Exodus 37 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And Bezaleel made the Arke of Fyrre tre, two cubites and a half loge, a cubyte and a half brode, and a cubyte & a half hye, 2 and ouerlayed it with fyne golde within and without, and made a crowne of golde vnto it rounde aboute, 3 and cast for it foure rynges of golde to the foure corners of it, vpon euery syde two. 4 And made staues of Fyrre tre, and ouerlayed the with golde, 5 and put them in the rynges a longe by ye sydes of the Arke, to beare it withall. 6 And he made ye Mercyseate of pure golde two cubytes and a half longe, and a cubite and a half brode, 7 & made two Cherubyns of fyne beaten golde vpon the two endes of the Mercyseate: 8 One Cherub vpon the one ende, and the other Cherub vpon the other ende: 9 and the Cherubyns spredde out their wynges aboue an hye, and couered ye Mercyseate ther with: and their faces stode one ouer agaynst the other, and loked vnto the Mercyseate. 10 And he made ye table, of Fyrre tre, two cubytes longe, a cubyte brode, and a cubyte & a half hye, 11 and ouerlayed it with fyne golde, and made therto a crowne of golde rounde aboute, 12 and made vnto it an whoope of an hande bredth hye, and made a crowne of golde rounde aboute the whoope. 13 And for it he cast foure golde rynges, & put them in the foure corners by the fete 14 harde by the whoope, that the staues might be therin, to beare the table with all: 15 & made the staues of Fyrre tre, and ouerlayed the with golde, to beare the staues withall. 16 And the vessels vpon the table made he also of fyne golde: the disshes, spones, flat peces and pottes, to poure in and out withall. 17 And he made the candilsticke of fyne beaten golde, where vpon was the shaft wt brauches, cuppes, knoppes, & floures: 18 Sixe braunches proceaded out of ye sydes therof, vpon either syde thre brauches: 19 vpo euery brauch were thre cuppes like allmodes, wt knoppes and floures. 20 Vpon the candilsticke self were foure cuppes with knoppes and floures, 21 vnder euery two brauches a knoppe. 22 The knoppes & braunches therof proceaded out of it, and were all one pece of fyne beaten golde. 23 And he made the seuen lampes with their snoffers & outquenchers of pure golde. 24 Of an hudreth weight of golde made he it, and all the apparell therof. 25 He made also the altare of incense, of Fyrre tre, a cubyte longe and brode, eauen foure squared, and two cubytes hye with the hornes of it, 26 and ouerlayed it with fyne golde, the toppe and the sydes of it rounde aboute, 27 and the hornes therof, and made a crowne vnto it rounde aboute of pure golde, & two golde rynges vnder the crowne on both the sydes, to put the staues therin, and to beare it withall: 28 but the staues made he of Fyrre tre, and ouerlayed them with golde. 29 And he made the holy anoyntinge oyle, & the incense of pure spyces, after ye craft of the Apotecary.

Genesis 3:24

24 And he cast Adam out. And before the garden of Eden he set Cherubes, and a naked fyrie swerde, to kepe ye waye vnto the tre of life.

Genesis 28:12

12 And he dreamed, and beholde, there stode vpon ye earth, a ladder, whose toppe reached vnto the heauen. And beholde, the angels of God wente vp and downe vpon it,

Exodus 25:10-20

10 Make an Arke of Fyrre tre two cubytes & a half longe, a cubyte & a half brode, and a cubyte & an half hye: 11 this shalt thou ouerleye with pure golde within and without, & make an hye vpo it a crowne of golde rounde aboute, 12 and cast foure rynges of golde, & put them in the foure corners of it, so that two rynges be vpon the one syde, and two vpon the other syde. 13 And make staues of Fyrre tre, and ouer laye them with golde, 14 and put them in the rynges alonge by the sydes of the Arke, to beare it withall: 15 and they shal abyde styll in the rynges, & not be take out. 16 And in ye Arke thou shalt laye the wytnesse, that I wyl geue the. 17 Thou shalt make a Mercyseate also of pure golde, two cubytes and a half longe, and a cubyte & a half brode.

