Genesis 27:41 Cross References - Coverdale

41 And Esau bare euell wyll vnto Iacob, because of the blessynge that his father had blessed him withall, and sayde in his herte: The tyme wyll come shortly, that my father shal mourne, for I wil slaye my brother Iacob.

Genesis 4:2-8

2 And she proceaded forth, & bare his brother Abell. And Abell became a shepherde, but Cain became an husbande man. 3 And it fortuned after certaine daies, that Cain brought of the frute of the earth, an offrynge vnto ye LORDE. 4 And Abell brought also of the firstlinges of his shepe, and of ye fat of them. And the LORDE had respecte vnto Abell and to his offerynge: 5 but vnto Cain and his offerynge he loked not. Then was Cain exceadinge wroth, and his countenaunce chaunged. 6 And the LORDE sayde vnto Cain: Why art thou angrie? and why doth thy countenaunce chaunge? Is it not so? that yf thou do well, thou shalt receaue it: 7 but and yf thou do euell, thy synne lyeth open in the dore? Shal he then be subdued vnto the? and wilt thou rule him? 8 And Cain talked with Abell his brother. And it happened, that whan they were in the felde, Cain arose agaynst Abell his brother, and slew him.

Genesis 32:6

6 The messaungers came agayne vnto Iacob, and sayde: We came vnto thy brother Esau, & he commeth forth also agaynst the with foure hundreth men.

Genesis 32:11

11 delyuer me from ye hande of my brother, fro the hade of Esau, for I am afrayed of him, lest he come and smyte me the mother with the children.

Genesis 35:29

29 & fell sicke, and dyed, & was gathered vnto his people, whan he was olde, & had lyued ynough: and his sonnes Esau & Iacob buried him.

Genesis 37:4

4 Now wha his brethre sawe, yt his father loued him more the all his brethre, they had euell wyll at him, & coude not speake a fredly worde vnto hi.

Genesis 37:8

8 Then sayde his brethre vnto him: Shalt thou be or kinge, and haue domynio ouer vs? And they hated him yet ye more, because of his dreame, & his wordes.

Genesis 50:3-4

3 tyll fourtye dayes were ended (for so longe endured the dayes of embawminge) & the Egipcians bewayled him seuentye dayes. 4 Now whan the mournynge dayes were ended, Ioseph spake vnto Pharaos housholde, & sayde: Yf I haue founde fauor in youre sight, the speake vnto Pharao and saie:

Genesis 50:10-11

10 Now whan these came to the playne of Atad yt lyeth beyonde Iordane, they made there a very greate and bytter lamentacion, & he mourned for his father seue dayes. 11 And wha the people in the lande (the Cananites) sawe the mournynge in the playne of Atad, they sayde: The Egipcias make there greate lametacion. Therfore is the place called: The lamentacion of the Egipcians, which lyeth beyonde Iordane.

Deuteronomy 34:8

8 And the children of Israel weped for Moses in ye felde of the Moabites thirtie daies, and the dayes of the wepynge and mournynge for Moses were fulfilled.

2 Samuel 13:28-29

28 But Absalom commaunded his yongemen, and sayde: Take hede whan Ammon is mery with wyne (and I saye vnto you: Smyte Ammon, and slaye him) that ye be not afrayed: for I haue commaunded you, be stronge, and playe the men. 29 So Absaloms yonge men dyd vnto Ammon, as Absalom had commaunded them. Then stode all the kynges children vp, and euery one gat him vp vpo his Mule, and fled.

2 Chronicles 35:24

24 And his seruautes toke him from the charet, and caried him vpon his seconde charet, and broughte him to Ierusalem. And he dyed, and was buried amonge the sepulcres off his fathers. And All Iuda and Ierusalem mourned for Iosias,

Psalms 35:14

14 I behaued myself as though it had bene my frende or my brother, I wete heuely, as one yt mourneth for his mother.

Psalms 37:12-13

12 The vngodly layeth wayte for the iust, & gna?sheth vpon him wt his tethe. 13 But ye LORDE laugheth him to scorne, for he seith yt his daye is cominge.

Psalms 37:16

16 A small thinge yt the rightuous hath, is better then greate riches of the vngodly.

Psalms 140:4-5

4 Sela. Kepe me (o LORDE) from the hande of the vngodly, preserue me from the wicked men, which are purposed to ouerthrowe my goinges. 5 The proude haue layed a snare for me, & spred a nett abrode with coardes, yee & sett trappes in my waye.

