Ezekiel 16:7 Cross References - Coverdale

7 So I planted the, as the blossome of thy felde: thou art growen vp, & waxe greate: thou hast gotten a maruelous pleasaunt beutie, thy brestes are come vp, thy hayre is goodly growen, where as thou wast naked and bare afore.

Genesis 22:17

17 I wyll prospere and multiplye thy sede as the starres of heauen, and as the sonde vpon the see shore. And thy sede shall possesse the gates of his enemies:

Exodus 1:7

7 the children of Israel grewe, and increased, and multiplied, and became exceadinge mightie, so yt the lande was full of them.

Exodus 3:22

22 but euery wife shall borowe of hir neghbouresse & of her that sogeourneth in hir house, Iewels of syluer and golde and rayment: those shal ye put vpon youre sonnes and doughters, and spoyle the Egipcians.

Exodus 12:37

37 Thus ye children of Israel toke their iourney from Raemses to Suchoth, sixe hundreth thousande men of fote, besyde childre.

Deuteronomy 1:10

10 for the LORDE youre God hath increased you, so that this daye ye are as ye starres of heauen in multitude.

Deuteronomy 4:8

8 And where is there so excellent a nacion, that hath so righteous ordinaunces and lawes, as all this lawe which I laye before you this daye.

Deuteronomy 32:10-14

10 He founde him in the wyldernesse, euen in the drye deserte where he roared. He led him aboute, and gaue him vnderstondinge: He kepte him as the aple of his eye. 11 As an Aegle stereth vp hir nest, and flotereth ouer hir yonge: Euen so stretched he out his fethers, and toke him and bare him on his wynges. 12 The LORDE onely was his gyde, & there was no straunge God with him. 13 He caried him ouer ye heigth of the earth, and fed him with the increase of the felde. He caused him sucke hony out of the rocke, and oyle out of the harde stone. 14 Butter of the kyne, and mylke of the shepe, with the fat of the lambes, and rammes of the sonnes of Basan, and he goates with the fat of the kydneys, and wheate: And gaue him drynke of the very bloude of grapes.

Deuteronomy 33:26-29

26 There is no God as the God of the iust. He that sytteth vpon heauen, be thy helpe. And his glory is in the cloudes, 27 that is the dwellynge of God from the beginnynge, and vnder the armes of the worlde. And he shal dryue out thyne enemye before the, and saye: Be destroyed. 28 And Israel shall dwell safe alone. The eye of Iacob shalbe vpon ye londe where corne and wine is, heauen also shal droppe with dewe. 29 Happye art thou Israel, who is lyke vnto the? O thou people yt art saued by the LORDE, which is thy helpe, shylde, and the swerde of thy glorye. Thyne enemies shal pyne awaye, and thou shalt treade vpon the height of them.

Nehemiah 9:18-25

18 And though they made a molten calfe (and sayde: This is thy God, that broughte the out of the londe of Egipte) and dyd greate blasphemies, 19 yet forsokest thou them not in the wyldernes, acordinge to thy greate mercy. And ye cloudy piler departed not from them on ye dayetyme to lede them the waye, nether the piler of fyre in the night season, to shewe them lighte in the waye that they wente. 20 And thou gauest them thy good sprete to enfourme them, and withheldest not thy Manna from their mouth, and gauest the water wha they were thirstie. 21 Fortye yeares longe madest thou prouysion for them in the wyldernesse, so that they wanted nothinge: their clothes waxed not olde, and their fete swelled not. 22 And thou gauest the kigdomes & nacions, & partedst the acordinge to their porcions, so that they possessed the londe of Sihon kynge of He?bon, & the londe of Og ye kynge of Basan. 23 And their childre multiplyedst thou as the starres of heauen, and broughtest the in to the londe wherof thou haddest spoken vnto their fathers, that they shulde go in to it, and haue it in possession. 24 And ye children wente in, and possessed the londe, and thou subdudest before the the inhabiters of the londe, euen the Cananites, & gauest them in to their hande, and their kynges and ye people of the londe, yt they might do with them what they wolde. 25 And they wanne their stronge cities, & a fat londe, and toke possession of houses yt were full of all maner goodes, welles dygged out, vynyardes, oylgardens, & many frutefull trees: and they ate & were fylled, & became fat, & lyued in welth thorow thy greate goodnes.

