Isaiah 10:23 Cross References - Coverdale

23 and therfore ye LORDE of hoostes shal perfectly fulfil the thinge, that he hath determyned in the myddest of the whole worlde.

Isaiah 14:26-27

26 This deuyce hath God taken thorow the whole worlde, and thu s is his honde stretched out ouer all people. 27 For yf the LORDE of hoostes determe a thinge, who wyl dysanulle it? And yf he stretch forth his honde, who wil holde it in agayne?

Isaiah 24:1-23

1 Beholde, ye LORDE shal waist and plage the worlde, he shal make the face of the earth desolate, & scatre abrode ye inhabitours therof. 2 Then shal the prest be as the people, the master as the seruaunt, the dame like the mayde, the seller like the byer, he that ledeth vpon vsury, like him yt boroweth vpo vsury, the creditoure, as the detter. 3 Yee miserably shal ye worlde be waysted & clene destroyed. For ye LORDE hath so determed in himself. 4 The earth shalbe heuye and decaye: The face of ye earth shal perish & fal awaye, the proude people of ye worlde shal come to naught, 5 For ye earth is corrupte of hir indwellers. For why they haue offended ye lawe, chaunged the ordinauces, and made the euerlastinge testamet of none effecte, 6 And therfore shal the curse deuoure the earth: for they yt dwel thero, haue synned. wherfore they shalbe brent also, and those that remayne, shalbe very few. 7 The swete wyne shal mourne, the grapes shalbe weake, and all yt haue bene mery in harte, shal sighe. 8 The myrth of tabrettes shalbe layde downe, the chere of the ioyful shal ceasse, and the pleasure of lutes shal haue an ende: 9 there shal no more wyne bedronke with myrth, the beer shal be bytter to the that drinke it, 10 the wicked cities shalbe broken downe, all houses shalbe shut, that no man maye come in. 11 In the stretes shal there be lift vp a crie because of wyne, all mens chere shal vanish awaye, and all ioye of the earth shal passe. 12 Desolacion shal remayne in the cities, and the gates shalbe smytten with waistnesse. 13 For it shal happen vnto all londes and to all people, like as when a ma smyteth downe ye olyues, yt are left vpon the tre: or seketh after grapes, when the wyne gatheringe is out. 14 And those same (that remayne) shal lift vp their voyce, and be glad, & shal magnifie the glory of the LORDE, euen from the see, 15 & prayse the name of the LORDE God of Israel, in the valeis and Ilodes. 16 We heare songes sunge to the prayse of the rightuous, fro al the endes of the worlde. Therfore I must speake: O my vnfrutfulnesse, o my pouerte, Wo is me, all is ful of synneres, which offende of purpose and malice. 17 And therfore, (o thou that dwellest vpon the earth) there is at hode for the, feare, pyt and snare. 18 Who so escapeth the terrible crie, shal fall in to the pyt. And yf he come out of the pyt, he shalbe take with the snare. For the wyndowes aboue shalbe opened, and the foundacion of the earth shal moue. 19 The earth shal geue a greate crack, it shal haue a sore ruyne, and take an horrible fall. 20 The earth shal stacker like a dronken man, and be take awaye like a tent. Hir misdedes shal lie so heuye vpo her, yt she must fall, and neuer rise vp agayne. 21 At the same tyme shal the LORDE mustre together the hie hooste aboue, and ye kynges of the worlde vpon the earth. 22 These shalbe coupled together as prisoners be, and shalbe shut in one warde and punished innumerable daies. 23 The Moone and the Sonne shalbe ashamed, when the LORDE of hoostes shal rule them at Ierusalem vpon the mount Sion, before and with his excellent councel.

Isaiah 28:22

22 And therfore make no mockes at it, that youre captiuyte increase not: for I haue herde the LORDE of hoostes saye, that there shal come a soden destruction and plage vpon the whole earth.

Daniel 4:35

35 in comparyson off whom, all they that dwell vpon the earth, are to be reputed as nothinge. He handleth acordinge to his will, amoge ye powers of heauen & amonge the inhabitours of the earth: and there is none that maye resiste his honde, or saye: what doest thou?

Romans 9:28

28 For there is the worde, that fynisheth and shorteneth in righteousnes: for a shorte worde shal God make vpon earth.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.