Ezekiel 2:3 Cross References - Coverdale

3 And he sayde: Beholde, thou sonne off man: I will sende the to the children off Israel, to those runnagates and obstinate people: for they haue take parte agaynst me, and are runne awaye fro me: both they, and their forefathers, vnto this daye.

Numbers 20:10

10 & Moses & Aaron gathered the congregacion together before the rocke, & sayde vnto the: Heare ye rebellions: Shal we prouyde you water out of this rocke?

Numbers 32:13-14

13 So the LORDE was wroth wt Israel, & let the wander in the wildernesse fourtye yeares, tyll all ye generacion yt had done euell before the LORDE, was consumed. 14 And beholde, ye are rysen vp in youre fathers steade, to increase the nombre of synfull men, & to augmente yet the wrath & indignacion of the LORDE agaynst Israel.

Deuteronomy 9:24

24 for ye haue bene disobediet vnto the LORDE, as longe as I haue knowne you.

Deuteronomy 9:27

27 Remembre thy seruauntes Abraham, Isaac and Iacob. Loke not vpon the stubburnesse, and vngodlynesse and synne of this people

1 Samuel 8:7-8

7 The LORDE saide vnto Samuel: Herken vnto the voice of the people in all yt they haue sayde vnto the. For they haue not refused the, but me, yt I shulde not be kinge ouer them. 8 They do vnto the as they haue done euer, sence the daie yt I brought them out of the londe of Egipte vnto this daye, and haue forsaken me, and serued other goddes.

2 Kings 17:17-20

17 and caused their sonnes and doughters to go thorow the fyre, and medled wt soythsayers and witches, and gaue them selues ouer to do that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE, to prouoke him vnto wrath. 18 Then was the LORDE very wroth at Israel, and put them awaye fro his presence, so yt there remayned nomo but onely ye trybe of Iuda. 19 Nether dyd Iuda kepe the commaundemetes of the LORDE their God, but walked after the customes of Israel, which they dyd. 20 Therfore dyd ye LORDE cast awaye all ye sede of Israel, and troubled them, and delyuered them in to the handes of the spoylers, tyll he had cast them out of his presence:

2 Chronicles 36:15-16

15 And the LORDE God of their fathers sent vnto them early by his messaungers (for he spared his people and his habitacion) 16 but they laughed the messaungers of God to scorne, and despysed his wordes, and had his prophetes in derision, so loge tyll the indignacion of the LORDE increased ouer his people, and there was no remedye of healinge.

Ezra 9:7

7 Sence the tyme of oure fathers haue we bene in greate trespace vnto this daie, and because of oure wickednesses haue we and or kynges bene delyuered in to the hande of ye kynges of the nacions, in to the swerde, in to captiuyte, in to spoyle, and in to confusion of face, as it is come to passe this daye.

Nehemiah 9:16-18

16 Neuertheles oure fathers were proude and hardnecked, so that they folowed not yi comaundementes, 17 and refused to heare, and were not myndefull of the wonders yt thou dyddest for them: but became obstynate and heady, in so moch that they turned back to their bondage in their dishobedience. But thou my God forgauest, and wast gracious, mercifull, pacient, and of greate goodnesse, and forsokest them not. 18 And though they made a molten calfe (and sayde: This is thy God, that broughte the out of the londe of Egipte) and dyd greate blasphemies,

Nehemiah 9:26

26 Neuertheles they were disobedient, and rebelled agaynst the, and cast thy lawe behynde their backes, and slewe thy prophetes (which exhorted them so earnestly, that they shulde couerte vnto the) and dyd greate blasphemies.

Nehemiah 9:33-35

33 Thou art righteous in all yt thou hast broughte vpo vs: for thou hast done righte. 34 As for vs, we haue bene vngodly, and or kynges, prynces, prestes & fathers haue not done after yi lawe, ner regarded yi comaundementes, & thy earnest exhortacios wherwith thou hast exhorted them, 35 & haue not serued ye in their kyngdome, and in thy greate goodes yt thou gauest them, and in the large and plenteous lode which thou gauest them to good, and haue not conuerted from their wicked workes.

Psalms 106:16-21

16 They angred Moses in the tetes, and Aaron the saynte of the LORDE. 17 So the earth opened & swalowed vp Dathan, and couered the congregacio of Abiram. 18 The fyre was kyndled in their company, the flame brent vp the vngodly. 19 They made a calfe in Horeb, and worshipped the molte ymage. 20 Thus they turned his glory into the similitude of a calfe, yt eateth haye. 21 They forgat God their Sauior, which had done so greate thinges in Egipte.

