Isaiah 33:11 Cross References - Coverdale

11 Ye shal conceaue stubble, and beare strawe, & youre sprete shalbe the fyre, that it maye consume you:

Job 15:35

35 He conceaueth trauayle, he beareth myschefe, & his body bryngeth forth disceate.

Psalms 2:1

1 Why do the Heithe grudge? why do the people ymagyn vayne thinges?

Psalms 7:14

14 Beholde, he trauayleth with myschefe, he hath coceaued vnhappynesse, and brought forth a lye.

Psalms 83:5-18

5 For they haue cast their heades together with one consent, & are cofederate agaynst the. 6 The tabernacles of the Edomites & Ismaelites, the Moabites & Hagarenes. 7 Gebal, Ammon and Amalech: the Philistynes with them that dwell at Tyre. 8 Assur also is ioyned vnto the & helpe the children of Loth. 9 Sela. But do thou to them as vnto the Madianites, vnto Sisera and vnto Iabin by ye broke of Cyson. 10 Which perished at Endor, & became as the doge of ye earth. 11 Make their prynces like Oreb and Zeeb: Yee make all their prynces like as Zebea and Salmana. 12 Which saye: we wil haue the houses of God in possession? 13 O my God, make them like vnto a whele, and as the stuble before the wynde. 14 Like as a fyre that burneth vp the wodd, & as the flame that consumeth the mountaynes. 15 Persecute them euen so with thy tempest, & make them afrayed with thy storme. 16 Make their faces ashamed (o LORDE) yt they maye seke thy name. 17 Let the be cofounded & vexed euer more & more: Let the be put to shame & perish. 18 That they maye knowe, that thou art alone, that thy name is the LORDE, and that thou only art the most hyest ouer all the earth.

Isaiah 1:31

31 And as for the glory of these thinges, it shalbe turned to drie strawe, and he that made them to a sparke. And they shal both burne together, so that no man shalbe able to quench them.

Isaiah 5:24

24 Therfore, like as fyre licketh vp the strawe, and as the flame cosumeth the stubble: Euen so (when their root is ful,) their blossome shal vanish awaye like dust or smoke. for they despyse the lawe of the LORDE of hoostes, and blaspheme the worde of the holy maker of Israel.

Isaiah 8:9-10

9 Go together ye people, and gather you, herken to all ye of farre countrees. Mustre you, and gather you: mustre you and gather you, 10 take youre councel together, yet must youre councel come to nought: go in honde withal, yet shal it not prospere. Excepte Emanuel: (that is God) be with

Isaiah 10:7-14

7 Howbeit his meanynge is not so, nether thinketh his harte of this fashion. But he ymagineth only, how he maye ouerthrowe and destroye moch people, 8 for he saieth: are not my princes all kynges? 9 Is not Calno as easie to wynne, as Charchamis? Is it harder to conquere Antiochia then Arphad? Or is it lighter to ouercome Damascus the Samaria? 10 As who say: I were able to wynne the kingdome of the Idolaters and their goddes, but not Ierusalem and Samaria. 11 Shal I not do vnto Ierusalem and their ymages, as I dyd vnto Samaria and their ymages? 12 Wherfore the LORDE saieth: As soone as I haue perfourmed my whole worcke vpon the Hyl of Syon and Ierusalem: the will I also vyset the noble and stoute kynge of Assiria, with his wysdome and pryde. 13 For he stondeth thus in his owne coceate: This do I, thorow the power of myne owne honde, and thorow my wisdome: For I am wyse, I am he that remoue the londes of the people, I robbe their prynces: and (like one of the worthies) I dryue them from their hie seates. 14 My honde hath founde out the hoostes of the people, as it were a nest. And like as egges, that were layde here and there, are gathered together: So do I gather all countrees. And there is no man, yt darre be so bolde, as to touch a fether, that darre open his mouth, or once whisper.

Isaiah 17:13

13 For though so many people increase as the flowinge waters, and though they be armed, yet they fle farre of, and vanish awaye like the dust with the wynde vpon an hill, and as the whyrle wynde thorow a storme.

Isaiah 26:18

18 We are with childe, we trauayle, & beare, & with the sprete we bringe forth health, wherethorow the earth is vndestroyed, and the inhabitours of the worlde perish not.

