Isaiah 48:2 Cross References - Coverdale

2 which are called fre men of the holy citie, as they that loke for conforth in the God of Israel, whose name is the LORDE of hoostes.

Judges 17:13

13 And Micha sayde: I am sure the LORDE wyll do me good now, that I haue a Leuite to my prest.

1 Samuel 4:3-5

3 And whan the people came in to the hoost, the Elders of Israel sayde: Wherfore hath the LORDE caused vs to be smytten this daie before the Philistynes? Let vs take vnto vs the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt from Silo, & let it come amoge vs, that it maye helpe vs from the hande of oure enemies. 4 And the people sent vnto Silo, & caused to fet thece the Arke of ye couenaunt of the LORDE Zebaoth, that sytteth vpon the Cherubins. And with the Arke of the couenaunt of God there were the two sonnes of Eli, Ophni and Phineas. 5 And whan the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE came in to the hoost, all Israel shouted wt a greate shoute, so that the earth sounded withall.

Nehemiah 11:1

1 And the rulers of the people dwelt at Ierusalem. But the other people cast lottes therfore, so that amoge ten one parte wente to Ierusalem in to the holy cite to dwell, and nyne partes in the cities.

Nehemiah 11:18

18 All the Leuites in the holy cite were two hundreth and foure & foure score.

Psalms 48:1

1 Greate is ye LORDE & hyelie to be praysed, in ye cite of or God, eue vpo his holy hill.

Psalms 87:3

3 Sela. I wil thinke vpo Rahab & Babilo, so that they shal knowe me:

Isaiah 10:20

20 After yt daye shal the remnaunt of Israel, and soch as are escaped out of the house of Iacob, seke no more coforte at him that smote them, but shal conforte them selues with faithfulnesse and treuth in the LORDE, the holy, one of Israel.

Isaiah 47:4

4 saieth oure redemer, which is called the LORDE of hoostes, the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 51:13

13 And forgettest the LORDE that made the, that spred out the heauens, and layde the foundacion of the earth. But thou art euer afrayde for the sight of thyne oppressoure, which is ready to do harme: Where is the wrath of the oppressoure?

Isaiah 52:1

1 Vp Sion vp, take thy strength vnto the: put on thine honest rayment o Ierusale, thou citie of the holy one. For from this tyme forth, there shal no vncircumcised ner vncleane person come in the.

Isaiah 64:10-11

10 The cities of thy Sanctuary lye waist, Sion is a wildernesse, and Ierusalem a deserte. 11 Oure holy house which is oure bewty, where oure fathers praysed the, is brent vp, yee all oure comodities and pleasures are waysted awaye.

Jeremiah 7:4-11

4 Trust not in false lyenge wordes, sayenge: here is the temple of the LORDE, here is the temple of the LORDE, here is the temple of the LORDE. 5 For yf ye will amende youre waies and councels, yf ye wil iudge right betwixte a man and his neghboure: 6 yf ye wil not oppresse the straunger, the fatherles & the wyddowe: yf ye will not shed innocent bloude in this place: yf ye wil not cleue to strauge goddes to youre owne destruction: 7 then wil I let you dwell in this place, yee in the londe that I gaue afore tyme vnto youre fathers for euer. 8 But take hede, yee trust in councels, that begyle you and do you no good. 9 For when ye haue stolle, murthured, committed aduoutrie, and periury: Whe ye haue offred vnto Baal, folowinge straunge & vnknowne goddes: 10 Then come ye, and stonde before me in this house (which hath my name geuen vnto it) and saye: Tush, we are absolued quyte, though we haue done all these abhominacions. 11 What? thinke you this house that beareth my name, is a denne of theues? And these thinges are not done priuely, but before myne eyes, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 10:16

16 Neuertheles, Iacobs porcio is not soch: but it is he, that hath made all thinges, and Israel is the rodd of his inheritauce: The LORDE of hoostes is his name.

Jeremiah 21:2

2 Axe councell at the LORDE (we praye the) of oure behalfe, for Nabuchodonosor the kinge off Babilon besegeth vs, yff the LORDE (peraduenture) will deale with vs, acordinge to his maruelous power, and take him from vs.

Daniel 9:24

24 Lxx. wekes are determed ouer thy people, & ouer thy holy cite: that the wickednesse maye be consumed, that the synne maye haue an ende, that the offence maye be reconciled, and to bringe in euerlastinge rightuousnesse, to fulfill ye visions and the prophetes, and to anoynte the most holy one.

Micah 3:11

11 O ye iudges, ye geue sentence for giftes: O ye preastes, ye teach for lucre: O ye prophetes, ye prophecy for money. Yet wil they be take as those that holde vpon God, and saye: Is not the LORDE amonge vs? Tush, there can no misfortune happen vs.

Matthew 4:5

5 Then the deuyll toke hym vp into the holy cite, and set hym on a pynacle of the temple,

Matthew 27:53

53 and wete out of the graues after his resurreccion, and came in to the holy cite, and appeared vnto many.

John 8:40-41

40 But now ye go aboute to kyll me, a man, that haue tolde you the trueth, which I haue herde of God, this dyd not Abraham. 41 Ye do the dedes of youre father. Then sayde they vnto him: We are not borne of fornicacion, we haue one father, euen God.

Romans 2:17

17 But take hede, thou art called a Iewe, and trustest in the lawe, & makest thy boost of God,

Revelation 11:2

2 and the quyre which is within the temple, cast out, and mete it not: for it is geuen vnto the Gentyles, and ye holy cite shal they treade vnderfote xlij. monethes.

Revelation 21:2

2 And I Ihon sawe that holy cite newe Ierusalem come downe from God out of heauen, prepared as a bryde garnisshed for hyr hussband.

Revelation 22:19

19 And yf eny man shal mynishe of the wordes of the boke of this prophesy, God shal take awaye his parte out of the boke of life, and out of the holy citie, and fro tho thinges which are wrytten in this boke.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.