Psalms 106:28

28 They ioyned them selues vnto Baal Peor, and ate the offeringes of the deed.

Psalms 106:32-40

32 They angerd him also at the waters of strife, so that Moses was punyshed for their sakes. 33 Because they prouoked his sprete, and he tolde the planely with his lippes. 34 Nether destroyed they the Heithen, as the LORDE commaunded them. 35 But were mengled amonge the Heithen, and lerned their workes. 36 In so moch that they worshipped their ymages, which turned to their owne decaye. 37 Yee they offred their sonnes & their doughters vnto deuels. 38 And shed the innocent bloude of their sonnes and of their doughters, whom they offred vnto the ymages of Canaan, so that the londe was defyled with bloude. 39 Thus were they stayned wt their owne workes, and wente a whoringe with their owne invencions. 40 Therfore was the wrath of the LORDE kyndled agaynst his people, in so moch that he abhorred his owne enheritaunce.

Isaiah 6:8-10

8 After this I herde the voyce of the LORDE takinge advysement on this maner: Whom shall I sende, and who wilbe oure messaunger? The I sayde: here am I, sende me. 9 And so he sayde: go, and tel this people: ye shall heare in dede, but ye shal not vnderstonde, ye shal planely se, and not perceaue. 10 Harden the harte of this people, stoppe their eares, and shut their eyes, that they se not wt their eyes, heare not with their eares, and vnderstonde not with their hartes, and conuerte and be healed.

Jeremiah 1:7

7 And the LORDE answered me thus: Saye not so, I am to yonge: For thou shalt go to all that I shall sende the vnto, and what so euer I comaunde the, that shalt thou speake.

Jeremiah 3:25

25 So do we also slepe in oure confucion, and shame couereth vs: for we and oure fathers from oure youth vp vnto this daye haue synned agaynst the LORDE oure God. and hahaue not obeyed the voyce of the LORDE oure God.

Jeremiah 7:2

2 Stonde vnder the gates of the LORDES house, and crie out these wordes there, with a loude voyce, and saye: Heare the worde of the LORDE, all ye of Iuda, that go in at this dore, to honoure the LORDE.

Jeremiah 16:11-12

11 Then make thou them this answere: Because youre fathers haue forsaken me (saieth the LORDE) and haue cleued vnto straunge goddes, whom they haue honoured and worshipped: but me haue they forsake, and haue not kepte my lawe. 12 And ye wt youre shamefull blasphemies, haue exceaded the wickednes off youre fathers. For euery one off you foloweth the frawerde euel ymaginacion off his owne hert, and is not obedient vnto me.

Jeremiah 25:3-7

3 From the xiij yeare of Iosias the sonne of Amon kinge of Iuda, vnto this present daye, (that is euen xxiij yeare) the worde of the LORDE hath bene committed vnto me. And so I haue spoke to you, I haue rysen vp early, I haue geue you warnynge in season, but ye wolde not heare me. 4 Though the LORDE hath sent his seruauntes, all the prophetes vnto you in season: Yet wolde ye not obeye, ye wolde not encline yor eares to heare. 5 He sayde: turne agayne euery man from his euell waye, & from youre wicked ymaginacions, & so shal ye dwell for euer in the londe, that the LORDE promised you & youre fore fathers: 6 And go not after straunge goddes, serue them not, worshipe them not, & angre me not with the workes of youre hodes: then will not I punysh you. 7 Neuertheles, ye wolde not heare me (saieth the LORDE) but haue defied me with the workes of youre hodes, to youre owne greate harme.

Jeremiah 26:2-6

2 Thus saieth the LORDE: Stonde in the courte of the LORDES house, and speake vnto all them which (out of the cities of Iuda) come to do worshippe in the LORDES house, all the wordes yt I commaunde the to saye. Loke that thou kepe not one worde backe, 3 yf (perauenture) they will herke, and turne euery man from his wicked waye: that I maye also repente of the plage, which I haue determed to brynge vpon them, because of their wicked invencions. 4 And after this maner shalt thou speake vnto them: Thus saieth the LORDE: yf ye will not obeye me, to walke in my lawes, which I haue geuen you, 5 and to heare the wordes of my seruauntes the prophetes, whom I sent vnto you, rysynge vp tymely, and still sendinge: Yf ye will not folowe the (I saye) 6 then will I do to this house, as I dyd vnto Silo, and will make this cite to be abhorred of all the people of the earth.

Jeremiah 36:2

2 Take a boke, & write therin all ye wordes, yt I haue spoke to the, to Israel, to Iuda & to all the people, fro the tyme yt I begane for to speake vnto the (in ye reigne of Iosias) vnto this daye.

Jeremiah 44:21

21 Dyd not the LORDE remembre the sacrifices that ye, yor forefathers, youre kiges & rulers (wt all the people) haue offred in the cities of Iuda, in the stretes and londe off Ierusalem? and hath he not considered this in his mynde?