Exodus 25:17-22

17 Thou shalt make a Mercyseate also of pure golde, two cubytes and a half longe, and a cubyte & a half brode. 18 And thou shalt make two Cherubyns of beaten golde vpo both ye endes of the Mercyseate,

Exodus 25:18-22

18 And thou shalt make two Cherubyns of beaten golde vpo both ye endes of the Mercyseate, 19 yt the one Cherub maye be vpon the one ende, & the other vpon the other ende, & so to be two Cherubyns vpon the endes of the Mercyseate.

Exodus 25:19-22

19 yt the one Cherub maye be vpon the one ende, & the other vpon the other ende, & so to be two Cherubyns vpon the endes of the Mercyseate. 20 And the Cherubyns shall sprede out their wynges ouer an hye, yt they maye couer ye Mercyseate wt their wynges: & yt either their faces maye be right ouer one agaynst another, and their faces shal loke vnto the Mercyseate.

Exodus 25:20-22

20 And the Cherubyns shall sprede out their wynges ouer an hye, yt they maye couer ye Mercyseate wt their wynges: & yt either their faces maye be right ouer one agaynst another, and their faces shal loke vnto the Mercyseate.

Exodus 25:20

20 And the Cherubyns shall sprede out their wynges ouer an hye, yt they maye couer ye Mercyseate wt their wynges: & yt either their faces maye be right ouer one agaynst another, and their faces shal loke vnto the Mercyseate. 21 And thou shalt set ye Mercyseate aboue vpon the Arke. And in the Arke thou shalt laye the wytnesse, yt I shal geue the. 22 From yt place wyll I testifie vnto ye, and talke with the, namely, from ye Mercyseate (betwixte the two Cherubyns) which is vpon the Arke of wytnesse, of all that I wyl comaunde ye vnto the children of Israel. 23 Thou shalt make a table also of Fyrre tre, two cubites longe, and one cubyte brode, and a cubyte and a half hye, 24 and ouerlaye it with pure golde, and make a crowne of golde rounde aboute it, 25 and an whope of an hade brede hye, and a crowne of golde vnto ye whope rounde aboute. 26 And vnto it thou shalt make foure rynges of golde, on the foure corners in the foure fete of it: 27 harde vnder the whope shall ye rynges be, to put in staues and to beare the table wt all: 28 and thou shalt make the staues of Fyrre tre, & ouerlaye them with golde, yt the table maye be borne therwith. 29 Thou shalt make also his disshes, spones, pottes, and flat peces of pure golde, to poure out and in.

Exodus 25:29

29 Thou shalt make also his disshes, spones, pottes, and flat peces of pure golde, to poure out and in. 30 And vpon the table thou shalt all waye set shewbred before me. 31 Morouer thou shalt make a candelsticke of fyne beaten golde, where vpon shall be the shaft with braunches, cuppes, knoppes, and floures.

Exodus 25:31

31 Morouer thou shalt make a candelsticke of fyne beaten golde, where vpon shall be the shaft with braunches, cuppes, knoppes, and floures. 32 Sixe braunches shall proceade out of the sydes of the candelsticke, out of euery syde thre braunches. 33 Euery braunch shal haue thre cuppes, (like allmondes) thre knoppes, and thre floures. These shalbe the sixe braunches of the candilsticke.

Exodus 25:33

33 Euery braunch shal haue thre cuppes, (like allmondes) thre knoppes, and thre floures. These shalbe the sixe braunches of the candilsticke. 34 But the shaft of the candilsticke it self shal haue foure cuppes, knoppes and floures, 35 and allwaie a knoppe vnder two braunches, of the sixe that proceade out of the candilsticke.

Exodus 25:35

35 and allwaie a knoppe vnder two braunches, of the sixe that proceade out of the candilsticke. 36 For both the knoppes and braunches shall proceade out of the shaft, all one pece of fyne beaten golde. 37 And thou shalt make seuen lampes aboue there on, that they maye geue light one ouer agaynst another,

Exodus 25:37

37 And thou shalt make seuen lampes aboue there on, that they maye geue light one ouer agaynst another, 38 and snoffers and out quenchers of pure golde. 39 Out of an hundreth pounde weight of pure golde shalt thou make it, with all this apparell.

Exodus 26:33

33 And the vayle shalt thou festen with buttons, and set the Arke of wytnesse within the vayle, that it maye be vnto you a difference betwixte the holy and the Most holy.

