Isaiah 31:6 Cross References - Coverdale

6 Therfore (o ye childre of Israel turne agayne, like as ye hahaue exceaded in youre goinge back.

2 Chronicles 33:9-16

9 But Manasses disceaued Iuda and them of Ierusale, so that they dyd worse then the Heythen, whom the LORDE destroyed before the children of Israel. 10 And the LORDE spake vnto Manasses and his people, and they regarded it not. 11 Therfore dyd the LORDE cause the rulers of the hoost of the kynge of Assur to come vpo the, which toke Manasses presoner with bodes, and bounde him with cheynes, & broughte him vnto Babilon. 12 And whan he was in trouble, he made intercession before the LORDE his God, and humbled him selfe greatly before the God of his fathers, 13 and prayed and besoughte him. Then herde he his prayer, and broughte him agayne to Ierusalem to his kyngdome. And Manasses knewe that the LORDE is God. 14 Afterwarde buylded he ye vttemost wall of the cite of Dauid, on the west syde of Gihon by the broke, and at the intraunce of the Fyshgate, and rounde aboute Ophel, and made it very hye. And layed captaynes in ye stroge cities of Iuda, 15 & put awaye ye straunge goddes & Idols out of ye house of ye LORDE, and all the altares which he had buylded vpo the mount of the house of the LORDE, and in Ierusalem, and cast them out of the cite, 16 and buylded the altare of the LORDE, and offred slaynofferynges and thankofferynges theron, and commaunded Iuda, that they shulde serue the LORDE God of Israel.

2 Chronicles 36:14

14 And all ye chefe amonge the prestes, and the people, multiplyed their synnes, acordinge to all the abhominacions of the Heythen, and dyfyled the house of the LORDE, which he had sanctified at Ierusalem.

Isaiah 1:4-5

4 Alas for this synful people, which are experte in blasphemies, a frawerde generacion, vnnatural children. They haue forsaken the LORDE, they haue prouoked the holy one of Israel vnto anger, and are gone bacward. 5 Wherfore shulde ye be plaged eny more? For ye are euer fallinge awaye. The whole heade is sick, and the herte is very heuy.

Isaiah 29:15

15 Wo be vnto them that seke so depe, to hyde their ymaginacion before the LORDE, which rehearce their coucels in ye darknes, and saye: who seith vs, or who knoweth vs?

Isaiah 48:8

8 Morouer there be some wherof thou hast nether herde ner knowne, nether haue they bene opened vnto thine eares afore tyme. For I knew that thou woldest maliciousli offende, therfore haue I called the a transgressoure, euen from thy mothers wombe.

Isaiah 55:7

7 Let the vngodly man forsake his wayes, ad the vnrightuous his ymaginacios, & turne agayne vnto the LORDE, so shal he be merciful vnto him: and to oure God, for he is redy to forgeue.

Jeremiah 3:10

10 Neuerthelesse, hir vnfaithfull sister Iuda is not turned vnto me agayne with hir whole herte, but faynedly, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 3:14

14 O ye shrenkinge children, turne agayne, saieth the LORDE, and I wilbe maried with you. For I will take one out of the citie and two out of one generacion from amoge you, and bringe you out of Sion:

Jeremiah 3:22

22 O ye shrenkinge children, turne agayne, (saynge: lo, we are thine, for thou art the LORDE oure God:) And so shal I heale youre bacturnynges.

Jeremiah 5:23

23 But this people hath a false and an obstinate herte, they are departed and gone awaye fro me.

Jeremiah 31:18-20

18 Morouer I herde Ephraim, (that was led awaye captyue) complayne on this maner: O LORDE, thou hast correcte me, and thy chastenynge haue I receaued, as an vntamed calfe. Conuerte thou me, and I shalbe conuerted, for thou art my LORDE God. 19 Yee as soone as thou turnest me, I shall refourme my self: and when I vnderstonde, I shall smyte vpon my thee. For verely I haue comitted shamefull thinges: O let my youth beare this reprofe and confucion. 20 Vpon this complaynte, I thought thus by myself: is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the childe, with whom I haue had all myrth and pastyme? For sence the tyme that I first comoned with him, I haue him euer in remembraunce: therfore my very herte dryueth me vnto him: gladly and louyngly will I haue mercy vpon him, saieth the LORDE.

Hosea 9:9

9 They be gone to farre, & haue destroied the selues, like as they dyd afore tyme at Gabaa. Therfore their wickednes shal be remebred, and their synnes punyshed.

Hosea 14:1-3

1 Tvrne the now (o Israel) vnto ye LORDE thy God, for thou hast taken a greate fall thorow thy wickednesse. 2 Take these wordes with you, when ye turne to the LORDE, & saye vnto him: O forgeue vs all oure synnes, receaue vs graciously, & then wil we offre ye bullockes of oure lyppes vnto the. 3 Assur shalbe no more oure helper, nether will we ryde vpon horses eny more. As for the workes of oure hondes, we wil nomore call vpon them: For it is thou that art oure God, thou shewest euer mercy vnto the fatherlesse.

Joel 2:12-13

12 Now therfore saieth the LORDE: Turne you vnto me with all youre hertes, with fastinge, wepynge and mournynge: 13 rente youre hertes, & not youre clothes. Turne you vnto the LORDE youre God, for he is gracious & mercifull, longe sufferynge & of greate compassion: & redy to pardone wickednes.

Acts 3:19

19 Do penaunce now therfore and turne you, that youre synnes maye be done awaye, whan the tyme of refreshinge shal come before the presence of the LORDE,

Acts 26:20

20 but shewed it first vnto them at Damascon, and at Ierusale, and in all the coastes of Iewry, and to the Heythen, that they shulde do pennaunce, and turne vnto God, and to do the righte workes of pennaunce.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.