Ezekiel 3:4-8

4 And he sayde vnto me: thou sonne of ma, get the soone vnto the house off Israel, ad shewe the ye wordes, that I comaunde the: 5 for I sende the not to a people that hath a strauge, vnknowne or harde speache, but vnto the house off Israel: 6 Not to many nacions, which haue diuerse speaches and harde languages, whose wordes thou vnderstodest not: Neuertheles, yf I sent the to those people, they wolde folowe the: 7 But the house off Israel wil not folowe ye, for they wil not folowe me: Yee all the house off Israel haue stiff foreheades and harde hertes. 8 Beholde therfore, I will make thy face preuayle agaynst their faces, and harden thy foreheade agaynst their foreheades:

Ezekiel 16:1-63

1 Agayne, the worde of LORDE spake vnto me, sayenge: 2 Thou sonne of man, shewe the cite of Ierusalem their abhominacions, 3 and saye: thus saieth the LORDE God vnto Ierusalem: Thy progeny and kynred came out of the londe of Canaan, thy father was an Amorite, thy mother a Cethite. 4 In ye daye of thy byrth when thou wast borne, ye stringe of thy nauel was not cut of: thou wast not bathed in water to make the clene: Thou wast nether rubbed wt salt, ner swedled in cloutes: 5 No man regarded the so moch, as to do eny of these thinges for ye, or to shewe the soch fauoure, but thou wast vtterly cast out vpon ye felde, yee despised wast thou in the daye of thy byrth. 6 Then came I by the, and sawe the troden downe in thine owne bloude, & sayde vnto the: thou shalt be pourged from thine owne bloude, fro thine owne bloude (I saye) shalt thou be clensed. 7 So I planted the, as the blossome of thy felde: thou art growen vp, & waxe greate: thou hast gotten a maruelous pleasaunt beutie, thy brestes are come vp, thy hayre is goodly growen, where as thou wast naked and bare afore. 8 Now when I wente by ye, & loked vpon the: beholde, thy tyme was come, yee eue the tyme to wowe the. Then spred I my clothes ouer the, to couer thy dishonestie: Yee I made an ooth vnto the, & maried my self with the (saieth the LORDE God) & so thou becamest myne owne. 9 Then wa?shed I the with water, & pourged thy bloude from the. I anoynted the with oyle, 10 I gaue the chaunge of raymentes, I made the shues of Taxus lether: I gyrthed ye aboute wt white sylcke, I clothed the with kerchues, 11 I decked the wt costly apparell, I put rynges vpon thy fyngers: a chayne aboute thy necke, 12 spages vpo thy foreheade, eare rynges vpon thyne eares, & set a beutifull crowne vpon thine heade. 13 Thus wast thou deckte with syluer & golde, & thy rayment was of fyne white sylke, of nedle worke & of dyuerse colours. Thou didest eate nothinge but symnels, honny & oyle: maruelous goodly wast thou & beutifull, yee euen a very Quene wast thou: 14 In so moch, that thy beuty was spoken of amonge the Heithen, for thou wast excellet in my beuty, which I put vpo the, saieth the LORDE God. 15 But thou hast put confidece in thine owne beuty, & played the harlot, when thou haddest gotten the a name. Thou hast committed whordome, with all that wente by the, & hast fulfilled their desyres: 16 Yee thou hast taken thy garmetes of dyuerse colours, & deckte thine aulters therwith, where vpon thou mightest fulfill thine whordome, of soch a fashion, as neuer was done, ner shalbe. 17 The goodly ornametes & Iewels which I gaue the of myne owne golde and syluer, hast thou take, & made the mes ymages therof, and committed whordome withall. 18 Thy garmentes of dyuerse colours hast thou taken, and deckte them therwith: myne oyle & incense hast thou set before them. 19 My meate which I gaue the, as symnels, oyle & hony: (to fede the withall) that hast thou set before them, for a swete sauoure. And this came also to passe, saieth the LORDE God: 20 Thou hast take thine owne sonnes & doughters, whom thou haddest begotten vnto me: and these hast thou offred vp vnto them, to be their meate. Is this but a small whordome of thine (thinkest thou) 21 that thou slayest my children, and geuest them ouer, to be bret vnto them? 22 And yet in all thy abhominacions and whordome, thou hast not remembred the dayes of thy youth, how naked and bare thou wast at that tyme, & troden downe in thine owne bloude. 23 After all these thy wickednesses (wo wo vnto the, saieth ye LORDE) 24 thou hast buylded thy stewes and brodel houses in euery place: yee at the heade of euery strete 25 hast thou buylded the an aulter. Thou hast made thy beuty to be abhorred: thou hast layed out thy legges to euery one that came by, and multiplied thine whordome. 26 Thou hast committed fornicacion with the Egipcians thy neghbours, which had moch flesh: & thus hast thou vsed thine whordome, to anger me. 27 Beholde, I will stretch out myne honde ouer the, and wil mynish thy stoare of fode, and delyuer the ouer in to the willes of the Philistynes thine enemies, which are ashamed of thy abhominable waye. 28 Thou hast played the whore also with the Assirians, which might not satisfie the: Yee thou hast played the harlot, & not had ynough. 29 Thus hast thou still comitted thy fornicacion from the londe of Canaan vnto the Caldees, and yet thy lust not satisfied. 