Genesis 35:2 Cross References - Coverdale

2 Then sayde Iacob vnto his housholde and to all yt were with him: Put awaye from you ye straunge goddes, that are amonge you, and clense youre selues, and chaunge youre clothes,

Genesis 18:19

19 For I knewe him that he wil comaunde his children and his housholde after him, to kepe the waye of ye LORDE, and to do after right and conscience, that the LORDE maye bringe vpo Abraham what he hath promised him.

Genesis 31:19

19 Laba was gone to clyppe his flocke, and Rachel stale hir fathers ymages.

Genesis 31:34

34 Then toke Rachel the ymages, and layed them vnder the Camels strawe, and sat downe vpon them. But Laban searched the whole tent, and founde nothinge.

Genesis 34:2

2 Whan Sichem the sonne of Hemor the Heuite (which was lorde of the lode) sawe her, he toke her, and laye with her, and forced her,

Genesis 34:24-25

24 And they herkened vnto Hemor and Sichem his sonne, as many as wente out and in at ye gate of his cite, and circumcided all the males, that wente out and in at his cite. 25 And vpon the thirde daye (whan it was panefull to them) the two sonnes of Iacob Simeon and Leui Dinas brethren, toke euery man his swerde, and wente boldly in to the cite, and slew all the males,

Genesis 35:22

22 And it chaunsed, that when Israel dwelt in that londe, Ruben wente and laye with Bilha his fathers concubyne, and that came to Israels eares. And Iacob had twolue sonnes.

Exodus 19:10

10 The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Go vnto the people, and sanctifie the to daye and tomorow, yt they maye wash their clothes,

Exodus 19:14

14 Moses wente downe from the mount vnto the people, and sanctified them. And they wasshed their clothes.

Exodus 20:3-4

3 Thou shalt haue none other Goddes in my sight. 4 Thou shalt make the no grauen ymage ner eny symilitude, nether of it that is aboue in heauen, ner of it that is beneth vpon earth, ner of it that is in the water vnder the earth.

Exodus 23:13

13 All that I haue sayde vnto you, that kepe. And as for the names of other goddes, ye shall not remembre them, and out of youre mouthes shal they not be herde.

Leviticus 15:5

5 And he that toucheth his bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe him self with water, and be vncleane vntyll the euen.

Leviticus 17:16

16 But yf he wash not his clothes, nor bathe him self, then shal he beare his synne.

Numbers 31:24

24 and shal washe yor clothes vpon the seuenth daye. and the shall ye be cleane. After that shall ye come in to the hooste.

Deuteronomy 5:7

7 Thou shalt haue none other goddes in my sighte.

Deuteronomy 6:14

14 And ye shal not folowe the other goddes of the nacions which are aboute you

Deuteronomy 7:25

25 The ymages of their goddes shalt thou burne with fyre, & shalt not desyre the syluer or golde that is on them or to take it vnto the, that thou snare not thy self therin: for it is abhominacion vnto the LORDE yi God.

Deuteronomy 11:28

28 The curse, yf ye wyl not be obedient to the commaundementes of the LORDE youre God, but turne out of the waye, which I comaunde you this daye, so that ye walke after other goddes, whom ye knowe not.

Deuteronomy 32:16

16 He hath prouoked him to indignacion, thorow straunge goddes, and thorow abhominacion hath he angred him.

Joshua 23:7

7 that ye come not amonge ye remnaunt of these nacios, which are with you: And se that ye make no mencion ner sweare by the names of their goddes, nether serue them, ner bowe youre selues vnto them:

Joshua 24:2

2 he sayde vnto all the people: Thus sayeth the LORDE the God of Israel: Yor fathers dwelt afore time beyode ye water, Abraha & Nahor wt Tarah their father & serued other goddes.

Joshua 24:15

15 But yf ye like not to serue the LORDE, the chose you this daye whom ye wyll serue: the God whom youre fathers serued beionde ye water, or ye goddes of the Amorites, in whose lode ye dwell. As for me and my house, we wyll serue the LORDE.

Joshua 24:20

20 But yf ye forsake the LORDE, and serue a straunge god, then shall the LORDE turne him, and do you euell, and consume you, after that he hath done you good.

Joshua 24:23

23 Then put awaye from you (sayde he) the straunge goddes yt are amonge you, and enclyne youre hert vnto the LORDE the God of Israel.

Judges 10:16

16 And they put the straunge goddes fro them, and serued the LORDE, And his soule had pytie on the mysery of Israel.

Ruth 1:15

15 Neuertheles she sayde: Beholde, thy syster in lawe is turned backe vnto hir people and to hir god, turne thou againe also after thy sister in lawe.

1 Samuel 7:3

3 But Samuel sayde vnto all the house of Israel: Yf ye turne you withall youre hert vnto the LORDE, then put awaye from you the straunge goddes and Astaroth, and directe youre hert vnto the LORDE and serue him onely, so shall he delyuer you out of the hande of the Philistynes.

2 Samuel 7:23

23 For where is there a people vpon earth as thy people of Israel? For whose sake God wente to delyuer him a people, and to make him selfe a name, and to do them soch greate and terrible thinges in thy lode before yt people, whom thou hast delyuered vnto thy selfe fro Egipte, from the people, and from their goddes.

2 Kings 5:10

10 Then sent Eliseus a messaunger vnto him, sayenge: Go thy waye, and wa?she the seuen tymes in Iordane, so shal thy flesh be restored the agayne, & be clensed.

2 Kings 5:12-13

12 Are not ye waters of Amana and Pharphar at Damascon better then all the waters in Israel, yt I might wa?she me therin & be clesed? and he turned him, and wete his waye in displeasure. 13 Then his seruauntes gat the to him, and sayde: Father, yf the prophet had comaunded the eny greate thinge, shuldest thou not haue done it? moch more the yf he saye vnto the: Wasshe the, & thou shalt be cleane.

