Ezra 3:7 Cross References - Coverdale

7 Neuertheles they gaue money vnto ye masons and carpenters, and meate and drynke and oyle vnto them of Zidon and of Tyre, to brynge the Cedre tymbre from Libanus by See vnto Ioppa, acordinge to the comaundement of Cyrus the kynge of Persia.

1 Kings 5:6

6 Commaunde therfore that they hewe me downe Ceders out of Libanus, and that thy seruauntes be with my seruauntes, & the rewarde of thy seruauntes wyll I geue the, what so euer thou shalt axe: for thou knowest, yt with vs there is no ma which can hewe tymber as the Sidonians.

1 Kings 5:9-11

9 My seruautes shall brynge them downe from Libanus vnto ye See, and I wyl make them to flote vpo the See, vnto the place which thou shalt shewe me, and there wyl I cause them to aryue, & thou shalt make the to be fetched. But thou shalt fulfyll my desyre also, and geue fode vnto my housholde folkes. 10 So Hira gaue Salomon Ceders and Pyne trees acordinge to all his desyre. 11 But Salomon gaue Hiram twentye thousande quarters of wheate to eate for his housholde, and twetye quarters of beaten oyle. This gaue Salomon yearly vnto Hiram.

2 Kings 12:11-12

11 And so the ready money was geuen vnto them that wrought and were appoynted to the house of the LORDE, and they gaue it forth to the carpenters and to the that buylded and wroughte in the house of the LORDE, 12 namely, to the dawbers and masons, and to them that boughte tymber and fre stone, to repayre the decaye in the house of the LORDE and all that they founde to haue nede of repayringe in the house.

2 Kings 22:5-6

5 maye be delyuered vnto them, that they maye geue it to the workmen which are appoynted in the house of the LORDE, & to geue it vnto the labourers in the house (yt they maye repayre the decaye of the house) namely, 6 vnto the carpenters, and buylders, & masons, and to them yt bie timber & fre stone for the repairinge of the house:

2 Chronicles 2:10-16

10 And beholde, I wyl geue vnto the carpenters thy seruauntes which hewe the tymber, twetye thousande quarters, of beaten wheate, and twentye thousande quarters of barlye, and twentye thousande Batthes of wyne, and twentye thousande Batthes of oyle. 11 Then sayde Hiram the kynge of Tyre by wrytinge, and sent it vnto Salomon: Because the LORDE loueth his people, therfore hath he made ye to be kynge ouer them. 12 And Hiram sayde morouer: Praysed be ye LORDE God of Israel, which made heauen earth, that he hath geue kynge Dauid a wyse and prudent sonne, and soch one as hath vnderstondinge to buylde an house vnto the LORDE, & an house for his realme. 13 Therfore sende I now a wyse man that hath vnderstondynge, euen Hiram Abi 14 (which is the sonne of a woman of the doughters of Dan, and his father was of Tyre) which can worke in golde, syluer, brasse, yron, stone, tymber, scarlet, yalowe sylke, lynnen, purple and to carue all maner of thinges, and to make what conynge thinge so euer is geuen him, with thy wyse men, and with the wyse men of my lorde kynge Dauid yi father. 15 And now let my lorde sende the wheate, barlye, oyle and wyne vnto his seruautes, acordinge as he hath sayde, 16 and so wyll we hewe ye tymber vpon Libanus, as moch as thou nedest, and wyll brynge it by flotes in the See vnto Iapho, from whence thou mayest brynge it vp to Ierusalem.

2 Chronicles 24:12-13

12 And ye kinge & Ioiada gaue it vnto ye workmasters of ye house of the LORDE, and they hired masons & carpenters to repayre the house of ye LORDE, and men that coulde worke in yron and brasse, to repayre the house of ye LORDE. 13 And the labourers wrought, so that ye repairinge in ye worke wente forwarde thorow their hande, and they set the house of God in his bewtye, and made it stronge.

Ezra 1:2-4

2 Thus sayeth Cyrus the kynge of Persia: The LORDE God of heaue hath geuen me all the kyngdomes in the londe and hath commaunded me to buylde him an house at Ierusalem in Iuda. 3 Who soeuer now amonge you is of his people, the LORDE his God be with him, and let him go vp to Ierusalem in Iuda, and buylde the house of the LORDE God of Israel. He is ye God that is at Ierusale. 4 And who so euer remayneth yet in eny maner of place (where he is a straunger) let the me of his place helpe him with syluer and golde, with good and catell of a good frewill, for the house of God at Ierusalem.

Ezra 6:3-5

3 In the first yeare of kynge Cyrus, comaunded the same kynge Cyrus to buylde ye house of God at Ierusalem, in the place where the sacrifice is made, & to laye the foundacion to beare thre score cubites heyght, & thre score cubites bredth, 4 & thre walles of all maner of stones, and one wall of tymber, & the expences shalbe geuen of the kynges house. 5 And the golde and syluer vessell of ye house of God (which Nabuchodonosor toke out of the temple at Ierusalem, and broughte vnto Babilon) shalbe restored agayne, yt they maye be broughte vnto the temple at Ierusale to their place in to the house of God.

Ezekiel 27:17

17 Iuda and the londe off Israel occupide with the, and brought vnto thy markettes, wheate, balme, hony, oyle, & triacle.

Jonah 1:3

3 And Ionas made him ready to fle vnto Tharsis from the presence of the LORDE, and gat him downe to Ioppa: where he founde a shippe ready for to go vnto Tharsis. So he payde his fare, and wente aborde, that he might go with them vnto Tharsis from the presence of the LORDE.

Acts 9:36

36 At Ioppa there was a certayne woman that was a disciple, named Tabitha, which by interpretacion is called Dorcas: ye same was full of good workes and almesse dedes, which she dyd.

Acts 10:5-6

5 And now sende men vnto Ioppa, & call for Simo, whose syrname is Peter, 6 which is at lodginge with one Symon a tanner, whose house lyeth by ye see syde: he shal tell ye, what thou oughtest to do.

Acts 12:20

20 But he was displeased with the of Tyre and Sido. Neuertheles they came vnto him with one accorde, and made intercession to Blastus the kynges chamberlayne, and desyred peace, because their countre was norished by the kynges londe.

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