30 How shulde I circumcide thine herte (saieth the LORDE God) seinge thou doest all these thinges, thou precious whore: 31 buyldinge thy stewes at the heade of euery strete, and thy brodel houses in all places? Thou hast not bene as an other whore, yt maketh booste of hir wynnynge: 32 but as a wife yt breaketh wedlocke, & taketh other in steade of hir hu?bode. 33 Giftes are geuen to all other whores, but thou geuest rewardes vnto all thy louers: & offrest them giftes, to come vnto the out of all places, & to committe fornicacio with the. 34 It is come to passe with the in thy whordomes, contrary to the vse of other women: yee there hath no soch fornicacion bene committed after the, seinge that thou profrest giftes vnto other, & no rewarde is geuen the: this is a contrary thinge. 35 Therfore heare the worde of the LORDE, o thou harlot: 36 Thus saieth the LORDE God: For so moch as thou hast spet thy moneye, & discouered thy shame, thorow thy whordome with all thy louers, and with all the Idols of thy abhominacions in the bloude of thy children, whom thou hast geuen them: 37 Beholde therfore, I wil gather together all thy louers, vnto whom thou hast made thy self comon: yee & all them whom thou fauourest, and euery one that thou hatest: and will discouer thy shame before the, that they all maye se thy fylthines 38 Morouer, I wil iudge the as a breaker of wedlocke and a murthurer, and recompence the thine owne bloude in wrath and gelousy. 39 I wil geue the ouer in to their power, that shal breake downe thy stewes, and destroye thy brodel houses: they shal stripe the out of thy clothes, all thy fayre & beutifull Iewels shal they take from the, and so let the syt naked & bare: 40 Yee they shal bringe the comon people vpon the, which shal stone the, & slaye the downe with their sweardes. 41 They shall burne vp thy houses, and punysh the in the sight of many wome. Thus wil I make thy whordome to ceasse, so that thou shalt geue out no mo rewardes. 42 Shulde I make my wrath to be still, take my gelousy from the, be content, and nomore to be displeased? 43 seinge thou remembrest not the dayes of thy youth, but hast prouoked me to wrath in all these thinges? Beholde therfore, I wil bringe thine owne wayes vpon thine heade, saieth the LORDE God: how be it, I neuer dyd vnto the, acordinge to thy wickednesse and all thy abhominacions. 44 Beholde, all they yt vse comon prouerbes, shall vse this prouerbe also agaynst the: Soch a mother, soch a doughter. 45 Thou art euen thy mothers owne doughter, that hath cast of hir hou?bonde and hir children: Yee thou art the sister of thy sisters, which forsoke their hu?bodes and their children. Youre mother is a Cethite, and youre father an Amorite. 46 Thine eldest sister is Samaria, she and hir doughters that dwel vpo thy left honde. But thy yongest sister that dwelleth on ye right hode, is Sodoma and hir doughters. 47 Yet hast thou not walked after their wayes, ner done after their abhominacions: But in all thy wayes thou hast bene more corrupte then they. 48 As truly as I lyue, saieth the LORDE God: Sodoma thy sister with hir doughters, hath not done so euel, as thou and thy doughters. 49 Beholde, the synnes of thy sister Sodoma were these: Pryde, fulnesse of meate, abundaunce and Idilnesse: these thinges had she and hir doughters. Besydes that, they reached not their honde to the poore and nedy, 50 but were proude, and dyd abhominable thinges before me: therfore I toke them awaye, when I had sene it. 51 Nether hath Samaria done half of thy synnes, yee thou hast exceaded them in wickednesse: In so moch that in comparison of all the abhominacions which thou hast done, thou hast made thy sisters good women. 52 Therfore beare thine owne shame, thou that in synne hast ouercome thy sisters: seinge thou hast done so abhominably, that they were better then thou. Be ashamed therfore (I saye) and beare thine owne confucion, thou that makest thy sisters good women. 53 As for their captiuyte, namely the captiuyte of Sodoma and hir dougters: the captiuyte of Samaria and hir doughters: I wil bringe them agayne, so will I also bringe agayne thy captiuyte amoge them: 54 that thou mayest take thine owne confucion vpon the, and be ashamed of all that thou hast done, and to comforte them. 55 Thus thy sisters (namely) Sodoma and hir doughters: Samaria and hir doughters with yi self & thy doughters, shalbe brought agayne to youre olde estate. 56 Whe thou wast in thy pryde, 57 and before thy wickednesse came to light: thou woldest not heare speake of thy sister Sodoma, vntill the tyme that the Sirians with all their townes, and the Philistynes with all that lye rounde aboute them, brought the to shame and confucion: 58 that thou mightest beare thine owne fylthynes and abhominacion, saieth the LORDE. 59 For thus saieth the LORDE God: I shulde (by right) deale with the, as thou hast done. Thou hast despysed the ooth, and broken the couenaunte. 60 Neuertheles, I wil remembre the couenaunt, that I made with the in thy youth, in so moch that it shall be an euerlastinge couenaunt: 61 So that thou also remembre thy wayes, and be ashamed of the: then shalt thon receaue of me thy elder and yonger sisters, whom I wil make thy doughters, and that besyde thy couenaunt. 62 And so I wil renue my couenaunt with the, yt thou mayest knowe, that I am the LORDE: 63 that thou mayest thincke vpo it, be ashamed, and excuse thine owne confucion nomore: when I haue forgeuen the, all that thou hast done, saieth the LORDE God.

