called the a transgressoure, euen from thy mothers wombe.

Deuteronomy 9:7-24

7 Remembre and forget not, how thou displeasedest the LORDE thy God in the wildernesse. Sence ye daye that thou departedst out of the londe of Egipte, tyll ye came vnto this place, haue ye bene dishobedient vnto the LORDE. 8 For in Horeb ye angred the LORDE, so that of wrath he wolde haue destroyed you, 9 whan I was gone vp to ye mount, to receaue the tables of stone, namely the tables of the couenaunt which the LORDE made wt you, and I abode fortye dayes & fortye nightes vpon the mount, and ate no bred, & dranke no water: 10 and the LORDE gaue me ye two tables of stone, wrytten with the fynger of God, and in them was acordinge to all the wordes, which the LORDE sayde vnto you vpon the mount out of the fyre, in the daye of the gatheringe together. 11 And after the fortye dayes and fortye nightes, ye LORDE gaue me ye two tables of stone, namely ye tables of the couenaunt, 12 and sayde vnto me: vp, & get ye downe quyckly from hence, for thy people whom thou broughtest out of Egipte, haue marred the selues, they are soone gone out of the waye, which I commaunded them, and haue made them a molten ymage. 13 And the LORDE saide vnto me: I se this people, that it is a styffnecked people: 14 let me alone, that I maye destroye them, and put out their name from vnder heaue. I wyl make of the a people mightier and greater the this is. 15 And as I turned me, & wente downe fro the mount which brent wt fyre, & had ye two tables of the couenaunt in both my hades, 16 I loked, & beholde, ye had synned agaynst ye LORDE yor God, so yt ye had made you a molten calfe, & were soone turned out of ye waie which the LORDE had commaunded you. 17 Then toke I the two tables, & cast them out of both my handes, & brake the before youre eyes, 18 & I fell before the LORDE (euen as at the first tyme) fortye dayes & fortye nightes, & nether ate bred, ner drake water, because of all youre synnes which ye had synned, whan ye dyd soch euell in the sighte of the LORDE, to prouoke him vnto wrath. 19 For I was afrayed of the wrath and indignacion, wherwith the LORDE was angrie wt you, euen to haue destroyed you. And the LORDE herde me at that tyme also. 20 Morouer the LORDE was very angrie wt Aaron, so that he wolde haue destroyed him, but I made intercession for Aaron also at ye same tyme. 21 As for youre synne (namely, the calfe that ye had made) I toke it, and burnt it with the fyre, and smote it a sunder, & grynde it in peces, euen vnto dust, and cast the dust in to the broke that descended from the mount. 22 Ye displeased the LORDE also, at Tabera, and at Massa, and at the lustgraues, 23 and wha he sent you from Cades Barnea, and sayde: Go vp, and conquere the londe which I haue geuen you. And ye were disobedient vnto the mouth of the LORDE youre God, and beleued not on him, and herkened not vnto his voyce: 24 for ye haue bene disobediet vnto the LORDE, as longe as I haue knowne you.

Psalms 40:6

6 I wolde declare them, and speake of the: but they are so many, that they can not be tolde.

Psalms 51:5

5 Beholde, I was borne in wickednesse, and in synne hath my mother conceaued me.

Psalms 58:3

3 The vngodly are frowarde, eue from their mothers wombe: as soone as they be borne, they go astraie & speake lyes.

Psalms 139:1-4

1 O Lorde, thou searchest me out, and knowest me. Thou knowest my downe syttinge & my vprisynge, thou vnderstodest my thoughtes a farre of. 2 Thou art aboute my path & aboute my bedd, & spyest out all my wayes. 3 For lo, there is not a worde i my toge, but thou (o LORDE) knowest it alltogether. 4 Thou hast fashioned me behinde & before, & layed thine hode vpon me.

Isaiah 6:9-10

9 And so he sayde: go, and tel this people: ye shall heare in dede, but ye shal not vnderstonde, ye shal planely se, and not perceaue. 10 Harden the harte of this people, stoppe their eares, and shut their eyes, that they se not wt their eyes, heare not with their eares, and vnderstonde not with their hartes, and conuerte and be healed.

Isaiah 21:2

2 Who so maye disceaue (sayde the voyce) let him disceaue: Who so maye distroye, let him distroye. Vp Elam, besege it o Madai, for I will still all their gronynges.

Isaiah 26:11

11 LORDE, they wil not se thine hie honde, but they shal se it, and be confounded: whe thou shalt deuoure them with the wrath of the people, and with the fyre of thine enemies.