Exodus 30:1-5

1 Thou shalt make also an incense altare to burne incense, of Fyrre tre, 2 a cubyte longe & brode, eauen foure squared, and two cubytes hye with his hornes, 3 & shalt ouerlaye it with pure golde, the rofe & the walles of it rounde aboute, and the hornes therof, & a crowne of golde shalt thou make rounde aboute it,

Exodus 30:3-5

3 & shalt ouerlaye it with pure golde, the rofe & the walles of it rounde aboute, and the hornes therof, & a crowne of golde shalt thou make rounde aboute it, 4 and two golde rynges on ether syde vnder the crowne, that there maie be staues put therin, to beare it withall. 5 The staues shalt thou make of Fyrre tre also, and ouerlaye the with golde:

Exodus 30:23-38

23 Take vnto the spyces of the best, fyue hundreth Sycles of Myrre, and of Cynamo half so moch, euen two hundreth and fyftie, 24 and of Kalmus two hundreth and fiftye, and of Cassia fyue hundreth (after the Sycle of the Sanctuary) & an Hin of oyle olyue, 25 and make an holy anoyntinge oyle, after the craft of the Apotecary. 26 And there wt shalt thou anonynte the Tabernacle of wytnesse, & the Arke of wytnes, 27 the table with all his apparell, ye candilsticke with his apparell, the altare of incense, 28 the altare of burntofferynges with all his apparell, & the lauer with his fote: 29 and thus shalt thou consecrate them, that they maye be most holy: for who so wil touch the, must be consecrated. 30 Thou shalt anoynte Aaron also, and his sonnes, and consecrate them to be my prestes. 31 And thou shalt speake vnto the childre of Israel, and saye: This oyle shalbe an holy oyntment vnto me amonge yor posterities: 32 It shal not be poured vpon mans body, nether shalt thou make eny soch like it, for it is holy: therfore shal it be holy vnto you. 33 Who so maketh eny soch like, or geueth a strauger therof, the same shalbe roted out from amonge his people. 34 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Take vnto the spyces: Balme, Stacte, Galban, and pure franckencense, of one as moch as of another, 35 and make incense therof (after the craft of the Apotecary) myngled together, that it maye be pure & holy. 36 And thou shalt beate it to poulder, and shalt put of the same before the wytnesse in the Tabernacle of wytnesse, from whence I wyll proteste vnto the, 37 but it shalbe holy vnto the for the LORDE. 38 Who so maketh soch to cense therwith, shalbe roted out from amoge his people.

Exodus 31:7

7 the Tabernacle of wytnesse, the Arke of wytnesse, the Mercyseate theron, and all the ornamentes of ye Tabernacle:

Exodus 35:13

13 the table with his staues & all his apparell: & the shewbred:

Exodus 40:3

3 and shal put the Arke of wytnes therin, and hange the vayle before ye Arke. 4 And thou shalt bringe in the table, and garnish it, and brynge in the cadilsticke, and put the lampes theron. 5 And ye golde altare of incense shalt thou set before ye Arke of wytnesse, & hange vp the hanginge in the dore of the Habitacio.

Exodus 40:20-21

20 And he toke the wytnesse, and layed it in the Arke, and put ye staues in the Arke, and set the Mercyseate aboue vpon the Arke, 21 and brought the Arke in to the Habitacion, and hanged the vayle before the Arke of wytnesse, as the LORDE commaunded him. 22 And he set the table in the Tabernacle of wytnesse, in the corner of the Habitacion vpon the north syde without the vayle, 23 and prepared bred theron before ye LORDE as the LORDE commaunded him. 24 And he set in the candilsticke also, euen ouer agaynst the table, in the corner of the Habitacion vpon the south syde, 25 and put the lampes theron before ye LORDE, as the LORDE commaunded him. 26 And the golden altare set he in also before the vayle, 27 and brent swete incense theron, as the LORDE commaunded him.