Ezekiel 20:1-49

1 In in the xvij yeare the x daye of the v Moneth, it happened, that certayne of the elders of Israel came vnto me for to axe councell at the LORDE, and sat them downe by me. 2 Then came the worde of the LORDE vnto me on this maner: 3 Thou sonne of man: Speake to the elders of Israel, and saye vnto them: Thus saieth the LORDE God: Are ye come hither to axe eny thinge at me? As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE,) 4 I will geue you no answere. Wilt thou not reproue them (thou sonne of man) wilt thou not reproue them? Shewe them the abhominacions of their forefathers, 5 & tell the: Thus saieth the LORDE God: In the daye when I chose Israel, and lift vp myne honde vpon the sede of the house of Iacob, & shewed my self vnto them in the londe of Egipte: Yee when I lifte vp myne honde ouer the, and sayde: I am the LORDE youre God, 6 euen in the daye that I lift vp myne honde ouer them, to bringe them out of the londe of Egipte: in to a londe that I had prouyded for them, which floweth with mylcke and hony, and is a pleasaunt lode amonge all other: 7 Then sayde I vnto them: Cast awaye euery man the abhominacions that he hath before him, and defyle not youre selues with the Idols of Egipte, for I am the LORDE youre God. 8 But they rebelled agaynst me, and wolde not folowe me: to cast awaye euery man the abhominacions of his eyes, and to forsake the Idols of Egipte. Then I made me to poure my indignacion ouer them, and to satisfie my wrath vpon them: yee euen in the myddest of the londe of Egipte. 9 But I wolde not do it, for my names sake: that it shulde not be vnhalowed before the Heithen, amonge whom they dwelt, and amonge whom I shewed my self vnto them, that I wolde bringe them out of the londe of Egipte. 10 Now when I had caried them out of the londe of Egipte, and brought them into the wildernesse: 11 I gaue them my commaundementes, & shewed the my lawes: which who so kepeth shal lyue in them. 12 I gaue them also my holy dayes, to be a token betwixte me and them, and therby to knowe, that I am the LORDE, which haloweth them. 13 And yet the house of Israel rebelled agaynst me in the wildernesse, they wolde not walke in my commaundementes, they haue cast awaye my lawes: (which whoso kepeth shulde lyue in them,) and my Sabbath daies haue thy greatly vnhalowed. The I made me to poure out my indignacion vpon them, & to cosume them in the wildernesse. 14 Yet I wolde not do it, for my names sake: lest it shulde be dishonoured before the Heithe, from the which I had caried them awaye. 15 But I swore vnto them in the wildernesse, that I wolde not bringe them into the londe, which I gaue them: a londe that floweth with mylcke & hony, & is a pleasure of all londes: 16 & yt because they refused my lawes, & walked not in my comaundemetes, but had vnhalowed my Sabbathes, for their herte was gone after their Idols. 17 Neuertheles myne eye spared the, so yt I wolde not vtterly slaye the, & cosume the in the wildernes. 18 Morouer, I sayde vnto their sonnes in ye wildernesse: walke not in the statutes of yor forefathers, kepe not their ordinaunces, and defyle not youre selues with their Idols, 19 for I am the LORDE youre God. But walke in my statutes, kepe my lawes & do them, 20 halowe my Sabbathes: for they are a token betwixte me & you, that ye maye knowe, how yt I am the LORDE. 21 Notwithstodinge, their sonnes rebelled against me also: they walked not in my statutes, they kepte not my lawes to fulfill them (which he that doth shal lyue in them) nether halowed they my Sabbath dayes. The I made me agayne to poure out my indignacion ouer them, and to satisfie my wrath vpon them in the wildernesse. 22 Neuertheles I with drewe my honde for my names sake, lest it shulde be vnhalowed amonge the Heithe, before whom I had brought them forth. 23 I lift vp myne honde ouer them also in the wildernesse, that I wolde scatre them amonge the Heithen, and strowe them amonge the nacions: 24 because they had not kepte my lawes, but cast asyde my commaundementes, vnhalowed my Sabbathes, and lift vp their eyes to their fathers Idols. 