Isaiah 29:10-11

10 For the LORDE shal geue you an hard slepinge sprete, and holde downe youre eyes: namely yor prophetes and heades which shulde se, them shal he couer. 11 And all visions shalbe vnto you, as the wordes that stonde in a sealed lettre, when one offreth it to a man that is lerned, and sayeth: rede vs this lettre. The he answereth: I ca not rede it, for it is shutt.

Isaiah 42:19-20

19 But who is blynder, the my seruaunt? Or so deaf, as my messaungers, whom I sent vnto them? For who is so blynde as my people, & they yt haue the rule of them? 20 They are like, as yf thou vnderstodest moch, and keptest nothinge: or yf one herde well, but were not obedient.

Isaiah 46:8

8 Considre this well, and be ashamed, Go in to youre owne selues (O ye runnagates).

Isaiah 48:4

4 Howbeit I knewe that thou art obstinate, and that thy neck hath an yron vane, and that thy brow is of brasse.

Isaiah 50:5

5 The LORDE God hath opened myne eare, therfore ca I not saye naye, ner wt drawe myself,

Jeremiah 3:7-11

7 hast thou sene also, (when she had done all this) how I sayde vnto her: that she shulde turne agayne vnto me, and yet she is not returned? Iuda that vnfaithfull sister of hirs also sawe this: 8 Namely, that affter I had well sene the aduoutrye of the shrenkinge harlot Israel, I put her awaye, and gaue her a byll of deuorcement. For all this, hir vnfaithfull sister Iuda was not ashamed, but wente backe and played the whore also. 9 Yee and the noyse of hir whordome hath defyled the whole lode. For she hath committed hir aduoutrie with stones and stockes. 10 Neuerthelesse, hir vnfaithfull sister Iuda is not turned vnto me agayne with hir whole herte, but faynedly, saieth the LORDE. 11 And the LORDE sayde vnto me: The bacslyder Israel is more rightuous, the the vnfaithfull Iuda:

Jeremiah 3:20

20 But like as a woman fayleth hir louer, so are ye vnfaithfull vnto me (o ye house of Israel) saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 5:11

11 For vnfaithfully hath the house of Israel and Iuda forsaken me, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 5:21

21 Heare this (thou folish and vndiscrete people.) Ye haue eyes, but ye se not: eares haue ye, but ye heare not.

Jeremiah 6:10

10 But vnto whom shal I speake? whom shal I warne, that he maye take hede? Their eares are so vncircumcised, that they maye not heare. Beholde, they take the worde of God but for a scorne, and haue no lust therto.

Ezekiel 16:3-5

3 and saye: thus saieth the LORDE God vnto Ierusalem: Thy progeny and kynred came out of the londe of Canaan, thy father was an Amorite, thy mother a Cethite. 4 In ye daye of thy byrth when thou wast borne, ye stringe of thy nauel was not cut of: thou wast not bathed in water to make the clene: Thou wast nether rubbed wt salt, ner swedled in cloutes: 5 No man regarded the so moch, as to do eny of these thinges for ye, or to shewe the soch fauoure, but thou wast vtterly cast out vpon ye felde, yee despised wast thou in the daye of thy byrth.

Hosea 5:7

7 As for the LORDE, they haue refused him, and brought vp bastarde children: a moneth therfore shall deuoure them with their porcions.

Hosea 6:7

7 But euen like as Adam dyd, so haue they broken my couenaunt, and set me at naught.

Malachi 2:11

11 Now hath Iuda offended: yee the abhominacion is done in Israel and in Ierusale, for Iuda hath defyled the Sactuary of the LORDE, which he loued, and hath kepte the doughter of a straunge God.

Matthew 13:13-15

13 Therfore speake I vnto the by parables, for with seynge eyes they se not, & with hearinge eares they heare not, for they vnderstonde it not. 14 And in them is fulfilled ye prophecie of Esay, which sayeth: Ye shal heare in dede, and shal not vnderstonde: and with seinge eyes shal ye se, and not perceaue. 15 For ye hert of this people is waxed grosse, & their eares are thick of hearige, & their eyes haue they closed, lest they shulde once se wt ye eyes, & heare wt the eares, & vnderstode wt the hert, & turne, that I might heale them.

John 12:39-40

39 Therfore coulde they not beleue, for Esay saide agayne: 40 He hath blynded their eyes, and hardened their hert, that they shulde not se with the eyes, ner vnderstonde with the hert, & shulde be conuerted, and he shulde heale them.

Ephesians 2:3

3 amonge whom we also had oure conuersacion in tyme past in the lustes of oure flesh, and dyd the wyll of the flesh and of the mynde, and were naturally the children of wrath, euen as well as other.

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