2 Kings 17:29

29 But euery people made the goddes, & put the in the houses vpon ye hye places, which the Samaritanes had made, euery people i their cities wherin they dwelt.

1 Chronicles 16:26

26 As for all the goddes of the Heythe, they are but Idols: but it is the LORDE that made the heauens.

Job 1:5

5 So when they had passed ouer the tyme of their banckettinge rounde aboute, Iob sent for them, and clensed them agayne, stode vp early, and offred for euery one a bretofferinge. For Iob thought thus: peraduenture my sonnes haue done some offence, and haue bene vnthankfull to God in their hertes. And thus dyd Iob euery daye.

Psalms 51:2

2 Wash me well fro my wickednesse, & clense me fro my synne.

Psalms 51:7

7 O reconcile me with Isope, and I shal be clene: wash thou me, and I shalbe whyter then snowe.

Psalms 101:2-7

2 O let me haue vnderstondinge in the waye of godlynesse, vntill the tyme that thou come vnto me: & so shal I walke in my house wt an innocent herte. 3 I wil take no wicked thinge in honde, I hate the synne of vnfaithfulnesse, it shal not cleue vnto me. 4 A frowarde herte shal departe fro me, I wil not knowe a wicked personne. 5 Who so preuely slaundreth his neghboure, him wil I destroye: Who so hath a proude loke & an hye stomacke, I maye not awaye with him. 6 Myne eyes shal loke for soch as be faithfull in the londe, yt they maye dwell with me: and who so ledeth a godly life, shalbe my seruaunt. 7 There shall no disceatfull personne dwell in my house, he that telleth lyes shal not tary in my sight.

Ecclesiastes 5:1

1 Whan thou commest in to the house of God, kepe thy fote, and drawe nye, that thou mayest heare: that is better then the offeringes of fooles, for they knowe not what euell they do.

Isaiah 1:16

16 Wash you, make you clene, put awaye yor euell thoughtes out of my sight, cease from doinge of euell and violence.

Isaiah 52:11

11 Awaye, Awaye, get you out fro thence, & touch no vncleane thinge. Go out from amonge soch, And be cleane, ye that beare the vessell of the LORDE.

Jeremiah 5:7

7 Shulde I then for all this haue mercy vpon the? Thy children haue forsaken me, and sworne by them that are no goddes. And albeit they were bounde to me in mariage, yet they fell to aduoutrie, and haunted harlottes houses.

Jeremiah 13:27

27 yi aduoutrie, thy deedly malice, thy beastlynes and thy shamefull whordome. For vpon the feldes and hilles I haue sene thy abhominacions. Wo be vnto the (o Ierusale) whe wilt thou euer be clensed enymore?

Jeremiah 16:20

20 How can a man make those his goddes, which are not able to be goddes?

Ezekiel 18:31

31 Cast awaye fro you all youre vngodlynesse, that ye haue done: make you new hertes and a new sprete. Wherfore wil ye dye, O ye house of Israel?

Ezekiel 20:7

7 Then sayde I vnto them: Cast awaye euery man the abhominacions that he hath before him, and defyle not youre selues with the Idols of Egipte, for I am the LORDE youre God.

Ezekiel 36:25

25 Then will I poure cleare water vpon you, & ye shalbe clene: Yee from all youre vnclennesse and from all yor Idols shal I clense you.

Daniel 5:4

4 They dronke wyne, and praysed their Idols of golde, syluer, copper, yron, wodde and stone.

John 13:10-11

10 Iesus sayde vnto him: He that is wasshe, nedeth not, saue to washe ye fete, but is cleane euery whytt. And ye are cleane but not all. 11 For he knewe his betrayer, therfore sayde he: ye are not all cleane.

Acts 19:26

26 and ye se and heare, that not onely at Ephesus, but almost also thorow out all Asia, this Paul turneth awaye moch people with his persuadynge, and sayeth: They be not goddes that are made with hondes.

1 Corinthians 10:7

7 Nether be ye worshippers off ymages, as were some of them. Acordinge as it is wrytte: The people sat downe to eate and drynke, and rose vp to playe.

2 Corinthians 6:15-17

15 How agreeth Christ with Belial? Or what parte hath the beleuer with the infydele? 16 How acordeth ye teple of God with ymages? Ye are the temple of the lyuynge God, as sayeth God: I wyl dwell in them, and walke in them, and wyl be their God, & they shalbe my people. 17 Wherfore come out from amoge them, and separate youre selues (sayeth the LORDE) and touche no vncleane thinge, so wyl I receaue you,

2 Corinthians 7:1

1 Seynge now that we haue soch promyses (dearly beloued) let vs clense oureselues from all fylthynes of the flesh and sprete, and growe vp to full holynes in ye feare of God.

Galatians 4:8

8 Notwithstondinge whan ye knewe not God, ye dyd seruyce vnto them, which by nature are no Goddes.

Hebrews 10:22

22 let vs drawe nye with a true hert in a full faith, sprenkled in oure hertes from an euell conscience, and washed in oure bodies with pure water:

James 4:8

8 Drawe nye to God & he wil drawe nye to you. Clense yor hondes ye synners, and pourge youre hertes ye wauerynge mynded.

1 Peter 2:1-2

1 Wherfore laye asyde all maliciousnes and all gyle, and ypocrisye, and envye, and all bacbytinge, 2 & as new borne babes desyre that reasonable mylke, which is without corrupcion, that ye maye growe therin,

Jude 1:23

23 and other saue with feare, pullinge them out of the fyre, and hate the fylthy vesture of the fleshe.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.