Hosea 2:13 Cross References - Coverdale

13 I will punysh her also for the dayes of Baal, wherin she censed him, deckynge him with hir earynges and cheynes: when she folowed hir louers, and forgat me, saieth the LORDE.

Exodus 32:34

34 Go thou yi waye therfore, and brynge ye people thither as I haue sayde vnto the, Beholde, myne angell shall go before the. But in the daye of my visitacion I wyll vyset their synnes vpon them.

Deuteronomy 6:12

12 then bewarre that thou forget not the LORDE, which brought the out of the londe of Egipte, fro the house of bondage:

Deuteronomy 8:11-14

11 Bewarre now therfore, that thou forget not the LORDE thy God, that thou woldest not kepe his commaundementes, and his ordinaunces, and lawes, which I commaunde the this daye: 12 that (whan thou hast eaten & art fylled, and hast buylded goodly houses, & dwellest therin, 13 and whan thy beestes and shepe, and syluer, and golde, and all yt thou hast, increaseth) 14 thine hert ryse not then, and thou forget the LORDE thy God (which brought the out of the londe of Egipte, fro ye house of bondage,

Deuteronomy 32:18

18 Thy rocke that begat ye, hast thou despysed: and hast forgotten God that made the.

Judges 2:11-13

11 Then wroughte the children of Israel euell before the LORDE, and serued Baalim, 12 and forsoke ye LORDE the God of their fathers (which broughte them out of the londe of Egipte) and folowed other goddes & the goddes of the nacions that dwelt rounde aboute them, & worshipped them, & displeased the LORDE: 13 for they forsoke ye LORDE euer more and more, and serued Baal and Astaroth.

Judges 3:7

7 and wroughte wickednes before the LORDE, & forgat the LORDE their God, & serued Baalim & Astaroth.

Judges 10:6

6 But the children of Israel wrought wickednes in the sighte of the LORDE, and serued Baalim and Astaroth, and the goddes of Siria, and the goddes of Sidon, and the goddes of Moab, and the goddes of ye children of Ammon, and the goddes of the Philistines, and forsoke ye LORDE, and serued him not.

1 Samuel 12:9

9 But whan they forgat the LORDE their God, he solde them vnder the power of Sissera, the captayne at Hazor and vnder the power of the Philistynes and vnder the power of the kinge of the Moabites, which foughte agaynst them.

1 Kings 16:31-32

31 And he thoughte it but a small matter to walke in the synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat: and toke Iesabel the doughter of Eth Baal kynge of Sidon to wife, and wente and serued Baal, and worshiped him. 32 And vnto Baal he set vp an altare in Baals house, which he buylded him in Samaria,