Leviticus 16:12-15

12 And he shall take a censor full of coales from the altare that stondeth before the LORDE, and his handfull of beaten incense, and brynge them in within ye vayle, 13 and put the incense vpon the fyre before ye LORDE, that the cloude of the incense maye couer the Mercyseate, which is vpon the witnesse, that he dye not. 14 And he shall take of the bloude of the bullocke, and sprenkle it with his fynger towarde the Mercyseate on the foresyde. Seuen tymes 15 shall be sprenkle of the bloude thus with his fynger before the Mercyseate. The shal he kyll the goate which is the peoples synofferynge, & brynge in of his bloude within the vayle, & shall do with his bloude, as he dyd with the bloude of the bullocke, and sprenkle therwith also on the foresyde towarde the Mercyseate,

Leviticus 24:4

4 The lapes shal he dresse vpon the pure candilsticke before the LORDE perpetually.

Numbers 1:50

50 but shalt appoynte them to the Habitacion of wytnesse, and to all ye apparell therof, and to all that belongeth therto. And they shall beare the Tabernacle & all the ordinaunce therof, and shal wayte vpon it, and shal pitch their tentes rounde aboute it.

Numbers 4:14-15

14 that they occupye vpon it: colepames, fleshokes, shouels, basens, with all the apparell of the altare, and they shal sprede a couerynge of doo skynnes theron, and put his staues therto. 15 Now whan Aaron and his sonnes haue done this, and haue couered the Sanctuary & all the ornametes therof, whan the hoost breaketh vp, then shal the children of Rahath go in, that they maye beare it, and the Sanctuary shall they not touche, lest they dye. This is the charge of the childre of Rahath in the Tabernacle of wytnesse.

Numbers 4:15

15 Now whan Aaron and his sonnes haue done this, and haue couered the Sanctuary & all the ornametes therof, whan the hoost breaketh vp, then shal the children of Rahath go in, that they maye beare it, and the Sanctuary shall they not touche, lest they dye. This is the charge of the childre of Rahath in the Tabernacle of wytnesse.

Numbers 8:2

2 Speake to Aaron, & saye vnto him: Whan thou settest vp ye lapes, thou shalt set the so, that they maye all seue geue light aboue vpo ye candilsticke.

Numbers 10:33-36

33 So they departed from the mount of the LORDE thre dayes iourney, & the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt wente before them those thre dayes iourney, to shewe the where they shulde rest. 34 And ye cloude of the LORDE was ouer them in the daye tyme, whan they wete out of ye tetes. 35 And whan the Arke wente forth, Moses sayde: Aryse LORDE, let thine enemies be scatered, and let them that hate the, flye before the. 36 And whan it rested, he sayde: Come agayne O LORDE vnto the multitude of the thousandes of Israel.

Numbers 17:8

8 On the morow wha Moses wete in to ye Tabernacle of witnesse, he foude yt Aaros rodde of the house of Leui florished, and brought forth blossoms, & bare allmondes.

2 Samuel 6:3-7

3 And they caused the arke of God to be caried vpo a new cart, and fetched it out of ye house of Abinadab, which dwelt at Gibea. Vsa and Ahio the sonnes of Abinadab droue ye new cart. 4 And whan they broughte it with the Arke from the house of Abinadab which dwelt at Gibea, Ahio wente before the Arke: 5 and Dauid and all the house of Israel played before the LORDE, with all maner of instrumentes of Pine tre, with harpes, and Psalteries, and tabrettes, and belles, and Cymbals. 6 And whan they came to the barnefloore of Nahon, Vsa stretched out his hande, and helde the Arke of God, for the oxen wete out asyde. 7 Then waxed the wrath of the LORDE fearce agaynst Vsa, and God smote him there because of his presumpcio, so that he dyed there besyde the Arke of God.

1 Kings 6:23-29

23 He made also in the quere two Cherubins ten cubites hye of Olyue tre. 24 One wynge of ether of the Cherubs had fyue cubytes, so that from the edge of his one wynge to the edge of his other wynge there were ten cubytes. 25 Euen so had the other Cherub ten cubites also, and both the Cherubs were of one measure and of one quantitie 26 so yt ether Cherub was ten cubites hye. And he put the Cherubins within in the house. 27 And the Cherubins spred forth their wynges, so that the wynge of the one touched the one wall, and the other Cherubs wynge touched the other wall. But in the myddes of ye house the one wynge touched another. 28 And he ouerlayed the Cherubins with golde. 29 And on all the walles of the house rounde aboute, he caused to make carued worke, with carued Cherubins, palme trees, and floures.

1 Kings 7:50

50 lampes and snoffers of golde, therto flat peces, charges, basens, spones and censours of pure golde. And the hokes of ye dores on the insyde of the house in the most holy, and in the dores of the house of the teple of the LORDE were of golde.