Job 1:21

21 and sayde: Naked came I out of my mothers wombe, and naked shall I turne thither agayne. The LORDE gaue, and the LORDE hath taken awaye (the LORDE hath done his pleasure) now blessed be ye name off the LORDE.

Psalms 135:4

4 For why, the LORDE hath chosen Iacob vnto him self, & Israel for his owne possessio.

Psalms 147:20

20 He hath not dealte so wt all the Heithen, nether haue they knowlege of his lawes. Halleluya.

Psalms 148:14

14 He exalteth the horne of his people, all his sayntes shal prayse him, the children of Israel, euen the people that serueth him. Halleluya.

Psalms 149:2-4

2 Let Israel reioyse in him that made him, and let the children of Sion be ioyfull in their kynge. 3 Let them prayse his name in the dauce, let them synge prayses vnto him with tabrettes and harpes. 4 For the LORDE hath pleasure in his people, and helpeth the mekeharted.

Song of Songs 4:5

5 Thy two brestes are like two twyns of yonge roes, which fede amoge the lilies.

Isaiah 61:10

10 And therfore I am ioyful in the LORDE, & my soule reioyseth in my God. For he shall put vpon me the garmet of health, & couer me with the matle of rightuousnes. He shal decke me like a brydegrome, & as a bryde that hath hir apparell vpo her.

Isaiah 62:3

3 Thou shalt be a crowne in the honde of the LORDE, and a glorious garlade in the hode of thy God.

Ezekiel 16:10-13

10 I gaue the chaunge of raymentes, I made the shues of Taxus lether: I gyrthed ye aboute wt white sylcke, I clothed the with kerchues, 11 I decked the wt costly apparell, I put rynges vpon thy fyngers: a chayne aboute thy necke, 12 spages vpo thy foreheade, eare rynges vpon thyne eares, & set a beutifull crowne vpon thine heade. 13 Thus wast thou deckte with syluer & golde, & thy rayment was of fyne white sylke, of nedle worke & of dyuerse colours. Thou didest eate nothinge but symnels, honny & oyle: maruelous goodly wast thou & beutifull, yee euen a very Quene wast thou:

Ezekiel 16:16

16 Yee thou hast taken thy garmetes of dyuerse colours, & deckte thine aulters therwith, where vpon thou mightest fulfill thine whordome, of soch a fashion, as neuer was done, ner shalbe.

Ezekiel 16:22

22 And yet in all thy abhominacions and whordome, thou hast not remembred the dayes of thy youth, how naked and bare thou wast at that tyme, & troden downe in thine owne bloude.

Hosea 2:3

3 Yf no, I shal strype her naked, & set her, euen as she came in to ye worlde: Yee I shal laye hir waist, and make her like a wildernesse, and slaye her for thyrste.

Hosea 2:9-10

9 Wherfore now will I go take my corne & wyne agayne in their season, and fet agayne my woll and my flax, which I gaue her, to couer hir shame. 10 And now will I dyscouer hir foolishnesse, euen in the sight of hir louers, and no man shal delyuer her out of my hondes.

Acts 7:17

17 Now wha the tyme of the promes drue nye (which God had sworne vnto Abraha) the people grewe and multiplied in Egipte,

Revelation 3:17-18

17 because thou saist thou art riche and incresyd with goodes and hast nede of nothinge, and knowest not how thou art wretched & miserable, poore, blynde, and nakyd. 18 I counsell the to bye of me golde tryed in the fyre, that thou mayste be riche: and whyte rayment, that thou mayste be clothed, that thy fylthy nakednes do not apere: anoynt thine eyes with eye salue, yt thou mayste se.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.