25 Wherfore I gaue them also commaundementes not good, & lawes thorow the which they shulde not lyue, 26 & I vnhalowed them in their owne giftes: (when I appoynted for my self all their first borne) to make them desolate: that they might knowe, how that I am the LORDE. 27 Therfore (O thou sonne of man) tell the house of Israel, thus saieth the LORDE God: Besyde all this, youre forefathers haue yet blasphemed me more, and greatly offended agaynst me: 28 For after I had brought them in to the londe, yt I promysed to geue them, when they sawe euery hie hill & all the thicke trees: they made there their offringes, and prouoked me with their oblacions, makinge swete sauoures there, & poured out their drinkeofferinges. 29 Then I axed them: what haue ye to do with all, that ye go thither? And therfore is it called the hie place vnto this daye. 30 Wherfore, speake vnto the house of Israel: Thus saieth the LORDE God: Ye are euen as vnclene as youre forefathers, & committe whordome also with their abhominacios. 31 In all youre Idols, where vnto ye bringe youre oblacios, & to whose honoure ye burne youre children: ye defyle youre selues, euen vnto this daye: how darre ye the come, and axe eny question at me? O ye housholde of Israel? As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE God) ye get no answere of me: 32 & as for the thinge that ye go aboute, it shal not come to passe, where as ye saye: we wil be as the Heithen, & do as other people in the londe, wod & stone wil we worshipe. 33 As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE God) I myself, wil rule you with a mightie honde, with a stretchedout arme, and with indignacion poured out ouer you: 34 & wil bringe you out of the nacions and londes, wherin ye are scatred: and gather you together with a mightie hode, with a stretchedout arme & wt indignacion poured out vpon you: 35 & wil bringe you in to the wildernesse of the people, & there I will reason with you face to face. 36 Like as I punished yor forefathers in the wildernesse, so wil I punish you also, saieth the LORDE God. 37 I wil bringe you vnder my iuri?diction, and vnder the bonde of the couenaunt. 38 The forsakers also and the transgressours wil I take from amonge you, & bringe them out of the londe of youre habitacion: as for the londe of Israel, they shall not come in it: that they maye knowe, how that I am the LORDE. 39 Go now then (saieth the LORDE God) ye house of Israel, cast awaye, and destroye euery man his Idols: then shal ye heare me, and nomore blaspheme my holy name with youre offrynges and Idols. 40 But vpon my holy hill, eue vpon the hie hill of Israel shal all the house of Israel and all that is in the londe, worshipe me: and in the same place will I fauoure them, and there will I requyre youre heaueoffringes, and the firstlinges of youre oblacions, with all youre holy thinges. 41 I wil accepte youre swete sauoure, when I bringe you from the nacions, and gather you together out of the londes, wherin ye be scatred: that I maye be halowed in you before the Heithen, 42 and that ye maye knowe, that I am the LORDE, which haue brought you in to the londe of Israel: yee in to the same lode, that I swore to geue vnto youre forefathers. 43 There shal ye call to remembraunce youre owne wayes and all youre ymaginacions, wherin ye baue bene defyled: and ye shal be displeased with youre owne selues, for all youre wickednes, that ye haue done. 44 And ye shal knowe, that I am the LORDE: when I entreate you after my name, not after yor wicked wayes, ner acordinge to youre corrupte workes: o ye house of Israel, saieth the LORDE. 45 Morouer, the worde of ye LORDE came vnto me, sayenge: 46 Thou sonne of ma, set thy face towarde the south, & speake to the south wynde, 47 and saye to the wodde towarde the souht: Heare the worde of the LORDE, thus saieth the LORDE God: Beholde, I wil kyndle a fyre in the, yt shal cosume the grene trees wt the drye. No man shal be able to quench his flame, but all that loketh from the south to the north, shal be brent therin: 48 & all flesh shal se, that I the LORDE haue kyndled it, so that no man maye quench it. 49 Then sayde I: O LORDE, they wil saye of me: Tush, they are but fables, that he telleth.