2 Kings 12:13

13 Howbeit there were no syluer chargers, flat peces, basens, trompettes, ner eny other vessell of golde and syluer made on the house of the LORDE, of the money that was brought vnto the LORDES house:

1 Chronicles 28:11

11 And Dauid gaue Salomon his sonne a patrone of the Porche, and of his house, and of the celles and perlers and ynnermer chabers, and of the house of the Mercyseate,

1 Chronicles 28:15

15 and weight for the golden candilstickes and golden lampes, for euery candilstycke and his lampes his weight: likewyse for the siluer candilstickes gaue he the weight to the candilsticke & his lampes, acordynge as was requyred for euery candilstycke.

2 Chronicles 13:11

11 and euery mornynge and euery euenynge kyndle they the burntofferynges vnto the LORDE, and the swete incense, and prepare the shewbred vpo the pure table, and the golden candilsticke with his lampes, to be kyndled euery euenynge: for we wayte vpo the LORDE oure God. As for you, ye haue forsaken him.

2 Chronicles 26:16

16 And whan his power was greate, his hert arose to his awne destruccion: for he trespaced agaynst the LORDE his God, and wente in to the temple of the LORDE, to burne incense vpon the altare of incense.

Psalms 14:1-2

1 The foolish bodyes saye in their hertes: Tush, there is no God. They are corrupte, ad become abhominable in their doynges, there is not one yt doth good. 2 The LORDE loked downe fro heaue vpo the children of men, to se yf there were eny, that wolde vnderstonde & seke after God. But they are all gone out of the waye, they are alltogether become vnprofitable: there is none that doth good, no not one.

Psalms 23:5

5 Thou preparest a table before me agaynst mine enemies: thou anoyntest my heade with oyle, & fyllest my cuppe full.

Psalms 51:17

17 The sacrifice of God is a troubled sprete, a broken and a cotrite hert (o God) shalt thou not despise.

Psalms 80:1

1 Heare o thou shepherde of Israel, thou yt ledest Iacob like a flocke of shepe: shewe yi self, thou yt syttest vpo ye Cherubins.

Psalms 92:10

10 But my horne shalbe exalted like the horne of an Vnicorne, & shal be anoynted with fresh oyle.

Psalms 104:4

4 Thou makest thine angels spretes, and thy ministers flammes of fyre.

Psalms 141:2

2 Let my prayer be set forth in thy sight as the incese, and let the liftinge vp of my hades be an euenynge sacrifice.

Ecclesiastes 10:1

1 Deed flyes yt corruppe swete oyntment & make it to styncke, are somthinge more worth then the wy?dome & honor of a foole.

Ecclesiastes 12:5

5 whan men shal feare in hye places, and be afrayed in the stretes: whan the Almonde tre shalbe despysed, the greshopper borne out, and whan greate pouerte shall breake in: when man goeth to his longe home, and the mourners go aboute the stretes.

Isaiah 5:4-5

4 What more coude haue bene done for it, that I haue not done? Wherfore then hath it geuen thornes, where I loked to haue had grapes of it? 5 Well, I shall tell you how I will do wt my vynyarde: I will take the hedge from it, that it maye perish, and breake downe ye wall, that it maye be troden vnder fote.

Isaiah 5:10

10 And ten akers of vynes shal geue but a Quarte, and xxx. bushels of sede shal geue but thre.

Isaiah 6:2

2 From aboue flakred the Seraphins, wherof euery one had sex wynges. With twayne ech couered his face, wt twayne his fete, and with twayne dyd he flye.

Isaiah 11:2

2 The sprete of the LORDE shal light vpon it: the sprete of wysdome, and vnderstondinge: the sprete of councel, and strength: ye sprete of knowlege, and of the feare of God:

Isaiah 61:1

1 The sprete of the LORDE God is wt me, for ye LORDE hath anoynted me, & sent me, to preach good tydiges vnto the poore, yt I might bynde vp ye wounded hertes, yt I might preach delyueraunce to ye captyue, & open the preson to the that are bounde:

Isaiah 61:3

3 that I might geue vnto them yt mourne in Sion, bewty in the steade of asshes, ioyful oyntmet for sighinge, pleasaunt raymet for an heuy mide: That they might be called excellent in rightuousnesse, a platinge of the LORDE for him to reioyce in.