Psalms 142:3

3 I loke vpon my right honde & se, there is no man that wil knowe me. I haue no place to fle vnto, no man careth for my soule.

Proverbs 1:12-13

12 let us swalowe the vp like ye hell, let us deuoure the quycke and whole, as those that go downe in to the pytt. 13 So shal we fynde all maner of costly riches, and fyll oure houses wyth spoyles.

Proverbs 1:16

16 For their fete rune to euell, & are haistie to shed bloude.

Proverbs 6:14

14 he is euer ymageninge myschefe & frowardnesse in his hert, & causeth discorde.

Ecclesiastes 7:9

9 Be not haistely angrie in yi mynde, for wrath resteth in the bosome of a foole.

Ezekiel 25:12-15

12 Morouer, thus sayeth the LORDE God: Because that Edom hath avenged & eased himself vpon the house off Iuda, 13 therfore thus saieth the LORDE: I will reach out myne honde vpon Edom, and take awaye man and beest out off it. From Thema vnto Dedan wil I make it desolate, they shalbe slayne with the swearde. 14 Thorow my people of Israel, wil I avenge me agayne vpo Edo: they shal hadle him, acordinge to my wrath and indignacio, so that they shal knowe my vengeaunce, saieth the LORDE God. 15 Thus saieth ye LORDE God: For so moch as the Philistynes haue done this: namely, taken vengeaunce with despitefull stomackes, and off an olde euell will set them selues to destroye:

Ezekiel 35:5

5 For so moch as thou bearest an olde enemyte agaynst the children of Israel, & with a cruel honde hast made them afrayed, what tyme as they were troubled & punyshed for their synne:

Amos 1:11-12

11 Thus sayeth the LORDE: For thre and foure wickednesses of Edom I wil not spare him, because he persecuted his brother with the swerde, destroyed his mothers wombe, bare hatred very longe, and so kepte indignacion allwaye by him. 12 Therfore will I sende a fyre in to Thema, which shal deuoure the pallaces of Bosra.

Obadiah 1:10-14

10 Shame shal come vpon the, for ye malice that thou shewedest to thy brother Iacob: yee for euermore shalt thou perish, 11 & that because of the tyme, when thou didest set thyself agaynst him, euen when the enemies caried awaye his hoost, and when the aleauntes came in at his portes, and cast lottes vpon Ierusalem, and thou thyself wast as one of them. 12 Thou shalt nomore se the daye of thy brother, thou shalt nomore beholde the tyme of his captiuyte: thou shalt nomore reioyse ouer the children of Iuda, in the daye of their destruccion, thou shalt tryumphe nomore in the tyme of their trouble. 13 Thou shalt nomore come in at the gates off my people, in the tyme of their decaye: thou shalt not se their mysery in the daye of their fall. Thou shalt sende out no man agaynst their hoost, in the daye of their aduersite: 14 nether shalt thou stode waytinge enymore at ye corners of the stretes, to murthur soch as are fled, or to take them presoners, that remayne in the daye of their trouble.

Ephesians 4:26-27

26 Be angrie, but synne not. Let not ye Sonne go downe vpo youre wrath: 27 nether geue place to the bacbyter.

Titus 1:15-16

15 Vnto ye cleane are all thinges cleane: but. to the vncleane & vnbeleuers, there is nothinge cleane, but both their mynde & conscience is defyled. 16 They saye that they knowe God, but with the dedes they denye him: for so moch as they are abhominable and dishobedient, and vnmete to all good workes.

Titus 3:3

3 For we oure selues also were in tymes past, vnwyse, dishobedient, in erroure, seruynge lustes and dyuerse maners of voluptuousnes, lyuynge in maliciousnes and envye, full of hate, hatynge one another.

1 John 3:12-15

12 not as Cain, which was of the wicked, and slewe his brother. And wherfore slewe he him? euen because his awne workes were euell, and his brothers righteous. 13 Maruayle not (my brethren) though the worlde hate you. 14 We knowe yt we are traslated from death vnto life, because we loue the brethren. He that loueth not his brother, abydeth in death. 15 Who soeuer hateth his brother, is a mansleyer. And ye knowe that a mansleyer hath not eternall life abydinge in him.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.