Ezekiel 23:1-49

1 The worde off the LORDE came vnto me, sayenge: 2 Thou sonne of man, there were two wome, that had one mother: 3 These (when they were yonge) beganne to playe the harlottes in Egipte. There were their brestes brussed, and the pappes off their maydenheade destroyed. 4 The eldest of them was called Oola, and hir yongest sister Ooliba. These two were myne, and bare sonnes and doughters. Their names were, Samaria, and that was Oola: and Ierusalem, that was Ooliba. 5 As for Oola, she beganne to go a whorynge, when I had take her to me. She was set on fyre vpon hir louers the Assirians, 6 which had to do with her: euen the prynces and lordes, that were deckte in costly araye: fayre yonge men, lusty ryders of horses. 7 Thus thorow hir whordome, she cleued vnto all the yonge men off Assiria: Yee she was madde vpon them, and defyled herselff with all their Idols. 8 Nether ceassed she fro the fornicacio, that she vsed with the Egipcians: for in hir youth they laye wt her, they brussed the brestes of hir maydenheade, and poured their wordome vpon her. 9 Wherfore, I delyuered her in to ye hodes of hir louers, euen the Assirians, whom she so loued. 10 These discouered hir shame, toke hir sonnes and doughters, and slewe her with the swearde: An euell name gat she of all people, ad they punyshed her. 11 Hir sister Ooliba sawe this, ad destroyed herself wt inordinate loue, more then she, & exceaded hir sister in whordome: 12 she loued ye Assirians (which also laye wt her) namely, the prynces & greate lordes, that were clothed wt all maner of gorgious apparell, all lusty horsmen and fayre yonge personnes. 13 Then I sawe, that they both were defyled a like. 14 But she increased still in whordome: for when she sawe men paynted vpon the wall, the ymages off the Caldees set forth with fresh colours, 15 with fayre gyrdles aboute them, and goodly bonettes vpon their heades, lokynge all like prynces (after ye maner of the Babilonias and Caldees in their owne londe, where they be borne). 16 Inmediatly, as soone as she sawe them, she brent in loue vpon them, and sent messaugers for them in to the londe of the Caldees. 17 Now when the Babilonias came to her, they laye with her, and defyled her with their whordome, and so was she poluted with with them. And when hir lust was abated from them, 18 hir whordome and shame was discouered & sene: then my herte forsoke her, like as my herte was gone from hir sister also. 19 Neuertheles she vsed hir whordome euer the longer the more, and remembred the dayes off hir youth, wherin she had played the harlot in the londe off Egipte: 20 she brent in lust vpon them, whose flesh was like ye flesh of Asses, and their sede like the sede off horses. 21 Thus thou hast renued the fylthynesse of thy youth, when thy louers bressed yi pappes, and marred thy brestes in Egipte. 22 Therfore (o Ooliba) thus saieth ye LORDE God. I will rayse vp thy louers (with whom thou hast satisfied thy lust) agaynst the, and gather them together rounde aboute the: 23 Namely, the Babilonians, and all the Caldees: Pecod, Schoa and Coa, with all the Assirians: all yonge and fayre louers: prynces and lordes, knyghtes and gentlemen, which be all good horsmen: 24 These shall come vpon the with horses, charettes, & a greate multitude of people: which shal be harnessed aboute the on euery syde, wt brestplates, sheldes and helmettes. I will punysh ye before them, yee they the selues shal punysh the, acordinge to their owne iudgmet. 25 I will put my gelousy vpon the, so that they shall deale cruelly with the. They shal cut of thy nose and thine eares, and the remnaunt shall fall thorow the swearde. They shall cary awaye thy sonnes and doughters, & the resydue shalbe brent in the fyre. 26 Thy shal strype the out of thy clothes, & cary thy costly Iewels awaye with them. 27 Thus will I make an ende off thy fylthynesse & whordome, which thou hast brought out of the lode of Egipte: so that thou shalt turne thine eyes nomore after them, & cast thy mynde nomore vpon Egipte. 28 For thus saieth the LORDE: Beholde, I will delyuer ye in to the hodes of them, whom thou hatest: yee euen in to the hondes of them, with who thou hast fulfylled thy lust, 29 which shall deale cruelly with ye: All thy laboure shal they take with them, and leaue the naked and bare, and thus the shame of thy filthy whordome shal come to light. 30 All these thinges shal happen vnto the, because of thy whordome, which thou hast vsed amonge the Gentiles, with whose Idols thou hast defyled yi self. 31 Thou hast walked in the waye of thy sister, therfore will I geue the hir cuppe in thy honde. 32 Thus saieth the LORDE God: Thou shalt drynke off thy sisters cuppe, how depe & farre so euer it be to the botome. Thou shalt be laughed to scorne, and had as greatly in derision, as is possible. 33 Thou shalt be full off dronckennes and sorowe, for the cuppe of yi sister Samaria is a cuppe of destruccion & waistinge: 34 the same shalt thou drynke, and suppe it out eue to ye dregges, yee thou shalt eate vp the broken peces off it, and so teare thine owne brestes: For euen I haue spoken it, saieth the LORDE God. 35 Therfore thus saieth ye LORDE God: For so moch as thou hast forgotte me, & cast me asyde, so beare now thine owne fylthinesse & whordome. 36 The LORDE sayde morouer vnto me: Thou sonne of ma, wilt thou not reproue Oola & Ooliba? Shewe the their abhominacios: 37 namely, yt they haue broke their wedlocke, & stayned their hodes wt bloude: yee euen wt their Idols haue they committed aduoutry, & offred them their owne children (to be deuoured) who they had borne vnto me. 38 Yee & this haue they done vnto me also: they haue defyled my Sactuary in that same daye, & haue vnhalowed my Sabbath. 39 For when they had slayne their childre for their Idols, they came the same daye in to my Sanctuary, to defyle it. Lo, this haue they done in my house. 40 Besyde all this, thou hast sent yi messaungers for men out of farre coutrees: and whe they came, thou hast bathed, trymmed and set forth thy selff off the best fashion: 41 thou sattest vpo a goodly bed, & a table spred before the: whervpon thou hast set myne incense and myne oyle. 42 Then was there greate cheare wt her, & the men yt were sent fro farre coutrees ouer the deserte: vnto these they gaue bracelettes vpon their hondes, & set glorious crownes vpon their heades. 43 Then thought I: no doute, these wil vse their harlotry also wt yoder olde whore. 44 And they wente in to her, as vnto a comon harlot: Euen so wente they also to Oola & Ooliba, those filthy women. 45 O ye all that loue vertue and rightuousnes, iudge the, punysh them: as aduoutrers and murtherers ought to be iudged and punyshed. For they are breakers off wedlocke, and the bloude is in their hondes. 46 Wherfore thus saieth the LORDE God: bringe a greate multitude off people vpon them, and make them be scatred and spoyled: 47 these shal stone them, and gorre them with their sweardes. They shal slaye their sonnes and doughters and burne vp their houses with fyre. 48 Thus will I destroye all soch fylthynes out off the londe: that all women may lerne, not to do after youre vnclenesse. 49 And so they shall laye youre fylthinesse vpon youre owne selues, and ye shalbe punyshed for the synnes, that ye haue committed with youre Idols: & ye shall knowe, that I am the LORDE.