Jeremiah 1:11

11 After this, the LORDE spake vnto me sayenge: Ieremy, what seist thou? And I sayde: I se a wakynge rodde.

Jeremiah 52:18-19

18 They toke awaye also the Cauldrons, shouels, flesh hokes, sprinklers, spones & all the brasen vessell that was occupide in the seruyce: 19 with the basens, colepannes, sprinklers, pottes, candilstickes, spones, and cuppes: wherof some were of golde, and some of syluer.

Ezekiel 10:1-22

1 And as I loked, beholde, In the firmament that was aboue the Cherubins there apeared the similitude of a stole of Saphir vpo them: 2 Then sayde he that sat therin, to him that had the lynnynge rayment vpon him: Crepe in betwene the wheles that are vnder the Cherubins, and take thine honde full of hote coales out from betwene the Cherubins, and cast them ouer the cite. And he crepte in, that I might se.

Ezekiel 10:2-22

2 Then sayde he that sat therin, to him that had the lynnynge rayment vpon him: Crepe in betwene the wheles that are vnder the Cherubins, and take thine honde full of hote coales out from betwene the Cherubins, and cast them ouer the cite. And he crepte in, that I might se. 3 Now the Cherubins stode vpo the right syde of the house, when the man wete in, and the cloude fylled the ynnermer courte. 4 But the glory of the LORDE remoued from the Cherubins, and came vpon the thresholde of the house: so that the Temple was full of cloudes, and the courte was full of the shyne of the LORDES glory. 5 Yee and the sounde of the Cherubins wynges was herde in to the forecourte, like as it had bene the voyce of the almightie God, when he speaketh. 6 Now when he had bydden the man yt was clothed in lynnynge, to go and take the hote coales from the myddest of ye wheles, which were vnder the Cherubins: he wente and stode besyde the wheles. 7 Then the one Cherub reached forth this honde from vnder the Cherubins, vnto ye fyre that was betwene the Cherubins, and toke therof, and gaue it vnto him (that had on the lynnynge rayment) in his honde: which toke it, and wente out. 8 And vnder the wynges of ye Cherubins, there apeared the licknes of a mas hode: 9 I sawe also foure wheles besyde the Cherubins, so that by euery Cherub there stode a whele. And the wheles were (to loke vpon) after ye fashion of ye precious stone of Tharsis: 10 Yet (vnto the sight) were they fashioned & like, as yf one whele had bene in another. 11 When they wente forth, they wete all iiij together, not turnynge aboute in their goinge: But where the first wente, thither wente they after also, so that they turned not aboute in their goinge. 12 Their whole bodies, their backes, their hodes & wynges, yee & the wheles also, were all full of eyes rounde aboute them all foure. 13 And I herde him call ye wheles, Galgal (that is) a rounde boull. 14 Euery one of them had foure faces: so that the one face was the face of a Cherub, the seconde of a man, the thirde of a lyon, the fourth of an Aegle, 15 & they were lifted vp aboue. This is the beest, that I sawe at the water of Cobar. 16 Now when the Cherubins wente, the wheles wente with them: & when the Cherubins shoke their wynges to lift them selues vpwarde, the wheles remayned not behynde, but were with them also. 17 Shortly, when they stode, these stode also: And when they were lift vp, ye wheles were lift vp also with the, for the sprete of life was in the wheles. 18 Then the glory of the LORDE was lift vp from the thresholde of the temple, and remayned vpon the Cherubins: 19 And the Cherubins flackred with their wynges, and lift the selues vp from the earth: so that I sawe when they went, and the wheles with them. And they stode at the east syde of the porte that is in the house of the LORDE. So the glory of the LORDE was vpon them. 20 This is the beest that I sawe vnder the God of Israel, by the water of Cobar. And I perceaued, that it was the Cherubins. 21 Euery one had foure faces, & euery one foure wynges, & vnder their winges, as it were mes hondes. 22 Now the figure of their faces was, euen as I had sene them, by the water of Cobar, & so was the countenaunce of the: Euery one in his goinge wente straight forwarde.

