Isaiah 11:4 Cross References - Coverdale

4 but with rightousnesse shal he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the symple of the worlde. He shal smyte ye worlde with ye staff of his mouth, & with ye breath of his mouth shal he slaye the wicked.

2 Samuel 8:15

15 Thus was Dauid kynge ouer all Israel. And he executed iudgmente and righteousnes vnto all ye people.

2 Samuel 23:2-4

2 The sprete of the LORDE hath spoken by me, and the vtteraunce therof is done thorow my tunge. 3 He sayde: The God of Israel hath spoke vnto me, the strength of Israel, the gouernoure amonge men, the righteous gouernoure in the feare of God. 4 As the lighte is in ye mornynge whan the Sonne aryseth, so that for the brightnesse therof no cloude remayneth: and as the grasse loketh vpon the earth thorow the rayne,

1 Kings 10:8-9

8 Happye are thy people and thy seruauntes, that allwaie stonde before the, and heare thy wy?dome. 9 Praysed be the LORDE thy God, which had soch a pleasure vnto the, that he set the vpon the seate of Israel: because he hath allwaye loued Israel, and hath set the to be kynge, that thou shuldest mantayne iustyce and equyte.

Job 4:9

9 For whe God bloweth vpon them, they perysh, and are destroyed thorow the blast of his wrath.

Psalms 2:9

9 Thou shalt rule them with a rodde of yron, and breake the in peces like an erthen vessell.

Psalms 18:8

8 There wete a smoke out of his nostrels, ad a cosumynge fyre out of his mouth, so yt coales were kyndled at it.

Psalms 45:6-7

6 Thy arowes are sharpe, the people shalbe subdued vnto the, euen in the myddest amonge the kynges enemies. 7 Thy seate (o God) endureth for euer: the cepter of thy kyngdome is a right cepter.

Psalms 72:1-4

1 Geue the kinge thy iudgmet (o God) and thy rightuousnesse vnto the kynges sonne. 2 That he maye gouerne thy people acordinge vnto right, and defende thy poore. 3 That the mountaynes maye brynge peace, and the litle hilles rightuousnes vnto the people. 4 He shal kepe the symple folke by their right, defende the childre of the poore, and punysh the wrongeous doer.

Psalms 72:12-14

12 For he shal deliuer the poore whe he crieth, & the nedy yt hath no helpe. 13 He shall be fauorable to the symple & poore, he shal preserue the soules of soch as be in aduersite. 14 He shal deliuer their soules from extorcion & wronge, & deare shal their bloude be in his sight.

Psalms 82:2-4

2 How longe wil ye geue wroge iudgment, & accepte the personnes of the vngodly? 3 Sela. Defende the poore & fatherlesse, se that soch as be in nede & necessite haue right. 4 Delyuer the outcaste & poore, & saue hym from the hande of the vngodly.

Psalms 110:2

2 The LORDE shal sende the rodde of thy power out of Sion, be thou ruler euen in ye myddest amonge thine enemies.

Proverbs 31:8-9

8 Be thou an aduocate & stonde in iudgment thyself, to speake for all soch as be dome & sucourles. 9 With yi mouth defende ye thinge yt is laufull and right, and ye cause of ye poore and helplesse.

Isaiah 1:17

17 Lerne to do right, applie youre selues to equyte, delyuer the oppressed, helpe the fatherlesse to his right, let the wydowes complaynte come before you.

Isaiah 3:14

14 The LORDE shal come forth to reason with the Senatours and prynces of his people, and shal saye thus vnto them: It is ye that haue burnt vp my vynyearde, the robbery of the poore is in youre house.

Isaiah 9:7

7 he shal make no ende to encrease the kyngdome and peace, and shal syt vpon the seate of Dauid and in his kyngdome, to set vp the same, to stablish it with equyte and rightuousnesse, from thence forth for euermore. This shal the gelousy of the LORDE of hoostes bringe to passe.

Isaiah 16:5

5 But ye Trone of youre kingdome is ful of grace, therfore he that sytteth vpon it wt faitfulnesse & treuth in the house of Dauid, knowe the thinge & do his diligence to helpe shortly, acordinge to Equite and rightuousnes.

