Isaiah 26:15 Cross References - Coverdale

15 Agayne, thou increacest the people (o LORDE), thou increacest the people, thou shalt be praysed and magnified in all ye endes of the worlde.

Genesis 12:2

2 And I wil make of the a mightie people, and wyll blesse the, and make the a greate name, yee thou shalt be a very blessynge.

Genesis 13:16

16 and wyll make thy sede as the dust of the earth: so that yf a man can nombre the dust of the earth, he shall nombre thy sede also.

Numbers 23:10

10 Who can tell the dust of Iacob, & the nombre of the fourth parte of Israel? My soule die ye death of ye righteous, and my ende be as the ende of these.

Deuteronomy 4:27-28

27 And ye LORDE shal scater you amonge ye nacions and ye shall be left a small people amoge ye Heythen, whyther the LORDE shall brynge you. 28 There shal ye serue goddes, which are ye workes of mens handes, euen wodd & stone, which nether se ner heare, ner eate ner smell.

Deuteronomy 10:22

22 Thy fathers wete downe into Egipte wt seuentye soules, but now hath ye LORDE thy God made the as ye starres of heauen in multitude.

Deuteronomy 28:25

25 The LORDE shall cause the be smytten before thine enemyes. Thou shalt come out one waye agaynst them, and seuen wayes shalt thou flye before them, and shalt be scatered amoge all the kyngdomes vpon earth.

Deuteronomy 28:64

64 For the LORDE shal scater the amonge all nacions, from the one ende of the worlde vnto another, and there shalt thou serue other goddes, whom thou knowest not, ner yet thy fathers, euen wodd and stone.

Deuteronomy 32:26-27

26 I wyll saye: Where are they? I shall make their remembraunce to ceasse from amonge men. 27 Yf the wrath of the enemies were not gathered, lest their enemies shulde be proude, & might saie: Oure hande is hye, and: The LORDE hath not done all this.

1 Kings 8:46

46 Whan they synne agaynst the (for there is no ma that synneth not) & thou be wroth, and delyuer the vnto their enemyes, so that they cary them awaye captyue in to the enemyes londe farre or nye,

2 Kings 17:6

6 And in the nyenth yeare of Oseas dyd ye kynge of Assiria wynne Samaria, and caried Israel awaye in to Assiria, and set them at Halah and at Habor by the water Gosan, and in the cities of the Meedes.

2 Kings 17:23

23 vntyll ye LORDE put Israel out of his presence, acordinge as he had spoke by all his seruauntes ye prophetes. So Israel was caried awaye out of their awne londe to Assiria vnto this (daye.

2 Kings 23:27

27 And ye LORDE sayde: I wil put Iuda out of my presence also, euen as I haue put awaye Israel: and this cite which I haue chosen, wyl I cast out, namely, Ierusalem, & the house wherof I sayde: My name shalbe there.

Nehemiah 9:23

23 And their childre multiplyedst thou as the starres of heauen, and broughtest the in to the londe wherof thou haddest spoken vnto their fathers, that they shulde go in to it, and haue it in possession.

Psalms 86:9-10

9 All nacions whom thou hast made, shall come and worshipe before the o LORDE, and shal glorifie thy name. 10 For thou art greate, thou doest wonderous thinges, thou art God alone.

Isaiah 6:12

12 For the LORDE shal take the men farre awaye, so that the londe shall lye waist

Isaiah 9:3

3 Shalt thou multiplie the people, and not increase the ioye also? They shal reioyse before the euen as men make mery in haruest, and as men that haue gotten the victory, when they deale the spoyle.

Isaiah 10:22

22 For though thy people (o Israel) be as the sonde of the see, yet shal but the remnaunt of them only conuerte vnto him. Perfecte is the iudgmet of him that floweth in rightuousnesse:

Isaiah 33:17

17 His eyes shal se the kynge in his glory: & in the wyde worlde,

Isaiah 44:23

23 Be glad ye heauens, whom the LORDE hath made, let all yt is here beneth vpon the earth, be ioyfull. Reioyse ye mountaynes & woddes, with all the trees that are in you: for ye LORDE shal redeme Iacob, & shewe his glory vpon Israel.

Isaiah 54:2-3

2 Make thy tente wyder, & sprede out the hanginges of thine habitacio: spare not, laye forth thy coardes, and make fast thy stakes: 3 for thou shalt breake out on the right syde and on the left, & thy sede shal haue ye Getiles in possession, ad dwel in the desolate cities.

Isaiah 60:21

21 Thy people shalbe all godly, & possesse the londe for euer: the floure of my plantinge, the worke of my hondes, wherof I wil reioyce.

Jeremiah 30:19

19 And out of them shall go thankesgeuynge, and the voyce of ioye. I will multiplie them, and they shall not mynishe: I shall endue them with honoure, and no man shall subdue them.

Jeremiah 32:37

37 Beholde, I will gather them together from all londes, wherin I haue scatred them in my wrath, in my fearfull and greate displeasure: and will bringe them agayne vnto this place, where they shal dwell safely.

Ezekiel 5:12

12 One thirde parte within the, shall die of the pestilence and of honger: Another thirde parte shall be slayne downe rounde aboute the, with the swearde: The other thirde parte that remayneth, will I scatre abrode towarde all the wyndes, and drawe out the swearde after them.

Ezekiel 36:24

24 As for you, I wil take you from amonge the Heithen, and gather you together out of all countrees, and bringe you agayne in to youre owne londe.

Luke 21:24

24 and they shal fall thorow the edge of the swerde, and be led captyue amoge all nacions. And Ierusale shalbe troden downe of the Heithen, vntyll the tyme of the Heithen be fulfilled.

John 12:23-28

23 Iesus answered the, and sayde: The houre is come, that the sonne of man must be glorified. 24 Verely verely I saye vnto you: Excepte the wheatcorne fall in to the grounde, and dye, it bydeth alone: But yf it dye, it bryngeth forth moch frute. 25 He that loueth his life, shal lose it: and he that hateth his life in this worlde, shal kepe it vnto life euerlastinge. 26 He that wyl serue me, let him folowe me. And where I am, there shal my seruaunt be also: and he that serueth me, him shal my father honoure. 27 Now is my soule heuy, and what shal I saye? Father, helpe me out of this houre. But therfore am I come in to this houre. 28 Father, glorifye thy name. Then came there a voyce from heauen: I haue glorified it, and wyl glorifye it agayne.

John 13:31-32

31 Whan he was gone forth, Iesus sayde: Now is the sonne of ma glorified, and God is glorified in him. 32 Yf God be glorified in him, the shal god glorifie him also in hiself, & straight waye shal he glorifye him.

John 15:8

8 Herin is my father praysed, that ye brynge forth moch frute, and become my disciples.

John 17:1

1 These thinges spake Iesus, and lift vp his eyes towarde heauen, and sayde: Father, the houre is come, that thou glorifye thy sonne, that thy sonne also maye glorifye the.

Revelation 11:15-18

15 And the seuenth angel blewe, and ther were made greate voyces in heauen, sayege: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure LORDES and his Christes, and he shal reigne for eurmore. 16 And the foure and twentye Elders, which sat before God on their seatts, fell vpon their faces, and worshipped God 17 sayenge: we geue the thankes LORDE God allmyghte: which art and wast, and art to come, for thou hast receaued thy greate might, and hast raygned. 18 And the Heythen were angry, & thy wrath is come, and the tyme of the deed that they shulde be iudged, and that thou shuldest geue rewarde vnto thy seruautes the prophettes and saynctes, and to the that feare thy name, small & greate: and shuldest destroye them which destroye the earth.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.