Ezekiel 40:39-42

39 In the dore porche, there stode on ether syde two tables for the slaughtinge: to slaye the brentoffringes, synneoffringes and trespaceoffringes thervpon. 40 And on the out syde as men go forth to the north dore, there stode two tables. 41 Foure stables stode on ether syde of the dore, that is viij tables, whervpon they slaughted. 42 Foure tables were of hewen stone for the burntoffringes, of a cubite and a half longe and brode, and one cubite hie: whervpon were layed ye vessels and ornamentes, which were vsed to, the burnt & slayne offeringes, when they were slaughted.

Zechariah 4:2

2 & sayde vnto me: What seist thou? And I sayde: I haue loked, and beholde: a candelsticke all of golde, with a boll vpon it & his vij. lampes therin, & vpon euery lampe vij. stalkes:

Zechariah 4:11

11 Then answered I, & sayde vnto him: What are these two olyue trees vpon the right and left syde of the candilsticke?

Malachi 1:12

12 But ye haue vnhalowed it, in that ye saye, the aulter of ye LORDE is not to be regarded, and the thinge that is set thervpon, not worthy to be eaten.

Matthew 5:15

15 nether do men lyght a candell, and put it vnder a busshell, but on a candelstick, and it lighteth all that are in the house.

Matthew 23:19

19 Ye fooles and blynde, whether is greater? the offeringe, or the altare that sanctifieth the offerynge?

Luke 1:9-10

9 (acordinge to the custome of the presthode) it fell to his lott to burne incense. 10 And he wente in to the temple of the LORDE, and the whole multitude of the people was without in prayer, whyle the incense was aburnynge.

John 1:4-9

4 In him was the life, and the life was the light of men: 5 and the light shyneth in the darknesse, and the darknesse comprehended it not. 6 There was sent from God a man, whose name was Ihon. 7 The same came for a witnesse, to beare wytnesse of ye light, that thorow him they all might beleue. 8 He was not that light, but that he might beare witnesse of ye light. 9 That was the true light, which lighteth all men, that come in to this worlde.

John 1:14

14 And the worde became flesh, and dwelt amonge vs: and we sawe his glory, a glory as of the onely begotte sonne of the father, full of grace and trueth.

John 1:16

16 and of his fulnesse haue all we receaued grace for grace.

John 1:51

51 And he sayde vnto him: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Fro this tyme forth shal ye se the heauen open, and the angels of God goinge vp & downe ouer the sonne of man.

John 3:34

34 For he who God hath sent, speaketh ye wordes of God: for God geueth not the sprete (vnto him) by measure.

Acts 9:15

15 The LORDE sayde vnto him: Go thy waye, for this man is a chosen vessell vnto me, that he maye beare my name before the Heythen, and before kynges, and before the children of Israel.

Romans 3:25

25 whom God hath set forth for a Mercyseate thorow faith in his bloude, to shewe the righteousnes which avayleth before him, in that he forgeueth the synnes, which were done before vnder the sufferaunce of God, which he suffred,

1 Corinthians 9:27

27 but I tame my body, and brynge it in to subieccion, lest whan I preach vnto other: I my selfe be a cast awaye.

2 Corinthians 1:21-22

21 But it is God which stablysheth vs wt you in Christ, and hath anoynted us, 22 and sealed us, and geuen the ernest of the sprete in oure hertes.

2 Corinthians 3:18

18 But now the glory of ye LORDE apeareth in vs all with open face, and we are chaunged into the same ymage, from one clearnes to another, eue as of the sprete of the LORDE.

Galatians 4:4

4 But whan the tyme was fulfylled, God sent his sonne, borne of a woma, and put vnder the lawe,

Ephesians 3:10

10 to the intent that now vnto the rulers and powers in heaue mighte be knowne by the congregacion the manifolde wyssdome off God,

Philippians 2:15

15 that ye maye be fautles and pure, and the childre of God without rebuke, in the myddes of ye croked and peruerse nacion, amonge whom se that ye shyne as lightes in the worlde,

Philippians 3:8

8 Yee I thynke all thinges but losse, for that excellent knowleges sake of Christ Iesu my LORDE: for whom I haue counted all thinge losse, and do iudge them but donge, that I mighte wynne Christ,

Colossians 1:27

27 to whom God wolde make knowne the glorious riches of this mistery amoge ye Heythen: which (riches) is Christ in you, eue he that is the hope of glory,

Colossians 3:5

5 Mortifye therfore youre mebres which are vpon earth, whordome, vnclennes, vnnaturall lust, euell concupiscece, and couetousnes, which is a worshippynge of Idols:

1 Timothy 3:16

16 and without naye, greate is that mystery of godlynes. God was shewed in the flesh: was iustified in the sprete: was sene of angels: was preached vnto the Heythen: was beleued on in the worlde: was receaued vp in glory.