Daniel 9:5-13

5 We haue synned, we haue offended, we haue bene disobedient and gone backe: yee we haue departed from all thy preceptes and iudgmentes. 6 We wolde neuer folowe thy seruauntes the prophetes, that spake in thy name to oure kynges and prynces to oure forefathers, and to all the people off the londe. 7 O LORDE, rightuousnesse belongeth vnto the, vnto vs pertayneth nothynge but open shame: as it is come to passe this daye vnto euery man of Iuda, and to them that dwell at Ierusalem: Yee vnto all Israel, whether they be farre or nye: thorow out all londes, wherin thou hast strowed them, because of the offences that they had done agaynst the. 8 Yee o LORDE, vnto vs, to oure kinges & prynces, to oure forefathers: euen to vs all, that haue offended the, belongeth open shame. 9 But vnto the o LORDE oure God, pertayneth mercy and forgeuenesse. As for vs, we are gone backe from him, 10 and haue not obeyed the voyce of the LORDE oure God, to walke in his lawes, which he layed before vs by his seruauntes the prophetes: 11 yee all Israel haue transgressed, and gone backe from thy lawe, so that they haue not herkened vnto thy voyce. Wherfore the curse and ooth, that is written in the law of Moses the seruaut of God (against whom we haue offended) is poured vpon vs. 12 And he hath perfourmed his wordes, which he spake agaynst vs, & agaynst oure iudges that iudged vs: to bringe vpon vs soch a greate plage, as neuer was vnder heauen, like as it is now come to passe in Ierusalem. 13 Yee all this plage, as it is written in the lawe of Moses, is come vpon vs. Yet made we not oure prayer before the LORDE oure God, that we might turne agayne from oure wickednesse, and to be lerned in thy verite.

Mark 12:2-5

2 And whan the tyme was come, he sent a seruaut to the hussbande men, that he might receaue of the hussbandmen, of the frute of the vynyarde. 3 But they toke him, and bet him, and sent him awaye emptye. 4 Agayne, he sent vnto them another seruaunt, whom they stoned, and brake his heade, and sent him awaye shamefully dealt withall. 5 Agayne he sent another, whom they slew, and many other: some they bett, and some they put to death.

Luke 24:47-48

47 and to let repentaunce and remyssion, of synnes be preached in his name amoge all nacions, and to begynne at Ierusale. 48 As for all these thinges, ye are wytnesses of the.

John 20:21-22

21 The sayde Iesus vnto the agayne: Peace be with you. Like as my father sent me, eue so sede I you. 22 And whan he had sayde yt, he brethed vpo the, and sayde vnto the: Receaue the holy goost.

Acts 7:51

51 Ye styffnecked & of vncircumcysed hertes and eares, ye allwaye resiste the holy goost: Eue as yor fathers dyd, so do ye also.

Romans 10:15

15 But how shal they preach, excepte they be sent? As it is wrytte: How beutyfull are the fete of the yt preach peace, yt brynge good tidinges?

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