1 Kings 18:18-40

18 He sayde: I trouble not Israel, but it is thou and thy fathers house, because ye haue forsaken the commaundementes of the LORDE, and walke after Baal. 19 Go to, sende forth now, and gather me all Israel together vnto mount Carmell, and the foure hundreth and fiftye prophetes of Baal, and the foure hundreth prophetes of ye groue, which eate of Iesabels table. 20 So Achab sent vnto all the children of Israel, & gathered the prophetes together vnto mount Carmell. 21 Then stepte Elias vnto all the people, & sayde: How longe halte ye on both ye sydes? Yf the LORDE be God, the walke after him: but yf Baal be he, the folowe him. And the people gaue him no answere. 22 The sayde Elias vnto the people: I onely am lefte a prophet of ye LORDE: but Baals prophetes are foure C. and fiftie me. 23 Geue vs now two bullockes, & let them chose one bullocke, & hewe him in peces, & laye him vpo the wod, & put no fyre theron: so wil I take ye other bullock, & laye him vpo the wod, & put no fyre theron also: 24 call ye then vpo the name of yor god, & I wil call vpo the name of the LORDE: loke which God now answereth with fyre, let the same be God. And all the people answered & sayde: That is righte. 25 And Elias sayde vnto Baals prophetes: Chose ye one bullock, and do ye it first (for ye are many) and call ye vpon the name of youre god, & laye no fyre theron. 26 And they toke the bullock which he gaue them, & prepared it, & called vpon the name of Baal from the mornynge vntyll the noone daye, and sayde: O Baal heare vs. But there was nether voyce ner answere. And they hopped aboute the altare, as their vse was to do. 27 Now whan it was noone daye, Elias mocked them, and sayde: Crye loude. For he is a god, peradueture he is musynge, or hath somwhat to do, or is gone some iourneye, or happlye he slepeth, so that he wolde be waked vp. 28 And they cried loude, and prouoked the selues with knyues & botkens, (as their maner was) tyll ye bloude folowed. 29 But whan ye noone daye was past, they prophecied vntyll the tyme that the meatofferynge shulde be offered, & there was nether voyce ner answere, ner one to regarde them. 30 Then sayde Elias vnto all the people: Come hither all ye people vnto me. And whan all ye people came to him, he repayred ye altare of the LORDE yt was broken, 31 & toke twolue stones acordinge to the nombre of ye trybes of the childre of Iacob (vnto whom the worde of the LORDE spake, and sayde: Thy name shal be Israel) 32 and of ye stones he buylded an altare in the name of the LORDE, & made a pytt rounde aboute the altare, like two forowes in the corne londe, 33 & prepared the wod, & hewed ye bullock in peces, and layed him vpon the wod, & sayde: Fetch foure pitchers full of water, and poured it vpo the burntofferynge, and vpon the wod. 34 And he sayde: Do it yet once. And they dyd it once agayne. And he sayde: Do it ye thirde tyme. And they dyd it the thirde tyme. 35 And ye water ranne aboute the altare, and ye pytt was full of water also. 36 And whan the tyme was to offer ye meatofferynge, Elias stepte forth, and sayde: O LORDE God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Israel, let it be knowne this daye, that thou art God in Israel, and I thy seruaunt, and that I haue done all this acordinge vnto yi worde. 37 Heare me O LORDE, O heare me, yt this people maye knowe, how that thou art the LORDE God, that thou mayest afterwarde turne their hertes. 38 Then fell downe the fyre of the LORDE, and consumed the burntofferinge, the wodd, the stones and the earth, and licked vp the water that was in the pytt. 39 Whan all the people sawe that, they fell vpon their faces, and sayde: The LORDE is God, ye LORDE is God. 40 Elias sayde vnto them: Laye handes vpon Baals prophetes, yt none of them escape. And they toke them. And Elias broughte them downe vnto ye broke Cyson, & slewe the there.

2 Kings 1:2

2 And Ochosias fell thorow ye grate in his chaber at Samaria, and was deed sicke, and sent messaungers, and sayde vnto them: Go youre waye, and axe councell at Beelzebub the god of Ekron, whether I shall recouer from this sicknesse.

2 Kings 10:28

28 Thus Iehu destroyed Baal out of Israel.

2 Kings 21:3

3 and builded vp the hye places which his father Ezechias had destroyed, and sett vp Baals altares, and made groues (as Achab the kynge of Israel dyd) and worshipped all the hoost of heauen, and serued them.

Job 8:13

13 Euen so goeth it with all them, that forget God: and euen thus also shal the ypocrytes hope come to naught.

Psalms 78:11

11 They kepte not the couenaut of God, & wolde not walke in his lawe.

Psalms 106:13

13 But within a whyle they forgat his workes, & wolde not abyde his councell.

Psalms 106:21

21 They forgat God their Sauior, which had done so greate thinges in Egipte.

Isaiah 17:10

10 So shalt thou (o Damascus) be desolate, because thou hast forgotte God yi Sauioure, & hast not called to remebraunce ye rock of thi stregth, Wherfore thou hast also set a fayre plate, & grafted a straunge braunch.

Jeremiah 2:23-25

23 Saye not now: I am not vnclene, and I haue not folowed the goddes. Loke vpo thyne owne waies in the woddes, valleis & dennes: so shalt thou knowe, what thou hast done. Thou art like a swift Dromedary, that goeth easely his waye: 24 and thy wantonnes is like a wilde Asse, that vseth the wildernesse, and that snoffeth and bloweth at his wil. Who can tame the? All they that seke the, shal not fayle, but fynde the in thyne owne vnclennes. 25 Thou kepest thy fote from nakednes, and thy throte from thurste, and thinkest thus in thy self: tush, I wil take no sorowe, I wil loue the straunge goddes, & hange vpon them.