2 Timothy 2:20

20 Not withstondynge in a greate house are not onely vessels of golde and of syluer, but also of wod and of earth: some for honoure, and some to dishonoure.

Titus 2:14

14 which gaue him selfe for vs, to redeme vs fro all vnrighteousnes, and to pourge vs to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe, to be feruently geuen vnto good workes.

Hebrews 1:14

14 Are they not all mynistrynge spretes, sent to mynister for their sakes, which shalbe heyres of saluacion?

Hebrews 5:7

7 And in ye dayes of his fleshe, he offred vp prayers & supplicacions, wt stroge cryenge & teares vnto him yt was able to saue him fro death: & was herde also, because he had God in honoure.

Hebrews 7:25

25 Wherfore he is able also euer to saue them, that come vnto God by him: & lyueth euer, to make intercession for vs.

Hebrews 9:2

2 For there was made a foretabernacle, wherin was ye candilsticke, and the table, and the shewe bred: and this is called ye Holy.

Hebrews 9:5

5 Aboue therin were the Cherubins off glory ouershadowynge the Mercyseate: Of which thinges it is not now to speake perticularly.

Hebrews 13:10

10 We haue an altare, wherof they haue no power to eate, which serue in the Tabernacle.

1 Peter 1:7

7 that youre faith once tryed (beynge moch more precious then the corruptible golde that is tryed thorow the fyre) might be founde vnto laude, glory and honoure at the appearynge of Iesus Christ:

1 Peter 1:12

12 Vnto the which (prophetes) it was declared, that not vnto them selues, but vnto vs they shulde mynister the thinges which are now shewed vnto you, by them which thorow ye holy goost sent downe from heauen, haue preached vnto you the thinges which the angels delyte to beholde.

1 Peter 1:18-19

18 and knowe, that ye were not redemed wt corruptible syluer and golde, from youre vayne conuersacion (which ye receaued by the tradicios of the fathers) 19 but with the precious bloude of Christ, as of an innocet and vndefyled lambe,

1 Peter 2:5

5 And ye also as lyuynge stones are made a spirituall house, and an holy presthode, to offre vp spirituall sacrifices, acceptable vnto God by Iesus Christ.

1 John 2:2

2 and he it is that optayneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes onely, but also for the synnes of all the worlde.

1 John 2:20

20 But ye haue the anoyntinge of him yt is holy, & ye knowe all thiges.

1 John 2:27

27 And the anoyntinge which ye haue receaued of him, dwelleth in you: & ye nede not yt eny ma teach you, but as the anoyntinge teacheth you all thiges, euen so is it true, & is no lye. And as it hath taughte you, eue so abide ye therin.

Revelation 1:12-2:5

12 And I turned backe to se the voyce that spake to me. And whe I was turned: I sawe seue golde candestyckes,

Revelation 1:12

12 And I turned backe to se the voyce that spake to me. And whe I was turned: I sawe seue golde candestyckes,

Revelation 1:20-2:1

20 & the mistery of the seuen starres which thou sawest in my right honde, and the seuen golden candelstickes. The seuen starres are the angels of the seue congregacions: And the seuen candelstyckes which thou sawest, are the seuen congregacions.

Revelation 4:5

5 And out of ye seate proceded lightnynges, and thundrynges, & voyces, and there wer seuen lapes of fyre, burninge before the seate, which are the seuen spretes of God.

Revelation 5:5

5 And one of the elders sayde vnto me: wepe not: Beholde, the lyon which is off the trybe of Iuda, ye rote of Dauid, hath obtayned to ope the boke, and to lowse the seue seales therof.

Revelation 8:3-4

3 And another angell cam and stode before the aultre, hauynge a golden senser, and moch of odoures was geuen vnto him, that he shulde offre of the prayers of all sayntes vpon the golden aultre, which was before the seate. 4 And the smoke of the odoures which came of the prayers of all sayntes, ascended vppe before God out of the angelles honde.

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