Genesis 49:28 Cross References - Coverdale

28 All these are the twolue trybes of Israel: and this is it that their father spake vnto them, whan he blessed them, euery one with a sundrye blessynge.

Genesis 35:22

22 And it chaunsed, that when Israel dwelt in that londe, Ruben wente and laye with Bilha his fathers concubyne, and that came to Israels eares. And Iacob had twolue sonnes.

Exodus 28:21

21 and shal stonde acordinge to ye twolue names of the children of Israel, grauen of the stonegrauers, euery one with his name acordinge to the twolue trybes.

Numbers 23:24

24 Beholde, the people shall ryse vp as a Lyonesse, & heue vp him self as a Lyon. He shal not lye downe, tyll he eate of the pray, and drynke the bloude of the slayne.

1 Kings 18:31

31 & toke twolue stones acordinge to the nombre of ye trybes of the childre of Iacob (vnto whom the worde of the LORDE spake, and sayde: Thy name shal be Israel)

Esther 8:7

7 Then sayde ye kynge Ahasuerus vnto quene Hester, and to Mardocheus the Iewe: Beholde, I haue geuen Hester the house of Aman, & him haue they hanged vpon a tre, because he layed hade vpon ye Iewes.

Esther 8:9

9 Then were the kynges scrybes called at the same tyme in the thirde moneth, that is the moneth Siuan, on the thre & twentieth daie. And it was wrytten (as Mardocheus comaunded) vnto the Iewes and to the prynces, to the Debities and captaynes in the londes from India vntyll Ethiopia, namely, an hundreth and seuen and twentye londes, vnto euery one acordinge to the wrytinge therof, vnto euery people after their speche, and to the Iewes acordinge to their wrytinge and language.

Esther 8:11

11 wher in the kynge graunted the Iewes (in what cities so euer they were) to gather them selues together, and to stonde for their lyfe, and for to rote out, to slaye, and to destroye all the power of the people and londe that wolde trouble them, with children and wemen, and to spoyle their good

Esther 9:1-10

1 In the twolueth moneth, that is the moneth Adar, vpon the thyrtenth daye, which the kinges worde and comaundement had appoynted, that it shulde be done, eue vpon ye same daie yt the enemies shulde haue destroyed the Iewes to haue oppressed them, it turned contrary wise, euen yt the Iewes shulde subdue their enemies. 2 Then gathered the Iewes together in their cities within all ye londes of kynge Ahasuerus, to laye honde on soch as wolde do the euell, & no man coulde withstonde them: for ye feare of the was come ouer all people. 3 And all the rulers in the londes, and prynces and Debities, and officers of the kinge promoted the Iewes: for the feare of Mardocheus came vpo the. 4 For Mardocheus was greate in the kynges house, & the reporte of him was noised in all lodes, how he increased & grewe. 5 Thus the Iewes smote all their enemies with a sore slaughter, and slewe and destroyed, & dyd after their wyll vnto soch as were their aduersaries. 6 And at ye castell of Susan slewe the Iewes and destroied fyue hudreth men: 7 & slewe Parsandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, 8 Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha, 9 Parmastha Arissai, Aridai, Vaiesatha, 10 the ten sonnes of Aman ye sonne of Amadathi ye enemie of the Iewes: but on his goodes they layed no handes.

Ezekiel 39:8-10

8 Beholde, it commeth, and shalbe fulfilled in dede, saieth the LORDE God. This is the daye, wherof I haue spoken: 9 They that dwell in ye cities of Israel, shal go forth and set fyre vpon the weapens, and burne them: shyldes and speres, bowes and arowes, bylles and clubbes: seuen yeares 10 shall they be burnynge therof, so that they shall els bringe no stickes from ye felde, nether haue nede to hew downe eny out of the wodde: For they shall haue weapens ynew to burne. They shal robbe those that robbed them, and spoyle those that spoyled them, saieth ye LORDE God.

Zechariah 14:1-7

1 Beholde, the daye of the LORDE cometh, that thou shalt be spoyled and robbed: 2 for I wil gather together all the Heithen, to fight agaynst Ierusalem: so that the cite shalbe wonne, the houses spoyled, and the women defyled. The half of the cite shal go awaye in to captiuyte, and the residue of the people shal not be caried out of the cite. 3 After that shall the LORDE go forth to fight agaynst those Heithen, as men vse to fight in the daye of batell. 4 The shall his fete stode vpo the mount oliuete, that lieth vpon the east syde of Ierusale. And ye mount olyuete shal cleue in two, eastwarde, & westwarde so yt there shal be a greate valley: & the halff mount shal remoue towarde the north, and the other half towarde the south. 5 And ye shall fle vnto the valley of my hilles, for the valley off the hylles shal reach vnto Asal. Yee fle shall ye. like as ye fled for the earthquake in the dayes off Osias kynge of Iuda. And the LORDE my God shal come, and all sanctes with him. 6 In that daye shal it not be light, but colde and frost. 7 This shalbe that specyall daye, which is knowne vnto the LORDE: nether daye ner night, but aboute the euenynge tyme it shalbe light.

Acts 26:7

7 vnto the which (promes) oure twolue trybes hope to come, seruynge God instatly daye and nighte. For the which hopes sake (O kynge Agrippa) I am accused of the Iewes.

James 1:1

1 Iames the seruaunt of God and of the LORDE Iesus Christ, sendeth gretinge to the xij. trybes which are scatered here & there.

Revelation 7:4

4 And I herde the nombre of them which were sealed, and there were sealed an c. and xliiij. M. of all the trybes of the children of Israell.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.