Isaiah 29:19

19 The oppressed shal holde a mery feast in the LORDE, and the poore people shal reioyse in the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 30:33

33 For he hath prepared the fyre of payne from the begynnynge, yee euen for kynges also. This hath he made depe & wyde, ye norishinge therof is fyre and wodde innumerable, which the breath ofte LORDE kyndleth, as it were a match of brymstone.

Isaiah 32:1

1 Beholde, the kinge shal gouerne after ye rule of rightuousnes, and ye princes shal rule acordinge to the balaunce of equite.

Isaiah 61:1

1 The sprete of the LORDE God is wt me, for ye LORDE hath anoynted me, & sent me, to preach good tydiges vnto the poore, yt I might bynde vp ye wounded hertes, yt I might preach delyueraunce to ye captyue, & open the preson to the that are bounde:

Jeremiah 5:28

28 herof are they fat and welthy, and are runne awaye fro me with shamefull blasphemies. They ministre not the lawe, they make no ende of the fatherlesses cause, they iudge not the poore acordinge to equite.

Jeremiah 23:5-6

5 Beholde, the tyme commeth (saieth the LORDE) that I wil rayse vp the rightuous braunch off Dauid, which shall beare rule, and discusse matters with wy?dome, and shall set vp equyte and rightuousnes agayne in the earth. 6 In his tyme shall Iuda be saued, and Israel shal dwell with out feare. And this is the name that they shall call him: euen the LORDE oure rightuous maker.

Jeremiah 33:15

15 In those daies and at the same tyme, I will bringe forth vnto Dauid, the braunch of rightuousnes, and he shall do equite and rightuousnesse in the londe.

Zephaniah 2:3

3 yee or the daye of the LORDES sore displeasure come vpon you. Seke the LORDE all yee meke harted vpon earth, ye that worke after his iudgmet: seke rightuousnesse, seke lowlynesse: that ye maye be defended in the wrothfull daye of ye LORDE.

Malachi 4:6

6 He shall turne the hertes of the fathers to their children and the hertes of the children to their fathers, that I come not, and smyte the earth with cursynge.

Matthew 5:5

5 Blessed are the meke: for they shall inheret the erth.

Matthew 11:5

5 The blynde se, and the lame go: the lepers are clensed, and ye deaf heare: the deed aryse ageyne, and the gospell is preached to the poore:

Acts 9:1

1 Saul was yet breathinge out threatnynges and slaughter agaynst the disciples of the LORDE. And wente vnto ye hye preste,

2 Corinthians 10:1

1 I Paul my selfe beseke you by the mekenesse and softnesse off Christ, which when I am present amonge you, am of small reputacion, but am bolde towarde you beynge absent.

Galatians 5:23

23 mekenesse, teperaunce, Agaynst soch is not ye lawe:

2 Thessalonians 2:8

8 And then shal that wicked be vttered, whom the LORDE shal cosume with ye sprete of his mouth, & shal destroye with the appearaunce of his commynge:

Titus 3:2

2 that they speake euell of no man, that they be no stryuers, but soft, shewynge all mekenes vnto all men.

James 3:13

13 So can no fountayne geue bothe salt water and fresshe also. If eny man be wyse and endued with learnynge amonge you, let him shewe the workes of his good couersacion in meknes that is coupled with wissdome.

Revelation 1:16

16 And he had in his right honde seue starres. And out of his mouth went a sharpe two edged swearde. And his face shone euen as the sonne in his strength.

Revelation 2:16

16 But be couerted, or elles I wil come vnto the shortly, and wil fight agaynste the with the swearde of my mouth.

Revelation 19:11

11 And I sawe heaue open, & beholde, a whyte horsse and he yt sat vpon him, was called faithfull and true, & in rightewesnes dyd iudge and make battayle.

Revelation 19:15

15 and out of his mouthe wente a sharppe swerde, that with it he shulde smyte the Heithen: And he shall rule them with a rodde of yron, and he trode the wynefatte of the fearcenesse and wrath of allmightye God.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.