Isaiah 29:5-8

5 Thy voyce shal come out of the earth, like the voyce of a witch, and thy talkinge shal groane out of the myre. For the multitude of thine enemies shalbe like mealdust. And the nombre of Tyrauntes shalbe as ye dust that the wynde taketh awaye sodenly. 6 Thou shalt be visited of the LORDE of hoostes with thondre, earth quake, and with a greate crack, with the whyrle wynde, tempest, and with the flame of a consumynge fyre. 7 But now the multitude of all the people, that went out agaynst Ariel: the whole hooste, the stronge holdes, and sege: is like a dreame which apeareth in the night. 8 It is like as when an hungrie man dreameth that he is eatynge, and when he awaketh, he hath nothinge: like as when a thurstie man dreameth that he is drinkinge, and when he awaketh, he is faynt, and his soule vnpacient. So is the multitude of all people, that mustre them selues agaynst the hill of Sion.

Isaiah 30:30-33

30 The LORDE also shal set vp the power of his voyce, and declare his terrible arme, with his angrie countenaunce, yee and the flame of the consumynge fyre, with earth quake, tempest of wynde, and hale stones. 31 Then shal the Assirian feare also, because of the voyce of the LORDE, which shal smyte him with the rodde. 32 And the same rodde which the LORDE wil sende vpon him, shal moue the whole foundacion: with trompet, with noyse of warre and batell to destroye. 33 For he hath prepared the fyre of payne from the begynnynge, yee euen for kynges also. This hath he made depe & wyde, ye norishinge therof is fyre and wodde innumerable, which the breath ofte LORDE kyndleth, as it were a match of brymstone.

Isaiah 31:8-9

8 Assur also shalbe slayne with the swerde, not wt a mans swerde. A swerde shal deuoure him, but not a mans swerde. And he shal fle from the slaughter, and his seruauntes shalbe taken prisoners. 9 He shal go for feare to his stronge holdes, and his prynces shal fle from his badge. This hath ye LORDE spoke, whose light burneth in Sion, and his fyre in Ierusalem.

Isaiah 37:23-29

23 But thou Sennacherib, whom hast thou defied or blaspemed? And agaynst who hast thou lifted vp thy voyce, & exalted thy proude lokes? euen agaynst the holy one of Israel. 24 Thou with thy seruauntes hast blasphemed the LORDE, and thus holdest thou of thyself: I couer the hie mountaynes, & sydes of Libanus with my horsmen. And there wil I cut downe the hie Cedre trees & the fayrest Fyrre trees. I will vp in to the heyth of it & in to the chefest of his timbre woddes. 25 Yf there be no water, I wil graue & drynke. And as for waters of defence, I shal drie them vp with the fete of myne hooste. 26 Yee (saiest thou) hast thou not herde, what I haue taken in honde, & brought to passe of olde tyme? That same wil I do now also: waist, destroye, & bringe the stronge cities vnto heapes of stones. 27 For their inhabitours shalbe like lame men, brought in feare & confounded. They shalbe like the grasse & grene herbes in the felde, like the hay vpo house toppes, that wythereth, afore it be growne vp. 28 I knowe thy wayes, thy goinge forth & thy comynge home, yee & thy madnesse agaynst me. 29 Therfore thy furiousnesse agaynst me, & thy pryde is come before me. I wil put a rynge in yi nose, & a bridle byt in the chawes of the, & turne the aboute, eue the same waye thou camest.

Isaiah 59:4

4 No man regardeth righteousnes, & no ma iudgeth truly Euery man hopeth in vayne thinges, and ymagineth disceate, coceaueth weerynesse, & bringeth forth euell.

Nahum 1:5-10

5 The mountaynes tremble for him, the hilles consume. At the sight of him, the earth quaketh: yee the whole worlde, and all that dwell therin. 6 Who maye endure before his wrath? Or who is able to abyde his grymme displeasure? His anger taketh on like fyre, and the harde rockes burst in sunder before him. 7 Ful gracious is the LORDE, and a stronge holde in tyme of trouble, he knoweth the that put their trust in him: 8 when the floude renneth ouer, and destroyeth the place, and when the darcknesse foloweth still vpon his enemies. 9 What do ye ymagin then agaynst the LORDE on this maner? (Tush, when he hath once made an ende, there shal come nomore trouble.) 10 For like as the thornes that sticke together, and as the drye strawe, so shal the dronckardes be consumed together, euen when they be full.

Acts 5:4

4 Mightest thou not haue kepte it, whan thou haddest it? And whan it was solde, the money was also in thy power: Why hast thou then conceaued this thinge in thine hert? Thou hast not lyed vnto me, but vnto God.

James 1:15

15 The whe lust hath conceaued, she bringeth forth synne, & synne when it is fynished, bringeth forth deeth.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.