Isaiah 45:7 Cross References - Coverdale

7 It is I yt created the light and darcknes, I make peace and trouble: Yee euen I the LORDE do all these thinges.

Genesis 1:3-5

3 And God sayde: let there be light, & there was light. 4 And God sawe the light that it was good. Then God deuyded ye light from the darcknes, 5 and called the light, Daye: and the darcknes, Night Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the first daye.

Genesis 1:17-18

17 And God set them in the firmament of heauen, yt they might shyne vpo earth, 18 and to rule the daye and the night, and to deuyde the light from darcknes. And God sawe that it was good.

Exodus 10:21-23

21 The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Stretch out thine hade towarde heauen, that it be so darck in the londe of Egipte, yt it maye be felt. 22 And Moses stretched out his hade towarde heauen, the was there a thicke darcknesse in all the londe of Egipte thre dayes, 23 so yt in thre dayes no ma sawe another, nor rose vp from ye place where he was. But wt the childre of Israel there was light in their dwellinges.

Exodus 14:20

20 and came betwixte the armies of the Egipcians and the armies of Israel. It was a darcke cloude, and gaue light that night, so that all the night longe these and they coude not come together.

Job 2:10

10 But Iob sayde vnto her: Thou speakest like a foolish woma. Seinge we haue receaued prosperite at the honde of God, wherfore shulde we not be content with aduersite also? In all these thinges, dyd not Iob synne with his lippes.

Job 34:29

29 Yf he delyuer & graunte pardo, who will iudge or condemne? But yf he hyde awaye his countenaunce, who wil turne it aboute agayne, whether it be to the people or to eny man?

Psalms 8:3

3 For I considre thy heauens, euen the worke off thy fyngers: the Moone and the starres which thou hast made.

Psalms 29:11

11 The LORDE shall geue power vnto his people, the LORDE shal geue his people the blessynge of peace.

Psalms 75:7

7 For promocio commeth nether from the east ner from the west, ner yet fro the wyldernesse.

Psalms 104:20-23

20 Thou makest darcknesse, that it maye be night, wherin all the beastes of the forest do moue. 21 Yee and the yonge lyons which roare after the praye, and seke their meate at God. 22 But when the Sonne ariseth, they get them awaye together, and lye them downe in their dennes. 23 Then goeth man forth to his worke, and to till his londe vntill the euenynge.

Ecclesiastes 7:13-14

13 Considre the worke of God, how that no man can make the thinge straight, which he maketh croked. 14 Vse well the tyme of prosperite, and remembre the tyme of mysfortune: for God maketh the one by the other, so that a man can fynde nothinge els.

Isaiah 10:5-6

5 Wo be also vnto Assur, which is a staff of my wrath, in whose honde is the rod of my punyshment. 6 For I shal sende him amonge those ypocritish poeple, amonge the people that haue deserued my disfauoure shal I send him: that he maye utterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe like the myre in the strete.

Isaiah 31:2

2 Where as he neuertheles plageth ye wicked, and yet goeth not from his worde, wha he steppeth forth and taketh the victory agaynst the housholde of the frauwerde, and against the helpe of euel doers.

Jeremiah 13:16

16 Honoure ye LORDE youre God herein, or he take his light from you, and or euer youre fete stomble in darknesse at ye hill: lest whe ye loke for the light, he turne it in to ye shadowe and darknesse of death.

Jeremiah 18:7-10

7 When I take in honde to rote out, to destroye, or to waist awaye eny people or kigdome: 8 yff that people (agaynst whom I haue thus deuysed) couerte from their wickednes: Immediatly, I repente off the plage, that I deuysed to bringe vpon the. 9 Agayne: Whe I take in honde, to buylde, or to plante a people or a kingdome: 10 yff the same people do euell before me, and heare not my voyce: Immediatly, I repente of the good, that I deuysed to do for them.

Jeremiah 31:35

35 Thus saieth the LORDE which gaue the sonne to be a light for the daye, and the Moone and starres to shyne in the night: which moueth the see, so that the floudes therof waxe fearce: his name is the LORDE of hoostes.

Jeremiah 51:20

20 Thou breakest my weapens of warre, & yet thorow the I haue scatred the nacions & kyngdomes:

Ezekiel 14:15-21

15 Yf I bringe noysome beestes in to the londe, to waist it vp, and it be so desolate, that no man maye go therin for beestes: 16 yf these thre men also were in the londe, as truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE God) they shal saue nether sonnes ner doughters, but be only delyuered them selues: and as for the londe, it shal be waist. 17 Or, yf I bringe a swearde in to the londe, and charge it to go thorow the londe: so that I slaye downe man and beest in it, 18 and yf these thre men were therin: As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE God) they shal delyuer nether sonnes ner doughters, but only be saued them selues. 19 Yf I sende a pestilence in to the londe, and poure out my sore indignacion vpon it in bloude, so that I rote out of it both man and beest, 20 and yf Noe, Daniel and Iob were therin: As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE God) they shal delyuer nether sonnes ner doughters, but saue their owne soules in their rightuousnesse. 21 Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE God: Though I sende my foure trublous plages vpon Ierusalem: the swearde, honger, perlous beestes and pestilence, to destroye man and beest out of it:

Ezekiel 32:8

8 All the lightes off heauen will I put out ouer the, and bringe darcknesse vpon thy londe, saieth ye LORDE God.

Joel 2:2

2 a darcke daye, a gloomynge daye, a cloudy daye, yee & a stormy daye, like as the mornynge spredeth out vpo the hilles: Namely, a great & mightie people: soch as haue not bene sens ye begynnynge, nether shal be after them for euermore.

Amos 3:6

6 Crie they out Alarum with the trompet in the cite, and the people not afrayed? Commeth there eny plage in a cite, without it be the LORDES doinge?

Amos 4:13

13 For lo, he maketh the mountaynes, he ordeneth the wynde, he sheweth man what he is aboute to do: he maketh the mornynge and the darcknesse, he treadeth vpo the hye places off the earth: ye LORDE God of hoostes is his name.

Amos 5:6

6 Seke the LORDE, yt ye maye lyue: lest the house of Ioseph be brent with fyre and cosumed, and lest there be none to quench Bethel.

Nahum 1:8

8 when the floude renneth ouer, and destroyeth the place, and when the darcknesse foloweth still vpon his enemies.

Acts 4:28

28 to do what soeuer thy hande and thy councell determyned before to be done.

2 Corinthians 4:6

6 For God that comaunded the light to shyne out of darcknesse, hath geuen a cleare shyne in oure hertes, yt by vs ye light of ye knowlege of the glory of God mighte come forth, in the face of Iesus Christ.

James 1:17

17 Euery good gifte, & euery parfait gift, is from aboue, and cometh downe from ye father of light, with whom is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.

Jude 1:6

6 The angels also which kept not their first estate: but lefte their awne habitacion, he hath reserued in euerlastinge chaynes vnder darcknes vnto the iudgement of the greate daye:

Jude 1:13

13 They are the ragynge waues of the see, fominge out their awne shame. They are wandrynge starres, to who is reserued the myst of darcknes for euer.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.