Jeremiah 2:32

32 Doth a mayden forget hir raymet, or a bryde hir stomacher? And doth my people forget me so loge?

Jeremiah 7:9

9 For when ye haue stolle, murthured, committed aduoutrie, and periury: Whe ye haue offred vnto Baal, folowinge straunge & vnknowne goddes:

Jeremiah 11:13

13 For as many cities as thou hast (o Iuda) so many goddes hast thou also: And loke how many stretes there be in the (o Ierusalem) so many shameful aulters haue ye set vp, to offre vpon them vnto Baal.

Jeremiah 18:15

15 But my people hath so forgotten me, yt they haue made sacrifice vnto vayne goddes. And whyle they folowed their owne wayes they are come out of the hie strete, and gone in to a fote waye not vsed to be troden.

Jeremiah 23:2

2 Wherfore, this is the comaundemet of the LORDE God of Israel, vnto the shepherdes that fede my people: Ye scatre ad thrust out my flocke, and loke not vpon them. Therfore, now will I vyset the wickednes of youre ymaginacions, saieth ye LORDE:

Ezekiel 16:17

17 The goodly ornametes & Iewels which I gaue the of myne owne golde and syluer, hast thou take, & made the mes ymages therof, and committed whordome withall.

Ezekiel 22:12

12 Yee giftes haue bene receaued in the, to shed bloude. Thou hast taken vsury & encreace, thou hast oppressed thy neghbours by extorcion, and forgotten me, saieth the LORDE God.

Ezekiel 23:35

35 Therfore thus saieth ye LORDE God: For so moch as thou hast forgotte me, & cast me asyde, so beare now thine owne fylthinesse & whordome.

Ezekiel 23:40-42

40 Besyde all this, thou hast sent yi messaungers for men out of farre coutrees: and whe they came, thou hast bathed, trymmed and set forth thy selff off the best fashion: 41 thou sattest vpo a goodly bed, & a table spred before the: whervpon thou hast set myne incense and myne oyle. 42 Then was there greate cheare wt her, & the men yt were sent fro farre coutrees ouer the deserte: vnto these they gaue bracelettes vpon their hondes, & set glorious crownes vpon their heades.

Hosea 2:5

5 Their mother hath broken hir wedlocke, and she that bare them, is come to cofucion. For she sayde: I wil go after my louers, that geue me my water and my bred, my woll & my flax, my oyle and my drynke.

Hosea 2:7

7 and though she runne after hir louers, yet shall she not get them: she shal seke them, but not fynde them. Then shal she saye: well, I will go turne agayne to my first hu?bonde, for at yt tyme was I better at ease, then now:

Hosea 4:6

6 my people perish, because they haue no knowlege. Seinge then that thou hast refused vnderstondinge, therfore wil I refuse ye also: so that thou shalt nomore be my prest. And for so moch as thou hast forgotten the lawe of thy God, I wil also forget thy childre.

Hosea 4:13

13 They make sacrifice vpon the hie mountaynes, & burne their incense vpon the hilles, yee amonge the okes, groues & bu?shes, for there are good shadowes. Therfore yor doughters are become harlottes, and youre spouses haue broke their wedlocke

Hosea 8:14

14 they haue forgotten him that made them, they buylde churches, and Iuda maketh many stronge cities: therfore wil I sende a fyre in to their cities, and it shal consume their places.

Hosea 9:7

7 Be ye sure (O Israel) the tyme of visitacion is come, the dayes of recompencinge are at honde. As for the prophet, ye holde him for a foole: and him that is rich in the sprete, for a mad man: so greate is youre wickednes and malice.

Hosea 9:9-10

9 They be gone to farre, & haue destroied the selues, like as they dyd afore tyme at Gabaa. Therfore their wickednes shal be remebred, and their synnes punyshed. 10 I fande Israel like grapes in the wildernes, & sawe their fathers as the first fyges in ye toppe of ye fyge tre. But they are gone to Baal Peor, & runne awaie fro me to yt shamefull Idoll, & are become as abhominable as their louers

Hosea 11:2

2 But ye more they were called, the more they wente backe: offerynge vnto Idols, and censynge ymages.

Hosea 13:1

1 The abhominacion of Ephraim is come also in to Israel. He is gone backe to Baal, therfore must he dye.

Hosea 13:6

6 But when they were wel fedde and had ynough, they waxed proude, and forgat me.

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